The hosted UI sign-out endpoint: /logout - Amazon Cognito
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The hosted UI sign-out endpoint: /logout

The /logout endpoint is a redirection endpoint. It signs out the user and redirects either to an authorized sign-out URL for your app client, or to the /login endpoint. The available parameters in a GET request to the /logout endpoint are tailored to Amazon Cognito hosted UI use cases.

To redirect your user to the hosted UI to sign in again, add a redirect_uri parameter to your request. A logout request with a redirect_uri parameter must also include parameters for your subsequent request to the Login endpoint, like client_id, response_type, and scope.

The logout endpoint is a front-end web application for interactive user sessions with your customers. Your app must invoke this and other hosted UI endpoints in your users' browsers.

To redirect your user to a page that you choose, add Allowed sign-out URLs to your app client. In your users' requests to the logout endpoint, add logout_uri and client_id parameters. If the value of logout_uri is one of the Allowed sign-out URLs for your app client, Amazon Cognito redirects users to that URL.

With single logout (SLO) for SAML 2.0 IdPs, Amazon Cognito first redirects your user to the SLO endpoint you defined in your IdP configuration. After your IdP redirects your user back to saml2/logout, Amazon Cognito responds with one more redirect to the redirect_uri or logout_uri from your request. For more information, see Signing out SAML users with single sign-out.

The logout endpoint doesn't sign users out of OIDC or social identity providers (IdPs). To sign users out from their session with an external IdP, direct them to the sign-out page for that provider.

GET /logout

The /logout endpoint only supports HTTPS GET. The user pool client typically makes this request through the system browser. The browser is typically Custom Chrome Tab in Android or Safari View Control in iOS.

Request parameters


The app client ID for your app. To get an app client ID, you must register the app in the user pool. For more information, see Application-specific settings with app clients.



Redirect your user to a custom sign-out page with a logout_uri parameter. Set its value to the app client sign-out URL where you want to redirect your user after they sign out. Use logout_uri only with a client_id parameter. For more information, see Application-specific settings with app clients.

You can also use the logout_uri parameter to redirect your user to the sign-in page for another app client. Set the sign-in page for the other app client as an Allowed callback URL in your app client. In your request to the /logout endpoint, set the value of the logout_uri parameter to the URL-encoded sign-in page.

Amazon Cognito requires either a logout_uri or a redirect_uri parameter in your request to the /logout endpoint. A logout_uri parameter redirects your user to another website. If both logout_uri and redirect_uri parameters are included in your request to the /logout endpoint, Amazon Cognito will utilize the logout_uri parameter exclusively, overriding the redirect_uri parameter.


Redirect your user to your sign-in page to authenticate with a redirect_uri parameter. Set its value to the app client Allowed callback URL where you want to redirect your user after they sign in again. Add client_id, scope, state, and response_type parameters that you want to pass to your /login endpoint.

Amazon Cognito requires either a logout_uri or a redirect_uri parameter in your request to the /logout endpoint. To redirect your user to your /login endpoint to reauthenticate and pass tokens to your app, add a redirect_uri parameter. If both logout_uri and redirect_uri parameters are included in your request to the /logout endpoint, Amazon Cognito overrides the redirect_uri parameter and processes the logout_uri parameter exclusively.


The OAuth 2.0 response that you want to receive from Amazon Cognito after your user signs in. code and token are the valid values for the response_type parameter.

Required if you use a redirect_uri parameter.


When your application adds a state parameter to a request, Amazon Cognito returns its value to your app when the /oauth2/logout endpoint redirects your user.

Add this value to your requests to guard against CSRF attacks.

You can't set the value of a state parameter to a URL-encoded JSON string. To pass a string that matches this format in a state parameter, encode the string to base64, then decode it in your application.

Strongly recommended if you use a redirect_uri parameter.


The OAuth 2.0 scopes that you want to request from Amazon Cognito after you sign them out with a redirect_uri parameter. Amazon Cognito redirects your user to the /login endpoint with the scope parameter in your request to the /logout endpoint.

Optional if you use a redirect_uri parameter. If you don't include a scope parameter, Amazon Cognito redirects your user to the /login endpoint with a scope parameter. When Amazon Cognito redirects your user and automatically populates scope, the parameter includes all authorized scopes for your app client.

Example requests

Example – log out and redirect user to client

Except for logout_uri and client_id, all possible query parameters for this endpoint are passed through to the Authorize endpoint. Amazon Cognito redirects user sessions to the URL in the value of logout_uri, ignoring all other request parameters, when requests include logout_uri and client_id. This URL must be an authorized sign-out URL for the app client.

The following is an example request for sign-out and redirect to

GET client_id=1example23456789&

Example – log out and prompt the user to sign in as another user

When requests omit logout_uri but otherwise provide the parameters that make up a well-formed request to the authorize endpoint, Amazon Cognito redirects users to hosted UI sign-in. The logout endpoint appends the parameters in your original request to the redirect destination. The parameter redirect_uri in a request to the logout endpoint is not a sign-out URL, but a sign-in URL that you want to pass through to the authorize endpoint.

The following is an example request that signs a user out, redirects to the sign-in page, and provides an authorization code to after sign-in.

GET response_type=code& client_id=1example23456789& state=example-state-value& nonce=example-nonce-value& scope=openid+profile+aws.cognito.signin.user.admin