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About AttachCertificateToDistribution

Attaches an SSL/TLS certificate to your Amazon Lightsail content delivery network (CDN) distribution.

After the certificate is attached, your distribution accepts HTTPS traffic for all of the domains that are associated with the certificate.

Use the CreateCertificate action to create a certificate that you can attach to your distribution.

Only certificates created in the us-east-1 Amazon Web Services Region can be attached to Lightsail distributions. Lightsail distributions are global resources that can reference an origin in any Amazon Web Services Region, and distribute its content globally. However, all distributions are located in the us-east-1 Region.

Method Signature


Required arguments:


The name of the distribution that the certificate will be attached to.

Use the GetDistributions action to get a list of distribution names that you can specify.


The name of the certificate to attach to a distribution.

Only certificates with a status of ISSUED can be attached to a distribution.

Use the GetCertificates action to get a list of certificate names that you can specify.

This is the name of the certificate resource type and is used only to reference the certificate in other API actions. It can be different than the domain name of the certificate. For example, your certificate name might be WordPress-Blog-Certificate and the domain name of the certificate might be