Troubleshooting Lake Formation
If you encounter issues when working with Amazon Lake Formation, consult the topics in this section.
General troubleshooting
Use the information here to help you diagnose and fix various Lake Formation issues.
Error: Insufficient Lake Formation permissions on <Amazon S3 location>
An attempt was made to create or alter a Data Catalog resource without data location permissions on the Amazon S3 location pointed to by the resource.
If a Data Catalog database or table points to an Amazon S3 location, when you grant the Lake Formation
permissions CREATE_TABLE
, you must also grant the
permission on the location. If you are granting these
permissions to external accounts or to organizations, you must include the grant option.
After these permissions are granted to an external account, the data lake administrator in
that account must then grant the permissions to principals (users or roles) in the account. When
permission that was received from another
account, you must specify the catalog ID (Amazon account ID) of the owner account. The owner
account is the account that registered the location.
For more information, see Underlying data access control and Granting data location permissions.
Error: "Insufficient encryption key permissions for Glue API"
An attempt was made to grant Lake Formation permissions without Amazon Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions on the Amazon KMS encryption key for an encrypted Data Catalog.
My Amazon Athena or Amazon Redshift query that uses manifests is failing
Lake Formation does not support queries that use manifests.
Error: "Insufficient Lake Formation permission(s): Required create tag on catalog"
The user/role must be a data lake administrator.
Error when deleting invalid data lake administrators
You should delete all invalid data lake administrators (deleted IAM roles that are defined as data lake administrators) simultaneously. If you try to delete invalid data lake administrators separately, Lake Formation throws invalid principal error.
Troubleshooting cross-account access
Use the information here to help you diagnose and fix cross-account access issues.
- I granted a cross-account Lake Formation permission but the recipient can't see the resource
- Principals in the recipient account can see the Data Catalog resource but can't access the underlying data
- Error: "Association failed because the caller was not authorized" when accepting a Amazon RAM resource share invitation
- Error: "Not authorized to grant permissions for the resource"
- Error: "Access denied to retrieve Amazon Organization information"
- Error: "Organization <organization-ID> not found"
- Error: "Insufficient Lake Formation permissions: Illegal combination"
- ConcurrentModificationException on grant/revoke requests to external accounts
- Error when using Amazon EMR to access data shared via cross-account
I granted a cross-account Lake Formation permission but the recipient can't see the resource
Is the user in the recipient account a data lake administrator? Only data lake administrators can see the resource at the time of sharing.
Are you sharing with an account external to your organization by using the named resource method? If so, the data lake administrator of the recipient account must accept a resource share invitation in Amazon Resource Access Manager (Amazon RAM).
For more information, see Accepting a resource share invitation from Amazon RAM.
Are you using account-level (Data Catalog) resource policies in Amazon Glue? If yes, then if you use the named resources method, you must include a special statement in the policy that authorizes Amazon RAM to share policies on your behalf.
For more information, see Managing cross-account permissions using both Amazon Glue and Lake Formation.
Do you have the Amazon Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions required to grant cross-account access?
For more information, see Prerequisites.
The resource that you've granted permissions on must not have any Lake Formation permissions granted to the
group. -
Is there a
statement on the resource in the account-level policy?
Principals in the recipient account can see the Data Catalog resource but can't access the underlying data
Principals in the recipient account must have the required Amazon Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions. For details, see Accessing the underlying data of a shared table.
Error: "Association failed because the caller was not authorized" when accepting a Amazon RAM resource share invitation
After granting access to a resource to a different account, when the receiving account attempts to accept the resource share invitation, the action fails.
$ aws ram get-resource-share-associations --association-type PRINCIPAL --resource-share-arns arn:aws-cn:ram:
:444444444444:resource-share/e1d1f4ba-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx5d8d { "resourceShareAssociations": [ { "resourceShareArn": "arn:aws-cn:ram:aws-region
:444444444444:resource-share/e1d1f4ba-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx5d8d ", "resourceShareName": "LakeFormation-MMCC0XQBH3Y", "associatedEntity": "5815803XXXXX", "associationType": "PRINCIPAL", "status": "FAILED", "statusMessage": "Association failed because the caller was not authorized.", "creationTime": "2021-07-12T02:20:10.267000+00:00", "lastUpdatedTime": "2021-07-12T02:20:51.830000+00:00", "external": true } ] }
The error occurs because the glue:PutResourcePolicy
is invoked by
Amazon Glue when the receiving account accepts the resource share invitation. To
resolve the issue, allow the glue:PutResourcePolicy
action by the assumed role used
by the producer/grantor account.
Error: "Not authorized to grant permissions for the resource"
An attempt was made to grant cross-account permissions on a database or table that is owned by another account. When a database or table is shared with your account, as a data lake administrator, you can grant permissions on it only to users in your account.
Error: "Access denied to retrieve Amazon Organization information"
Your account is an Amazon Organizations management account and you do not have the required permissions to retrieve organization information, such as organizational units in the account.
For more information, see Required permissions for cross-account grants.
Error: "Organization <organization-ID> not found"
An attempt was made to share a resource with an organization, but sharing with organizations is not enabled. Enable resource sharing with organizations.
For more information, see Enable Sharing with Amazon Organizations in the Amazon RAM User Guide.
Error: "Insufficient Lake Formation permissions: Illegal combination"
A user shared a Data Catalog resource while Lake Formation permissions were granted to the
group for the resource. The user must revoke all Lake Formation
permissions from IAMAllowedPrincipals
before sharing the resource.
ConcurrentModificationException on grant/revoke requests to external accounts
When users make multiple concurrent grant and/or revoke permission requests for a principal
on LF-Tag policies, then Lake Formation throws ConcurrentModificationException. Users need to catch
the exception and retry the failed the grant/revoke request. Using batch versions of the
API operations - BatchGrantPermissionsand BatchRevokePermissions alleviates this problem to an extent by reducing the
number of concurrent grant/revoke requests.
Error when using Amazon EMR to access data shared via cross-account
When you use Amazon EMR to access data shared with you from another account, some Spark
libraries will attempt to call Glue:GetUserDefinedFunctions
API operation. Since
versions 1 and 2 of the Amazon RAM managed permissions does not support this action, you receive the
following error message:
"ERROR: User: arn:aws:sts::012345678901:assumed-role/my-spark-role/i-06ab8c2b59299508a is not authorized to perform: glue:GetUserDefinedFunctions on resource: arn:exampleCatalogResource because no resource-based policy allows the glue:GetUserDefinedFunctions action"
To resolve this error, the data lake administrator who created the resource share must
update the Amazon RAM managed permissions attached to the resource share. Version 3 of the Amazon RAM
managed permissions allows principals to perform the glue:GetUserDefinedFunctions
If you create a new resource share, Lake Formation applies the latest version of the Amazon RAM managed permission by default, and no action is required by you. To enable cross-account data access for existing resource shares, you need to update the Amazon RAM managed permissions to version 3.
You can view the Amazon RAM permissions assigned to resources shared with you in Amazon RAM. The following permissions are included in version 3:
Databases AWSRAMPermissionGlueDatabaseReadWriteForCatalog AWSRAMPermissionGlueDatabaseReadWrite Tables AWSRAMPermissionGlueTableReadWriteForCatalog AWSRAMPermissionGlueTableReadWriteForDatabase AllTables AWSRAMPermissionGlueAllTablesReadWriteForCatalog AWSRAMPermissionGlueAllTablesReadWriteForDatabase
To update Amazon RAM managed permissions version of existing resource shares
You (data lake administrator) can either update Amazon RAM managed permissions to a newer version
Troubleshooting blueprints and workflows
Use the information here to help you diagnose and fix blueprint and workflow issues.
- My blueprint failed with "User: <user-ARN> is not authorized to perform: iam:PassRole on resource: <role-ARN>"
- My workflow failed with "User: <user-ARN> is not authorized to perform: iam:PassRole on resource: <role-ARN>"
- A crawler in my workflow failed with "Resource does not exist or requester is not authorized to access requested permissions"
- A crawler in my workflow failed with "An error occurred (AccessDeniedException) when calling the CreateTable operation..."
My blueprint failed with "User: <user-ARN> is not authorized to perform: iam:PassRole on resource: <role-ARN>"
An attempt was made to create a blueprint by a user who does not have sufficient permissions to pass the chosen role.
Update the user’s IAM policy to be able to pass the role, or ask the user to choose a different role with the required passrole permissions.
For more information, see Lake Formation personas and IAM permissions reference.
My workflow failed with "User: <user-ARN> is not authorized to perform: iam:PassRole on resource: <role-ARN>"
The role that you specified for the workflow did not have an inline policy allowing the role to pass itself.
For more information, see (Optional) Create an IAM role for workflows.
A crawler in my workflow failed with "Resource does not exist or requester is not authorized to access requested permissions"
One possible cause is that the passed role did not have sufficient permissions to create a
table in the target database. Grant the role the CREATE_TABLE
permission on the
A crawler in my workflow failed with "An error occurred (AccessDeniedException) when calling the CreateTable operation..."
One possible cause is that the workflow role did not have data location permissions on the target storage location. Grant data location permissions to the role.
For more information, see DATA_LOCATION_ACCESS.