SAML identity provider names and identifiers - Amazon Cognito
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SAML identity provider names and identifiers

When you name your SAML identity providers (IdPs) and assign IdP identifiers, you can automate the flow of SP-initiated sign-in and sign-out requests to that provider. For information about string constraints to the provider name, see the ProviderName property of CreateIdentityProvider.

Authentication flow diagram of Amazon Cognito SP-initiated SAML sign-in with an IdP identifier and the hosted UI. The user provides an email address to the hosted UI and Amazon Cognito automatically redirects them to their provider.

You can also choose up to 50 identifiers for your SAML providers. An identifier is a friendly name for an IdP in your user pool, and must be unique within the user pool. If your SAML identifiers match your users' email domains, the Amazon Cognito hosted UI requests each user's email address, evaluates the domain in their email address, and redirects them to the IdP that corresponds to their domain. Because the same organization can own multiple domains, a single IdP can have multiple identifiers.

Whether you use or don't use email-domain identifiers, you can use identifiers in a multi-tenant app to redirect users to the correct IdP. When you want to bypass the hosted UI entirely, you can customize the links that you present to users such that they redirect through the Authorize endpoint directly to their IdP. To sign in your users with an identifier and redirect to their IdP, include the identifier in the format in the request parameters of their initial authorization request.

Another method to pass a user through to your IdP is to populate the parameter identity_provider with the name of your IdP in the following URL format. response_type=code& identity_provider=MySAMLIdP& client_id=1example23456789& redirect_uri=

After a user signs in with your SAML IdP, your IdP redirects them with a SAML response in the HTTP POST body to your /saml2/idpresponse endpoint. Amazon Cognito processes the SAML assertion and, if the claims in the response meet expectations, redirects to your app client callback URL. After your user has completed authentication in this way, they have interacted with webpages for only your IdP and your app.

With IdP identifiers in a domain format, the Amazon Cognito hosted UI requests email addresses at sign-in and then, when the email domain matches an IdP identifier, redirects users to the sign-in page for their IdP. As an example, you build an app that requires sign-in by employees of two different companies. The first company, AnyCompany A, owns and The second company, AnyCompany B, owns For this example, you have set up two IdPs, one for each company, as follows:

  • For IdP A, you define identifiers and

  • For IdP B, you define identifier

In your app, invoke the hosted UI for your app client to prompt each user to enter their email address. Amazon Cognito derives the domain from the email address, correlates the domain to an IdP with a domain identifier, and redirects your user to the correct IdP with a request to the Authorize endpoint that contains an idp_identifier request parameter. For example, if a user enters, the next page that they interact with is the IdP sign-in page at

You can also implement the same logic independently. In your app, you can build a custom form that collects user input and correlates it to the correct IdP according to your own logic. You can generate custom app portals for each of your app tenants, where each links to the authorize endpoint with the tenant's identifier in the request parameters.

To collect an email address and parse the domain in the hosted UI, assign at least one identifier to each SAML IdP that you have assigned to your app client. By default, the hosted UI sign-in screen displays a button for each of the IdPs that you have assigned to your app client. However, if you have successfully assigned identifiers, your hosted UI sign-in page looks like the following image.

An Amazon Cognito hosted UI sign-in page displaying local user sign-in and a prompt for a federated user to enter an email address.

Domain parsing in the hosted UI requires that you use domains as your IdP identifiers. If you assign an identifier of any type to each of the SAML IdPs for an app client, the hosted UI for that app no longer displays IdP-selection buttons. Add IdP identifiers for SAML when you intend to use email parsing or custom logic to generate redirects. When you want to generate silent redirects and also want your hosted UI to display a list of IdPs, don't assign identifiers and use the identity_provider request parameter in your authorization requests.

  • If you assign only one SAML IdP to your app client, the hosted UI sign-in page displays a button to sign in with that IdP.

  • If you assign an identifier to every SAML IdP that you activate for your app client, a user input prompt for an email address appears in the hosted UI sign-in page.

  • If you have multiple IdPs and you do not assign an identifier to all of them, the hosted UI sign-in page displays a button to sign in with each assigned IdP.

  • If you assigned identifiers to your IdPs and you want your hosted UI to display a selection of IdP buttons, add a new IdP that has no identifier to your app client, or create a new app client. You can also delete an existing IdP and add it again without an identifier. If you create a new IdP, your SAML users will create new user profiles. This duplication of active users might have a billing impact in the month that you change your IdP configuration.

For more information about IdP setup, see Configuring identity providers for your user pool.