AWS SDK Version 3 for .NET
API Reference

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S3 Storage Class Definitions

Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace: Amazon.S3
Assembly: AWSSDK.S3.dll
Version: 3.x.y.z


public sealed class S3StorageClass : ConstantClass

The S3StorageClass type exposes the following members


Public Method S3StorageClass(string)

Construct an instance of S3StorageClass.


Public Property Value System.String Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.ConstantClass.



Asynchronous operations (methods ending with Async) in the table below are for .NET 4.5 or higher. For .NET 3.5 the SDK follows the standard naming convention of BeginMethodName and EndMethodName to indicate asynchronous operations - these method pairs are not shown in the table below.

Public Method Static Method FindValue(string)

Finds the constant for the unique value.


Field Static Field DeepArchive Amazon.S3.S3StorageClass

S3 Glacier Deep Archive provides secure, durable object storage class for long term data archival. It is the ideal storage class to make an archival, durable copy of data that rarely, if ever, needs to be accessed. It can be used as an offline backup for their most important data assets and to meet long-term retention needs.

Field Static Field ExpressOnezone Amazon.S3.S3StorageClass

The EXPRESS_ONEZONE storage class for faster access to S3

Field Static Field Glacier Amazon.S3.S3StorageClass

The GLACIER storage is for object that are stored in Amazon Glacier. This storage class is for objects that are for archival purpose and get operations are rare.

Durability 99.999999999%

Field Static Field GlacierInstantRetrieval Amazon.S3.S3StorageClass

Constant GLACIER_IR for ObjectStorageClass

Field Static Field IntelligentTiering Amazon.S3.S3StorageClass

IntelligentTiering makes it easy to lower your overall cost of storage by automatically placing data in the storage class that best matches the access patterns for the storage. With IntelligentTiering, you don’t need to define and manage individual policies for lifecycle data management or write code to transition objects between storage classes. Instead, you can use IntelligentTiering to manage transitions between Standard and S-IA without writing any application code. IntelligentTiering also manages transitions automatically to Glacier for long term archive in addition to S3 storage classes.

Field Static Field OneZoneInfrequentAccess Amazon.S3.S3StorageClass

The ONEZONE_IA storage is for infrequently accessed objects. It is similiar to STANDARD_IA, but only stores object data within one Availablity Zone in a given region.

Durability 99.999999999%; Availability 99% over a given year.

Field Static Field Outposts Amazon.S3.S3StorageClass

The OUTPOSTS storage class for objects stored in a S3 Outpost

Field Static Field ReducedRedundancy Amazon.S3.S3StorageClass

REDUCED_REDUNDANCY provides the same availability as standard, but at a lower durability.

Durability 99.99%; Availability 99.99% over a given year.

Field Static Field Snow Amazon.S3.S3StorageClass

The SNOW storage is for objects stored in Amazon S3 compatible object storage for Snow family devices.

Field Static Field Standard Amazon.S3.S3StorageClass

The STANDARD storage class, which is the default storage class for S3.

Durability 99.999999999%; Availability 99.99% over a given year.

Field Static Field StandardInfrequentAccess Amazon.S3.S3StorageClass

The STANDARD_IA storage is for infrequently accessed objects. This storage class is for objects that are long-lived and less frequently accessed, like backups and older data.

Durability 99.999999999%; Availability 99.9% over a given year.

Version Information

Supported in: 8.0 and newer, Core 3.1

.NET Standard:
Supported in: 2.0

.NET Framework:
Supported in: 4.5 and newer, 3.5