Tutorial: Create a pipeline with Amazon CloudFormation StackSets deployment actions - Amazon CodePipeline
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Tutorial: Create a pipeline with Amazon CloudFormation StackSets deployment actions

In this tutorial, you use the Amazon CodePipeline console to create a pipeline with deployment actions for creating a stack set and creating stack instances. When the pipeline runs, the template creates a stack set and also creates and updates the instances where the stack set is deployed.


As part of creating a pipeline, an S3 artifact bucket provided by the customer will be used by CodePipeline for artifacts. (This is different from the bucket used for an S3 source action.) If the S3 artifact bucket is in a different account from the account for your pipeline, make sure that the S3 artifact bucket is owned by Amazon Web Services accounts that are safe and will be dependable.

There are two ways to manage permissions for a stack set: self-managed and Amazon-managed IAM roles. This tutorial provides examples with self-managed permissions.

To most effectively use Stacksets in CodePipeline, you should have a clear understanding of the concepts behind Amazon CloudFormation StackSets and how they work. See StackSets concepts in the Amazon CloudFormation User Guide.

These actions are not available in the China (Beijing) and China (Ningxia) Regions. To reference other available actions, see Product and service integrations with CodePipeline.


For stack set operations, you use two different accounts: an administration account and a target account. You create stack sets in the administrator account. You create individual stacks that belong to a stack set in the target account.

To create an administrator role with your administrator account
To create a service role in the target account

Step 1: Upload the sample Amazon CloudFormation template and parameter file

Create a source bucket for your stack set template and parameters files. Download the sample Amazon CloudFormation template file, set up a parameters file, and then zip the files before upload to your S3 source bucket.


Make sure to ZIP the source files before you upload to your S3 source bucket, even if the only source file is the template.

To create an S3 source bucket
  1. Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management Console and open the Amazon S3 console at https://console.amazonaws.cn/s3/.

  2. Choose Create bucket.

  3. In Bucket name, enter a name for your bucket.

    In Region, choose the Region where you want to create your pipeline. Choose Create bucket.

  4. After the bucket is created, a success banner displays. Choose Go to bucket details.

  5. On the Properties tab, choose Versioning. Choose Enable versioning, and then choose Save.

To create the Amazon CloudFormation template file
  1. Download the following sample template file for generating CloudTrail configuration for stack sets: https://s3.amazonaws.com/cloudformation-stackset-sample-templates-us-east-1/EnableAWSCloudtrail.yml.

  2. Save the file as template.yml.

To create the parameters.txt file
  1. Create a file with the parameters for your deployment. Parameters are values that you want to update in your stack at runtime. The following sample file updates the template parameters for your stack set to enable logging validation and global events.

    [ { "ParameterKey": "EnableLogFileValidation", "ParameterValue": "true" }, { "ParameterKey": "IncludeGlobalEvents", "ParameterValue": "true" } ]
  2. Save the file as parameters.txt.

To create the accounts.txt file
  1. Create a file with the accounts where you want to create instances, as shown in the following sample file.

    [ "111111222222","333333444444" ]
  2. Save the file as accounts.txt.

To create and upload source files
  1. Combine the files into a single ZIP file. Your files should look like this in your ZIP file.

    template.yml parameters.txt accounts.txt
  2. Upload the ZIP file to your S3 bucket. This file is the source artifact created by the Create Pipeline wizard for your deployment action in CodePipeline.

Step 2: Create your pipeline

In this section, you create a pipeline with the following actions:

  • A source stage with an S3 source action where the source artifact is your template file and any supporting source files.

  • A deployment stage with an Amazon CloudFormation stack set deployment action that creates the stack set.

  • A deployment stage with an Amazon CloudFormation stack instances deployment action that creates the stacks and instances within the target accounts.

To create a pipeline with a CloudFormationStackSet action
  1. Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management Console and open the CodePipeline console at http://console.www.amazonaws.cn/codesuite/codepipeline/home.

  2. On the Welcome page, Getting started page, or Pipelines page, choose Create pipeline.

  3. On the Step 1: Choose creation option page, under Creation options, choose the Build custom pipeline option. Choose Next.

  4. In Step 2: Choose pipeline settings, in Pipeline name, enter MyStackSetsPipeline.

  5. In Pipeline type, choose V1 for the purposes of this tutorial. You can also choose V2; however, note that pipeline types differ in characteristics and price. For more information, see Pipeline types.

  6. In Service role, choose New service role to allow CodePipeline to create a service role in IAM.

  7. In Artifact store, leave the defaults.


    This is not the source bucket for your source code. This is the artifact store for your pipeline. A separate artifact store, such as an S3 bucket, is required for each pipeline. When you create or edit a pipeline, you must have an artifact bucket in the pipeline Region and one artifact bucket per Amazon Region where you are running an action.

    For more information, see Input and output artifacts and CodePipeline pipeline structure reference.

    Choose Next.

  8. On the Step 3: Add source stage page, in Source provider, choose Amazon S3.

  9. In Bucket, enter the S3 source bucket you created for this tutorial, such as BucketName. In S3 object key, enter the file path and file name for your ZIP file, such as MyFiles.zip.

  10. Choose Next.

  11. In Step 4: Add build stage, choose Skip build stage, and then accept the warning message by choosing Skip again.

    Choose Next.

  12. In Step 5: Add test stage, choose Skip test stage, and then accept the warning message by choosing Skip again.

    Choose Next.

  13. In Step 6: Add deploy stage:

    1. In Deploy provider, choose Amazon CloudFormation Stack Set.

    2. In Stack set name, enter a name for the stack set. This is the name of the stack set that the template creates.


      Make a note of your stack set name. You will use it when you add the second StackSets deployment action to your pipeline.

    3. In Template path, enter the artifact name and file path where you uploaded your template file. For example, enter the following using the default source artifact name SourceArtifact.

    4. In Deployment targets, enter the artifact name and file path where you uploaded your accounts file. For example, enter the following using the default source artifact name SourceArtifact.

    5. In Deployment target Amazon Web Services Regions, enter one Region for deployment of your initial stack instance, such as us-east-1.

    6. Expand Deployment options. In Parameters, enter the artifact name and file path where you uploaded your parameters file. For example, enter the following using the default source artifact name SourceArtifact.


      To enter the parameters as a literal input rather than a file path, enter the following:

      ParameterKey=EnableLogFileValidation,ParameterValue=true ParameterKey=IncludeGlobalEvents,ParameterValue=true
    7. In Capabilities, choose CAPABILITY_IAM and CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM.

    8. In Permission model, choose SELF_MANAGED.

    9. In Failure tolerance percentage, enter 20.

    10. In Max concurrent percentage, enter 25.

    11. Choose Next.

    12. In Step 7: Review, choose Create pipeline. Your pipeline displays.

    13. Allow your pipeline to run.

Step 3: View initial deployment

View the resources and status for your initial deployment. After verifying the deployment successfully created your stack set, you can add the second action to your Deploy stage.

To view the resources
  1. Open the CodePipeline console at https://console.amazonaws.cn/codepipeline/.

  2. Under Pipelines, choose your pipeline and choose View. The diagram shows your pipeline source and deployment stages.

  3. Choose the Amazon CloudFormation action on the CloudFormationStackSet action in your pipeline. The template, resources, and events for your stack set are shown in the Amazon CloudFormation console.

  4. In the left navigation panel, choose StackSets. In the list, choose the new stack set.

  5. Choose the Stack instances tab. Verify that one stack instance for each account you provided was created in the us-east-1 Region. Verify that the status for each stack instance is CURRENT.

Step 4: Add a CloudFormationStackInstances action

Create a next action in your pipeline that will allow Amazon CloudFormation StackSets to create the remainingstack instances.

To create a next action in your pipeline
  1. Open the CodePipeline console at https://console.amazonaws.cn/codepipeline/.

    Under Pipelines, choose your pipeline and choose View. The diagram shows your pipeline source and deployment stages.

  2. Choose to edit the pipeline. The pipeline displays in Edit mode.

  3. On the Deploy stage, choose Edit.

  4. Under the Amazon CloudFormation Stack Set deploy action, choose Add action group.

  5. On the Edit action page, add the action details:

    1. In Action name, enter a name for the action.

    2. In Action provider, choose Amazon CloudFormation Stack Instances.

    3. Under Input artifacts, choose SourceArtifact.

    4. In Stack set name, enter the name for the stack set. This is the name of the stack set that you provided in the first action.

    5. In Deployment targets, enter the artifact name and file path where you uploaded your accounts file. For example, enter the following using the default source artifact name SourceArtifact.

    6. In Deployment target Amazon Web Services Regions, enter the Regions for deployment of your remaining stack instances, such as us-east-2 and eu-central-1 as follows:

      us-east2, eu-central-1
    7. In Failure tolerance percentage, enter 20.

    8. In Max concurrent percentage, enter 25.

    9. Choose Save.

    10. .Manually release a change. Your updated pipeline displays with two actions in the Deploy stage.

Step 5: View stack set resources for your deployment

You can view the resources and status for your stack set deployment.

To view the resources
  1. Open the CodePipeline console at https://console.amazonaws.cn/codepipeline/.

  2. Under Pipelines, choose your pipeline and then choose View. The diagram shows your pipeline source and deployment stages.

  3. Choose the Amazon CloudFormation action on the Amazon CloudFormation Stack Instances action in your pipeline. The template, resources, and events for your stack set are shown in the Amazon CloudFormation console.

  4. In the left navigation panel, choose StackSets. In the list, choose your stack set.

  5. Choose the Stack instances tab. Verify that all remaining stack instances for each account you provided were created or updated in the expected Regions. Verify that the status for each stack instance is CURRENT.

Step 6: Make an update to your stack set

Make an update to your stack set and deploy the update to instances. In this example, you also make a change to the deployment targets you want to designate for update. The instances that are not part of the update move to an outdated status.

  1. Open the CodePipeline console at https://console.amazonaws.cn/codepipeline/.

  2. Under Pipelines, choose your pipeline and then choose Edit. On the Deploy stage, choose Edit.

  3. Choose to edit the Amazon CloudFormation Stack Set action in your pipeline. In Description, write over the existing description with a new description for the stack set.

  4. Choose to edit the Amazon CloudFormation Stack Instances action in your pipeline. In Deployment target Amazon Web Services Regions, delete the us-east-2 value that was entered when the action was created.

  5. Save the changes. Choose Release change to run your pipeline.

  6. Open your action in Amazon CloudFormation. Choose the StackSet info tab. In StackSet description, verify that the new description is shown.

  7. Choose the Stack instances tab. Under Status, verify that the status for the stack instances in us-east-2 is OUTDATED.