Quotas in Amazon CodePipeline
CodePipeline has quotas for the number of pipelines, stages, actions, and webhooks that an Amazon account can have in each Amazon Region.
These quotas apply per Region and can be increased. It can take up to two weeks to process requests for a quota increase.
Resource | Default |
Length of time before an action times out (This is configurable timeouts. See the following table for non-configurable timeouts) |
Amazon CloudFormation deployment action: 3 days CodeDeploy and CodeDeploy ECS (blue/green) deployment actions: 5 days Amazon Lambda invoke action: 24 hours NoteWhile the action is running, CodePipeline periodically contacts Lambda for a status. The Lambda function replies with a status where the action execution is either successful, failed, or in progress. If the Lambda function has sent no reply after 20 minutes, the action times out. If, during the 20 minutes, the Lambda function has replied that the action is still in progress, CodePipeline restarts the 20-minute timer and tries again. If not successful after 24 hours, CodePipeline sets the Lambda invoke action state to failed. Lambda has a separate timeout for Lambda functions that is not related to the CodePipeline action timeout. Amazon S3 deployment action: 90 minutes NoteIf the upload to S3 times out during deployment of a large ZIP file, the action fails with a timeout error. Try breaking up the ZIP file into smaller files. Manual approval action account level default timeout: 7 days NoteThe default timeout for the manual approval action can be overridden for a specific action in the pipeline, and it is configurable up to 86400 minutes (60 days) with a minimum value of 5 minutes. For more information, see ActionDeclaration in the CodePipeline API Reference. When configured, this timeout is applied for the action. Otherwise, the account level default is used. All other actions: 1 hour NoteThe Amazon ECS deployment action timeout is configurable up to one hour (the default timeout). |
Maximum number of total pipelines per Region in an Amazon account |
1000 NotePipelines configured for either polling or event-based change detection are counted toward this quota. |
Maximum number of pipelines set to polling for source changes, per Amazon Region |
300 NoteThis quota is fixed and cannot be changed. If you reach the limit for polling pipelines, you can still configure additional pipelines that use event-based change detection. For more information, see Source actions and change detection methods.1 |
Maximum number of webhooks per Region in an Amazon account | 300 |
Number of custom actions per Region in an Amazon account |
50 |
1Based on your source
provider, use the following instructions to update your polling pipelines to use
event-based change detection:
The following quotas in Amazon CodePipeline apply to Region availability, naming constraints, and allowed artifact sizes. These quotas are fixed and cannot be changed.
For a list of the CodePipeline service endpoints for each Region, see Amazon CodePipeline endpoints and quotas in the Amazon General Reference.
For information about structural requirements, see CodePipeline pipeline structure reference.
Amazon Regions where you can create a pipeline |
US East (Ohio) US East (N. Virginia) US West (N. California) US West (Oregon) Canada (Central) Europe (Frankfurt) Europe (Zurich)* Israel (Tel Aviv) Europe (Ireland) Europe (London) Europe (Milan)* Europe (Paris) Europe (Spain) Europe (Stockholm) Africa (Cape Town)* Asia Pacific (Hong Kong)* Asia Pacific (Hyderabad) Asia Pacific (Mumbai) Asia Pacific (Tokyo) Asia Pacific (Seoul) Asia Pacific (Osaka) Asia Pacific (Singapore) Asia Pacific (Sydney) Asia Pacific (Jakarta) Asia Pacific (Melbourne) South America (São Paulo) Middle East (Bahrain)* Middle East (UAE) Amazon GovCloud (US-West) Amazon GovCloud (US-East) |
Characters allowed in an action name |
Action names cannot exceed 100 characters. Allowed characters include: Lowercase letters Uppercase letters Numbers Special characters Any other characters, such as spaces, are not allowed. |
Characters allowed in action types |
Action type names cannot exceed 25 characters. Allowed characters include: Lowercase letters a through z, inclusive. Uppercase letters A through Z, inclusive. Numbers 0 through 9, inclusive. Special characters . (period), @ (at sign), - (minus sign), and _ (underscore). Any other characters, such as spaces, are not allowed. |
Characters allowed in artifact names |
Artifact names cannot exceed 100 characters. Allowed characters include: Lowercase letters Uppercase letters Numbers Special characters Any other characters, such as spaces, are not allowed. |
Characters allowed in partner action names | Partner action names must follow the same naming conventions and restrictions
as other action names in CodePipeline. Specifically, they cannot exceed 100 characters.
Allowed characters include: Lowercase letters a through z, inclusive. Uppercase letters A through Z, inclusive. Numbers 0 through 9, inclusive. Special characters . (period), @ (at sign), - (minus sign), and _ (underscore). Any other characters, such as spaces, are not allowed. |
Characters allowed in a pipeline name |
Pipeline names cannot exceed 100 characters. Allowed characters include: Lowercase letters a through z, inclusive. Uppercase letters A through Z, inclusive. Numbers 0 through 9, inclusive. Special characters . (period), @ (at sign),- (minus sign), and _ (underscore). Any other characters, such as spaces, are not allowed. |
Characters allowed in a stage name |
Stage names cannot exceed 100 characters. Allowed characters include: Lowercase letters a through z, inclusive. Uppercase letters A through Z, inclusive. Numbers 0 through 9, inclusive. Special characters . (period), @ (at sign), - (minus sign), and _ (underscore). Any other characters, such as spaces, are not allowed. |
Length of time before an action times out |
CodeBuild build action: 36 hours Test action: 8 hours Custom actions: 24 hours Step Functions invoke action: 7 days Build timeout for the Commands action: 55 minutes |
Maximum length of the action configuration key (for example, the CodeBuild
configuration keys are |
50 characters |
Maximum length of the action configuration value (for example, the value of
1000 characters |
Maximum number of actions per pipeline | 1000 |
Maximum number of concurrent pipeline executions per pipeline (QUEUED|PARALLEL mode) |
50 |
Maximum number of concurrent action executions per PARALLEL mode pipeline execution | 5 |
Maximum number of files for an Amazon S3 object | 100,000 |
Maximum number of parallel actions in a stage | 100 |
Maximum number of sequential actions in a stage | 100 |
Maximum size of artifacts in a source stage |
Artifacts stored in Amazon S3 buckets: 7 GB Artifacts stored in CodeCommit or GitHub repositories: 1 GB Exception: If you are using Amazon Elastic Beanstalk to deploy applications, the maximum artifact size is always 512 MB. Exception: If you are using Amazon CloudFormation to deploy applications, the maximum artifact size is always 256 MB. Exception: If you are using the |
Maximum size of the image definitions JSON file used in pipelines deploying Amazon ECS containers and images |
100 KB |
Maximum size of input artifacts for Amazon CloudFormation actions | 256 MB |
Maximum size of input artifacts for the CodeDeployToECS
action |
3 MB |
Maximum size of input artifacts for the Step Functions
action |
The Step Functions action runs on Lambda, and it therefore has artifact size quotas that are the same as the artifact size quotas for Lambda functions. For more information, see Lambda quotas in the Lambda Developer Guide. |
Maximum size of the JSON object that can be stored in the
For a CodePipeline deploy action with Amazon CloudFormation as the provider, the
ParameterOverrides property is used to store a JSON object that
specifies values for the Amazon CloudFormation template configuration file. There is a maximum
size limit of 1 kilobyte for the JSON object that can be stored in the
ParameterOverrides property. |
Number of actions in a stage |
Minimum of 1, maximum of 50 |
Number of artifacts allowed for each action | For the number of input and output artifacts allowed for each action, see the Valid input and output artifacts for each action type |
Number of months that pipeline execution history information is retained | 12 |
Number of stages in a pipeline |
Minimum of 2, maximum of 50 |
Pipeline tags | Tags are case sensitive. Maximum of 50 per resource. |
Pipeline tag key names |
Any combination of Unicode letters, numbers, spaces, and allowed characters in UTF-8 between 1 and 128 characters in length. Allowed characters are + - = . _ : / @ Tag key names must be unique, and each key can have only one value. A tag cannot:
Pipeline tag values |
Any combination of Unicode letters, numbers, spaces, and allowed characters in UTF-8 between 1 and 256 characters in length. Allowed characters are + - = . _ : / @ A key can have only one value, but many keys can have the same value. A tag cannot:
Triggers |
There is a maximum of 50 triggers in a pipeline definition across the
There is a maximum of three filters per push trigger and pull request trigger. NoteDuplicates for filters in the same event type array are not allowed. You can add up to 8 include and 8 exclude patterns, branches, and file paths for each event type (push, pull request). Allowed characters in patternvalues include all character types. For include and exclude patterns, there is a maximum length of 255 characters. For tag names, there is a maximum length of 255 characters. Maximum size of |
Trigger filters |
File paths:
Pull requests: Branches:
Uniqueness of names |
Within a single Amazon account, each pipeline you create in an Amazon Region must have a unique name. You can reuse names for pipelines in different Amazon Regions. Stage names must be unique within a pipeline. Action names must be unique within a stage. |
Quotas for output variables and namespaces |
There is a maximum size limit of 122880 bytes for all output variables combined for a particular action. There is a maximum size limit of 100 KB for the total resolved action configuration for a particular action. Output variable names are case sensitive. Namespaces are case sensitive. Allowed characters include:
Quotas for variables at the pipeline level |
There is a maximum of 50 pipeline-level variables per pipeline. Variable names for variables at the pipeline level must be:
For variable values, there is a maximum length of 1000 characters For variable values, all characters are allowed. For variable descriptions, there is a maximum length of 200 characters. |
* You must enable this Region before you can use it.