Amazon managed policies for Amazon Web Services Support Plans - Amazon Web Services Support
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Amazon managed policies for Amazon Web Services Support Plans

Amazon Web Services Support Plans has the following managed policies.

Amazon managed policy: AWSSupportPlansFullAccess

Amazon Web Services Support Plans uses the AWSSupportPlansFullAccess Amazon managed policy. The IAM entity uses this policy to complete the following Support Plans actions for you:

  • View your support plan for your Amazon Web Services account

  • View details about the status for a request to change your support plan

  • Change the support plan for your Amazon Web Services account

  • Create support plan schedules for your Amazon Web Services account

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "supportplans:GetSupportPlan", "supportplans:GetSupportPlanUpdateStatus", "supportplans:StartSupportPlanUpdate", "supportplans:CreateSupportPlanSchedule" ], "Resource": "*" } ] }

For a list of changes to the policies, see Amazon Web Services Support Plans updates to Amazon managed policies.

Amazon managed policy: AWSSupportPlansReadOnlyAccess

Amazon Web Services Support Plans uses the AWSSupportPlansReadOnlyAccess Amazon managed policy. The IAM entity uses this policy to complete the following read-only Support Plans actions for you:

  • View your support plan for your Amazon Web Services account

  • View details about the status for a request to change your support plan

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "supportplans:GetSupportPlan", "supportplans:GetSupportPlanUpdateStatus" ], "Resource": "*" } ] }

For a list of changes to the policies, see Amazon Web Services Support Plans updates to Amazon managed policies.

Amazon Web Services Support Plans updates to Amazon managed policies

View details about updates to Amazon managed policies for Support Plans since these services began tracking these changes. For automatic alerts about changes to this page, subscribe to the RSS feed on the Document history page.

The following table describes important updates to the Support Plans managed policies since September 29, 2022.

Amazon Web Services Support
Change Description Date

AWSSupportPlansFullAccess - Update to an existing policy

Add CreateSupportPlanSchedule action to AWSSupportPlansFullAccess managed policy.

May 8, 2023

Change log published

Change log for the Support Plans managed policies.

September 29, 2022