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About UpdateRuntimeConfiguration

Updates the runtime configuration for the specified fleet. The runtime configuration tells Amazon GameLift how to launch server processes on computes in the fleet. For managed EC2 fleets, it determines what server processes to run on each fleet instance. For container fleets, it describes what server processes to run in each replica container group. You can update a fleet's runtime configuration at any time after the fleet is created; it does not need to be in ACTIVE status.

To update runtime configuration, specify the fleet ID and provide a RuntimeConfiguration with an updated set of server process configurations.

If successful, the fleet's runtime configuration settings are updated. Fleet computes that run game server processes regularly check for and receive updated runtime configurations. The computes immediately take action to comply with the new configuration by launching new server processes or by not replacing existing processes when they shut down. Updating a fleet's runtime configuration never affects existing server processes.

Learn more

Setting up Amazon GameLift fleets

Method Signature


Required arguments:


A unique identifier for the fleet to update runtime configuration for. You can use either the fleet ID or ARN value.


Instructions for launching server processes on fleet computes. Server processes run either a custom game build executable or a Realtime Servers script. The runtime configuration lists the types of server processes to run, how to launch them, and the number of processes to run concurrently.