Phase 3: Migrate data from Studio Classic to Studio - Amazon SageMaker
Services or capabilities described in Amazon Web Services documentation might vary by Region. To see the differences applicable to the China Regions, see Getting Started with Amazon Web Services in China (PDF).

Phase 3: Migrate data from Studio Classic to Studio

Studio Classic and Studio use two different types of storage volumes. Studio Classic uses a single Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) volume to store data across all users and shared spaces in the domain. In Studio, each space gets its own Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volume. When you update the default experience of an existing domain, SageMaker doesn't automatically transfer data between these two types of volumes. As a result, user data that's stored in an Amazon EBS or Amazon EFS volume stays in that volume. If a user with data in Studio Classic accesses Studio after the default experience changes, they won’t automatically see their data in the JupyterLab or Code Editor, based on Code-OSS, Visual Studio Code - Open Source applications.

If users need access to files from Studio Classic in Studio applications, you must transfer the files from the user home directories to the Amazon EBS volumes associated with those spaces.

When migrating a user's data, code, and artifacts from Studio Classic to Studio, we recommend one of the following approaches:

  1. Using a custom Amazon EFS volume

  2. Using Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3)


Before running these steps, complete the prerequisites in Complete prerequisites to migrate the Studio experience. You must also complete the steps in Phase 1: Migrate the UI from Studio Classic to Studio.

Choosing an approach

Consider the following when choosing an approach to migrate your data.

Pros and cons of using a custom Amazon EFS volume

In this approach, you use an Amazon EFS-to-Amazon EFS Amazon DataSync task (one time or cadence) to copy data, then mount the target Amazon EFS volume to a user’s spaces. This gives users access to data from Studio Classic in their Studio compute environments.


  • Only the user’s home directory data is visible in the user's spaces. There is no data cross-pollination.

  • Syncing from the source Amazon EFS volume to a target Amazon EFS volume is safer than directly mounting the source Amazon EFS volume managed by SageMaker into spaces. This avoids the potential to impact home directory user files.

  • Users have the flexibility to continue working in Studio Classic and Studio applications, while having their data available in both applications if Amazon DataSync is set up on a regular cadence.

  • No need for repeated push and pull with Amazon S3.


  • No write access to the target Amazon EFS volume mounted to user's spaces. To get write access to the target Amazon EFS volume, customers would need to mount the target Amazon EFS volume to an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud instance and provide appropriate permissions for users to write to the Amazon EFS prefix.

  • Requires modification to the security groups managed by SageMaker to allow network file system (NFS) inbound and outbound flow.

  • Costs more than using Amazon S3.

Pros and cons of using Amazon S3

In this approach, you use an Amazon EFS-to-Amazon S3 Amazon DataSync task (one time or cadence) to copy data, then create a lifecycle configuration to copy the user’s data from Amazon S3 to their private space’s Amazon EBS volume.


  • If the LCC is attached to the domain, users can choose to use the LCC to copy data to their space or to run the space with no LCC script. This gives users the choice to copy their files only to the spaces they need.

  • If an Amazon DataSync task is set up on a cadence, users can restart their Studio application to get the latest files.

  • Because the data is copied over to Amazon EBS, users have write permissions on the files.

  • Amazon S3 storage is cheaper than Amazon EFS.


  • If administrators need to prevent cross-pollination, they must create Amazon Identity and Access Management policies at the user level to ensure users can only access the Amazon S3 prefix that contains their files.

In this approach, you use an Amazon EFS-to-Amazon EFS Amazon DataSync to copy the contents of a Studio Classic Amazon EFS volume to a target Amazon EFS volume once or in a regular cadence, then mount the target Amazon EFS volume to a user’s spaces. This gives users access to data from Studio Classic in their Studio compute environments.

  1. Create a target Amazon EFS volume. You will transfer data into this Amazon EFS volume and mount it to a corresponding user's space using prefix-level mounting.

    export SOURCE_DOMAIN_ID="domain-id" export REGION="region" export TARGET_EFS=$(aws efs create-file-system --performance-mode generalPurpose --throughput-mode bursting --encrypted --region $REGION | jq -r '.FileSystemId') echo "Target EFS volume Created: $TARGET_EFS"
  2. Add variables for the source Amazon EFS volume currently attached to the domain and used by all users. The domain's Amazon Virtual Private Cloud information is required to ensure the target Amazon EFS is created in the same Amazon VPC and subnet, with the same security group configuration.

    export SOURCE_EFS=$(aws sagemaker describe-domain --domain-id $SOURCE_DOMAIN_ID | jq -r '.HomeEfsFileSystemId') export VPC_ID=$(aws sagemaker describe-domain --domain-id $SOURCE_DOMAIN_ID | jq -r '.VpcId') echo "EFS managed by SageMaker: $SOURCE_EFS | VPC: $VPC_ID"
  3. Create an Amazon EFS mount target in the same Amazon VPC and subnet as the source Amazon EFS volume, with the same security group configuration. The mount target takes a few minutes to be available.

    export EFS_VPC_ID=$(aws efs describe-mount-targets --file-system-id $SOURCE_EFS | jq -r ".MountTargets[0].VpcId") export EFS_AZ_NAME=$(aws efs describe-mount-targets --file-system-id $SOURCE_EFS | jq -r ".MountTargets[0].AvailabilityZoneName") export EFS_AZ_ID=$(aws efs describe-mount-targets --file-system-id $SOURCE_EFS | jq -r ".MountTargets[0].AvailabilityZoneId") export EFS_SUBNET_ID=$(aws efs describe-mount-targets --file-system-id $SOURCE_EFS | jq -r ".MountTargets[0].SubnetId") export EFS_MOUNT_TARG_ID=$(aws efs describe-mount-targets --file-system-id $SOURCE_EFS | jq -r ".MountTargets[0].MountTargetId") export EFS_SG_IDS=$(aws efs describe-mount-target-security-groups --mount-target-id $EFS_MOUNT_TARG_ID | jq -r '.SecurityGroups[]') aws efs create-mount-target \ --file-system-id $TARGET_EFS \ --subnet-id $EFS_SUBNET_ID \ --security-groups $EFS_SG_IDS
  4. Create Amazon EFS source and destination locations for the Amazon DataSync task.

    export SOURCE_EFS_ARN=$(aws efs describe-file-systems --file-system-id $SOURCE_EFS | jq -r ".FileSystems[0].FileSystemArn") export TARGET_EFS_ARN=$(aws efs describe-file-systems --file-system-id $TARGET_EFS | jq -r ".FileSystems[0].FileSystemArn") export EFS_SUBNET_ID_ARN=$(aws ec2 describe-subnets --subnet-ids $EFS_SUBNET_ID | jq -r ".Subnets[0].SubnetArn") export ACCOUNT_ID=$(aws ec2 describe-security-groups --group-id $EFS_SG_IDS | jq -r ".SecurityGroups[0].OwnerId") export EFS_SG_ID_ARN=arn:aws:ec2:$REGION:$ACCOUNT_ID:security-group/$EFS_SG_IDS export SOURCE_LOCATION_ARN=$(aws datasync create-location-efs --subdirectory "/" --efs-filesystem-arn $SOURCE_EFS_ARN --ec2-config SubnetArn=$EFS_SUBNET_ID_ARN,SecurityGroupArns=$EFS_SG_ID_ARN --region $REGION | jq -r ".LocationArn") export DESTINATION_LOCATION_ARN=$(aws datasync create-location-efs --subdirectory "/" --efs-filesystem-arn $TARGET_EFS_ARN --ec2-config SubnetArn=$EFS_SUBNET_ID_ARN,SecurityGroupArns=$EFS_SG_ID_ARN --region $REGION | jq -r ".LocationArn")
  5. Allow traffic between the source and target network file system (NFS) mounts. When a new domain is created, SageMaker creates 2 security groups.

    • NFS inbound security group with only inbound traffic.

    • NFS outbound security group with only outbound traffic.

    The source and target NFS are placed inside the same security groups. You can allow traffic between these mounts from the Amazon Web Services Management Console or Amazon CLI.

    • Allow traffic from the Amazon Web Services Management Console

      1. Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management Console and open the Amazon VPC console at

      2. Choose Security Groups.

      3. Search for the existing domain's ID on the Security Groups page.


        The results should return two security groups that include the domain ID in the name.

        • security-group-for-inbound-nfs-domain-id

        • security-group-for-outbound-nfs-domain-id

      4. Select the inbound security group ID. This opens a new page with details about the security group.

      5. Select the Outbound Rules tab.

      6. Select Edit outbound rules.

      7. Update the existing outbound rules or add a new outbound rule with the following values:

        • Type: NFS

        • Protocol: TCP

        • Port range: 2049

        • Destination: security-group-for-outbound-nfs-domain-id | security-group-id

      8. Choose Save rules.

      9. Select the Inbound Rules tab.

      10. Select Edit inbound rules.

      11. Update the existing inbound rules or add a new outbound rule with the following values:

        • Type: NFS

        • Protocol: TCP

        • Port range: 2049

        • Destination: security-group-for-outbound-nfs-domain-id | security-group-id

      12. Choose Save rules.

    • Allow traffic from the Amazon CLI

      1. Update the security group inbound and outbound rules with the following values:

        • Protocol: TCP

        • Port range: 2049

        • Group ID: Inbound security group ID or outbound security group ID

        export INBOUND_SG_ID=$(aws ec2 describe-security-groups --filters "Name=group-name,Values=security-group-for-inbound-nfs-$SOURCE_DOMAIN_ID" | jq -r ".SecurityGroups[0].GroupId") export OUTBOUND_SG_ID=$(aws ec2 describe-security-groups --filters "Name=group-name,Values=security-group-for-outbound-nfs-$SOURCE_DOMAIN_ID" | jq -r ".SecurityGroups[0].GroupId") echo "Outbound SG ID: $OUTBOUND_SG_ID | Inbound SG ID: $INBOUND_SG_ID" aws ec2 authorize-security-group-egress \ --group-id $INBOUND_SG_ID \ --protocol tcp --port 2049 \ --source-group $OUTBOUND_SG_ID aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress \ --group-id $OUTBOUND_SG_ID \ --protocol tcp --port 2049 \ --source-group $INBOUND_SG_ID
      2. Add both the inbound and outbound security groups to the source and target Amazon EFS mount targets. This allows traffic between the 2 Amazon EFS mounts.

        export SOURCE_EFS_MOUNT_TARGET=$(aws efs describe-mount-targets --file-system-id $SOURCE_EFS | jq -r ".MountTargets[0].MountTargetId") export TARGET_EFS_MOUNT_TARGET=$(aws efs describe-mount-targets --file-system-id $TARGET_EFS | jq -r ".MountTargets[0].MountTargetId") aws efs modify-mount-target-security-groups \ --mount-target-id $SOURCE_EFS_MOUNT_TARGET \ --security-groups $INBOUND_SG_ID $OUTBOUND_SG_ID aws efs modify-mount-target-security-groups \ --mount-target-id $TARGET_EFS_MOUNT_TARGET \ --security-groups $INBOUND_SG_ID $OUTBOUND_SG_ID
  6. Create a Amazon DataSync task. This returns a task ARN that can be used to run the task on-demand or as part of a regular cadence.

    export EXTRA_XFER_OPTIONS='VerifyMode=ONLY_FILES_TRANSFERRED,OverwriteMode=ALWAYS,Atime=NONE,Mtime=NONE,Uid=NONE,Gid=NONE,PreserveDeletedFiles=REMOVE,PreserveDevices=NONE,PosixPermissions=NONE,TaskQueueing=ENABLED,TransferMode=CHANGED,SecurityDescriptorCopyFlags=NONE,ObjectTags=NONE' export DATASYNC_TASK_ARN=$(aws datasync create-task --source-location-arn $SOURCE_LOCATION_ARN --destination-location-arn $DESTINATION_LOCATION_ARN --name "SMEFS_to_CustomEFS_Sync" --region $REGION --options $EXTRA_XFER_OPTIONS | jq -r ".TaskArn")
  7. Start a Amazon DataSync task to automatically copy data from the source Amazon EFS to the target Amazon EFS mount. This does not retain the file's POSIX permissions, which allows users to read from the target Amazon EFS mount, but not write to it.

    aws datasync start-task-execution --task-arn $DATASYNC_TASK_ARN
  8. Mount the target Amazon EFS volume on the domain at the root level.

    aws sagemaker update-domain --domain-id $SOURCE_DOMAIN_ID \ --default-user-settings '{"CustomFileSystemConfigs": [{"EFSFileSystemConfig": {"FileSystemId": "'"$TARGET_EFS"'", "FileSystemPath": "/"}}]}'
  9. Overwrite every user profile with a FileSystemPath prefix. The prefix includes the user’s UID, which is created by SageMaker. This ensure user’s only have access to their data and prevents cross-pollination. When a space is created in the domain and the target Amazon EFS volume is mounted to the application, the user’s prefix overwrites the domain prefix. As a result, SageMaker only mounts the /user-id directory on the user's application.

    aws sagemaker list-user-profiles --domain-id $SOURCE_DOMAIN_ID | jq -r '.UserProfiles[] | "\(.UserProfileName)"' | while read user; do export uid=$(aws sagemaker describe-user-profile --domain-id $SOURCE_DOMAIN_ID --user-profile-name $user | jq -r ".HomeEfsFileSystemUid") echo "$user $uid" aws sagemaker update-user-profile --domain-id $SOURCE_DOMAIN_ID --user-profile-name $user --user-settings '{"CustomFileSystemConfigs": [{"EFSFileSystemConfig":{"FileSystemId": "'"$TARGET_EFS"'", "FileSystemPath": "'"/$uid/"'"}}]}' done
  10. Users can then select the custom Amazon EFS filesystem when launching an application. For more information, see JupyterLab user guide or Launch a Code Editor application in Studio.

In this approach, you use an Amazon EFS-to-Amazon S3 Amazon DataSync task to copy the contents of a Studio Classic Amazon EFS volume to an Amazon S3 bucket once or in a regular cadence, then create a lifecycle configuration to copy the user’s data from Amazon S3 to their private space’s Amazon EBS volume.


This approach only works for domains that have internet access.

  1. Set the source Amazon EFS volume ID from the domain containing the data that you are migrating.

    timestamp=$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S) export SOURCE_DOMAIN_ID="domain-id" export REGION="region" export ACCOUNT_ID=$(aws sts get-caller-identity --query Account --output text) export EFS_ID=$(aws sagemaker describe-domain --domain-id $SOURCE_DOMAIN_ID | jq -r '.HomeEfsFileSystemId')
  2. Set the target Amazon S3 bucket name. For information about creating an Amazon S3 bucket, see Creating a bucket. The bucket used must have a CORS policy as described in Update your CORS policy to access Amazon S3 buckets. Users in the domain must also have permissions to access the Amazon S3 bucket.

    In this example, we are copying files to a prefix named studio-new. If you are using a single Amazon S3 bucket to migrate multiple domains, use the studio-new/<domain-id> prefix to restrict permissions to the files using IAM.

    export BUCKET_NAME=s3-bucket-name export S3_DESTINATION_PATH=studio-new
  3. Create a trust policy that gives Amazon DataSync permissions to assume the execution role of your account.

    export TRUST_POLICY=$(cat <<EOF { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": "" }, "Action": "sts:AssumeRole", "Condition": { "StringEquals": { "aws:SourceAccount": "$ACCOUNT_ID" }, "ArnLike": { "aws:SourceArn": "arn:aws:datasync:$REGION:$ACCOUNT_ID:*" } } } ] } EOF )
  4. Create an IAM role and attach the trust policy.

    export timestamp=$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S) export ROLE_NAME="DataSyncS3Role-$timestamp" aws iam create-role --role-name $ROLE_NAME --assume-role-policy-document "$TRUST_POLICY" aws iam attach-role-policy --role-name $ROLE_NAME --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonS3FullAccess echo "Attached IAM Policy AmazonS3FullAccess" aws iam attach-role-policy --role-name $ROLE_NAME --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonSageMakerFullAccess echo "Attached IAM Policy AmazonSageMakerFullAccess" export ROLE_ARN=$(aws iam get-role --role-name $ROLE_NAME --query 'Role.Arn' --output text) echo "Created IAM Role $ROLE_ARN"
  5. Create a security group to give access to the Amazon EFS location.

    export EFS_ARN=$(aws efs describe-file-systems --file-system-id $EFS_ID | jq -r '.FileSystems[0].FileSystemArn' ) export EFS_SUBNET_ID=$(aws efs describe-mount-targets --file-system-id $EFS_ID | jq -r '.MountTargets[0].SubnetId') export EFS_VPC_ID=$(aws efs describe-mount-targets --file-system-id $EFS_ID | jq -r '.MountTargets[0].VpcId') export MOUNT_TARGET_ID=$(aws efs describe-mount-targets --file-system-id $EFS_ID | jq -r '.MountTargets[0].MountTargetId ') export EFS_SECURITY_GROUP_ID=$(aws efs describe-mount-target-security-groups --mount-target-id $MOUNT_TARGET_ID | jq -r '.SecurityGroups[0]') export EFS_SUBNET_ARN=$(aws ec2 describe-subnets --subnet-ids $EFS_SUBNET_ID | jq -r '.Subnets[0].SubnetArn') echo "Subnet ID: $EFS_SUBNET_ID" echo "Security Group ID: $EFS_SECURITY_GROUP_ID" echo "Subnet ARN: $EFS_SUBNET_ARN" timestamp=$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S) sg_name="datasync-sg-$timestamp" export DATASYNC_SG_ID=$(aws ec2 create-security-group --vpc-id $EFS_VPC_ID --group-name $sg_name --description "DataSync SG" --output text --query 'GroupId') aws ec2 authorize-security-group-egress --group-id $DATASYNC_SG_ID --protocol tcp --port 2049 --source-group $EFS_SECURITY_GROUP_ID aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress --group-id $EFS_SECURITY_GROUP_ID --protocol tcp --port 2049 --source-group $DATASYNC_SG_ID export DATASYNC_SG_ARN="arn:aws:ec2:$REGION:$ACCOUNT_ID:security-group/$DATASYNC_SG_ID" echo "Security Group ARN: $DATASYNC_SG_ARN"
  6. Create a source Amazon EFS location for the Amazon DataSync task.

    export SOURCE_ARN=$(aws datasync create-location-efs --efs-filesystem-arn $EFS_ARN --ec2-config "{\"SubnetArn\": \"$EFS_SUBNET_ARN\", \"SecurityGroupArns\": [\"$DATASYNC_SG_ARN\"]}" | jq -r '.LocationArn') echo "Source Location ARN: $SOURCE_ARN"
  7. Create a target Amazon S3 location for the Amazon DataSync task.

    export BUCKET_ARN="arn:aws:s3:::$BUCKET_NAME" export DESTINATION_ARN=$(aws datasync create-location-s3 --s3-bucket-arn $BUCKET_ARN --s3-config "{\"BucketAccessRoleArn\": \"$ROLE_ARN\"}" --subdirectory $S3_DESTINATION_PATH | jq -r '.LocationArn') echo "Destination Location ARN: $DESTINATION_ARN"
  8. Create a Amazon DataSync task.

    export TASK_ARN=$(aws datasync create-task --source-location-arn $SOURCE_ARN --destination-location-arn $DESTINATION_ARN | jq -r '.TaskArn') echo "DataSync Task: $TASK_ARN"
  9. Start the Amazon DataSync task. This task automatically copies data from the source Amazon EFS volume to the target Amazon S3 bucket. Wait for the task to be complete.

    aws datasync start-task-execution --task-arn $TASK_ARN
  10. Check the status of the Amazon DataSync task to verify that it is complete. Pass the ARN returned in the previous step.

    export TASK_EXEC_ARN=datasync-task-arn echo "Task execution ARN: $TASK_EXEC_ARN" export STATUS=$(aws datasync describe-task-execution --task-execution-arn $TASK_EXEC_ARN | jq -r '.Status') echo "Execution status: $STATUS" while [ "$STATUS" = "QUEUED" ] || [ "$STATUS" = "LAUNCHING" ] || [ "$STATUS" = "PREPARING" ] || [ "$STATUS" = "TRANSFERRING" ] || [ "$STATUS" = "VERIFYING" ]; do STATUS=$(aws datasync describe-task-execution --task-execution-arn $TASK_EXEC_ARN | jq -r '.Status') if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Error Running DataSync Task" exit 1 fi echo "Execution status: $STATUS" sleep 30 done
  11. After the Amazon DataSync task is complete, clean up the previously created resources.

    aws datasync delete-task --task-arn $TASK_ARN echo "Deleted task $TASK_ARN" aws datasync delete-location --location-arn $SOURCE_ARN echo "Deleted location source $SOURCE_ARN" aws datasync delete-location --location-arn $DESTINATION_ARN echo "Deleted location source $DESTINATION_ARN" aws iam detach-role-policy --role-name $ROLE_NAME --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonS3FullAccess aws iam detach-role-policy --role-name $ROLE_NAME --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonSageMakerFullAccess aws iam delete-role --role-name $ROLE_NAME echo "Deleted IAM Role $ROLE_NAME" echo "Wait 5 minutes for the elastic network interface to detach..." start_time=$(date +%s) while [[ $(($(date +%s) - start_time)) -lt 300 ]]; do sleep 1 done aws ec2 revoke-security-group-ingress --group-id $EFS_SECURITY_GROUP_ID --protocol tcp --port 2049 --source-group $DATASYNC_SG_ID echo "Revoked Ingress from $EFS_SECURITY_GROUP_ID" aws ec2 revoke-security-group-egress --group-id $DATASYNC_SG_ID --protocol tcp --port 2049 --source-group $EFS_SECURITY_GROUP_ID echo "Revoked Egress from $DATASYNC_SG_ID" aws ec2 delete-security-group --group-id $DATASYNC_SG_ID echo "Deleted DataSync SG $DATASYNC_SG_ID"
  12. From your local machine, create a file named with the following content. This script copies the user’s Amazon EFS home directory in Amazon S3 to the user’s Amazon EBS volume in Studio and creates a prefix for each user profile.

    #!/bin/bash set -eo pipefail sudo apt-get install -y jq # Studio Variables DOMAIN_ID=$(cat /opt/ml/metadata/resource-metadata.json | jq -r '.DomainId') SPACE_NAME=$(cat /opt/ml/metadata/resource-metadata.json | jq -r '.SpaceName') USER_PROFILE_NAME=$(aws sagemaker describe-space --domain-id=$DOMAIN_ID --space-name=$SPACE_NAME | jq -r '.OwnershipSettings.OwnerUserProfileName') # S3 bucket to copy from BUCKET=s3-bucket-name # Subfolder in bucket to copy PREFIX=studio-new # Getting HomeEfsFileSystemUid for the current user-profile EFS_FOLDER_ID=$(aws sagemaker describe-user-profile --domain-id $DOMAIN_ID --user-profile-name $USER_PROFILE_NAME | jq -r '.HomeEfsFileSystemUid') # Local destination directory DEST=./studio-classic-efs-backup mkdir -p $DEST echo "Bucket: s3://$BUCKET/$PREFIX/$EFS_FOLDER_ID/" echo "Destination $DEST/" echo "Excluding .*" echo "Excluding .*/*" aws s3 cp s3://$BUCKET/$PREFIX/$EFS_FOLDER_ID/ $DEST/ \ --exclude ".*" \ --exclude "**/.*" \ --recursive
  13. Convert your script into base64 format. This requirement prevents errors that occur from spacing and line break encoding. The script type can be either JupyterLab or CodeEditor.

    export LCC_SCRIPT_NAME='studio-classic-sync' export SCRIPT_FILE_NAME='' export SCRIPT_TYPE='JupyterLab-or-CodeEditor' LCC_CONTENT=`openssl base64 -A -in ${SCRIPT_FILE_NAME}`
  14. Verify the following before you use the script:

    • The Amazon EBS volume is large enough to store the objects that you're exporting.

    • You aren't migrating hidden files and folders, such as .bashrc and .condarc if you aren't intending to do so.

    • The Amazon Identity and Access Management (IAM) execution role that's associated with Studio user profiles has the policies configured to access only the respective home directory in Amazon S3.

  15. Create a lifecycle configuration using your script.

    aws sagemaker create-studio-lifecycle-config \ --studio-lifecycle-config-name $LCC_SCRIPT_NAME \ --studio-lifecycle-config-content $LCC_CONTENT \ --studio-lifecycle-config-app-type $SCRIPT_TYPE
  16. Attach the LCC to your domain.

    aws sagemaker update-domain \ --domain-id $SOURCE_DOMAIN_ID \ --default-user-settings ' {"JupyterLabAppSettings": {"LifecycleConfigArns": [ "lifecycle-config-arn" ] } }'
  17. Users can then select the LCC script when launching an application. For more information, see JupyterLab user guide or Launch a Code Editor application in Studio. This automatically syncs the files from Amazon S3 to the Amazon EBS storage for the user's space.