Valid configuration parameters for each provider type - Amazon CodePipeline
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Valid configuration parameters for each provider type

This section lists valid configuration parameters for each action provider.

Every action must have a valid action configuration, which depends on the provider type for that action. The following table lists the required action configuration elements for each valid provider type:

Action configuration properties for provider types
Name of provider Provider name in action type Configuration properties Required/Optional
Amazon S3 (Deploy action provider) For more information, including examples related to Amazon S3 Deploy action parameters, see Amazon S3 deploy action reference.
Amazon S3 (Source action provider) For more information, including examples related to Amazon S3 source action parameters, see Amazon S3 source action reference.
Amazon ECR For more information, including examples related to Amazon ECR parameters, see Amazon ECR source action reference.
CodeCommit For more information, including examples related to CodeCommit parameters, see CodeCommit source action reference.
CodeStarSourceConnection action for Bitbucket, GitHub (via GitHub app), GHES, and GitLab For more information, including examples of the action configuration, see Configuration parameters .
GitHub (via OAuth app) For more information, including examples related to GitHub parameters, see GitHub (via OAuth app) source action reference. This is the Version 1 GitHub action.
Amazon CloudFormation For more information, including examples related to Amazon CloudFormation parameters, see Amazon CloudFormation deploy action reference.
CodeBuild For more description and examples related to CodeBuild parameters, see Amazon CodeBuild build and test action reference.
CodeDeploy For more description and examples related to CodeDeploy parameters, see Amazon CodeDeploy deploy action reference.
Amazon Device Farm For more description and examples related to Amazon Device Farm parameters, see Amazon Device Farm test action reference.
Amazon Elastic Beanstalk ElasticBeanstalk ApplicationName Required
EnvironmentName Required
Amazon Lambda For more information, including examples related to Amazon Lambda parameters, see Amazon Lambda invoke action reference.
Amazon OpsWorks Stacks OpsWorks Stack Required
Layer Optional
App Required
Amazon ECS For more description and examples related to Amazon ECS parameters, see Amazon Elastic Container Service deploy action reference.
Amazon ECS and CodeDeploy(Blue/Green) For more description and examples related to Amazon ECS and CodeDeploy blue/green parameters, see Amazon Elastic Container Service and CodeDeploy blue-green deploy action reference.
Service Catalog ServiceCatalog TemplateFilePath Required
ProductVersionName Required
ProductType Required
ProductVersionDescription Optional
ProductId Required
Alexa Skills Kit AlexaSkillsKit ClientId Required
ClientSecret Required
RefreshToken Required
SkillId Required
Jenkins The name of the action you provided in the CodePipeline Plugin for Jenkins (for example, MyJenkinsProviderName) ProjectName Required
Manual Approval Manual CustomData Optional
ExternalEntityLink Optional
NotificationArn Optional

The following example shows a valid configuration for a deploy action that uses Service Catalog, for a pipeline that was created in the console without a separate configuration file:

"configuration": { "TemplateFilePath": "S3_template.json", "ProductVersionName": "devops S3 v2", "ProductType": "CLOUD_FORMATION_TEMPLATE", "ProductVersionDescription": "Product version description", "ProductId": "prod-example123456" }

The following example shows a valid configuration for a deploy action that uses Service Catalog, for a pipeline that was created in the console with a separate sample_config.json configuration file:

"configuration": { "ConfigurationFilePath": "sample_config.json", "ProductId": "prod-example123456" }

The following example shows a valid configuration for a deploy action that uses Alexa Skills Kit:

"configuration": { "ClientId": "amzn1.application-oa2-client.aadEXAMPLE", "ClientSecret": "****", "RefreshToken": "****", "SkillId": "amzn1.ask.skill.22649d8f-0451-4b4b-9ed9-bfb6cEXAMPLE" }

The following example shows a valid configuration for a manual approval:

"configuration": { "CustomData": "Comments on the manual approval", "ExternalEntityLink": "", "NotificationArn": "arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:12345EXAMPLE:Notification" }