Retrieving metrics with the Performance Insights API for Aurora - Amazon Aurora
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Retrieving metrics with the Performance Insights API for Aurora

When Performance Insights is turned on, the API provides visibility into instance performance. Amazon CloudWatch Logs provides the authoritative source for vended monitoring metrics for Amazon services.

Performance Insights offers a domain-specific view of database load measured as average active sessions (AAS). This metric appears to API consumers as a two-dimensional time-series dataset. The time dimension of the data provides DB load data for each time point in the queried time range. Each time point decomposes overall load in relation to the requested dimensions, such as SQL, Wait-event, User, or Host, measured at that time point.

Amazon RDS Performance Insights monitors your Amazon Aurora cluster so that you can analyze and troubleshoot database performance. One way to view Performance Insights data is in the Amazon Web Services Management Console. Performance Insights also provides a public API so that you can query your own data. You can use the API to do the following:

  • Offload data into a database

  • Add Performance Insights data to existing monitoring dashboards

  • Build monitoring tools

To use the Performance Insights API, enable Performance Insights on one of your Amazon RDS DB instances. For information about enabling Performance Insights, see Turning Performance Insights on and off for Aurora. For more information about the Performance Insights API, see the Amazon RDS Performance Insights API Reference.

The Performance Insights API provides the following operations.

Performance Insights action

Amazon CLI command



aws pi create-performance-analysis-report

Creates a performance analysis report for a specific time period for the DB instance. The result is AnalysisReportId which is the unique identifier of the report.


aws pi delete-performance-analysis-report

Deletes a performance analysis report.


aws pi describe-dimension-keys

Retrieves the top N dimension keys for a metric for a specific time period.


aws pi get-dimension-key-details

Retrieves the attributes of the specified dimension group for a DB instance or data source. For example, if you specify a SQL ID, and if the dimension details are available, GetDimensionKeyDetails retrieves the full text of the dimension db.sql.statement associated with this ID. This operation is useful because GetResourceMetrics and DescribeDimensionKeys don't support retrieval of large SQL statement text.


aws pi get-performance-analysis-report

Retrieves the report including the insights for the report. The result includes the report status, report ID, report time details, insights, and recommendations.


aws pi get-resource-metadata

Retrieve the metadata for different features. For example, the metadata might indicate that a feature is turned on or off on a specific DB instance.


aws pi get-resource-metrics

Retrieves Performance Insights metrics for a set of data sources over a time period. You can provide specific dimension groups and dimensions, and provide aggregation and filtering criteria for each group.


aws pi list-available-resource-dimensions

Retrieve the dimensions that can be queried for each specified metric type on a specified instance.


aws pi list-available-resource-metrics

Retrieve all available metrics of the specified metric types that can be queried for a specified DB instance.


aws pi list-performance-analysis-reports

Retrieves all the analysis reports available for the DB instance. The reports are listed based on the start time of each report.


aws pi list-tags-for-resource

Lists all the metadata tags added to the resource. The list includes the name and value of the tag.


aws pi tag-resource

Adds metadata tags to the Amazon RDS resource. The tag includes a name and a value.


aws pi untag-resource

Removes the metadata tag from the resource.

Amazon CLI for Performance Insights

You can view Performance Insights data using the Amazon CLI. You can view help for the Amazon CLI commands for Performance Insights by entering the following on the command line.

aws pi help

If you don't have the Amazon CLI installed, see Installing the Amazon CLI in the Amazon CLI User Guide for information about installing it.

Retrieving time-series metrics

The GetResourceMetrics operation retrieves one or more time-series metrics from the Performance Insights data. GetResourceMetrics requires a metric and time period, and returns a response with a list of data points.

For example, the Amazon Web Services Management Console uses GetResourceMetrics to populate the Counter Metrics chart and the Database Load chart, as seen in the following image.

Counter Metrics and Database Load charts

All metrics returned by GetResourceMetrics are standard time-series metrics, with the exception of db.load. This metric is displayed in the Database Load chart. The db.load metric is different from the other time-series metrics because you can break it into subcomponents called dimensions. In the previous image, db.load is broken down and grouped by the waits states that make up the db.load.


GetResourceMetrics can also return the db.sampleload metric, but the db.load metric is appropriate in most cases.

For information about the counter metrics returned by GetResourceMetrics, see Performance Insights counter metrics.

The following calculations are supported for the metrics:

  • Average – The average value for the metric over a period of time. Append .avg to the metric name.

  • Minimum – The minimum value for the metric over a period of time. Append .min to the metric name.

  • Maximum – The maximum value for the metric over a period of time. Append .max to the metric name.

  • Sum – The sum of the metric values over a period of time. Append .sum to the metric name.

  • Sample count – The number of times the metric was collected over a period of time. Append .sample_count to the metric name.

For example, assume that a metric is collected for 300 seconds (5 minutes), and that the metric is collected one time each minute. The values for each minute are 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. In this case, the following calculations are returned:

  • Average – 3

  • Minimum – 1

  • Maximum – 5

  • Sum – 15

  • Sample count – 5

For information about using the get-resource-metrics Amazon CLI command, see get-resource-metrics.

For the --metric-queries option, specify one or more queries that you want to get results for. Each query consists of a mandatory Metric and optional GroupBy and Filter parameters. The following is an example of a --metric-queries option specification.

{ "Metric": "string", "GroupBy": { "Group": "string", "Dimensions": ["string", ...], "Limit": integer }, "Filter": {"string": "string" ...}

Amazon CLI examples for Performance Insights

The following examples show how to use the Amazon CLI for Performance Insights.

Retrieving counter metrics

The following screenshot shows two counter metrics charts in the Amazon Web Services Management Console.

Counter Metrics charts.

The following example shows how to gather the same data that the Amazon Web Services Management Console uses to generate the two counter metric charts.

For Linux, macOS, or Unix:

aws pi get-resource-metrics \ --service-type RDS \ --identifier db-ID \ --start-time 2018-10-30T00:00:00Z \ --end-time 2018-10-30T01:00:00Z \ --period-in-seconds 60 \ --metric-queries '[{"Metric": "os.cpuUtilization.user.avg" }, {"Metric": "os.cpuUtilization.idle.avg"}]'

For Windows:

aws pi get-resource-metrics ^ --service-type RDS ^ --identifier db-ID ^ --start-time 2018-10-30T00:00:00Z ^ --end-time 2018-10-30T01:00:00Z ^ --period-in-seconds 60 ^ --metric-queries '[{"Metric": "os.cpuUtilization.user.avg" }, {"Metric": "os.cpuUtilization.idle.avg"}]'

You can also make a command easier to read by specifying a file for the --metrics-query option. The following example uses a file called query.json for the option. The file has the following contents.

[ { "Metric": "os.cpuUtilization.user.avg" }, { "Metric": "os.cpuUtilization.idle.avg" } ]

Run the following command to use the file.

For Linux, macOS, or Unix:

aws pi get-resource-metrics \ --service-type RDS \ --identifier db-ID \ --start-time 2018-10-30T00:00:00Z \ --end-time 2018-10-30T01:00:00Z \ --period-in-seconds 60 \ --metric-queries file://query.json

For Windows:

aws pi get-resource-metrics ^ --service-type RDS ^ --identifier db-ID ^ --start-time 2018-10-30T00:00:00Z ^ --end-time 2018-10-30T01:00:00Z ^ --period-in-seconds 60 ^ --metric-queries file://query.json

The preceding example specifies the following values for the options:

  • --service-typeRDS for Amazon RDS

  • --identifier – The resource ID for the DB instance

  • --start-time and --end-time – The ISO 8601 DateTime values for the period to query, with multiple supported formats

It queries for a one-hour time range:

  • --period-in-seconds60 for a per-minute query

  • --metric-queries – An array of two queries, each just for one metric.

    The metric name uses dots to classify the metric in a useful category, with the final element being a function. In the example, the function is avg for each query. As with Amazon CloudWatch, the supported functions are min, max, total, and avg.

The response looks similar to the following.

{ "Identifier": "db-XXX", "AlignedStartTime": 1540857600.0, "AlignedEndTime": 1540861200.0, "MetricList": [ { //A list of key/datapoints "Key": { "Metric": "os.cpuUtilization.user.avg" //Metric1 }, "DataPoints": [ //Each list of datapoints has the same timestamps and same number of items { "Timestamp": 1540857660.0, //Minute1 "Value": 4.0 }, { "Timestamp": 1540857720.0, //Minute2 "Value": 4.0 }, { "Timestamp": 1540857780.0, //Minute 3 "Value": 10.0 } //... 60 datapoints for the os.cpuUtilization.user.avg metric ] }, { "Key": { "Metric": "os.cpuUtilization.idle.avg" //Metric2 }, "DataPoints": [ { "Timestamp": 1540857660.0, //Minute1 "Value": 12.0 }, { "Timestamp": 1540857720.0, //Minute2 "Value": 13.5 }, //... 60 datapoints for the os.cpuUtilization.idle.avg metric ] } ] //end of MetricList } //end of response

The response has an Identifier, AlignedStartTime, and AlignedEndTime. B the --period-in-seconds value was 60, the start and end times have been aligned to the minute. If the --period-in-seconds was 3600, the start and end times would have been aligned to the hour.

The MetricList in the response has a number of entries, each with a Key and a DataPoints entry. Each DataPoint has a Timestamp and a Value. Each Datapoints list has 60 data points because the queries are for per-minute data over an hour, with Timestamp1/Minute1, Timestamp2/Minute2, and so on, up to Timestamp60/Minute60.

Because the query is for two different counter metrics, there are two elements in the response MetricList.

Retrieving the DB load average for top wait events

The following example is the same query that the Amazon Web Services Management Console uses to generate a stacked area line graph. This example retrieves the db.load.avg for the last hour with load divided according to the top seven wait events. The command is the same as the command in Retrieving counter metrics. However, the query.json file has the following contents.

[ { "Metric": "db.load.avg", "GroupBy": { "Group": "db.wait_event", "Limit": 7 } } ]

Run the following command.

For Linux, macOS, or Unix:

aws pi get-resource-metrics \ --service-type RDS \ --identifier db-ID \ --start-time 2018-10-30T00:00:00Z \ --end-time 2018-10-30T01:00:00Z \ --period-in-seconds 60 \ --metric-queries file://query.json

For Windows:

aws pi get-resource-metrics ^ --service-type RDS ^ --identifier db-ID ^ --start-time 2018-10-30T00:00:00Z ^ --end-time 2018-10-30T01:00:00Z ^ --period-in-seconds 60 ^ --metric-queries file://query.json

The example specifies the metric of db.load.avg and a GroupBy of the top seven wait events. For details about valid values for this example, see DimensionGroup in the Performance Insights API Reference.

The response looks similar to the following.

{ "Identifier": "db-XXX", "AlignedStartTime": 1540857600.0, "AlignedEndTime": 1540861200.0, "MetricList": [ { //A list of key/datapoints "Key": { //A Metric with no dimensions. This is the total db.load.avg "Metric": "db.load.avg" }, "DataPoints": [ //Each list of datapoints has the same timestamps and same number of items { "Timestamp": 1540857660.0, //Minute1 "Value": 0.5166666666666667 }, { "Timestamp": 1540857720.0, //Minute2 "Value": 0.38333333333333336 }, { "Timestamp": 1540857780.0, //Minute 3 "Value": 0.26666666666666666 } //... 60 datapoints for the total db.load.avg key ] }, { "Key": { //Another key. This is db.load.avg broken down by CPU "Metric": "db.load.avg", "Dimensions": { "": "CPU", "db.wait_event.type": "CPU" } }, "DataPoints": [ { "Timestamp": 1540857660.0, //Minute1 "Value": 0.35 }, { "Timestamp": 1540857720.0, //Minute2 "Value": 0.15 }, //... 60 datapoints for the CPU key ] }, //... In total we have 8 key/datapoints entries, 1) total, 2-8) Top Wait Events ] //end of MetricList } //end of response

In this response, there are eight entries in the MetricList. There is one entry for the total db.load.avg, and seven entries each for the db.load.avg divided according to one of the top seven wait events. Unlike in the first example, because there was a grouping dimension, there must be one key for each grouping of the metric. There can't be only one key for each metric, as in the basic counter metric use case.

Retrieving the DB load average for top SQL

The following example groups db.wait_events by the top 10 SQL statements. There are two different groups for SQL statements:

  • db.sql – The full SQL statement, such as select * from customers where customer_id = 123

  • db.sql_tokenized – The tokenized SQL statement, such as select * from customers where customer_id = ?

When analyzing database performance, it can be useful to consider SQL statements that only differ by their parameters as one logic item. So, you can use db.sql_tokenized when querying. However, especially when you're interested in explain plans, sometimes it's more useful to examine full SQL statements with parameters, and query grouping by db.sql. There is a parent-child relationship between tokenized and full SQL, with multiple full SQL (children) grouped under the same tokenized SQL (parent).

The command in this example is the similar to the command in Retrieving the DB load average for top wait events. However, the query.json file has the following contents.

[ { "Metric": "db.load.avg", "GroupBy": { "Group": "db.sql_tokenized", "Limit": 10 } } ]

The following example uses db.sql_tokenized.

For Linux, macOS, or Unix:

aws pi get-resource-metrics \ --service-type RDS \ --identifier db-ID \ --start-time 2018-10-29T00:00:00Z \ --end-time 2018-10-30T00:00:00Z \ --period-in-seconds 3600 \ --metric-queries file://query.json

For Windows:

aws pi get-resource-metrics ^ --service-type RDS ^ --identifier db-ID ^ --start-time 2018-10-29T00:00:00Z ^ --end-time 2018-10-30T00:00:00Z ^ --period-in-seconds 3600 ^ --metric-queries file://query.json

This example queries over 24 hours, with a one hour period-in-seconds.

The example specifies the metric of db.load.avg and a GroupBy of the top seven wait events. For details about valid values for this example, see DimensionGroup in the Performance Insights API Reference.

The response looks similar to the following.

{ "AlignedStartTime": 1540771200.0, "AlignedEndTime": 1540857600.0, "Identifier": "db-XXX", "MetricList": [ //11 entries in the MetricList { "Key": { //First key is total "Metric": "db.load.avg" } "DataPoints": [ //Each DataPoints list has 24 per-hour Timestamps and a value { "Value": 1.6964980544747081, "Timestamp": 1540774800.0 }, //... 24 datapoints ] }, { "Key": { //Next key is the top tokenized SQL "Dimensions": { "db.sql_tokenized.statement": "INSERT INTO authors (id,name,email) VALUES\n( nextval(?) ,?,?)", "db.sql_tokenized.db_id": "pi-2372568224", "": "AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE" }, "Metric": "db.load.avg" }, "DataPoints": [ //... 24 datapoints ] }, // In total 11 entries, 10 Keys of top tokenized SQL, 1 total key ] //End of MetricList } //End of response

This response has 11 entries in the MetricList (1 total, 10 top tokenized SQL), with each entry having 24 per-hour DataPoints.

For tokenized SQL, there are three entries in each dimensions list:

  • db.sql_tokenized.statement – The tokenized SQL statement.

  • db.sql_tokenized.db_id – Either the native database ID used to refer to the SQL, or a synthetic ID that Performance Insights generates for you if the native database ID isn't available. This example returns the pi-2372568224 synthetic ID.

  • – The ID of the query inside Performance Insights.

    In the Amazon Web Services Management Console, this ID is called the Support ID. It's named this because the ID is data that Amazon Support can examine to help you troubleshoot an issue with your database. Amazon takes the security and privacy of your data extremely seriously, and almost all data is stored encrypted with your Amazon KMS key. Therefore, nobody inside Amazon can look at this data. In the example preceding, both the tokenized.statement and the tokenized.db_id are stored encrypted. If you have an issue with your database, Amazon Support can help you by referencing the Support ID.

When querying, it might be convenient to specify a Group in GroupBy. However, for finer-grained control over the data that's returned, specify the list of dimensions. For example, if all that is needed is the db.sql_tokenized.statement, then a Dimensions attribute can be added to the query.json file.

[ { "Metric": "db.load.avg", "GroupBy": { "Group": "db.sql_tokenized", "Dimensions":["db.sql_tokenized.statement"], "Limit": 10 } } ]

Retrieving the DB load average filtered by SQL

Filter by SQL chart.

The preceding image shows that a particular query is selected, and the top average active sessions stacked area line graph is scoped to that query. Although the query is still for the top seven overall wait events, the value of the response is filtered. The filter causes it to take into account only sessions that are a match for the particular filter.

The corresponding API query in this example is similar to the command in Retrieving the DB load average for top SQL. However, the query.json file has the following contents.

[ { "Metric": "db.load.avg", "GroupBy": { "Group": "db.wait_event", "Limit": 5 }, "Filter": { "": "AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE" } } ]

For Linux, macOS, or Unix:

aws pi get-resource-metrics \ --service-type RDS \ --identifier db-ID \ --start-time 2018-10-30T00:00:00Z \ --end-time 2018-10-30T01:00:00Z \ --period-in-seconds 60 \ --metric-queries file://query.json

For Windows:

aws pi get-resource-metrics ^ --service-type RDS ^ --identifier db-ID ^ --start-time 2018-10-30T00:00:00Z ^ --end-time 2018-10-30T01:00:00Z ^ --period-in-seconds 60 ^ --metric-queries file://query.json

The response looks similar to the following.

{ "Identifier": "db-XXX", "AlignedStartTime": 1556215200.0, "MetricList": [ { "Key": { "Metric": "db.load.avg" }, "DataPoints": [ { "Timestamp": 1556218800.0, "Value": 1.4878117913832196 }, { "Timestamp": 1556222400.0, "Value": 1.192823803967328 } ] }, { "Key": { "Metric": "db.load.avg", "Dimensions": { "db.wait_event.type": "io", "": "wait/io/aurora_redo_log_flush" } }, "DataPoints": [ { "Timestamp": 1556218800.0, "Value": 1.1360544217687074 }, { "Timestamp": 1556222400.0, "Value": 1.058051341890315 } ] }, { "Key": { "Metric": "db.load.avg", "Dimensions": { "db.wait_event.type": "io", "": "wait/io/table/sql/handler" } }, "DataPoints": [ { "Timestamp": 1556218800.0, "Value": 0.16241496598639457 }, { "Timestamp": 1556222400.0, "Value": 0.05163360560093349 } ] }, { "Key": { "Metric": "db.load.avg", "Dimensions": { "db.wait_event.type": "synch", "": "wait/synch/mutex/innodb/aurora_lock_thread_slot_futex" } }, "DataPoints": [ { "Timestamp": 1556218800.0, "Value": 0.11479591836734694 }, { "Timestamp": 1556222400.0, "Value": 0.013127187864644107 } ] }, { "Key": { "Metric": "db.load.avg", "Dimensions": { "db.wait_event.type": "CPU", "": "CPU" } }, "DataPoints": [ { "Timestamp": 1556218800.0, "Value": 0.05215419501133787 }, { "Timestamp": 1556222400.0, "Value": 0.05805134189031505 } ] }, { "Key": { "Metric": "db.load.avg", "Dimensions": { "db.wait_event.type": "synch", "": "wait/synch/mutex/innodb/lock_wait_mutex" } }, "DataPoints": [ { "Timestamp": 1556218800.0, "Value": 0.017573696145124718 }, { "Timestamp": 1556222400.0, "Value": 0.002333722287047841 } ] } ], "AlignedEndTime": 1556222400.0 } //end of response

In this response, all values are filtered according to the contribution of tokenized SQL AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE specified in the query.json file. The keys also might follow a different order than a query without a filter, because it's the top five wait events that affected the filtered SQL.

Retrieving the full text of a SQL statement

The following example retrieves the full text of a SQL statement for DB instance db-10BCD2EFGHIJ3KL4M5NO6PQRS5. The --group is db.sql, and the --group-identifier is In this example, my-sql-id represents a SQL ID retrieved by invoking pi get-resource-metrics or pi describe-dimension-keys.

Run the following command.

For Linux, macOS, or Unix:

aws pi get-dimension-key-details \ --service-type RDS \ --identifier db-10BCD2EFGHIJ3KL4M5NO6PQRS5 \ --group db.sql \ --group-identifier my-sql-id \ --requested-dimensions statement

For Windows:

aws pi get-dimension-key-details ^ --service-type RDS ^ --identifier db-10BCD2EFGHIJ3KL4M5NO6PQRS5 ^ --group db.sql ^ --group-identifier my-sql-id ^ --requested-dimensions statement

In this example, the dimensions details are available. Thus, Performance Insights retrieves the full text of the SQL statement, without truncating it.

{ "Dimensions":[ { "Value": "SELECT e.last_name, d.department_name FROM employees e, departments d WHERE e.department_id=d.department_id", "Dimension": "db.sql.statement", "Status": "AVAILABLE" }, ... ] }

Creating a performance analysis report for a time period

The following example creates a performance analysis report with the 1682969503 start time and 1682979503 end time for the db-loadtest-0 database.

aws pi create-performance-analysis-report \ --service-type RDS \ --identifier db-loadtest-0 \ --start-time 1682969503 \ --end-time 1682979503 \ --region us-west-2

The response is the unique identifier report-0234d3ed98e28fb17 for the report.

{ "AnalysisReportId": "report-0234d3ed98e28fb17" }

Retrieving a performance analysis report

The following example retrieves the analysis report details for the report-0d99cc91c4422ee61 report.

aws pi get-performance-analysis-report \ --service-type RDS \ --identifier db-loadtest-0 \ --analysis-report-id report-0d99cc91c4422ee61 \ --region us-west-2

The response provides the report status, ID, time details, and insights.

{ "AnalysisReport": { "Status": "Succeeded", "ServiceType": "RDS", "Identifier": "db-loadtest-0", "StartTime": 1680583486.584, "AnalysisReportId": "report-0d99cc91c4422ee61", "EndTime": 1680587086.584, "CreateTime": 1680587087.139, "Insights": [ ... (Condensed for space) ] } }

Listing all the performance analysis reports for the DB instance

The following example lists all the available performance analysis reports for the db-loadtest-0 database.

aws pi list-performance-analysis-reports \ --service-type RDS \ --identifier db-loadtest-0 \ --region us-west-2

The response lists all the reports with the report ID, status, and time period details.

{ "AnalysisReports": [ { "Status": "Succeeded", "EndTime": 1680587086.584, "CreationTime": 1680587087.139, "StartTime": 1680583486.584, "AnalysisReportId": "report-0d99cc91c4422ee61" }, { "Status": "Succeeded", "EndTime": 1681491137.914, "CreationTime": 1681491145.973, "StartTime": 1681487537.914, "AnalysisReportId": "report-002633115cc002233" }, { "Status": "Succeeded", "EndTime": 1681493499.849, "CreationTime": 1681493507.762, "StartTime": 1681489899.849, "AnalysisReportId": "report-043b1e006b47246f9" }, { "Status": "InProgress", "EndTime": 1682979503.0, "CreationTime": 1682979618.994, "StartTime": 1682969503.0, "AnalysisReportId": "report-01ad15f9b88bcbd56" } ] }

Deleting a performance analysis report

The following example deletes the analysis report for the db-loadtest-0 database.

aws pi delete-performance-analysis-report \ --service-type RDS \ --identifier db-loadtest-0 \ --analysis-report-id report-0d99cc91c4422ee61 \ --region us-west-2

Adding tag to a performance analysis report

The following example adds a tag with a key name and value test-tag to the report-01ad15f9b88bcbd56 report.

aws pi tag-resource \ --service-type RDS \ --resource-arn arn:aws:pi:us-west-2:356798100956:perf-reports/RDS/db-loadtest-0/report-01ad15f9b88bcbd56 \ --tags Key=name,Value=test-tag \ --region us-west-2

Listing all the tags for a performance analysis report

The following example lists all the tags for the report-01ad15f9b88bcbd56 report.

aws pi list-tags-for-resource \ --service-type RDS \ --resource-arn arn:aws:pi:us-west-2:356798100956:perf-reports/RDS/db-loadtest-0/report-01ad15f9b88bcbd56 \ --region us-west-2

The response lists the value and key for all the tags added to the report:

{ "Tags": [ { "Value": "test-tag", "Key": "name" } ] }

Deleting tags from a performance analysis report

The following example deletes the name tag from the report-01ad15f9b88bcbd56 report.

aws pi untag-resource \ --service-type RDS \ --resource-arn arn:aws:pi:us-west-2:356798100956:perf-reports/RDS/db-loadtest-0/report-01ad15f9b88bcbd56 \ --tag-keys name \ --region us-west-2

After the tag is deleted, calling the list-tags-for-resource API doesn't list this tag.