Understanding results and logs - Amazon IoT Greengrass
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Amazon IoT Greengrass Version 1 entered the extended life phase on June 30, 2023. For more information, see the Amazon IoT Greengrass V1 maintenance policy. After this date, Amazon IoT Greengrass V1 won't release updates that provide features, enhancements, bug fixes, or security patches. Devices that run on Amazon IoT Greengrass V1 won't be disrupted and will continue to operate and to connect to the cloud. We strongly recommend that you migrate to Amazon IoT Greengrass Version 2, which adds significant new features and support for additional platforms.

Understanding results and logs

This section describes how to view and interpret IDT result reports and logs.

Viewing results

While running, IDT writes errors to the console, log files, and test reports. After IDT completes the qualification test suite, it generates two test reports. These reports can be found in <device-tester-extract-location>/results/<execution-id>/. Both reports capture the results from the qualification test suite execution.

The awsiotdevicetester_report.xml is the qualification test report that you submit to Amazon to list your device in the Amazon Partner Device Catalog. The report contains the following elements:

  • The IDT version.

  • The Amazon IoT Greengrass version that was tested.

  • The SKU and the device pool name specified in the device.json file.

  • The features of the device pool specified in the device.json file.

  • The aggregate summary of test results.

  • A breakdown of test results by libraries that were tested based on the device features (for example, local resource access, shadow, MQTT, and so on).

The GGQ_Result.xml report is in JUnit XML format. You can integrate it into continuous integration and deployment platforms like Jenkins, Bamboo, and so on. The report contains the following elements:

  • Aggregate summary of test results.

  • Breakdown of test results by the Amazon IoT Greengrass functionality that was tested.

Interpreting IDT reports

The report section in awsiotdevicetester_report.xml or awsiotdevicetester_report.xml lists the tests that were run and the results.

The first XML tag <testsuites> contains the summary of the test execution. For example:

<testsuites name="GGQ results" time="2299" tests="28" failures="0" errors="0" disabled="0">
Attributes used in the <testsuites> tag

The name of the test suite.


The time, in seconds, it took to run the qualification suite.


The number of tests executed.


The number of tests that were run, but did not pass.


The number of tests that IDT couldn't execute.


This attribute is not used and can be ignored.

The awsiotdevicetester_report.xml file contains an <awsproduct> tag that contains information about the product being tested and the product features that were validated after running a suite of tests.

Attributes used in the <awsproduct> tag

The name of the product being tested.


The version of the product being tested.


The features validated. Features marked as required are required to submit your board for qualification. The following snippet shows how this information appears in the awsiotdevicetester_report.xml file.

<feature name="aws-iot-greengrass-no-container" value="supported" type="required"></feature>

Features marked as optional are not required for qualification. The following snippets show optional features.

<feature name="aws-iot-greengrass-container" value="supported" type="optional"></feature>
 <feature name="aws-iot-greengrass-hsi" value="not-supported" type="optional"></feature>

If there are no test failures or errors for the required features, your device meets the technical requirements to run Amazon IoT Greengrass and can interoperate with Amazon IoT services. If you want to list your device in the Amazon Partner Device Catalog, you can use this report as qualification evidence.

In the event of test failures or errors, you can identify the test that failed by reviewing the <testsuites> XML tags. The <testsuite> XML tags inside the <testsuites> tag show the test result summary for a test group. For example:

<testsuite name="combination" package="" tests="1" failures="0" time="161" disabled="0" errors="0" skipped="0">

The format is similar to the <testsuites> tag, but with a skipped attribute that is not used and can be ignored. Inside each <testsuite> XML tag, there are <testcase> tags for each executed test for a test group. For example:

<testcase classname="Security Combination (IPD + DCM) Test Context" name="Security Combination IP Change Tests sec4_test_1: Should rotate server cert when IPD disabled and following changes are made:Add CIS conn info and Add another CIS conn info" attempts="1"></testcase>>
Attributes used in the <testcase> tag

The name of the test.


The number of times IDT executed the test case.

When a test fails or an error occurs, <failure> or <error> tags are added to the <testcase> tag with information for troubleshooting. For example:

<testcase classname="mcu.Full_MQTT" name="AFQP_MQTT_Connect_HappyCase" attempts="1"> <failure type="Failure">Reason for the test failure</failure> <error>Reason for the test execution error</error> </testcase>

Viewing logs

IDT generates logs from test execution in <devicetester-extract-location>/results/<execution-id>/logs. Two sets of logs are generated:


Logs generated from the Test Manager component of Amazon IoT Device Tester (for example, logs related to configuration, test sequencing, and report generation).

<test_case_id>.log (for example, ota.log)

Logs of the test group, including logs from the device under test. When a test fails, a tar.gz file that contains the logs of the device under test for the test is created (for example, ota_prod_test_1_ggc_logs.tar.gz).

For more information, see IDT for Amazon IoT Greengrass troubleshooting.