Specify job configurations by using the Amazon Web Services Management Console
You can add the different configurations for your job by using the Amazon IoT console. After you've created a job, you can see the status details of your job configurations on the job details page. For more information about the different configurations and how they work, see How job configurations work.
Add the job configurations when you create a job or a job template.
When creating a custom job template
To specify the rollout configuration when creating a custom job template
Go to the Job templates hub of the Amazon IoT console
and choose Create job template. -
Specify the job template properties, provide the job document, expand the configuration that you want to add, and then specify the configuration parameters.
When creating a custom job
To specify the rollout configuration when creating a custom job
Go to the Job hub of the Amazon IoT console
and choose Create job. -
Choose Create a custom job and specify the job properties, targets, and whether to use a job file or a template for the job document. You can use a custom template or an Amazon managed template.
Choose the job configuration and then expand Rollout configuration to specify whether to use a Constant rate or Exponential rate. Then, specify the configuration parameters.
The next section shows the parameters that you can specify for each configuration.
Rollout configuration
You can specify whether to use a constant rollout rate or an exponential rate.
Set a constant rollout rate
To set a constant rate for job executions, choose Constant rate, then specify the Maximum per minute for the upper limit of the rate. This value is optional and ranges from 1 to 1000. If you don't set it, it uses 1000 as the default value.
Set an exponential rollout rate
To set an exponential rate, choose Exponential rate and then specify these parameters:
Base rate per minute
The rate at which the jobs are executed until the Number of notified devices or Number of succeeded devices threshold is met for Rate increase criteria.
Increment factor
The exponential factor by which the rollout rate increases after the Number of notified devices or Number of succeeded devices threshold is met for Rate increase criteria.
Rate increase criteria
The threshold for either Number of notified devices or Number of succeeded devices.
Abort configuration
Choose Add new configuration and specify the following parameters for each configuration:
Failure type
Specifies the failure types that initiate a job abort. These include FAILED, REJECTED, TIMED_OUT, or ALL.
Increment factor
Specifies the number of completed job executions that must occur before the job abort criteria has been met.
Threshold percentage
Specifies the total number of executed things that initiate a job abort.
Scheduling configuration
Each job can start immediately upon initial creation, scheduled to start at a later date and time, or take place during a recurring maintenance window.
Choose Add new configuration and specify the following parameters for each configuration:
Job start
Specify the date and time when the job will start.
Recurring maintenance window
A recurring maintenance window defines the specific date and time that a job can deploy the job document to the target devices in the job. The maintenance window can repeat daily, weekly, monthly, or a custom day and time recurrence.
Job end
Specify the date and time when the job will end.
Job end behavior
Select an end behavior for all unfinished job executions when the job is over.
When a job with the optional scheduling configuration and selected end time reaches the end time, the job stops the rollout to all remaining devices in the target group. It also leverages the selected end behavior on how to proceed with the remaining job executions and their retry attempts per the retry configuration.
Timeout configuration
By default, there's no timeout and your job runs canceled or deleted. To use timeouts, choose Enable timeout, and then specify a timeout value between 1 minute and 7 days.
Retry configuration
After a job has been created, the number of retries can't be updated. You can only remove the retry configuration for all failure types. When you're creating a job, consider the appropriate number of retries to use for your configuration. To avoid incurring excess costs because of potential retry failures, add an abort configuration.
Choose Add new configuration and specify the following parameters for each configuration:
Failure type
Specifies the failure types that should trigger a job execution retry. These include Failed, Timeout, and All.
Number of retries
Specifies the number of retries for the chosen Failure type. For both failure types combined, up to 10 retries can be attempted.