Amazon Device Farm test action reference
In your pipeline, you can configure a test action that uses Amazon Device Farm to run and test your application on devices. Device Farm uses test pools of devices and testing frameworks to test applications on specific devices. For information about the types of testing frameworks supported by the Device Farm action, see Working with Test Types in Amazon Device Farm.
Note: The CodePipeline actions for Device Farm and GitHub are not available in the China (Beijing) and China (Ningxia) Regions. To reference other available actions, see Product and service integrations with CodePipeline.
Action type
Configuration parameters
- AppType
Required: Yes
The OS and type of application you are testing. The following is a list of valid values:
- ProjectId
Required: Yes
The Device Farm project ID.
To find your project ID, in the Device Farm console, choose your project. In the browser, copy the URL of your new project. The URL contains the project ID. The project ID is the value in the URL after
. In the following example, the project ID iseec4905f-98f8-40aa-9afc-4c1cfexample
- App
Required: Yes
The name and location of the application file in your input artifact. For example:
- TestSpec
Conditional: Yes
The location of the test spec definition file in your input artifact. This is required for custom mode test.
- DevicePoolArn
Required: Yes
The Device Farm device pool ARN.
To get the available device pool ARNs for the project, including the ARN for Top Devices, use the Amazon CLI to enter the following command:
aws devicefarm list-device-pools --arn arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2:
- TestType
Required: Yes
Specifies the supported testing framework for your test. The following is a list of valid values for
The following test types are not supported by the action in CodePipeline:
.For information about Device Farm test types, see Working with Test Types in Amazon Device Farm.
- RadioBluetoothEnabled
Required: No
A Boolean value that indicates whether to enable Bluetooth at the beginning of the test.
- RecordAppPerformanceData
Required: No
A Boolean value that indicates whether to record device performance data such as CPU, FPS, and memory performance during the test.
- RecordVideo
Required: No
A Boolean value that indicates whether to record video during the test.
- RadioWifiEnabled
Required: No
A Boolean value that indicates whether to enable Wi-Fi at the beginning of the test.
- RadioNfcEnabled
Required: No
A Boolean value that indicates whether to enable NFC at the beginning of the test.
- RadioGpsEnabled
Required: No
A Boolean value that indicates whether to enable GPS at the beginning of the test.
- Test
Required: No
The name and path of the test definition file in your source location. The path is relative to the root of the input artifact for your test.
- FuzzEventCount
Required: No
The number of user interface events for the fuzz test to perform, between 1 and 10,000.
- FuzzEventThrottle
Required: No
The number of milliseconds for the fuzz test to wait before performing the next user interface event, between 1 and 1,000.
- FuzzRandomizerSeed
Required: No
A seed for the fuzz test to use for randomizing user interface events. Using the same number for subsequent fuzz tests results in identical event sequences.
- CustomHostMachineArtifacts
Required: No
The location on the host machine where custom artifacts will be stored.
- CustomDeviceArtifacts
Required: No
The location on the device where custom artifacts will be stored.
- UnmeteredDevicesOnly
Required: No
A Boolean value that indicates whether to only use your unmetered devices when running tests in this step.
- JobTimeoutMinutes
Required: No
The number of minutes a test run will execute per device before it times out.
- Latitude
Required: No
The latitude of the device expressed in geographic coordinate system degrees.
- Longitude
Required: No
The longitude of the device expressed in geographic coordinate system degrees.
Input artifacts
Number of artifacts:
Description: The set of artifacts to be made available to the test action. Device Farm looks for the built application and test definitions to use.
Output artifacts
Number of Artifacts:
Description: Output artifacts do not apply for this action type.
Action declaration
See also
The following related resources can help you as you work with this action.
Working with Test Types in Device Farm – This reference chapter in the Device Farm Developer Guide provides more description about the Android, iOS, and Web Application testing frameworks supported by Device Farm.
Actions in Device Farm – The API calls and parameters in the Device Farm API Reference can help you work with Device Farm projects.
Tutorial: Create a pipeline that builds and tests your Android app with Amazon Device Farm – This tutorial provides a sample build spec file and sample application to create a pipeline with a GitHub source that builds and tests an Android app with CodeBuild and Device Farm.
Tutorial: Create a pipeline that tests your iOS app with Amazon Device Farm – This tutorial provides a sample application to create a pipeline with an Amazon S3 source that tests a built iOS app with Device Farm.