Get started with the Trusted Advisor API
The Amazon Trusted Advisor API Reference is intended for programmers that need detailed information about the Trusted Advisor API operations and data types. This API provides access to Trusted Advisor recommendations for your account or all the accounts within your Amazon Organization. The Trusted Advisor API uses HTTP methods that returns results in JSON format.
You must have a Business, Enterprise On-Ramp, or Enterprise Support plan to use the Trusted Advisor API
If you call the Amazon Trusted Advisor API from an account that doesn't have a Business, Enterprise On-Ramp, or Enterprise Support plan, then you receive an Access Denied exception. For more information about changing your support plan, see Amazon Support.
You can use the Amazon Trusted Advisor API to get a list of checks and their descriptions, recommendations, and resources for recommendations. You can also update the lifecycle of recommendations. To manage recommendations, use the following API operations:
Use the ListChecks, ListRecommendations, GetRecommendation, and ListRecommendationResources API operations to view recommendations and corresponding accounts and resources.
Use The UpdateRecommendationLifecycle API operation to update the lifecycle of a recommendation that's managed by Trusted Advisor Priority.
Use The BatchUpdateRecommendationResourceExclusion API operation to include or exclude one or more resources from your Trusted Advisor results.
The ListOrganizationRecommendations, GetOrganizationRecommendation, ListOrganizationRecommendationResources, ListOrganizationRecommendationAccounts, and UpdateOrganizationRecommendationLifecycle API calls support only recommendations that are managed by Trusted Advisor Priority. These recommendations are also referred to as prioritized recommendations. You can view and manage your prioritized recommendations from a management or delegated admin account if you have activated Trusted Advisor Priority. If Priority isn't activated, then you receive an Access Denied exception when you make requests.
For more information, see Amazon Trusted Advisor in the Amazon Support User Guide.
For authentication of requests, see the Signature Version 4 Signing Process.