Exporting logs from Amazon Cognito user pools - Amazon Cognito
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Exporting logs from Amazon Cognito user pools

You can configure your user pool to send detailed logs of some additional activity to another Amazon Web Services service, like a CloudWatch log group. These logs are of a finer granularity than those in Amazon CloudTrail, and can be useful to troubleshoot your user pool and analyze user sign-in activity with advanced security features. When you want to stream logs of SMS and email notification errors, your user pool sends ERROR-level logs to a CloudWatch log group. When you want to stream logs of user sign-in activity, your user pool sends INFO-level logs to a log group, a Amazon Data Firehose stream, or an Amazon S3 bucket. You can combine both options in a user pool.

Things to know about log export

Cost impact

Amazon Data Firehose, Amazon S3, and CloudWatch Logs incur costs for data ingestion and retrieval. Your logging configuration might affect your Amazon bill. For more information, see the following:

User-activity log exports contain security assessments and are a function of user pool advanced security features. Amazon Cognito only generates these logs when advanced security features are active. These features increase the cost per monthly active user (MAU) in your user pool. For more information, see Amazon Cognito Pricing.

Best-effort delivery

Delivery of logs from Amazon Cognito is best effort. The volume of logs that your user pool delivers, and your service quotas for CloudWatch Logs, Amazon S3, and Firehose can affect the delivery of logs.

Existing external logs are unaffected

These logging options don't replace or change the following log functions of user pools.

  1. CloudTrail logs of routine user activity like sign-up and sign-in.

  2. Analysis of user activity at scale with CloudWatch metrics.

Separately, you can also find logs from Viewing the user pool import results in the CloudWatch console and Customizing user pool workflows with Lambda triggers in CloudWatch Logs. Amazon Cognito and Lambda store these logs in different log groups from the ones that you specify for user activity logs.

Applies only to user pools

No log export capabilities exist for identity pools.

Requires user permissions and service-linked role

The Amazon principal that sets up log export must have permissions to modify the target resources, as described in the topics that follow. Amazon Cognito creates a service-linked role on your behalf and assumes the role to deliver logs to the target resource.

For more information about the authorization model for sending logs from Amazon Cognito, see Enable logging from Amazon Web Services services in the Amazon CloudWatch Logs User Guide.

Log level is exclusive to log type

Message-delivery logs are of the userNotification type and of the ERROR errorlevel. Advanced security user activity logs are of the userAuthEvents type and of the INFO errorlevel. You can combine two members of LogConfigurations, one for userNotification to CloudWatch Logs, and one for userAuthEvents to Firehose, Amazon S3, or CloudWatch Logs.

You can't send user-activity logs to multiple destinations. You can't send user-notification logs to any destination other than CloudWatch Logs.

Different configuration options

You can only configure user-notification logs with the Amazon Cognito user pools API or an Amazon SDK. You can configure advanced security user-activity logs with the API or in the Amazon Cognito console. To set both, use the API as demonstrated in the example request at SetLogDeliveryConfiguration.

Additional configuration required with large resource-based policies

To send logs to log groups with a resource policy of a size greater than 5120 characters, configure a log group with a path that starts with /aws/vendedlogs. For more information, see Enabling logging from certain Amazon services.

Exporting email and SMS message delivery errors

For email and SMS message delivery errors, you can deliver Error-level user notification logs from your user pool. When you activate this feature, you can choose the log group where you want Amazon Cognito to send logs. User notification logging is useful when you want to find out the status of email and SMS messages that your user pool delivered with Amazon SNS and Amazon SES. This log export option, unlike user-activity export, doesn't require advanced security features.

You can configure detailed notification logs with the Amazon Cognito user pools API in a SetLogDeliveryConfiguration API request. You can view the logging configuration of a user pool in a GetLogDeliveryConfiguration API request. The following is an example request body.

{ "LogConfigurations": [ { "CloudWatchLogsConfiguration": { "LogGroupArn": "arn:aws:logs:us-west-2:123456789012:log-group:example-user-pool-exported" }, "EventSource": "userNotification", "LogLevel": "ERROR" } ], "UserPoolId": "us-west-2_EXAMPLE" }

You must authorize these requests with Amazon credentials that have the following permissions.

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "ManageUserPoolLogs", "Action": [ "cognito-idp:SetLogDeliveryConfiguration", "cognito-idp:GetLogDeliveryConfiguration", ], "Resource": [ "*" ], "Effect": "Allow" }, { "Sid": "CognitoLog", "Action": [ "logs:CreateLogDelivery", "logs:GetLogDelivery", "logs:UpdateLogDelivery", "logs:DeleteLogDelivery", "logs:ListLogDeliveries" ], "Resource": [ "*" ], "Effect": "Allow" }, { "Sid": "CognitoLoggingCWL", "Action": [ "logs:PutResourcePolicy", "logs:DescribeResourcePolicies", "logs:DescribeLogGroups" ], "Resource": [ "*" ], "Effect": "Allow" } ] }

The following is an example event from a user pool. This log schema is subject to change. Some fields might be logged with null values.

{ "eventTimestamp": "1687297330677", "eventSource": "USER_NOTIFICATION", "logLevel": "ERROR", "message": { "details": "String" }, "logSourceId": { "userPoolId": "String" } }

Exporting advanced security user activity logs

User pools with advanced security features log user activity events: the details and security assessment of user sign-in, sign-out, and other authentication operations with your user pool. You might want to review user activity logs in your own log-management system, or create an archive. You can export this data to a Amazon CloudWatch Logs log group, an Amazon Data Firehose stream, or an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket. From there, you can ingest this data into other systems that analyze, normalize or otherwise process data in ways that fit it in to your operational processes. To export data of this type, advanced security features must be active in your user pool.

With the information in these user activity logs, you can view a profile of user sign-in and account-management activity. By default, Amazon Cognito captures these events to storage that's based in your user pool. The following example is an example event for a user who signed in and was evaluated to have no risk factors. You can retrieve this information with the AdminListUserAuthEvents API operation. The following is an example output:

{ "AuthEvents": [ { "EventId": "a1b2c3d4-5678-90ab-cdef-EXAMPLE22222", "EventType": "SignIn", "CreationDate": "2024-06-27T10:49:59.139000-07:00", "EventResponse": "Pass", "EventRisk": { "RiskDecision": "NoRisk", "CompromisedCredentialsDetected": false }, "ChallengeResponses": [ { "ChallengeName": "Password", "ChallengeResponse": "Success" } ], "EventContextData": { "IpAddress": "", "DeviceName": "Chrome 126, Windows 10", "Timezone": "-07:00", "City": "null", "Country": "United States" } } ], "NextToken": "a1b2c3d4-5678-90ab-cdef-EXAMPLE22222#2024-06-27T17:49:59.139Z" }

You can activate log export for user activity in the Amazon Cognito console or with the SetLogDeliveryConfiguration API operation.

Amazon Web Services Management Console
  1. If you don't already have one that you want to use, create an S3 bucket, Firehose stream, or CloudWatch log group.

  2. Sign in to the Amazon Cognito console.

  3. Choose User Pools.

  4. Choose an existing user pool from the list, or create a user pool.

  5. Choose the Advanced security tab. Locate Export user activity logs and choose Edit

  6. Under Logging status, select the checkbox next to Activate user activity log export.

  7. Under Logging destination, choose the Amazon Web Services service that you want to handle your logs: CloudWatch log group, Amazon Data Firehose stream, or S3 bucket.

  8. Your selection will populate the resource selector with the corresponding resource type. Select a log group, stream, or bucket from the list. You can also select the Create button to navigate to the Amazon Web Services Management Console for the selected service and create a new resource.

  9. Select Save changes.


Choose one type of destination for your user activity logs.

The following is an example SetLogDeliveryConfiguration request body that sets a Firehose stream as the log destination.

{ "LogConfigurations": [ { "EventSource": "userAuthEvents", "FirehoseConfiguration": { "StreamArn": "arn:aws:firehose:us-west-2:123456789012:deliverystream/example-user-pool-activity-exported" }, "LogLevel": "INFO" } ], "UserPoolId": "us-west-2_EXAMPLE" }

The following is an example SetLogDeliveryConfiguration request body that sets a Amazon S3 bucket as the log destination.

{ "LogConfigurations": [ { "EventSource": "userAuthEvents", "S3Configuration": { "BucketArn": "arn:aws:s3:::amzn-s3-demo-logging-bucket" }, "LogLevel": "INFO" } ], "UserPoolId": "us-west-2_EXAMPLE" }

The following is an example SetLogDeliveryConfiguration request body that sets a CloudWatch log group as the log destination.

{ "LogConfigurations": [ { "EventSource": "userAuthEvents", "CloudWatchLogsConfiguration": { "LogGroupArn": "arn:aws:logs:us-west-2:123456789012:log-group:DOC-EXAMPLE-LOG-GROUP" }, "LogLevel": "INFO" } ], "UserPoolId": "us-west-2_EXAMPLE" }

The user that configures log delivery must be a user pool administrator and have the following additional permissions:

Amazon S3
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "ManageUserPoolLogs", "Action": [ "cognito-idp:SetLogDeliveryConfiguration", "cognito-idp:GetLogDeliveryConfiguration", ], "Resource": [ "*" ], "Effect": "Allow" }, { "Sid": "ManageLogsS3", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "logs:CreateLogDelivery", "s3:PutBucketPolicy", "s3:GetBucketPolicy" ], "Resource": "*" } ] }
CloudWatch Logs
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "ManageUserPoolLogs", "Action": [ "cognito-idp:SetLogDeliveryConfiguration", "cognito-idp:GetLogDeliveryConfiguration", ], "Resource": [ "*" ], "Effect": "Allow" }, { "Sid": "ManageLogsCWL", "Action": [ "logs:CreateLogDelivery", "logs:GetLogDelivery", "logs:UpdateLogDelivery", "logs:DeleteLogDelivery", "logs:ListLogDeliveries", "logs:PutResourcePolicy", "logs:DescribeResourcePolicies", "logs:DescribeLogGroups" ], "Resource": [ "*" ], "Effect": "Allow" } ] }
Amazon Data Firehose
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "ManageUserPoolLogs", "Action": [ "cognito-idp:SetLogDeliveryConfiguration", "cognito-idp:GetLogDeliveryConfiguration", ], "Resource": [ "*" ], "Effect": "Allow" }, { "Sid": "ManageUserPoolLogsFirehose", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "logs:CreateLogDelivery", "iam:CreateServiceLinkedRole", "firehose:TagDeliveryStream" ], "Resource": "*" } ] }

The following is an example event from a user pool. This log schema is subject to change. Some fields might be logged with null values.

{ "eventTimestamp": "1687297330677", "eventSource": "USER_ACTIVITY", "logLevel": "INFO", "message": { "version": "1", "eventId": "a1b2c3d4-5678-90ab-cdef-EXAMPLE11111", "eventType": "SignUp", "userSub": "a1b2c3d4-5678-90ab-cdef-EXAMPLE22222", "userName": "test-user", "userPoolId": "us-west-2_EXAMPLE", "clientId": "1example23456789", "creationDate": "Wed Jul 17 17:25:55 UTC 2024", "eventResponse": "InProgress", "riskLevel": "", "riskDecision": "PASS", "challenges": [], "deviceName": "Other, Other", "ipAddress": "", "requestId": "a1b2c3d4-5678-90ab-cdef-EXAMPLE33333", "idpName": "", "compromisedCredentialDetected": "false", "city": "Seattle", "country": "United States", "eventFeedbackValue": "", "eventFeedbackDate": "", "eventFeedbackProvider": "" }, "logSourceId": { "userPoolId": "us-west-2_EXAMPLE" } }