Viewing KMS keys in an external key store - Amazon Key Management Service
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Viewing KMS keys in an external key store

To view the KMS keys in an external key store, use the Amazon KMS console or the DescribeKey operation. You can use the same techniques that you would use to view any Amazon KMS customer managed keys. To learn the basics, see Viewing keys.

In the Amazon KMS console, the KMS keys in your external key store are displayed on the Customer managed keys page, along with all other customer managed keys in your Amazon Web Services account and Region. To identify KMS keys in an external key store, filter by the distinctive origin value, External key store, and the custom key store ID.

For more information, see Viewing an external key store, Monitoring an external key store, and Logging Amazon KMS API calls with Amazon CloudTrail.

Properties of KMS keys in an external key store

Like all KMS keys, the KMS keys in an external key store, have a key ARN, key spec, and key usage values, but they also have properties and property values specific to KMS keys in an external key store. For example, the Origin value for all KMS keys in external key stores is External key store.

For a KMS key in an external key store, the Cryptographic configuration tab in the Amazon KMS console include two additional sections, Custom key store and External key.

Custom key store properties

The following values appear in the Custom key store section of the Cryptographic configuration tab and in the DescribeKey response. These properties apply to all custom key stores, including Amazon CloudHSM key stores and external key stores.

Custom key store ID

A unique ID that Amazon KMS assigns to the custom key store.

Custom key store name

A friendly name that you assign to the custom key store when you create it. You can change this value at any time.

Custom key store type

The type of custom key store. Valid values are Amazon CloudHSM (AWS_CLOUDHSM) or External key store (EXTERNAL_KEY_STORE). You cannot change the type after you create the custom key store.

Creation date

The date that the custom key store was created. This date is displayed in local time for the Amazon Web Services Region.

Connection state

Indicates whether the custom key store is connected to its backing key store. The connection state is DISCONNECTED only if the custom key store has never been connected to its backing key store, or it has been intentionally disconnected. For details, see Connection state.

External key properties

External key properties appear in the External key section of the Cryptographic configuration tab and in the XksKeyConfiguration element of the DescribeKey response.

The External key section appears in the Amazon KMS console only for KMS keys in external key stores. It provides information about the external key associated with the KMS key. The external key is a cryptographic key outside of Amazon that serves as the key material for the KMS key in the external key store. When you encrypt or decrypt with the KMS key, the operation is performed by your external key manager using the specified external key.

The following values appear in the External key section.

External key ID

The identifier for the external key in its external key manager. This is the value that the external key store proxy uses to identify the external key. You specify the ID of the external key when you create the KMS key and you cannot change it. If the external key ID value that you used to create the KMS key changes or becomes invalid, you must schedule the KMS key for deletion and create a new KMS key with the correct external key ID value.

Viewing KMS keys in an external key store (console)

To view the KMS keys in an external key store (Console)

  1. Open the Amazon KMS console at

  2. To change the Amazon Web Services Region, use the Region selector in the upper-right corner of the page.

  3. In the navigation pane, choose Customer managed keys.

  4. To identify the KMS keys in your external key store, add the Origin and Custom key store ID fields to your key table. KMS keys in any external key store have an Origin value of External key store.

    In the upper-right corner, choose the gear icon, choose Origin and Custom key store ID, then choose Confirm.

  5. Choose the alias or key ID of a KMS key in an external key store.

  6. To view the properties specific to KMS keys in an external key store, choose the Cryptographic configuration tab. Special values for KMS keys in an external key store appear in the Custom key store and External key sections.

Viewing KMS keys in an external key store (Amazon KMS API)

To view the KMS keys in an external key store (API)

You use the same Amazon KMS API operations to view the KMS keys in an external key store that you would use for any KMS key, including ListKeys, DescribeKey, and GetKeyPolicy. For example, the following describe-key operation in the Amazon CLI shows the special fields for a KMS key in an external key store. Before running a command like this one, replace the example KMS key ID with a valid value.

$ aws kms describe-key --key-id 1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab { "KeyMetadata": { "Arn": "arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:111122223333:key/1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab", "AWSAccountId": "111122223333", "CreationDate": "2022-12-02T07:48:55-07:00", "CustomerMasterKeySpec": "SYMMETRIC_DEFAULT", "CustomKeyStoreId": "cks-1234567890abcdef0", "Description": "", "Enabled": true, "EncryptionAlgorithms": [ "SYMMETRIC_DEFAULT" ], "KeyId": "1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab", "KeyManager": "CUSTOMER", "KeySpec": "SYMMETRIC_DEFAULT", "KeyState": "Enabled", "KeyUsage": "ENCRYPT_DECRYPT", "MultiRegion": false, "Origin": "EXTERNAL_KEY_STORE", "XksKeyConfiguration": { "Id": "bb8562717f809024" } } }