使用 PHP Amazon 开发工具包获取 Secrets Manager 密钥值
对于 PHP 应用程序,请直接使用 GetSecretValue
或 BatchGetSecretValue
调用 SDK。
以下代码示例展示了如何获取 Secrets Manager 密钥值。
<?php /** * Use this code snippet in your app. * * If you need more information about configurations or implementing the sample code, visit the AWS docs: * https://aws.amazon.com/developer/language/php/ */ require 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Aws\SecretsManager\SecretsManagerClient; use Aws\Exception\AwsException; /** * This code expects that you have AWS credentials set up per: * https://<<{{DocsDomain}}>>/sdk-for-php/v3/developer-guide/guide_credentials.html */ // Create a Secrets Manager Client $client = new SecretsManagerClient([ 'profile' => 'default', 'version' => '2017-10-17', 'region' => '<<{{MyRegionName}}>>', ]); $secret_name = '<<{{MySecretName}}>>'; try { $result = $client->getSecretValue([ 'SecretId' => $secret_name, ]); } catch (AwsException $e) { // For a list of exceptions thrown, see // https://<<{{DocsDomain}}>>/secretsmanager/latest/apireference/API_GetSecretValue.html throw $e; } // Decrypts secret using the associated KMS key. $secret = $result['SecretString']; // Your code goes here