Using Amazon Database Migration Service to load data into Amazon Neptune from a different data store
Amazon Database Migration Service (Amazon DMS) can load data into Neptune from supported source databases quickly and securely. The source database remains fully operational during the migration, minimizing downtime for applications that rely on it.
You can find detailed information about Amazon DMS in the Amazon Database Migration Service User Guide and the Amazon Database Migration Service API Reference. In particular, you can find out how to set up a Neptune cluster as a target for migration in Using Amazon Neptune as a Target for Amazon Database Migration Service.
Here are some prerequisites for importing data into Neptune using Amazon DMS:
You will need to create a Amazon DMS table mapping object to define how data should be extracted from the source database (see Specifying table selection and transformations by table mapping using JSON in the Amazon DMS Userguide for details). This table mapping configuration object specifies which tables should be read and in what order, and how their columns are named. It can also filter the rows being copied and provide simple value transformations such as converting to lower case or rounding.
You will need to create a Neptune
to specify how the data extracted from the source database should be loaded into Neptune. For RDF data (queried using SPARQL), theGraphMappingConfig
is written in the W3's standard R2RMLmapping language. For property graph data (queried using Gremlin), the GraphMappingConfig
is a JSON object, described in GraphMappingConfig Layout for Property-Graph/Gremlin Data.You must use Amazon DMS to create a replication instance in the same VPC as your Neptune DB cluster, to mediate the transfer of data.
You will also need an Amazon S3 bucket to be used as intermediate storage for staging the migration data.