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About GetComputeAccess

This operation has been expanded to use with the Amazon GameLift containers feature, which is currently in public preview.

Requests authorization to remotely connect to a hosting resource in a Amazon GameLift managed fleet. This operation is not used with Amazon GameLift Anywhere fleets

To request access, specify the compute name and the fleet ID. If successful, this operation returns a set of temporary Amazon Web Services credentials, including a two-part access key and a session token.

EC2 fleets

With an EC2 fleet (where compute type is EC2), use these credentials with Amazon EC2 Systems Manager (SSM) to start a session with the compute. For more details, see Starting a session (CLI) in the Amazon EC2 Systems Manager User Guide.

Container fleets

With a container fleet (where compute type is CONTAINER), use these credentials and the target value with SSM to connect to the fleet instance where the container is running. After you're connected to the instance, use Docker commands to interact with the container.

Learn more

Method Signature


Required arguments:


A unique identifier for the fleet that holds the compute resource that you want to connect to. You can use either the fleet ID or ARN value.


A unique identifier for the compute resource that you want to connect to. For an EC2 fleet compute, use the instance ID. For a container fleet, use the compute name (for example, a123b456c789012d3e4567f8a901b23c/1a234b56-7cd8-9e0f-a1b2-c34d567ef8a9) or the compute ARN.