action reference
This build action allows you to automate building and pushing a new image when a change occurs in your source. This action builds based on a specified Docker file location and pushes the image. This build action is not the same as the Amazon ECR source action in CodePipeline, which triggers pipeline when a change occurs in your Amazon ECR source repository. For information about that action, see Amazon ECR source action reference.
This is not a source action that will trigger the pipeline. This action builds an image and pushes it to your Amazon ECR image repository.
You must have already created an Amazon ECR repository and have added a Dockerfile to your source code repository, such as GitHub, before you add the action to your pipeline.
This action uses CodePipeline managed CodeBuild compute to run commands in a build environment. Running the commands action will incur separate charges in Amazon CodeBuild.
Action type
Configuration parameters
- ECRRepositoryName
Required: Yes
The name of the Amazon ECR repository where the image is pushed.
- DockerFilePath
Required: No
The location of the Docker file used to build the image. Optionally, you can provide an alternate docker file location if not at the root level.
If a value for
is not specified, the value defaults to the source repository root level. - ImageTags
Required: No
The tags used for the image. You can enter multiple tags as a comma-delimited list of strings.
If a value for
is not specified, the value defaults tolatest
. - RegistryType
Required: No
Specifies whether the repository is public or private. Valid values are
private | public
If a value for
is not specified, the value defaults toprivate
Input artifacts
Number of artifacts:
Description: The artifact produced by the source action that contains the Dockerfile needed to build the image.
Output artifacts
Number of artifacts:
Output variables
When configured, this action produces variables that can be referenced by the action configuration of a downstream action in the pipeline. This action produces variables which can be viewed as output variables, even if the action doesn't have a namespace. You configure an action with a namespace to make those variables available to the configuration of downstream actions.
For more information, see Variables reference.
- ECRImageDigestId
digest of the image manifest. - ECRRepositoryName
The name of the Amazon ECR repository where the image was pushed.
Action declaration
See also
The following related resources can help you as you work with this action.
Tutorial: Build and push a Docker image to Amazon ECR with CodePipeline – This tutorial provides a sample Dockerfile and instructions to create a pipeline that pushes your image to ECR on a change to your source repository and then deploys to Amazon ECS.