Retrieving basic and multi-variant feature flags - Amazon AppConfig
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Retrieving basic and multi-variant feature flags

For feature flag configurations (configurations of type AWS.AppConfig.FeatureFlags), the Amazon AppConfig Agent enables you to retrieve a single flag or a subset of flags in a configuration. Retrieving one or two flags is useful if your use case only needs to use a few flags from the configuration profile. The following examples use Python.


The ability to call a single feature flag or a subset of flags in a configuration is only available in the Amazon AppConfig Agent version 2.0.45 and higher.

You can retrieve Amazon AppConfig configuration data from a local HTTP endpoint. To access a specific flag or a list of flags, use the ?flag=flag_name query parameter for an Amazon AppConfig configuration profile.

To retrieve a single flag and its attributes

curl "http://localhost:2772/applications/APPLICATION_NAME/environments/ENVIRONMENT_NAME/configurations/CONFIGURATION_NAME?flag=FLAG_NAME"

To retrieve multiple flags and their attributes

curl "http://localhost:2772/applications/APPLICATION_NAME/environments/ENVIRONMENT_NAME/configurations/CONFIGURATION_NAME?flag=FLAG_NAME_ONE&flag=FLAG_NAME_TWO"

To retrieve feature flag variants based on caller context

The following Python examples show how to retrieve feature flag variants based on caller context. To best illustrate how to make these calls, this section uses sample calls based on a scenario where a customer created the following variants:

An example screenshot of a feature flag with variants.

To retrieve flag variants, you must use the latest version of Amazon AppConfig Agent in your compute environment. For more information, see the following topics that describe how to update, install, or add the agent for each of the following compute environments:

To retrieve flag data using the caller context of (who has not opted into the beta program):

curl http://localhost:2772/applications/UIRefresh/environments/Production/configurations/Features \ -H "Context:" \ -H "Context: opted_in_to_beta=false" { "ui_refresh": {"_variant":"QA","dark_mode_support":true,"enabled":true} }

To retrieve flag data using the caller context of (who has opted into the beta program):

curl http://localhost:2772/applications/UIRefresh/environments/Production/configurations/Features \ -H "Context:" \ -H "Context: opted_in_to_beta=true" { "ui_refresh": {"_variant":"QA","dark_mode_support":true,"enabled":true} }

To retrieve flag data using the caller context of (who is a quality assurance tester at Example Organization):

curl http://localhost:2772/applications/UIRefresh/environments/Production/configurations/Features \ -H "Context:" { "ui_refresh": {"_variant":"QA","dark_mode_support":true,"enabled":true} }

To retrieve flag data without caller context (which returns the Default variant)

curl http://localhost:2772/applications/UIRefresh/environments/Production/configurations/Features { "ui_refresh": {"_variant":"Default Variant","enabled":false} }

To retrieve flag data for a traffic splitting scenario to determine if 1 out of 10 random callers receive the 'sample population' variant

for i in {0..9} do ; \ curl http://localhost:2772/applications/UIRefresh/environments/Production/configurations/Features \ -H "Context: email=$" { "ui_refresh": {"_variant":"Default Variant","enabled":false} } { "ui_refresh": {"_variant":"Default Variant","enabled":false} } { "ui_refresh": {"_variant":"Default Variant","enabled":false} } { "ui_refresh": {"_variant":"Default Variant","enabled":false} } { "ui_refresh": {"_variant":"Sample Population","dark_mode_support":false,"enabled":true} } { "ui_refresh": {"_variant":"Default Variant","enabled":false} } { "ui_refresh": {"_variant":"Default Variant","enabled":false} } { "ui_refresh": {"_variant":"Default Variant","enabled":false} } { "ui_refresh": {"_variant":"Default Variant","enabled":false} } { "ui_refresh": {"_variant":"Default Variant","enabled":false} } { "ui_refresh": {"_variant":"Default Variant","enabled":false} }