Troubleshooting: high availability issues - Amazon Storage Gateway
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Troubleshooting: high availability issues

You can find information following about actions to take if you experience availability issues.

Health notifications

When you run your gateway on VMware vSphere HA, all gateways produce the following health notifications to your configured Amazon CloudWatch log group. These notifications go into a log stream called AvailabilityMonitor.

Notification: Reboot

You can get a reboot notification when the gateway VM is restarted. You can restart a gateway VM by using the VM Hypervisor Management console or the Storage Gateway console. You can also restart by using the gateway software during the gateway's maintenance cycle.

Action to Take

If the time of the reboot is within 10 minutes of the gateway's configured maintenance start time, this is probably a normal occurrence and not a sign of any problem. If the reboot occurred significantly outside the maintenance window, check whether the gateway was restarted manually.

Notification: HardReboot

You can get a HardReboot notification when the gateway VM is restarted unexpectedly. Such a restart can be due to loss of power, a hardware failure, or another event. For VMware gateways, a reset by vSphere High Availability Application Monitoring can cause this event.

Action to Take

When your gateway runs in such an environment, check for the presence of the HealthCheckFailure notification and consult the VMware events log for the VM.

Notification: HealthCheckFailure

For a gateway on VMware vSphere HA, you can get a HealthCheckFailure notification when a health check fails and a VM restart is requested. This event also occurs during a test to monitor availability, indicated by an AvailabilityMonitorTest notification. In this case, the HealthCheckFailure notification is expected.


This notification is for VMware gateways only.

Action to Take

If this event repeatedly occurs without an AvailabilityMonitorTest notification, check your VM infrastructure for issues (storage, memory, and so on). If you need additional assistance, contact Amazon Web Services Support.

Notification: AvailabilityMonitorTest

For a gateway on VMware vSphere HA, you can get an AvailabilityMonitorTest notification when you run a test of the Availability and application monitoring system in VMware.


The AvailabilityNotifications metric is available on all gateways. This metric is a count of the number of availability-related health notifications generated by the gateway. Use the Sum statistic to observe whether the gateway is experiencing any availability-related events. Consult with your configured CloudWatch log group for details about the events.