Using a custom Amazon machine image (AMI) - Amazon Elastic Beanstalk
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Using a custom Amazon machine image (AMI)

When you create an Amazon Elastic Beanstalk environment, you can specify an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) to use instead of the standard Elastic Beanstalk AMI included in your platform version. A custom AMI can improve provisioning times when instances are launched in your environment if you need to install a lot of software that isn't included in the standard AMIs.

Using configuration files is great for configuring and customizing your environment quickly and consistently. Applying configurations, however, can start to take a long time during environment creation and updates. If you do a lot of server configuration in configuration files, you can reduce this time by making a custom AMI that already has the software and configuration that you need.

A custom AMI also allows you to make changes to low-level components, such as the Linux kernel, that are difficult to implement or take a long time to apply in configuration files. To create a custom AMI, launch an Elastic Beanstalk platform AMI in Amazon EC2, customize the software and configuration to your needs, and then stop the instance and save an AMI from it.

Creating a custom AMI

To identify the base Elastic Beanstalk AMI
  1. In a command window, run a command like the following. For more information, see describe-platform-version in the Amazon CLI Command Reference.

    Specify the Amazon Region where you want to use your custom AMI, and replace the platform ARN and version number with the Elastic Beanstalk platform that your application is based on.

    Example - Mac OS / Linux OS
    $ aws elasticbeanstalk describe-platform-version --region us-west-2 \ --platform-arn "arn:aws-cn:elasticbeanstalk:us-west-2::platform/Tomcat 8.5 with Java 8 running on 64bit Amazon Linux/3.1.6" \ --query PlatformDescription.CustomAmiList [ { "VirtualizationType": "pv", "ImageId": "" }, { "VirtualizationType": "hvm", "ImageId": "ami-020ae06fdda6a0f66" } ]
    Example - Windows OS
    C:\> aws elasticbeanstalk describe-platform-version --region us-east-2 --platform-arn"arn:aws-cn:elasticbeanstalk:us-east-2::platform/IIS 10.0 running on 64bit Windows Server 2019/2.6.4" --query PlatformDescription.CustomAmiList [ { "VirtualizationType": "pv", "ImageId": "" }, { "VirtualizationType": "hvm", "ImageId": "ami-020ae06fdda6a0f66" } ]
  2. Take note of the ImageId value that looks like ami-020ae06fdda6a0f66 in the result.

The value is the stock Elastic Beanstalk AMI for the platform version, EC2 instance architecture, and Amazon Region that are relevant for your application. If you need to create AMIs for multiple platforms, architectures or Amazon Regions, repeat this process to identify the correct base AMI for each combination.

  • Don't create an AMI from an instance that has been launched in an Elastic Beanstalk environment. Elastic Beanstalk makes changes to instances during provisioning that can cause issues in the saved AMI. Saving an image from an instance in an Elastic Beanstalk environment will also make the version of your application that was deployed to the instance a fixed part of the image.

  • We recommend that you always use the latest platform version. When you update to a new platform version, we also recommend that you rebase your custom AMI to the new platform version's AMI. This minimizes deployment failures due to incompatible package or library versions.

For Linux, it is also possible to create a custom AMI from a community AMI that wasn't published by Elastic Beanstalk. You can use the latest Amazon Linux AMI as a starting point. When you launch an environment with a Linux AMI that isn't managed by Elastic Beanstalk, Elastic Beanstalk attempts to install platform software (language, framework, proxy server, etc.) and additional components to support features such as Enhanced Health Reporting.


Custom AMIs based on Windows Server require the stock Elastic Beanstalk AMI returned from describe-platform-version, as shown earlier in Step 1.

Although Elastic Beanstalk can use an AMI that isn't managed by Elastic Beanstalk, the increase in provisioning time that results from Elastic Beanstalk installing missing components can reduce or eliminate the benefits of creating a custom AMI in the first place. Other Linux distributions might work with some troubleshooting but are not officially supported. If your application requires a specific Linux distribution, one alternative is to create a Docker image and run it on the Elastic Beanstalk Docker platform or Multicontainer Docker platform.

To create a custom AMI
  1. Open the Amazon EC2 console at

  2. Choose Launch Instance.

  3. Choose Community AMIs.

  4. If you identified a base Elastic Beanstalk AMI (using describe-platform-version) or an Amazon Linux AMI, enter its AMI ID in the search box. Then press Enter.

    You can also search the list for another community AMI that suits your needs.


    We recommend that you choose an AMI that uses HVM virtualization. These AMIs show Virtualization type: hvm in their description.

    AMI with HVM virtualization type listed on EC2 console

    For details about instance virtualization types, see Linux AMI Virtualization Types in the Amazon EC2 User Guide or Windows AMI Virtualization Types in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.

  5. Choose Select to select the AMI.

  6. Select an instance type, and then choose Next: Configure Instance Details.

  7. (For Linux platforms) Expand the Advanced Details section and paste the following text in the User Data field.

    #cloud-config repo_releasever: repository version number repo_upgrade: none

    The repository version number is the year and month version in the AMI name. For example, AMIs based on the March 2015 release of Amazon Linux have a repository version number 2015.03. For an Elastic Beanstalk image, this matches the date shown in the solution stack name for your platform version based on Amazon Linux AMI (preceding Amazon Linux 2).


    The repo_releasever setting configures the lock-on-launch feature for an Amazon Linux AMI. This causes the AMI to use a fixed, specific repository version when it launches. This feature isn't supported on Amazon Linux 2—don't specify it if your environment uses a current Amazon Linux 2 platform branch. The setting is required if you're using a custom AMI with Elastic Beanstalk only on Amazon Linux AMI platform branches (preceding Amazon Linux 2).

    The repo_upgrade setting disables the automatic installation of security updates. It's required to use a custom AMI with Elastic Beanstalk.

  8. Proceed through the wizard to launch the EC2 instance. When prompted, select a key pair that you have access to so that you can connect to the instance for the next steps.

  9. Connect to the instance with SSH or RDP.

  10. Perform any customizations you want.

  11. (Windows platforms) Run the EC2Config service Sysprep. For information about EC2Config, see Configuring a Windows Instance Using the EC2Config Service. Ensure that Sysprep is configured to generate a random password that can be retrieved from the Amazon Web Services Management Console.

  12. In the Amazon EC2 console, stop the EC2 instance. Then on the Instance Actions menu, choose Create Image (EBS AMI).

  13. To avoid incurring additional Amazon charges, terminate the EC2 instance.

To use your custom AMI in an Elastic Beanstalk environment
  1. Open the Elastic Beanstalk console, and in the Regions list, select your Amazon Web Services Region.

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Environments, and then choose the name of your environment from the list.


    If you have many environments, use the search bar to filter the environment list.

  3. In the navigation pane, choose Configuration.

  4. In the Capacity configuration category, choose Edit.

  5. For AMI ID, enter your custom AMI ID.

  6. To save the changes choose Apply at the bottom of the page.

When you create a new environment with the custom AMI, you should use the same platform version that you used as a base to create the AMI. If you later apply a platform update to an environment using a custom AMI, Elastic Beanstalk attempts to apply the library and configuration updates during the bootstrapping process.

Cleaning up a custom AMI

When you are done with a custom AMI and don't need it to launch Elastic Beanstalk environments anymore, consider cleaning it up to minimize storage cost. Cleaning up a custom AMI involves deregistering it from Amazon EC2 and deleting other associated resources. For details, see Deregistering Your Linux AMI or Deregistering Your Windows AMI.