Advanced security with threat protection - Amazon Cognito
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Advanced security with threat protection

After you create your user pool, you have access to Threat protection in the navigation menu in the Amazon Cognito console. You can turn threat protection features on and customize the actions that are taken in response to different risks. Or you can use audit mode to gather metrics on detected risks without applying any security mitigations. In audit mode, threat protection publishes metrics to Amazon CloudWatch. You can see metrics after Amazon Cognito generates its first event. See Viewing threat protection metrics.

Threat protection, formerly called advanced security features, is a set of monitoring tools for unwanted activity in your user pool, and configuration tools to automatically shut down potentially malicious activity. Threat protection has different configuration options for standard and custom authentication operations. For example, you might want to send a notification to a user with a suspicious custom authentication sign-in, where you have set up additional security factors, but block a user at the same risk level with basic username-password authentication.

Threat protection is available in the Plus feature plan. For more information, see User pool feature plans.

The following user pool options are the components of threat protection.

Compromised credentials

Users reuse passwords for multiple user accounts. The compromised credentials feature of Amazon Cognito compiles data from public leaks of user names and passwords, and compares your users' credentials to lists of leaked credentials. Compromised credentials detection also checks for commonly-guessed passwords. You can check for compromised credentials in username-and-password standard authentication flows in user pools. Amazon Cognito doesn't detect compromised credentials in secure remote password (SRP) or custom authentication.

You can choose the user actions that prompt a check for compromised credentials, and the action that you want Amazon Cognito to take in response. For sign-in, sign-up, and password-change events, Amazon Cognito can Block sign-in, or Allow sign-in. In both cases, Amazon Cognito generates a user activity log where you can find more information about the event.

Adaptive authentication

Amazon Cognito can review location and device information from your users' sign-in requests and apply an automatic response to secure the user accounts in your user pool against suspicious activity. You can monitor user activity and automate responses to detected risk levels in username-password and SRP, and custom authentication.

When you activate threat protection, Amazon Cognito assigns a risk score to user activity. You can assign an automatic response to suspicious activity: you can Require MFA, Block sign-in, or just log the activity details and risk score. You can also automatically send email messages that notify your user of the suspicious activity so that they can reset their password or take other self-guided actions.

IP address allowlist and denylist

With Amazon Cognito threat protection in Full function mode, you can create IP address Always block and Always allow exceptions. A session from an IP address on the Always block exception list isn't assigned a risk level by adaptive authentication, and can't sign in to your user pool.

Log export

Threat protection logs granular details of users' authentication requests to your user pool. These logs feature threat assessments, user information, and session metadata like location and device. You can create external archives of these logs for retention and analysis. Amazon Cognito user pools export threat protection logs to Amazon S3, CloudWatch Logs, and Amazon Data Firehose. For more information, see Viewing and exporting user event history.

Considerations and limitations for threat protection

Threat protection options differ between authentication flows

Amazon Cognito supports both adaptive authentication and compromised-credentials detection with the authentication flows USER_PASSWORD_AUTH and ADMIN_USER_PASSWORD_AUTH. You can enable only adaptive authentication for USER_SRP_AUTH. You can't use threat protection with federated sign-in.

Always-block IPs contribute to request quotas

Blocked requests from IP addresses on an Always block exception list in your user pool contribute to the request rate quotas for your user pools.

Threat protection doesn't apply rate limits

Some malicious traffic has the characteristic of a high volume of requests, like distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. The risk ratings that Amazon Cognito applies to incoming traffic are per-request and don't take request volume into account. Individual requests in a high-volume event might receive a risk score and an automated response for application-layer reasons that aren't related to their role in a volumetric attack. To implement defenses against volumetric attacks in your user pools, add Amazon WAF web ACLs. For more information, see Associating an Amazon WAF web ACL with a user pool.

Threat protection doesn't affect M2M requests

Client credentials grants are intended for machine-to-machine (M2M) authorization with no connection to user accounts. Threat protection only monitors user accounts and passwords in your user pool. To implement security features with your M2M activity, consider the capabilities of Amazon WAF for monitoring request rates and content. For more information, see Associating an Amazon WAF web ACL with a user pool.

Turning on threat protection in user pools

Amazon Cognito user pools console
To activate threat protection for a user pool
  1. Go to the Amazon Cognito console. If prompted, enter your Amazon credentials.

  2. Choose User Pools.

  3. Choose an existing user pool from the list, or create a user pool.

  4. If you haven't already, activate the Plus feature plan from the Settings menu.

  5. Choose the Threat protection menu and select Activate.

  6. Choose Save changes.


Set your feature plan to Plus in a CreateUserPool or UpdateUserPool API request. The following partial example request body sets threat protection to full-function mode. For a complete example request, see Examples.

"UserPoolAddOns": { "AdvancedSecurityMode": "ENFORCED" }

Threat protection is the collective term for the features that monitor user operations for signs of account takeover and automatically respond to secure affected user accounts. You can apply threat protection settings to users when they sign in with standard and custom authentication flows.

Threat protection generates logs that detail users' sign-in, sign-out, and other activity. You can export these logs to a third-party system. For more information, see Viewing and exporting user event history.

Threat protection enforcement concepts

Threat protection starts out in an audit-only mode where your user pool monitors user activity, assigns risk levels, and generates logs. As a best practice, run in audit-only mode for two weeks or more before you enable full-function mode. Full-function mode includes a set of automatic reactions to detected risky activity and compromised passwords. With audit-only mode, you can monitor the threat assessments that Amazon Cognito is performing. You can also provide feedback that trains the feature on false positives and negatives.

You can configure threat protection enforcement at the user pool level to cover all app clients in the user pool, and at the level of individual app clients. App client threat-protection configurations override the user pool configuration. To configure threat protection for an app client, navigate to the app client settings from the App clients menu of your user pool in the Amazon Cognito console. There, you can Use client-level settings and configure enforcement exclusive to the app client.

Additionally, you can configure threat protection separately for standard and custom authentication types.

Threat protection for standard authentication and custom authentication

The ways that you can configure threat protection depend on the type of authentication you're doing in your user pool and app clients. Each of the following types of authentication can have their own enforcement mode and automated responses.

Standard authentication

Standard authentication is user sign-in, sign-out and password management with username-password flows and in managed login. Amazon Cognito threat protection monitors operations for indicators of risk when they sign in with managed login or use the following API AuthFlow parameters:


USER_PASSWORD_AUTH, USER_SRP_AUTH. The compromised credentials feature doesn't have access to passwords in USER_SRP_AUTH sign-in, and doesn't monitor or act on events with this flow.


ADMIN_USER_PASSWORD_AUTH, USER_SRP_AUTH. The compromised credentials feature doesn't have access to passwords in USER_SRP_AUTH sign-in, and doesn't monitor or act on events with this flow.

You can set the Enforcement mode for standard authentication to Audit only or Full function. To disable threat monitoring for standard authentication, set threat protection to No enforcement.

Custom authentication

Custom authentication is user sign-in with custom challenge Lambda triggers. You can't do custom authentication in managed login. Amazon Cognito threat protection monitors operations for indicators of risk when they sign in with the API AuthFlow parameter CUSTOM_AUTH of InitiateAuth and AdminInitiateAuth.

You can set the Enforcement mode for custom authentication to Audit only, Full function, or No enforcement. The No enforcement option disables threat monitoring for custom authentication without affecting other threat protection features.

Threat protection prerequisites

Before you begin, you need the following:

Setting up threat protection

Follow these instructions to set up user pool threat protection.


To set up a different threat protection configuration for an app client in the Amazon Cognito user pools console, select the app client from the App clients menu and choose Use client-level settings.

Amazon Web Services Management Console
To configure threat protection for a user pool
  1. Go to the Amazon Cognito console. If prompted, enter your Amazon credentials.

  2. Choose User Pools.

  3. Choose an existing user pool from the list, or create a user pool.

  4. Choose the Threat protection menu and select Activate.

  5. Choose the threat protection method that you want to configure: Standard and custom authentication. You can set different enforcement modes for custom and standard authentication, but they share the configuration of automated responses in Full function mode.

  6. Select Edit.

  7. Choose an Enforcement mode. To start responding to detected risks immediately, select Full function and configure the automated responses for compromised credentials and adaptive authentication. To gather information in user-level logs and in CloudWatch, select Audit only .

    We recommend that you keep threat protection in audit mode for two weeks before enabling actions. During this time, Amazon Cognito can learn the usage patterns of your app users and you can provide event feedback to adjust responses.

  8. If you selected Audit only, choose Save changes. If you selected Full function:

    1. Select whether you will take Custom action or use or Cognito defaults to respond to suspected Compromised credentials. Cognito defaults are:

      1. Detect compromised credentials on Sign-in, Sign-up, and Password change.

      2. Respond to compromised credentials with the action Block sign-in.

    2. If you selected Custom actions for Compromised credentials, choose the user pool actions that Amazon Cognito will use for Event detection and the Compromised credentials responses that you would like Amazon Cognito to take. You can Block sign-in or Allow sign-in with suspected compromised credentials.

    3. Choose how to respond to malicious sign-in attempts under Adaptive authentication. Select whether you will take Custom action or use or Cognito defaults to respond to suspected malicious activity. When you select Cognito defaults, Amazon Cognito blocks sign-in at all risk levels and does not notify the user.

    4. If you selected Custom actions for Adaptive authentication, choose the Automatic risk response actions that Amazon Cognito will take in response to detected risks based on severity level. When you assign a response to a level of risk, you can't assign a less-restrictive response to a higher level of risk. You can assign the following responses to risk levels:

      1. Allow sign-in - Take no preventative action.

      2. Optional MFA - If the user has MFA configured, Amazon Cognito will always require the user to provide an additional SMS or time-based one-time password (TOTP) factor when they sign in. If the user does not have MFA configured, they can continue signing in normally.

      3. Require MFA - If the user has MFA configured, Amazon Cognito will always require the user to provide an additional SMS or TOTP factor when they sign in. If the user does not have MFA configured, Amazon Cognito will prompt them to set up MFA. Before you automatically require MFA for your users, configure a mechanism in your app to capture phone numbers for SMS MFA, or to register authenticator apps for TOTP MFA.

      4. Block sign-in - Prevent the user from signing in.

      5. Notify user - Send an email message to the user with information about the risk that Amazon Cognito detected and the response you have taken. You can customize email message templates for the messages you send.

  9. If you chose Notify user in the previous step, you can customize your email delivery settings and email message templates for adaptive authentication.

    1. Under Email configuration, choose the SES Region, FROM email address, FROM sender name, and REPLY-TO email address that you want to use with adaptive authentication. For more information about integrating your user pool email messages with Amazon Simple Email Service, see Email settings for Amazon Cognito user pools.

      User event history
    2. Expand Email templates to customize adaptive authentication notifications with both HTML and plaintext versions of email messages. To learn more about email message templates, see Message templates.

  10. Expand IP address exceptions to create an Always-allow or an Always-block list of IPv4 or IPv6 address ranges that will always be allowed or blocked, regardless of the threat protection risk assessment. Specify the IP address ranges in CIDR notation (such as

  11. Choose Save changes.

API (user pool)

To set the threat protection configuration for a user pool, send a SetRiskConfiguration API request that includes a UserPoolId parameter, but not a ClientId parameter. The following is an example request body for a user pool. This risk configuration takes an escalating series of actions based on the severity of risk and notifies users at all risk levels. It applies a compromised-credentials block to sign-up operations.

To enforce this configuration, you must set AdvancedSecurityMode to ENFORCED in a separate CreateUserPool or UpdateUserPool API request. For more information about the placeholder templates like {username} in this example, see Configuring verification and invitation messages.

{ "AccountTakeoverRiskConfiguration": { "Actions": { "HighAction": { "EventAction": "MFA_REQUIRED", "Notify": true }, "LowAction": { "EventAction": "NO_ACTION", "Notify": true }, "MediumAction": { "EventAction": "MFA_IF_CONFIGURED", "Notify": true } }, "NotifyConfiguration": { "BlockEmail": { "Subject": "You have been blocked for suspicious activity", "TextBody": "We blocked {username} at {login-time} from {ip-address}." }, "From": "", "MfaEmail": { "Subject": "Suspicious activity detected, MFA required", "TextBody": "Unexpected sign-in from {username} on device {device-name}. You must use MFA." }, "NoActionEmail": { "Subject": "Suspicious activity detected, secure your user account", "TextBody": "We noticed suspicious sign-in activity by {username} from {city}, {country} at {login-time}. If this was not you, reset your password." }, "ReplyTo": "", "SourceArn": "arn:aws:ses:us-west-2:123456789012:identity/" } }, "CompromisedCredentialsRiskConfiguration": { "Actions": { "EventAction": "BLOCK" }, "EventFilter": [ "SIGN_UP" ] }, "RiskExceptionConfiguration": { "BlockedIPRangeList": [ "","" ], "SkippedIPRangeList": [ "" ] }, "UserPoolId": "us-west-2_EXAMPLE" }
API (app client)

To set the threat protection configuration for an app client, send a SetRiskConfiguration API request that includes a UserPoolId parameter and a ClientId parameter. The following is an example request body for an app client. This risk configuration is more severe than the user pool configuration, blocking high-risk entries. It also applies compromised-credentials blocks to sign-up, sign-in, and password-reset operations.

To enforce this configuration, you must set AdvancedSecurityMode to ENFORCED in a separate CreateUserPool or UpdateUserPool API request. For more information about the placeholder templates like {username} in this example, see Configuring verification and invitation messages.

{ "AccountTakeoverRiskConfiguration": { "Actions": { "HighAction": { "EventAction": "BLOCK", "Notify": true }, "LowAction": { "EventAction": "NO_ACTION", "Notify": true }, "MediumAction": { "EventAction": "MFA_REQUIRED", "Notify": true } }, "NotifyConfiguration": { "BlockEmail": { "Subject": "You have been blocked for suspicious activity", "TextBody": "We blocked {username} at {login-time} from {ip-address}." }, "From": "", "MfaEmail": { "Subject": "Suspicious activity detected, MFA required", "TextBody": "Unexpected sign-in from {username} on device {device-name}. You must use MFA." }, "NoActionEmail": { "Subject": "Suspicious activity detected, secure your user account", "TextBody": "We noticed suspicious sign-in activity by {username} from {city}, {country} at {login-time}. If this was not you, reset your password." }, "ReplyTo": "", "SourceArn": "arn:aws:ses:us-west-2:123456789012:identity/" } }, "ClientId": "1example23456789", "CompromisedCredentialsRiskConfiguration": { "Actions": { "EventAction": "BLOCK" }, "EventFilter": [ "SIGN_UP", "SIGN_IN", "PASSWORD_CHANGE" ] }, "RiskExceptionConfiguration": { "BlockedIPRangeList": [ "","" ], "SkippedIPRangeList": [ "","" ] }, "UserPoolId": "us-west-2_EXAMPLE" }