Understanding your bill
For questions about your Amazon bills or to appeal your charges, contact Amazon Web Services Support to address your inquiries immediately. To get help, see Getting help with your bills and payments. To understand your bills page contents, see Using the Bills page to understand your monthly charges and invoice.
You receive Amazon invoices monthly for usage charges and recurring fees. For one-time fees, such as fees for purchasing an All Upfront Reserved Instance, you're charged immediately.
At any time, you can view estimated charges for the current month and final charges for previous months. This topic describes how to view your monthly bill and past bills, how to receive and read billing reports, and how to download invoices. To make a payment, see Making payments.
Viewing your monthly charges
Follow this procedure to view your monthly charges from the Billing and Cost Management console.
To view your monthly charges
Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management Console and open the Amazon Billing and Cost Management console at https://console.amazonaws.cn/billing/
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In the navigation pane, choose Bills.
Choose a Billing period (for example, August 2023).
View your Amazon bill summary.
To view your monthly charges
Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management Console and open the Amazon Billing and Cost Management console at https://console.amazonaws.cn/billing/
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In the navigation pane, choose Bills
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For Billing period, choose a month.
The Summary section displays a summary and details of your charges for that month.
The summary isn't an invoice until the month's activity closes and Amazon calculates the final charges.
If you use the consolidated billing feature in Amazon Organizations, the Bills page lists totals for all accounts on the Charges by account tab. Choose the account ID to see the activity for each account in the organization. For more information about consolidated billing, see Consolidating billing for Amazon Organizations.
Using the Bills page to understand your monthly charges and invoice
At the end of a monthly billing period, or when you incur a one-time fee, Amazon issues an invoice as a PDF file. If you're paying by credit card, Amazon also charges the credit card that you have on file at this time.
To download invoices and view your monthly charge details, you can use the Bills page in the Amazon Billing and Cost Management console.
IAM users need explicit permission to access some of the pages in the Billing and Cost Management console. For more information, see Overview of managing access permissions.
- Bills page
You can use the Bills page to see your monthly chargeable costs, along with details of your Amazon Web Services services and purchases made through Amazon Web Services Marketplace. Invoices are generated when a monthly billing period closes (the billing status appears as Issued), or when subscriptions or one-time purchases are made. For monthly billing periods that haven't closed (the billing status appears as Pending), this page shows the most recent estimated charges based on your Amazon Web Services services metered to date.
If you're signed in as the management account of your Amazon Organizations, you can see the consolidated charges for your member accounts. You can use the Charges by account to also view account-level details.
To customize the visible sections, choose the gear icon at the top of the page. These preferences are saved for ongoing visits to the Bills page.
- Amazon bill summary
The Amazon bill summary section shows an overview of your monthly charges. The information shows your invoice totals for the closed billing periods (the billing status appears as Issued).
Billing periods that haven't closed have the Pending billing status. The totals show the most recent estimated charges based on your Amazon Web Services services metered to date. Totals are shown in Chinese yuan (CNY).
- Payment information
This section lists invoices for the selected billing period that Amazon received payments for. You can find the service provider, charge types, document types, invoice IDs, payment status, the date Amazon received the payments, and the total amount in CNY. For more information, see Managing Your Payments.
- Highest cost by service provider
The Highest cost by service provider section identifies your account's service and Amazon Web Services Region with the highest cost for the billing period, and shows the month-over-month trends for each. For pending billing periods, the month-over-month trend compares the month-to-date spend in the current billing period with the equivalent portion of the previous billing period.
- Charges by service
The Charges by service tab shows your spend in each Amazon Web Services service. You can sort by service name or amount in CNY, and filter by service name and Region. Choose the
icon next to each service to see the charges for that service by Region. Choose a Region to see charge details. - Charges by account
If you use Amazon Organizations and signed in to your management account, the Charges by account section shows the spend of each of your member accounts. You can sort by account ID or amount in CNY, and filter by account ID. Choose the
icon next to each account to see charges for that account by service provider. Choose the+
icon next to each line item to see charges by service and Region. Choose a Region to see charge details. - Invoices
The Invoices tab lists the invoices for each service provider you transacted with during the selected billing period. This section includes details such as charge type, invoice date, and total in CNY. If your invoices are issued in another currency, the total in the other currency is also shown. To view and download a PDF format for individual invoices, choose the Invoice ID.
- Savings
This tab summarizes your savings during the billing period as the outcome of credits, or other discount programs. These savings are also reflected in the Charges by service, Charges by account, and Invoices sections. Choose each savings type to see the details by service.
- Taxes by service
This tab shows the pre-tax, tax, and post-tax charges for each service that was charged taxes. You can sort by service name, post-tax charge, pre-tax charge, or tax in CNY, and filter by service name.
Downloading a PDF of your invoice
Follow this procedure to download a PDF of your monthly invoice.
To download a copy of your charges as a PDF document
Open the Amazon Billing and Cost Management console at https://console.amazonaws.cn/billing/
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On the Bills page, select a month from the Billing period.
Under the Amazon bill summary section, confirm that the Bill status appears as Issued.
Choose the Invoiced charges tab.
Choose the Invoice ID of the document that you want to download.
To download a copy of your charges as a PDF document
On the Bills page, select a month from the Date list that all activity is closed for.
Under Total, choose Ningxia Western Cloud Data Technology Co., Ltd. or Beijing Sinnet Technology Co., Ltd..
Choose Invoice <invoiceID>.
Downloading a monthly report
You can download CSV files for any future billing after you turn on monthly reports. This feature delivers your reports to an Amazon S3 bucket.
We recommend that you use the Amazon Cost and Usage Report for the most granular set of cost and usage data available. For more information, see What are Amazon Cost and Usage Reports? in the Amazon Cost and Usage Reports User Guide.
To download CSV files for a monthly report
Open the Amazon Billing and Cost Management console at https://console.amazonaws.cn/billing/
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On the navigation pane, choose Billing preferences.
Under Detailed billing reports (legacy), choose Edit, and then select Legacy report delivery to S3.
Choose Configure an S3 bucket to activate to specify where your reports are delivered.
In the Configure S3 Bucket dialog box, choose one of the following options:
To use an existing S3 bucket, choose Use an existing S3 bucket, and then select the S3 bucket.
To create a new S3 bucket, choose Create a new S3 bucket, and then for S3 bucket name, enter the name, and then choose the Region.
Choose Next.
Verify the default IAM policy and then select I have confirmed that this policy is correct.
Choose Save.
On the Bills page, choose Download all to CSV.