Viewing your savings opportunities - Amazon Cost Management
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Viewing your savings opportunities

You can view details about your recommended actions on the Savings opportunities page. Use filters to refine the list of savings opportunities, and learn more about each recommendation by using a split-view panel.

You can also group related recommendations. Cost Optimization Hub identifies recommended actions that interact with each other, and it reduces estimated aggregated savings based on the degree of overlap.

Cost Optimization Hub deduplicates amongst resource optimization strategies, such as stop and rightsize, and proposes the recommendation with the highest savings. It also considers the reduction in usage by implementing the recommendations.

For example, an EC2 instance can either be stopped or rightsized, but not both. When Cost Optimization Hub estimates aggregated savings for the instance, it chooses the actions with the highest savings (in this case, stop), and ignores the savings from rightsizing.

Cost Optimization Hub also deduplicates amongst Savings Plans and Reserved Instances recommendations with parity being given to three-year or all upfront Compute Savings Plans over EC2 Instance Savings Plans or Reserved Instances.