Configuring identity providers for your user pool - Amazon Cognito
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Configuring identity providers for your user pool

With user pools, you can implement sign-in through a variety of external identity providers (IdPs). This section of the guide has instructions for setting up these identity providers with your user pool in the Amazon Cognito console. Alternatively, you can use the user pools API and an Amazon SDK to programmatically add user pool identity providers. For more information, see CreateIdentityProvider.

The supported identity provider options include social providers like Facebook, Google, and Amazon, as well as OpenID Connect (OIDC) and SAML 2.0 providers. Before you get started, set yourself up with administrative credentials for your IdP. For each type of provider, you'll need to register your application, obtain the necessary credentials, and then configure the provider details in your user pool. Your users can then sign up and sign in to your application with their existing accounts from the connected identity providers.

The Sign-in experience tab under Federated identity provider sign-in adds and updates user pool IdPs. For more information, see Adding user pool sign-in through a third party.

Set up user sign-in with a social IdP

You can use federation to integrate Amazon Cognito user pools with social identity providers such as Facebook, Google, and Login with Amazon.

To add a social identity provider, you first create a developer account with the identity provider. After you have your developer account, register your app with the identity provider. The identity provider creates an app ID and an app secret for your app, and you configure those values in your Amazon Cognito user pools.

To integrate user sign-in with a social IdP
  1. Sign in to the Amazon Cognito console. If prompted, enter your Amazon credentials.

  2. In the navigation pane, choose User Pools, and choose the user pool you want to edit.

  3. Choose the Sign-in experience tab and locate Federated sign-in.

  4. Choose Add an identity provider, or choose the Facebook, Google, Amazon, or Apple identity provider you have configured, locate Identity provider information, and choose Edit. For more information about adding a social identity provider, see Using social identity providers with a user pool.

  5. Enter your social identity provider's information by completing one of the following steps, based on your choice of IdP:

    Facebook, Google, and Login with Amazon

    Enter the app ID and app secret that you received when you created your client app.

    Sign In with Apple

    Enter the service ID that you provided to Apple, and the team ID, key ID, and private key you received when you created your app client.

  6. For Authorized scopes, enter the names of the social identity provider scopes that you want to map to user pool attributes. Scopes define which user attributes, such as name and email, that you want to access with your app. When entering scopes, use the following guidelines based on your choice of IdP:

    • Facebook — Separate scopes with commas. For example:

      public_profile, email

    • Google, Login with Amazon, and Sign In with Apple — Separate scopes with spaces. For example:

      • Google: profile email openid

      • Login with Amazon: profile postal_code

      • Sign In with Apple: name email


        For Sign In with Apple (console), use the check boxes to choose scopes.

  7. Choose Save changes.

  8. From the App client integration tab, choose one of the App clients in the list and then choose Edit hosted UI settings. Add the new social identity provider to the app client under Identity providers.

  9. Choose Save changes.

For more information on social IdPs, see Using social identity providers with a user pool.

Set up user sign-in with an OIDC IdP

You can integrate user sign-in with an OpenID Connect (OIDC) identity provider (IdP) such as Salesforce or Ping Identity.

To add an OIDC provider to a user pool
  1. Go to the Amazon Cognito console. If prompted, enter your Amazon credentials.

  2. Choose User Pools from the navigation menu.

  3. Choose an existing user pool from the list, or create a user pool.

  4. Choose the Sign-in experience tab. Locate Federated sign-in and select Add an identity provider.

  5. Choose an OpenID Connect identity provider.

  6. Enter a unique name into Provider name.

  7. Enter the client ID that you received from your provider into Client ID.

  8. Enter the client secret that you received from your provider into Client secret.

  9. Enter Authorized scopes for this provider. Scopes define which groups of user attributes (such as name and email) that your application will request from your provider. Scopes must be separated by spaces, following the OAuth 2.0 specification.

    Your user must consent to provide these attributes to your application.

  10. Choose an Attribute request method to provide Amazon Cognito with the HTTP method (either GET or POST) that Amazon Cognito uses to fetch the details of the user from the userInfo endpoint operated by your provider.

  11. Choose a Setup method to retrieve OpenID Connect endpoints either by Auto fill through issuer URL or Manual input. Use Auto fill through issuer URL when your provider has a public .well-known/openid-configuration endpoint where Amazon Cognito can retrieve the URLs of the authorization, token, userInfo, and jwks_uri endpoints.

  12. Enter the issuer URL or authorization, token, userInfo, and jwks_uri endpoint URLs from your IdP.


    You can use only port numbers 443 and 80 with discovery, auto-filled, and manually entered URLs. User logins fail if your OIDC provider uses any nonstandard TCP ports.

    The issuer URL must start with https://, and must not end with a / character. For example, Salesforce uses this URL:

    The openid-configuration document associated with your issuer URL must provide HTTPS URLs for the following values: authorization_endpoint, token_endpoint, userinfo_endpoint, and jwks_uri. Similarly, when you choose Manual input, you can only enter HTTPS URLs.

  13. The OIDC claim sub is mapped to the user pool attribute Username by default. You can map other OIDC claims to user pool attributes. Enter the OIDC claim, and select the corresponding user pool attribute from the drop-down list. For example, the claim email is often mapped to the user pool attribute Email.

  14. Map additional attributes from your identity provider to your user pool. For more information, see Specifying Identity Provider attribute mappings for your user pool.

  15. Choose Create.

  16. From the App client integration tab, select one of the App clients in the list and Edit hosted UI settings. Add the new OIDC identity provider to the app client under Identity providers.

  17. Choose Save changes.

For more information on OIDC IdPs, see Using OIDC identity providers with a user pool.

Set up user sign-in with a SAML IdP

You can use federation for Amazon Cognito user pools to integrate with a SAML identity provider (IdP). You supply a metadata document, either by uploading the file or by entering a metadata document endpoint URL. For information about obtaining metadata documents for third-party SAML IdPs, see Configuring your third-party SAML identity provider.

To configure a SAML 2.0 identity provider in your user pool
  1. Go to the Amazon Cognito console. If prompted, enter your Amazon credentials.

  2. Choose User Pools.

  3. Choose an existing user pool from the list, or create a user pool.

  4. Choose the Sign-in experience tab. Locate Federated sign-in and select Add an identity provider.

  5. Choose a SAML identity provider.

  6. Enter Identifiers separated by commas. An identifier directs Amazon Cognito to check the user sign-in email address, and then direct the user to the provider that corresponds to their domain.

  7. Choose Add sign-out flow if you want Amazon Cognito to send signed sign-out requests to your provider when a user logs out. Configure your SAML 2.0 identity provider to send sign-out responses to the endpoint that Amazon Cognito creates when you configure the hosted UI. The saml2/logout endpoint uses POST binding.


    If you select this option and your SAML identity provider expects a signed logout request, you also must configure the signing certificate provided by Amazon Cognito with your SAML IdP.

    The SAML IdP will process the signed logout request and logout your user from the Amazon Cognito session.

  8. Choose a Metadata document source. If your identity provider offers SAML metadata at a public URL, you can choose Metadata document URL and enter that public URL. Otherwise, choose Upload metadata document and select a metadata file you downloaded from your provider earlier.


    If your provider has a public endpoint, we recommend that you enter a metadata document URL, rather than uploading a file. If you use the URL, Amazon Cognito refreshes metadata automatically. Typically, metadata refresh happens every 6 hours or before the metadata expires, whichever is earlier.

  9. Map attributes between your SAML provider and your app to map SAML provider attributes to the user profile in your user pool. Include your user pool required attributes in your attribute map.

    For example, when you choose User pool attribute email, enter the SAML attribute name as it appears in the SAML assertion from your identity provider. Your identity provider might offer sample SAML assertions for reference. Some identity providers use simple names, such as email, while others use URL-formatted attribute names similar to:
  10. Choose Create.


If you see InvalidParameterException while creating a SAML IdP with an HTTPS metadata endpoint URL, make sure that the metadata endpoint has SSL correctly set up and that there is a valid SSL certificate associated with it. One example of such an exception would be "Error retrieving metadata from <metadata endpoint>".

To set up the SAML IdP to add a signing certificate
  • To get the certificate containing the public key that the IdP uses to verify the signed logout request, choose Show signing certificate under Active SAML Providers on the SAML dialog under Identity providers on the Federation console page.

For more information on SAML IdPs see Using SAML identity providers with a user pool.