Amazon IoT Device Defender demo - FreeRTOS
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Amazon IoT Device Defender demo


This demo is hosted on the Amazon-FreeRTOS repository which is deprecated. We recommend that you start here when you create a new project. If you already have an existing FreeRTOS project based on the now deprecated Amazon-FreeRTOS repository, see the Amazon-FreeRTOS Github Repository Migration Guide.


This demo shows you how to use the Amazon IoT Device Defender library to connect to Amazon IoT Device Defender. The demo uses the coreMQTT library to establish an MQTT connection over TLS (mutual authentication) to the Amazon IoT MQTT Broker and the coreJSON library to validate and parse responses received from the Amazon IoT Device Defender service. The demo shows you how to construct a JSON formatted report using metrics collected from the device, and how to submit the constructed report to the Amazon IoT Device Defender service. The demo also shows how to register a callback function with the coreMQTT library to handle the responses from the Amazon IoT Device Defender service to confirm whether a sent report was accepted or rejected.


To set up and run the FreeRTOS demos, follow the steps in Getting Started with FreeRTOS.


This demo creates a single application task that demonstrates how to collect metrics, construct a device defender report in JSON format, and submit it to the Amazon IoT Device Defender service through a secure MQTT connection to the Amazon IoT MQTT Broker. The demo includes the standard networking metrics as well as custom metrics. For custom metrics, the demo includes:

  • A metric named "task_numbers" which is a list of FreeRTOS task IDs. The type of this metric is "list of numbers".

  • A metric named "stack_high_water_mark" which is the stack high watermark for the demo application task. The type of this metric is "number".

How we collect networking metrics depends on the TCP/IP stack in use. For FreeRTOS+TCP and supported lwIP configurations, we provide metrics collection implementations that collect real metrics from the device and submit them in the Amazon IoT Device Defender report. You can find the implementations for FreeRTOS+TCP and lwIP on GitHub.

For boards using any other TCP/IP stack, we provide stub definitions of the metrics collection functions that return zeros for all networking metrics. Implement the functions in freertos/demos/device_defender_for_aws/metrics_collector/stub/metrics_collector.c for your network stack to send real metrics. The file is also available on the GitHub website.

For ESP32, the default lwIP configuration does not use core locking and therefore the demo will use stubbed metrics. If you want to use the reference lwIP metrics collection implementation, define the following macros in lwiopts.h:


The following is an example output when you run the demo.

Console log output showing MQTT connection, publishing, and memory usage events for the DemoThing application.

If your board isn't using FreeRTOS+TCP or a supported lwIP configuration, the output will look like the following.

Log messages showing MQTT connection establishment, topic subscription attempts, publishing payloads, and packet handling for a demo application.

The source code of the demo is in your download in freertos/demos/device_defender_for_aws/ directory or on the GitHub website.

Subscribing to Amazon IoT Device Defender topics

The subscribeToDefenderTopics function subscribes to the MQTT topics on which responses to published Device Defender reports will be received. It uses the macro DEFENDER_API_JSON_ACCEPTED to construct the topic string on which responses for accepted device defender reports are received. It uses the macro DEFENDER_API_JSON_REJECTED to construct the topic string on which responses for rejected device defender reports will be received.

Collecting device metrics

The collectDeviceMetrics function gathers networking metrics using the functions defined in metrics_collector.h. The metrics collected are the number of bytes and packets sent and received, the open TCP ports, the open UDP ports, and the established TCP connections.

Generating the Amazon IoT Device Defender report

The generateDeviceMetricsReportfunction generates a device defender report using the function defined in report_builder.h. That function takes the networking metrics and a buffer, creates a JSON document in the format as expected by Amazon IoT Device Defender and writes it to the provided buffer. The format of the JSON document expected by Amazon IoT Device Defender is specified in Device-side metrics in the Amazon IoT Developer Guide.

Publishing the Amazon IoT Device Defender report

The Amazon IoT Device Defender report is published on the MQTT topic for publishing JSON Amazon IoT Device Defender reports. The report is constructed using the macro DEFENDER_API_JSON_PUBLISH, as shown in this code snippet on the GitHub website.

Callback for handling responses

The publishCallback function handles incoming MQTT publish messages. It uses the Defender_MatchTopic API from the Amazon IoT Device Defender library to check if the incoming MQTT message is from the Amazon IoT Device Defender service. If the message is from the Amazon IoT Device Defender service, it parses the received JSON response and extracts the report ID in the response. The report ID is then verified to be the same as the one sent in the report.