Interface PipelineProps

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@Generated(value="jsii-pacmak/1.98.0 (build 00b106d)", date="2024-05-08T21:35:04.439Z") @Stability(Stable) public interface PipelineProps extends

 PipelineProject project;
 Repository repository = Repository.Builder.create(this, "MyRepository")
 PipelineProject project = new PipelineProject(this, "MyProject");
 Artifact sourceOutput = new Artifact();
 CodeCommitSourceAction sourceAction = CodeCommitSourceAction.Builder.create()
 CodeBuildAction buildAction = CodeBuildAction.Builder.create()
         .outputs(List.of(new Artifact())) // optional
         .executeBatchBuild(true) // optional, defaults to false
 Pipeline.Builder.create(this, "MyPipeline")
                 .build(), StageProps.builder()
  • Method Details

    • getArtifactBucket

      @Stability(Stable) @Nullable default IBucket getArtifactBucket()
      The S3 bucket used by this Pipeline to store artifacts.

      Default: - A new S3 bucket will be created.

    • getCrossAccountKeys

      @Stability(Stable) @Nullable default Boolean getCrossAccountKeys()
      Create KMS keys for cross-account deployments.

      This controls whether the pipeline is enabled for cross-account deployments.

      By default cross-account deployments are enabled, but this feature requires that KMS Customer Master Keys are created which have a cost of $1/month.

      If you do not need cross-account deployments, you can set this to false to not create those keys and save on that cost (the artifact bucket will be encrypted with an AWS-managed key). However, cross-account deployments will no longer be possible.

      Default: false - false if the feature flag `CODEPIPELINE_CROSS_ACCOUNT_KEYS_DEFAULT_VALUE_TO_FALSE` is true, true otherwise

    • getCrossRegionReplicationBuckets

      @Stability(Stable) @Nullable default Map<String,IBucket> getCrossRegionReplicationBuckets()
      A map of region to S3 bucket name used for cross-region CodePipeline.

      For every Action that you specify targeting a different region than the Pipeline itself, if you don't provide an explicit Bucket for that region using this property, the construct will automatically create a Stack containing an S3 Bucket in that region.

      Default: - None.

    • getEnableKeyRotation

      @Stability(Stable) @Nullable default Boolean getEnableKeyRotation()
      Enable KMS key rotation for the generated KMS keys.

      By default KMS key rotation is disabled, but will add an additional $1/month for each year the key exists when enabled.

      Default: - false (key rotation is disabled)

    • getExecutionMode

      @Stability(Stable) @Nullable default ExecutionMode getExecutionMode()
      The method that the pipeline will use to handle multiple executions.

      Default: - ExecutionMode.SUPERSEDED

    • getPipelineName

      @Stability(Stable) @Nullable default String getPipelineName()
      Name of the pipeline.

      Default: - AWS CloudFormation generates an ID and uses that for the pipeline name.

    • getPipelineType

      @Stability(Stable) @Nullable default PipelineType getPipelineType()
      Type of the pipeline.

      Default: - PipelineType.V2 if the feature flag `CODEPIPELINE_DEFAULT_PIPELINE_TYPE_TO_V2` is true, PipelineType.V1 otherwise

      See Also:
    • getRestartExecutionOnUpdate

      @Stability(Stable) @Nullable default Boolean getRestartExecutionOnUpdate()
      Indicates whether to rerun the AWS CodePipeline pipeline after you update it.

      Default: false

    • getReuseCrossRegionSupportStacks

      @Stability(Stable) @Nullable default Boolean getReuseCrossRegionSupportStacks()
      Reuse the same cross region support stack for all pipelines in the App.

      Default: - true (Use the same support stack for all pipelines in App)

    • getRole

      @Stability(Stable) @Nullable default IRole getRole()
      The IAM role to be assumed by this Pipeline.

      Default: a new IAM role will be created.

    • getStages

      @Stability(Stable) @Nullable default List<StageProps> getStages()
      The list of Stages, in order, to create this Pipeline with.

      You can always add more Stages later by calling Pipeline#addStage.

      Default: - None.

    • getTriggers

      @Stability(Stable) @Nullable default List<TriggerProps> getTriggers()
      The trigger configuration specifying a type of event, such as Git tags, that starts the pipeline.

      When a trigger configuration is specified, default change detection for repository and branch commits is disabled.

      triggers can only be used when pipelineType is set to PipelineType.V2. You can always add more triggers later by calling Pipeline#addTrigger.

      Default: - No triggers

    • getVariables

      @Stability(Stable) @Nullable default List<Variable> getVariables()
      A list that defines the pipeline variables for a pipeline resource.

      variables can only be used when pipelineType is set to PipelineType.V2. You can always add more variables later by calling Pipeline#addVariable.

      Default: - No variables

    • builder

      @Stability(Stable) static PipelineProps.Builder builder()
      a PipelineProps.Builder of PipelineProps