autoscaling-group-elb-healthcheck-required - Amazon Config
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Checks if your Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling groups that are associated with an Elastic Load Balancer use Elastic Load Balancing health checks. The rule is NON_COMPLIANT if the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling groups are not using Elastic Load Balancing health checks.


Resource Types: AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup

Trigger type: Configuration changes

Amazon Web Services Region: All supported Amazon regions



Proactive Evaluation

For steps on how to run this rule in proactive mode, see Evaluating Your Resources with Amazon Config Rules. For this rule to return COMPLIANT in proactive mode, the resource configuration schema for the StartResourceEvaluation API needs to include the following inputs, encoded as a string:

"ResourceConfiguration": ... { "LoadBalancerNames": "[my-load-balancer-1, my-load-balancer-2, my-load-balancer-3, ...]", "HealthCheckType": HealthCheckType*" } ...

*The valid values are EC2 (default), ELB, and VPC_LATTICE. The VPC_LATTICE health check type is reserved for use with VPC Lattice, which is in preview release and is subject to change. For more information, see Health checks for Auto Scaling instances in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

For more information on proactive evaluation, see Evaluation Mode.

Amazon CloudFormation template

To create Amazon Config managed rules with Amazon CloudFormation templates, see Creating Amazon Config Managed Rules With Amazon CloudFormation Templates.