在 Amazon DynamoDB 上使用表达式和 Amazon SDK for .NET - Amazon SDK for .NET
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在 Amazon DynamoDB 上使用表达式和 Amazon SDK for .NET


本主题中的信息特定于基于的项目。 NET框架和 3.3 及更早 Amazon SDK for .NET 版本。

以下代码示例演示如何使用通过表达式对 DynamoDB Amazon SDK for .NET 进行编程。表达式表示您希望从 DynamoDB 表中的某个项目读取到的属性。您还可以在编写项目时使用表达式指示任意必需满足的条件(也称为有条件更新),以及需要如何更新属性。一些更新示例使用新值替换属性,或者将新数据添加到列表或映射。有关更多信息,请参阅使用表达式读取和写入项目


此主题中的代码示例依赖于名为 ProductCatalog 的 DynamoDB 表中的以下两个示例项目。这些项目描述一家虚构自行车商店目录中产品条目的相关信息。这些项目基于案例研究:A Ite ProductCatalog m 中提供的示例。诸如BOOL、、、、LMNNSS、和之类的数据类型描述符SS对应于JSON数据格式中的描述符。

{ "Id": { "N": "205" }, "Title": { "S": "20-Bicycle 205" }, "Description": { "S": "205 description" }, "BicycleType": { "S": "Hybrid" }, "Brand": { "S": "Brand-Company C" }, "Price": { "N": "500" }, "Gender": { "S": "B" }, "Color": { "SS": [ "Red", "Black" ] }, "ProductCategory": { "S": "Bike" }, "InStock": { "BOOL": true }, "QuantityOnHand": { "N": "1" }, "RelatedItems": { "NS": [ "341", "472", "649" ] }, "Pictures": { "L": [ { "M": { "FrontView": { "S": "http://example/products/205_front.jpg" } } }, { "M": { "RearView": { "S": "http://example/products/205_rear.jpg" } } }, { "M": { "SideView": { "S": "http://example/products/205_left_side.jpg" } } } ] }, "ProductReviews": { "M": { "FiveStar": { "SS": [ "Excellent! Can't recommend it highly enough! Buy it!", "Do yourself a favor and buy this." ] }, "OneStar": { "SS": [ "Terrible product! Do not buy this." ] } } } }, { "Id": { "N": "301" }, "Title": { "S": "18-Bicycle 301" }, "Description": { "S": "301 description" }, "BicycleType": { "S": "Road" }, "Brand": { "S": "Brand-Company C" }, "Price": { "N": "185" }, "Gender": { "S": "F" }, "Color": { "SS": [ "Blue", "Silver" ] }, "ProductCategory": { "S": "Bike" }, "InStock": { "BOOL": true }, "QuantityOnHand": { "N": "3" }, "RelatedItems": { "NS": [ "801", "822", "979" ] }, "Pictures": { "L": [ { "M": { "FrontView": { "S": "http://example/products/301_front.jpg" } } }, { "M": { "RearView": { "S": "http://example/products/301_rear.jpg" } } }, { "M": { "SideView": { "S": "http://example/products/301_left_side.jpg" } } } ] }, "ProductReviews": { "M": { "FiveStar": { "SS": [ "My daughter really enjoyed this bike!" ] }, "ThreeStar": { "SS": [ "This bike was okay, but I would have preferred it in my color.", "Fun to ride." ] } } } }


以下示例介绍了 Amazon.DynamoDBv2.AmazonDynamoDBClient.GetItem 方法和一组表达式,用于获取并输出 Id205 的项目。只返回项目的以下属性:IdTitleDescriptionColorRelatedItemsPicturesProductReviews

// using Amazon.DynamoDBv2; // using Amazon.DynamoDBv2.Model; var client = new AmazonDynamoDBClient(); var request = new GetItemRequest { TableName = "ProductCatalog", ProjectionExpression = "Id, Title, Description, Color, #ri, Pictures, #pr", ExpressionAttributeNames = new Dictionary<string, string> { { "#pr", "ProductReviews" }, { "#ri", "RelatedItems" } }, Key = new Dictionary<string, AttributeValue> { { "Id", new AttributeValue { N = "205" } } }, }; var response = client.GetItem(request); // PrintItem() is a custom function. PrintItem(response.Item);

在上述示例中,ProjectionExpression 属性指定要返回的属性。ExpressionAttributeNames 属性指定占位符 #pr (表示 ProductReviews 属性) 和占位符 #ri (表示 RelatedItems 属性)。对 PrintItem 的调用引用自定义函数,如输出项目中所述。


以下示例介绍了 Amazon.DynamoDBv2.AmazonDynamoDBClient.Query 方法和一组表达式,仅在 Id 的值大于 301 时,获取并输出 Price150 的项目。只返回项目的以下属性:IdTitle 以及所有 ThreeStar 中的所有 ProductReviews 属性。

// using Amazon.DynamoDBv2; // using Amazon.DynamoDBv2.Model; var client = new AmazonDynamoDBClient(); var request = new QueryRequest { TableName = "ProductCatalog", KeyConditions = new Dictionary<string,Condition> { { "Id", new Condition() { ComparisonOperator = ComparisonOperator.EQ, AttributeValueList = new List<AttributeValue> { new AttributeValue { N = "301" } } } } }, ProjectionExpression = "Id, Title, #pr.ThreeStar", ExpressionAttributeNames = new Dictionary<string, string> { { "#pr", "ProductReviews" }, { "#p", "Price" } }, ExpressionAttributeValues = new Dictionary<string,AttributeValue> { { ":val", new AttributeValue { N = "150" } } }, FilterExpression = "#p > :val" }; var response = client.Query(request); foreach (var item in response.Items) { // Write out the first page of an item's attribute keys and values. // PrintItem() is a custom function. PrintItem(item); Console.WriteLine("====="); }

在上述示例中,ProjectionExpression 属性指定要返回的属性。ExpressionAttributeNames 属性指定占位符 #pr(表示 ProductReviews 属性)和占位符 #p(表示 Price 属性)。#pr.ThreeStar 指定只返回 ThreeStar 属性。ExpressionAttributeValues 属性指定占位符 :val 来表示值 150FilterExpression 属性指定 #p (Price) 必须大于 :val (150)。对 PrintItem 的调用引用自定义函数,如输出项目中所述。


以下示例介绍了 Amazon.DynamoDBv2.AmazonDynamoDBClient.Scan 方法和一组表达式,用于获取并输出 ProductCategoryBike 的所有项目。只返回项目的以下属性:IdTitle 以及 ProductReviews 中的所有属性。

// using Amazon.DynamoDBv2; // using Amazon.DynamoDBv2.Model; var client = new AmazonDynamoDBClient(); var request = new ScanRequest { TableName = "ProductCatalog", ProjectionExpression = "Id, Title, #pr", ExpressionAttributeValues = new Dictionary<string,AttributeValue> { { ":catg", new AttributeValue { S = "Bike" } } }, ExpressionAttributeNames = new Dictionary<string, string> { { "#pr", "ProductReviews" }, { "#pc", "ProductCategory" } }, FilterExpression = "#pc = :catg", }; var response = client.Scan(request); foreach (var item in response.Items) { // Write out the first page/scan of an item's attribute keys and values. // PrintItem() is a custom function. PrintItem(item); Console.WriteLine("====="); }

在上述示例中,ProjectionExpression 属性指定要返回的属性。ExpressionAttributeNames 属性指定占位符 #pr (表示 ProductReviews 属性) 和占位符 #pc (表示 ProductCategory 属性)。ExpressionAttributeValues 属性指定占位符 :catg 来表示值 BikeFilterExpression 属性指定 #pc (ProductCategory) 必须等于 :catg (Bike)。对 PrintItem 的调用引用自定义函数,如输出项目中所述。



// using Amazon.DynamoDBv2.Model; // Writes out an item's attribute keys and values. public static void PrintItem(Dictionary<string, AttributeValue> attrs) { foreach (KeyValuePair<string, AttributeValue> kvp in attrs) { Console.Write(kvp.Key + " = "); PrintValue(kvp.Value); } } // Writes out just an attribute's value. public static void PrintValue(AttributeValue value) { // Binary attribute value. if (value.B != null) { Console.Write("Binary data"); } // Binary set attribute value. else if (value.BS.Count > 0) { foreach (var bValue in value.BS) { Console.Write("\n Binary data"); } } // List attribute value. else if (value.L.Count > 0) { foreach (AttributeValue attr in value.L) { PrintValue(attr); } } // Map attribute value. else if (value.M.Count > 0) { Console.Write("\n"); PrintItem(value.M); } // Number attribute value. else if (value.N != null) { Console.Write(value.N); } // Number set attribute value. else if (value.NS.Count > 0) { Console.Write("{0}", string.Join("\n", value.NS.ToArray())); } // Null attribute value. else if (value.NULL) { Console.Write("Null"); } // String attribute value. else if (value.S != null) { Console.Write(value.S); } // String set attribute value. else if (value.SS.Count > 0) { Console.Write("{0}", string.Join("\n", value.SS.ToArray())); } // Otherwise, boolean value. else { Console.Write(value.BOOL); } Console.Write("\n"); }

在前面的示例中,每个属性值都有多个 data-type-specific属性,可以通过评估这些属性来确定打印属性的正确格式。这些属性包括BBOOLBSLMNNSNULLSSS、和,它们对应于JSON数据格式中的属性。对于 BNNULLS 等属性,如果对应属性不是 null,则属性是对应的非 null 数据类型。对于诸如BS、、LMNSSS、和之类的属性,如果Count大于零,则该属性属于相应 non-zero-value的数据类型。如果该属性的所有属性均为nullCount等于零,则该属性对应于BOOL数据类型。 data-type-specific


以下示例介绍了 Amazon.DynamoDBv2.AmazonDynamoDBClient.PutItem 方法和一组表达式,用于更新 Title18-Bicycle 301 的项目。如果项目不存在,将添加新项目。

// using Amazon.DynamoDBv2; // using Amazon.DynamoDBv2.Model; var client = new AmazonDynamoDBClient(); var request = new PutItemRequest { TableName = "ProductCatalog", ExpressionAttributeNames = new Dictionary<string, string> { { "#title", "Title" } }, ExpressionAttributeValues = new Dictionary<string, AttributeValue> { { ":product", new AttributeValue { S = "18-Bicycle 301" } } }, ConditionExpression = "#title = :product", // CreateItemData() is a custom function. Item = CreateItemData() }; client.PutItem(request);

在上述示例中,ExpressionAttributeNames 属性指定占位符 #title,以表示 Title 属性。ExpressionAttributeValues 属性指定占位符 :product 来表示值 18-Bicycle 301ConditionExpression 属性指定 #title (Title) 必须等于 :product (18-Bicycle 301)。对 CreateItemData 的调用引用以下自定义函数:

// using Amazon.DynamoDBv2.Model; // Provides a sample item that can be added to a table. public static Dictionary<string, AttributeValue> CreateItemData() { var itemData = new Dictionary<string, AttributeValue> { { "Id", new AttributeValue { N = "301" } }, { "Title", new AttributeValue { S = "18\" Girl's Bike" } }, { "BicycleType", new AttributeValue { S = "Road" } }, { "Brand" , new AttributeValue { S = "Brand-Company C" } }, { "Color", new AttributeValue { SS = new List<string>{ "Blue", "Silver" } } }, { "Description", new AttributeValue { S = "301 description" } }, { "Gender", new AttributeValue { S = "F" } }, { "InStock", new AttributeValue { BOOL = true } }, { "Pictures", new AttributeValue { L = new List<AttributeValue>{ { new AttributeValue { M = new Dictionary<string,AttributeValue>{ { "FrontView", new AttributeValue { S = "http://example/products/301_front.jpg" } } } } }, { new AttributeValue { M = new Dictionary<string,AttributeValue>{ { "RearView", new AttributeValue {S = "http://example/products/301_rear.jpg" } } } } }, { new AttributeValue { M = new Dictionary<string,AttributeValue>{ { "SideView", new AttributeValue { S = "http://example/products/301_left_side.jpg" } } } } } } } }, { "Price", new AttributeValue { N = "185" } }, { "ProductCategory", new AttributeValue { S = "Bike" } }, { "ProductReviews", new AttributeValue { M = new Dictionary<string,AttributeValue>{ { "FiveStar", new AttributeValue { SS = new List<string>{ "My daughter really enjoyed this bike!" } } }, { "OneStar", new AttributeValue { SS = new List<string>{ "Fun to ride.", "This bike was okay, but I would have preferred it in my color." } } } } } }, { "QuantityOnHand", new AttributeValue { N = "3" } }, { "RelatedItems", new AttributeValue { NS = new List<string>{ "979", "822", "801" } } } }; return itemData; }

在上述示例中,具有示例数据的示例项目返回到调用方。使用与 “数据格式” 中的数据类型相对应的数据类型(例如BOOLLMNNSSSS、和)构造一系列属性和对应的JSON值。


以下示例介绍了 Amazon.DynamoDBv2.AmazonDynamoDBClient.UpdateItem 方法和一组表达式,用于将 Title18" Girl's Bike 的项目的 Id 更改为 301

// using Amazon.DynamoDBv2; // using Amazon.DynamoDBv2.Model; var client = new AmazonDynamoDBClient(); var request = new UpdateItemRequest { TableName = "ProductCatalog", Key = new Dictionary<string,AttributeValue> { { "Id", new AttributeValue { N = "301" } } }, ExpressionAttributeNames = new Dictionary<string, string> { { "#title", "Title" } }, ExpressionAttributeValues = new Dictionary<string, AttributeValue> { { ":newproduct", new AttributeValue { S = "18\" Girl's Bike" } } }, UpdateExpression = "SET #title = :newproduct" }; client.UpdateItem(request);

在上述示例中,ExpressionAttributeNames 属性指定占位符 #title,以表示 Title 属性。ExpressionAttributeValues 属性指定占位符 :newproduct 来表示值 18" Girl's BikeUpdateExpression 属性指定将 #title (Title) 更改为 :newproduct (18" Girl's Bike)。


以下示例介绍了 Amazon.DynamoDBv2.AmazonDynamoDBClient.DeleteItem 方法和一组表达式,仅在项目的 Title18-Bicycle 301 时,删除 Id301 的项目。

// using Amazon.DynamoDBv2; // using Amazon.DynamoDBv2.Model; var client = new AmazonDynamoDBClient(); var request = new DeleteItemRequest { TableName = "ProductCatalog", Key = new Dictionary<string,AttributeValue> { { "Id", new AttributeValue { N = "301" } } }, ExpressionAttributeNames = new Dictionary<string, string> { { "#title", "Title" } }, ExpressionAttributeValues = new Dictionary<string, AttributeValue> { { ":product", new AttributeValue { S = "18-Bicycle 301" } } }, ConditionExpression = "#title = :product" }; client.DeleteItem(request);

在上述示例中,ExpressionAttributeNames 属性指定占位符 #title,以表示 Title 属性。ExpressionAttributeValues 属性指定占位符 :product 来表示值 18-Bicycle 301ConditionExpression 属性指定 #title (Title) 必须等于 :product (18-Bicycle 301)。

