Using Dashboards (co-located with cluster) with Amazon OpenSearch Service - Amazon OpenSearch Service
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Using Dashboards (co-located with cluster) with Amazon OpenSearch Service

Dashboards (co-located with cluster) is an open-source visualization tool designed to work with OpenSearch. Amazon OpenSearch Service provides an installation of Dashboards with every OpenSearch Service domain. Dashboards runs on the hot data nodes in the domain. If you are looking for documentation on the new centralized OpenSearch user interface that supports multiple data sources at one endpoint, see Centralized OpenSearch UI (Dashboards).

You can find a link to Dashboards on your domain dashboard in the OpenSearch Service console. For domains running OpenSearch, the URL is domain-endpoint/_dashboards/. For domains running legacy Elasticsearch, the URL is domain-endpoint/_plugin/kibana.

Queries using this default Dashboards installation have a 300-second timeout.


This documentation discusses Dashboards in the context of Amazon OpenSearch Service, including different ways to connect to it. For comprehensive documentation, including a getting started guide, instruction to create a dashboard, dashboards management, and Dashboards Query Language (DQL), see OpenSearch Dashboards in the open source OpenSearch documentation.

Controlling access to Dashboards

Dashboards does not natively support IAM users and roles, but OpenSearch Service offers several solutions for controlling access to Dashboards:

Using a proxy to access OpenSearch Service from Dashboards


This process is only applicable if your domain uses public access and you don't want to use Cognito authentication. See Controlling access to Dashboards .

Because Dashboards is a JavaScript application, requests originate from the user's IP address. IP-based access control might be impractical due to the sheer number of IP addresses you would need to allow in order for each user to have access to Dashboards. One workaround is to place a proxy server between Dashboards and OpenSearch Service. Then you can add an IP-based access policy that allows requests from only one IP address, the proxy's. The following diagram shows this configuration.

OpenSearch Service architecture with VPC, proxy, and client components for secure access.
  1. This is your OpenSearch Service domain. IAM provides authorized access to this domain. An additional, IP-based access policy provides access to the proxy server.

  2. This is the proxy server, running on an Amazon EC2 instance.

  3. Other applications can use the Signature Version 4 signing process to send authenticated requests to OpenSearch Service.

  4. Dashboards clients connect to your OpenSearch Service domain through the proxy.

To enable this sort of configuration, you need a resource-based policy that specifies roles and IP addresses. Here's a sample policy:

{ "Version":"2012-10-17", "Statement":[ { "Resource":"arn:aws:es:us-west-2:111111111111:domain/my-domain/*", "Principal":{ "AWS":"arn:aws:iam::111111111111:role/allowedrole1" }, "Action":[ "es:ESHttpGet" ], "Effect":"Allow" }, { "Effect":"Allow", "Principal":{ "AWS":"*" }, "Action":"es:*", "Condition":{ "IpAddress":{ "aws:SourceIp":[ "", "2001:DB8:1234:5678::/64" ] } }, "Resource":"arn:aws:es:us-west-2:111111111111:domain/my-domain/*" } ] }

We recommend that you configure the EC2 instance running the proxy server with an Elastic IP address. This way, you can replace the instance when necessary and still attach the same public IP address to it. To learn more, see Elastic IP Addresses in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.

If you use a proxy server and Cognito authentication, you might need to add settings for Dashboards and Amazon Cognito to avoid redirect_mismatch errors. See the following nginx.conf example:

server { listen 443; server_name $host; rewrite ^/$ https://$host/_plugin/_dashboards redirect; ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/cert.crt; ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/cert.key; ssl on; ssl_session_cache builtin:1000 shared:SSL:10m; ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2; ssl_ciphers HIGH:!aNULL:!eNULL:!EXPORT:!CAMELLIA:!DES:!MD5:!PSK:!RC4; ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on; location /_plugin/_dashboards { # Forward requests to Dashboards proxy_pass https://$dashboards_host/_plugin/_dashboards; # Handle redirects to Cognito proxy_redirect https://$cognito_host https://$host; # Update cookie domain and path proxy_cookie_domain $dashboards_host $host; proxy_cookie_path / /_plugin/_dashboards/; # Response buffer settings proxy_buffer_size 128k; proxy_buffers 4 256k; proxy_busy_buffers_size 256k; } location ~ \/(log|sign|fav|forgot|change|saml|oauth2) { # Forward requests to Cognito proxy_pass https://$cognito_host; # Handle redirects to Dashboards proxy_redirect https://$dashboards_host https://$host; # Update cookie domain proxy_cookie_domain $cognito_host $host; } }

(Optional) If you choose to provision a dedicated coordinator node, it will automatically start hosting OpenSearch Dashboards. As a result, the availability of data node resources such as CPU and memory is increased. This increased availability of data node resources can help to improve the overall resiliency of your domain.

Configuring Dashboards to use a WMS map server

The default installation of Dashboards for OpenSearch Service includes a map service, except for domains in the India and China Regions. The map service supports up to 10 zoom levels.

Regardless of your Region, you can configure Dashboards to use a different Web Map Service (WMS) server for coordinate map visualizations. Region map visualizations only support the default map service.

To configure Dashboards to use a WMS map server:
  1. Open Dashboards.

  2. Choose Stack Management.

  3. Choose Advanced Settings.

  4. Locate visualization:tileMap:WMSdefaults.

  5. Change enabled to true and url to the URL of a valid WMS map server:

    { "enabled": true, "url": "wms-server-url", "options": { "format": "image/png", "transparent": true } }
  6. Choose Save changes.

To apply the new default value to visualizations, you might need to reload Dashboards. If you have saved visualizations, choose Options after opening the visualization. Verify that WMS map server is enabled and WMS url contains your preferred map server, and then choose Apply changes.


Map services often have licensing fees or restrictions. You are responsible for all such considerations on any map server that you specify. You might find the map services from the U.S. Geological Survey useful for testing.

Connecting a local Dashboards server to OpenSearch Service

If you already invested significant time into configuring your own Dashboards instance, you can use it instead of (or in addition to) the default Dashboards instance that OpenSearch Service provides. The following procedure works for domains that use fine-grained access control with an open access policy.

To connect a local Dashboards server to OpenSearch Service
  1. On your OpenSearch Service domain, create a user with the appropriate permissions:

    1. In Dashboards, go to Security, Internal users, and choose Create internal user.

    2. Provide a username and password and choose Create.

    3. Go to Roles and select a role.

    4. Select Mapped users and choose Manage mapping.

    5. In Users, add your username and choose Map.

  2. Download and install the appropriate version of the OpenSearch security plugin on your self-managed Dashboards OSS installation.

  3. On your local Dashboards server, open the config/opensearch_dashboards.yml file and add your OpenSearch Service endpoint with the username and password you created earlier:

    opensearch.hosts: ['https://domain-endpoint'] opensearch.username: 'username' opensearch.password: 'password'

    You can use the following sample opensearch_dashboards.yml file: '' opensearch.hosts: ['https://domain-endpoint'] opensearchDashboards.index: ".username" opensearch.ssl.verificationMode: none # if not using HTTPS opensearch_security.auth.type: basicauth opensearch_security.auth.anonymous_auth_enabled: false false # set to true when using HTTPS opensearch_security.cookie.ttl: 3600000 opensearch_security.session.ttl: 3600000 opensearch_security.session.keepalive: false opensearch_security.multitenancy.enabled: false opensearch_security.readonly_mode.roles: ['opensearch_dashboards_read_only'] opensearch_security.auth.unauthenticated_routes: [] opensearch_security.basicauth.login.title: 'Please log in using your username and password' opensearch.username: 'username' opensearch.password: 'password' opensearch.requestHeadersWhitelist: [authorization, securitytenant, security_tenant]

To see your OpenSearch Service indexes, start your local Dashboards server, go to Dev Tools and run the following command:

GET _cat/indices

Managing indexes in Dashboards

The Dashboards installation on your OpenSearch Service domain provides a useful UI for managing indexes in different storage tiers on your domain. Choose Index Management from the Dashboards main menu to view all indexes in hot, UltraWarm, and cold storage, as well as indexes managed by Index State Management (ISM) policies. Use index management to move indexes between warm and cold storage, and to monitor migrations between the three tiers.

Index management interface showing cold indices with options to move to warm storage.

Note that you won't see the hot, warm, and cold index options unless you have UltraWarm and/or cold storage enabled.

Additional features

The default Dashboards installation on each OpenSearch Service domain has some additional features: