Developer-authenticated identities - Amazon Cognito
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Developer-authenticated identities

Amazon Cognito supports developer-authenticated identities, in addition to web identity federation through Setting up Facebook as an identity pools IdP, Setting up Google as an identity pool IdP, Setting up Login with Amazon as an identity pools IdP, and Setting up Sign in with Apple as an identity pool IdP. With developer-authenticated identities, you can register and authenticate users through your own existing authentication process, while still using Amazon Cognito to synchronize user data and access Amazon resources. Using developer-authenticated identities involves interaction between the end user device, your backend for authentication, and Amazon Cognito. For more details, see Understanding Amazon Cognito Authentication Part 2: Developer Authenticated Identities in the Amazon blog.

Understanding the authentication flow

The GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentity API operation can initiate developer authentication for both enhanced and basic authentication. This API authenticates a request with administrative credentials. The Logins map is an identity pool developer provider name like login.mydevprovider paired with a custom identifier.


"Logins": { "login.mydevprovider": "my developer identifier" }

Enhanced authentication

Call the GetCredentialsForIdentity API operation with a Logins map with the name and a value of the token from GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentity.


"Logins": { "": "eyJra12345EXAMPLE" }

GetCredentialsForIdentity with developer-authenticated identities returns temporary credentials for the default authenticated role of the identity pool.

Basic authentication

Call the AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity API operation and request the RoleArn of any IAM role that has an appropriate trust relationship defined. Set the value of WebIdentityToken to the token obtained from GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentity.

For information on the developer-authenticated identities authflow and how they differ from external-provider identities, see Identity pools authentication flow.

Define a developer provider name and associate it with an identity pool

To use developer-authenticated identities, you'll need an identity pool associated with your developer provider. To do so, follow these steps:

To add a custom developer provider
  1. Choose Identity pools from the Amazon Cognito console. Select an identity pool.

  2. Choose the User access tab.

  3. Select Add identity provider.

  4. Choose Custom developer provider.

  5. Enter a Developer provider name. You can't change or delete your developer provider after you add it.

  6. Select Save changes.

Note: Once the provider name has been set, it cannot be changed.

For additional instructions on working with the Amazon Cognito Console, see Using the Amazon Cognito console.

Implement an identity provider


To use developer-authenticated identities, implement your own identity provider class that extends AWSAbstractCognitoIdentityProvider. Your identity provider class should return a response object containing the token as an attribute.

Following is a basic example of an identity provider.

public class DeveloperAuthenticationProvider extends AWSAbstractCognitoDeveloperIdentityProvider { private static final String developerProvider = "<Developer_provider_name>"; public DeveloperAuthenticationProvider(String accountId, String identityPoolId, Regions region) { super(accountId, identityPoolId, region); // Initialize any other objects needed here. } // Return the developer provider name which you choose while setting up the // identity pool in the &COG; Console @Override public String getProviderName() { return developerProvider; } // Use the refresh method to communicate with your backend to get an // identityId and token. @Override public String refresh() { // Override the existing token setToken(null); // Get the identityId and token by making a call to your backend // (Call to your backend) // Call the update method with updated identityId and token to make sure // these are ready to be used from Credentials Provider. update(identityId, token); return token; } // If the app has a valid identityId return it, otherwise get a valid // identityId from your backend. @Override public String getIdentityId() { // Load the identityId from the cache identityId = cachedIdentityId; if (identityId == null) { // Call to your backend } else { return identityId; } } }

To use this identity provider, you have to pass it into CognitoCachingCredentialsProvider. Here's an example:

DeveloperAuthenticationProvider developerProvider = new DeveloperAuthenticationProvider( null, "IDENTITYPOOLID", context, Regions.USEAST1); CognitoCachingCredentialsProvider credentialsProvider = new CognitoCachingCredentialsProvider( context, developerProvider, Regions.USEAST1);

iOS - objective-C

To use developer-authenticated identities, implement your own identity provider class that extends AWSCognitoCredentialsProviderHelper. Your identity provider class should return a response object containing the token as an attribute.

@implementation DeveloperAuthenticatedIdentityProvider /* * Use the token method to communicate with your backend to get an * identityId and token. */ - (AWSTask <NSString*> *) token { //Write code to call your backend: //Pass username/password to backend or some sort of token to authenticate user //If successful, from backend call getOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentity with logins map //containing "":"enduser.username" //Return the identity id and token to client //You can use AWSTaskCompletionSource to do this asynchronously // Set the identity id and return the token self.identityId = response.identityId; return [AWSTask taskWithResult:response.token]; } @end

To use this identity provider, pass it into AWSCognitoCredentialsProvider as shown in the following example:

DeveloperAuthenticatedIdentityProvider * devAuth = [[DeveloperAuthenticatedIdentityProvider alloc] initWithRegionType:AWSRegionYOUR_IDENTITY_POOL_REGION identityPoolId:@"YOUR_IDENTITY_POOL_ID" useEnhancedFlow:YES identityProviderManager:nil]; AWSCognitoCredentialsProvider *credentialsProvider = [[AWSCognitoCredentialsProvider alloc] initWithRegionType:AWSRegionYOUR_IDENTITY_POOL_REGION identityProvider:devAuth];

If you want to support both unauthenticated identities and developer-authenticated identities, override the logins method in your AWSCognitoCredentialsProviderHelper implementation.

- (AWSTask<NSDictionary<NSString *, NSString *> *> *)logins { if(/*logic to determine if user is unauthenticated*/) { return [AWSTask taskWithResult:nil]; }else{ return [super logins]; } }

If you want to support developer-authenticated identities and social providers, you must manage who the current provider is in your logins implementation of AWSCognitoCredentialsProviderHelper.

- (AWSTask<NSDictionary<NSString *, NSString *> *> *)logins { if(/*logic to determine if user is unauthenticated*/) { return [AWSTask taskWithResult:nil]; }else if (/*logic to determine if user is Facebook*/){ return [AWSTask taskWithResult: @{ AWSIdentityProviderFacebook : [FBSDKAccessToken currentAccessToken] }]; }else { return [super logins]; } }

iOS - swift

To use developer-authenticated identities, implement your own identity provider class that extends AWSCognitoCredentialsProviderHelper. Your identity provider class should return a response object containing the token as an attribute.

import AWSCore /* * Use the token method to communicate with your backend to get an * identityId and token. */ class DeveloperAuthenticatedIdentityProvider : AWSCognitoCredentialsProviderHelper { override func token() -> AWSTask<NSString> { //Write code to call your backend: //pass username/password to backend or some sort of token to authenticate user, if successful, //from backend call getOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentity with logins map containing "":"enduser.username" //return the identity id and token to client //You can use AWSTaskCompletionSource to do this asynchronously // Set the identity id and return the token self.identityId = resultFromAbove.identityId return AWSTask(result: resultFromAbove.token) }

To use this identity provider, pass it into AWSCognitoCredentialsProvider as shown in the following example:

let devAuth = DeveloperAuthenticatedIdentityProvider(regionType: .YOUR_IDENTITY_POOL_REGION, identityPoolId: "YOUR_IDENTITY_POOL_ID", useEnhancedFlow: true, identityProviderManager:nil) let credentialsProvider = AWSCognitoCredentialsProvider(regionType: .YOUR_IDENTITY_POOL_REGION, identityProvider:devAuth) let configuration = AWSServiceConfiguration(region: .YOUR_IDENTITY_POOL_REGION, credentialsProvider:credentialsProvider) AWSServiceManager.default().defaultServiceConfiguration = configuration

If you want to support both unauthenticated identities and developer-authenticated identities, override the logins method in your AWSCognitoCredentialsProviderHelper implementation.

override func logins () -> AWSTask<NSDictionary> { if(/*logic to determine if user is unauthenticated*/) { return AWSTask(result:nil) }else { return super.logins() } }

If you want to support developer-authenticated identities and social providers, you must manage who the current provider is in your logins implementation of AWSCognitoCredentialsProviderHelper.

override func logins () -> AWSTask<NSDictionary> { if(/*logic to determine if user is unauthenticated*/) { return AWSTask(result:nil) }else if (/*logic to determine if user is Facebook*/){ if let token = AccessToken.current?.authenticationToken { return AWSTask(result: [AWSIdentityProviderFacebook:token]) } return AWSTask(error:NSError(domain: "Facebook Login", code: -1 , userInfo: ["Facebook" : "No current Facebook access token"])) }else { return super.logins() } }


Once you obtain an identity ID and session token from your backend, you will pass them into the AWS.CognitoIdentityCredentials provider. Here's an example.

AWS.config.credentials = new AWS.CognitoIdentityCredentials({ IdentityPoolId: 'IDENTITY_POOL_ID', IdentityId: 'IDENTITY_ID_RETURNED_FROM_YOUR_PROVIDER', Logins: { '': 'TOKEN_RETURNED_FROM_YOUR_PROVIDER' } });


To use developer-authenticated identities, you must extend CognitoAWSCredentials and override the RefreshIdentity method to retrieve the user identity id and token from your backend and return them. Following is a simple example of an identity provider that would contact a hypothetical backend at '':

using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using Amazon.CognitoIdentity; using System.Collections.Generic; using ThirdParty.Json.LitJson; using System; using System.Threading; public class DeveloperAuthenticatedCredentials : CognitoAWSCredentials { const string PROVIDER_NAME = ""; const string IDENTITY_POOL = "IDENTITY_POOL_ID"; static readonly RegionEndpoint REGION = RegionEndpoint.USEast1; private string login = null; public DeveloperAuthenticatedCredentials(string loginAlias) : base(IDENTITY_POOL, REGION) { login = loginAlias; } protected override IdentityState RefreshIdentity() { IdentityState state = null; ManualResetEvent waitLock = new ManualResetEvent(false); MainThreadDispatcher.ExecuteCoroutineOnMainThread(ContactProvider((s) => { state = s; waitLock.Set(); })); waitLock.WaitOne(); return state; } IEnumerator ContactProvider(Action<IdentityState> callback) { WWW www = new WWW(""+login); yield return www; string response = www.text; JsonData json = JsonMapper.ToObject(response); //The backend has to send us back an Identity and a OpenID token string identityId = json["IdentityId"].ToString(); string token = json["Token"].ToString(); IdentityState state = new IdentityState(identityId, PROVIDER_NAME, token, false); callback(state); } }

The code above uses a thread dispatcher object to call a coroutine. If you don't have a way to do this in your project, you can use the following script in your scenes:

using System; using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; public class MainThreadDispatcher : MonoBehaviour { static Queue<IEnumerator> _coroutineQueue = new Queue<IEnumerator>(); static object _lock = new object(); public void Update() { while (_coroutineQueue.Count > 0) { StartCoroutine(_coroutineQueue.Dequeue()); } } public static void ExecuteCoroutineOnMainThread(IEnumerator coroutine) { lock (_lock) { _coroutineQueue.Enqueue(coroutine); } } }


To use developer-authenticated identities, you must extend CognitoAWSCredentials and override the RefreshIdentity method to retrieve the user identity id and token from your backend and return them. Following is a basic example of an identity provider that would contact a hypothetical backend at '':

public class DeveloperAuthenticatedCredentials : CognitoAWSCredentials { const string PROVIDER_NAME = ""; const string IDENTITY_POOL = "IDENTITY_POOL_ID"; static readonly RegionEndpoint REGION = RegionEndpoint.USEast1; private string login = null; public DeveloperAuthenticatedCredentials(string loginAlias) : base(IDENTITY_POOL, REGION) { login = loginAlias; } protected override async Task<IdentityState> RefreshIdentityAsync() { IdentityState state = null; //get your identity and set the state return state; } }

Updating the logins map (Android and iOS only)


After successfully authenticating the user with your authentication system, update the logins map with the developer provider name and a developer user identifier. This is an alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies a user in your authentication system. Be sure to call the refresh method after updating the logins map as the identityId might have changed:

HashMap<String, String> loginsMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); loginsMap.put(developerAuthenticationProvider.getProviderName(), developerUserIdentifier); credentialsProvider.setLogins(loginsMap); credentialsProvider.refresh();

iOS - objective-C

The iOS SDK only calls your logins method to get the latest logins map if there are no credentials or they have expired. If you want to force the SDK to obtain new credentials (for example, your end user went from unauthenticated to authenticated and you want credentials against the authenticated user), call clearCredentials on your credentialsProvider.

[credentialsProvider clearCredentials];

iOS - swift

The iOS SDK only calls your logins method to get the latest logins map if there are no credentials or they have expired. If you want to force the SDK to obtain new credentials (e.g., your end user went from unauthenticated to authenticated and you want credentials against the authenticated user), call clearCredentials on your credentialsProvider.


Getting a token (server side)

You obtain a token by calling GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentity. This API must be invoked from your backend using Amazon developer credentials. It must not be invoked from the client SDK. The API receives the Cognito identity pool ID; a logins map containing your identity provider name as the key and identifier as the value; and optionally a Cognito identity ID (for example, you are making an unauthenticated user authenticated). The identifier can be the username of your user, an email address, or a numerical value. The API responds to your call with a unique Cognito ID for your user and an OpenID Connect token for the end user.

A few things to keep in mind about the token returned by GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentity:

  • You can specify a custom expiration time for the token so you can cache it. If you don't provide any custom expiration time, the token is valid for 15 minutes.

  • The maximum token duration that you can set is 24 hours.

  • Be mindful of the security implications of increasing the token duration. If an attacker obtains this token, they can exchange it for Amazon credentials for the end user for the token duration.

The following Java snippet shows how to initialize an Amazon Cognito client and retrieve a token for a developer-authenticated identity.

// authenticate your end user as appropriate // .... // if authenticated, initialize a cognito client with your AWS developer credentials AmazonCognitoIdentity identityClient = new AmazonCognitoIdentityClient( new BasicAWSCredentials("access_key_id", "secret_access_key") ); // create a new request to retrieve the token for your end user GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityRequest request = new GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityRequest(); request.setIdentityPoolId("YOUR_COGNITO_IDENTITY_POOL_ID"); request.setIdentityId("YOUR_COGNITO_IDENTITY_ID"); //optional, set this if your client has an //identity ID that you want to link to this //developer account // set up your logins map with the username of your end user HashMap<String,String> logins = new HashMap<>(); logins.put("YOUR_IDENTITY_PROVIDER_NAME","YOUR_END_USER_IDENTIFIER"); request.setLogins(logins); // optionally set token duration (in seconds) request.setTokenDuration(60 * 15l); GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityResult response = identityClient.getOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentity(request); // obtain identity id and token to return to your client String identityId = response.getIdentityId(); String token = response.getToken(); //code to return identity id and token to client //...

Following the preceding steps, you should be able to integrate developer-authenticated identities in your app. If you have any issues or questions please feel free to post in our forums.

Connect to an existing social identity

All linking of providers when you are using developer-authenticated identities must be done from your backend. To connect a custom identity to a user's social identity (Login with Amazon, Sign in with Apple, Facebook, or Google), add the identity provider token to the logins map when you call GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentity. To make this possible, when you call your backend from your client SDK to authenticate your end user, additionally pass the end user's social provider token.

For example, if you are trying to link a custom identity to Facebook, you would add the Facebook token in addition to your identity provider identifier to the logins map when you call GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentity.


Supporting transition between providers


Your application might require supporting unauthenticated identities or authenticated identities using public providers (Login with Amazon, Sign in with Apple, Facebook, or Google) along with developer-authenticated identities. The essential difference between developer-authenticated identities and other identities (unauthenticated identities and authenticated identities using public provider) is the way the identityId and token are obtained. For other identities, the mobile application will interact directly with Amazon Cognito instead of contacting your authentication system. So the mobile application should be able to support two distinct flows depending on the choice made by the app user. For this, you will have to make some changes to the custom identity provider.

The refresh method checks the logins map. If the map is not empty and has a key with developer provider name, then call your backend. Otherwise, call the getIdentityId method and return null.

public String refresh() { setToken(null); // If the logins map is not empty make a call to your backend // to get the token and identityId if (getProviderName() != null && !this.loginsMap.isEmpty() && this.loginsMap.containsKey(getProviderName())) { /** * This is where you would call your backend **/ // now set the returned identity id and token in the provider update(identityId, token); return token; } else { // Call getIdentityId method and return null this.getIdentityId(); return null; } }

Similarly the getIdentityId method will have two flows depending on the contents of the logins map:

public String getIdentityId() { // Load the identityId from the cache identityId = cachedIdentityId; if (identityId == null) { // If the logins map is not empty make a call to your backend // to get the token and identityId if (getProviderName() != null && !this.loginsMap.isEmpty() && this.loginsMap.containsKey(getProviderName())) { /** * This is where you would call your backend **/ // now set the returned identity id and token in the provider update(identityId, token); return token; } else { // Otherwise call &COG; using getIdentityId of super class return super.getIdentityId(); } } else { return identityId; } }

iOS - objective-C

Your application might require supporting unauthenticated identities or authenticated identities using public providers (Login with Amazon, Sign in with Apple, Facebook, or Google) along with developer-authenticated identities. To do this, override the AWSCognitoCredentialsProviderHelper logins method to be able to return the correct logins map based on the current identity provider. This example shows you how you might pivot between unauthenticated, Facebook and developer-authenticated.

- (AWSTask<NSDictionary<NSString *, NSString *> *> *)logins { if(/*logic to determine if user is unauthenticated*/) { return [AWSTask taskWithResult:nil]; }else if (/*logic to determine if user is Facebook*/){ return [AWSTask taskWithResult: @{ AWSIdentityProviderFacebook : [FBSDKAccessToken currentAccessToken] }]; }else { return [super logins]; } }

When you transition from unauthenticated to authenticated, you should call [credentialsProvider clearCredentials]; to force the SDK to get new authenticated credentials. When you switch between two authenticated providers and you aren't trying to link the two providers (for example, you are not providing tokens for multiple providers in your logins dictionary), call [credentialsProvider clearKeychain];. This will clear both the credentials and identity and force the SDK to get new ones.

iOS - swift

Your application might require supporting unauthenticated identities or authenticated identities using public providers (Login with Amazon, Sign in with Apple, Facebook, or Google) along with developer-authenticated identities. To do this, override the AWSCognitoCredentialsProviderHelper logins method to be able to return the correct logins map based on the current identity provider. This example shows you how you might pivot between unauthenticated, Facebook and developer-authenticated.

override func logins () -> AWSTask<NSDictionary> { if(/*logic to determine if user is unauthenticated*/) { return AWSTask(result:nil) }else if (/*logic to determine if user is Facebook*/){ if let token = AccessToken.current?.authenticationToken { return AWSTask(result: [AWSIdentityProviderFacebook:token]) } return AWSTask(error:NSError(domain: "Facebook Login", code: -1 , userInfo: ["Facebook" : "No current Facebook access token"])) }else { return super.logins() } }

When you transition from unauthenticated to authenticated, you should call credentialsProvider.clearCredentials() to force the SDK to get new authenticated credentials. When you switch between two authenticated providers and you aren't trying to link the two providers (i.e. you are not providing tokens for multiple providers in your logins dictionary), you should call credentialsProvider.clearKeychain(). This will clear both the credentials and identity and force the SDK to get new ones.


Your application might require supporting unauthenticated identities or authenticated identities using public providers (Login with Amazon, Sign in with Apple, Facebook, or Google) along with developer-authenticated identities. The essential difference between developer-authenticated identities and other identities (unauthenticated identities and authenticated identities using public provider) is the way the identityId and token are obtained. For other identities, the mobile application will interact directly with Amazon Cognito instead of contacting your authentication system. The mobile application should be able to support two distinct flows depending on the choice made by the app user. For this you will have to make some changes to the custom identity provider.

The recommended way to do it in Unity is to extend your identity provider from AmazonCognitoEnhancedIdentityProvide instead of AbstractCognitoIdentityProvider, and call the parent RefreshAsync method instead of your own in case the user is not authenticated with your own backend. If the user is authenticated, you can use the same flow explained before.


Your application might require supporting unauthenticated identities or authenticated identities using public providers (Login with Amazon, Sign in with Apple, Facebook, or Google) along with developer-authenticated identities. The essential difference between developer-authenticated identities and other identities (unauthenticated identities and authenticated identities using public provider) is the way the identityId and token are obtained. For other identities, the mobile application will interact directly with Amazon Cognito instead of contacting your authentication system. The mobile application should be able to support two distinct flows depending on the choice made by the app user. For this, you will have to make some changes to the custom identity provider.