Getting started with Schema Registry - Amazon Glue
Services or capabilities described in Amazon Web Services documentation might vary by Region. To see the differences applicable to the China Regions, see Getting Started with Amazon Web Services in China (PDF).

Getting started with Schema Registry

The following sections provide an overview and walk you through setting up and using Schema Registry. For information about Schema Registry concepts and components, see Amazon Glue Schema Registry.

Installing SerDe Libraries


Prerequisites: Before completing the following steps, you will need to have a Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK) or Apache Kafka cluster running. Your producers and consumers need to be running on Java 8 or above.

The SerDe libraries provide a framework for serializing and deserializing data.

You will install the open source serializer for your applications producing data (collectively the "serializers"). The serializer handles serialization, compression, and the interaction with the Schema Registry. The serializer automatically extracts the schema from a record being written to a Schema Registry compatible destination, such as Amazon MSK. Likewise, you will install the open source deserializer on your applications consuming data.

To install the libraries on producers and consumers:

  1. Inside both the producers’ and consumers’ pom.xml files, add this dependency via the code below:

    <dependency> <groupId></groupId> <artifactId>schema-registry-serde</artifactId> <version>1.1.5</version> </dependency>

    Alternatively, you can clone the Amazon Glue Schema Registry Github repository.

  2. Setup your producers with these required properties:

    props.put(ProducerConfig.KEY_SERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, StringSerializer.class.getName()); // Can replace StringSerializer.class.getName()) with any other key serializer that you may use props.put(ProducerConfig.VALUE_SERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, GlueSchemaRegistryKafkaSerializer.class.getName()); props.put(AWSSchemaRegistryConstants.AWS_REGION, "us-east-2"); properties.put(AWSSchemaRegistryConstants.DATA_FORMAT, "JSON"); // OR "AVRO"

    If there are no existing schemas, then auto-registration needs to be turned on (next step). If you do have a schema that you would like to apply, then replace "my-schema" with your schema name. Also the "registry-name" has to be provided if schema auto-registration is off. If the schema is created under the "default-registry" then registry name can be omitted.

  3. (Optional) Set any of these optional producer properties. For detailed property descriptions, see the ReadMe file.

    props.put(AWSSchemaRegistryConstants.SCHEMA_AUTO_REGISTRATION_SETTING, "true"); // If not passed, uses "false" props.put(AWSSchemaRegistryConstants.SCHEMA_NAME, "my-schema"); // If not passed, uses transport name (topic name in case of Kafka, or stream name in case of Kinesis Data Streams) props.put(AWSSchemaRegistryConstants.REGISTRY_NAME, "my-registry"); // If not passed, uses "default-registry" props.put(AWSSchemaRegistryConstants.CACHE_TIME_TO_LIVE_MILLIS, "86400000"); // If not passed, uses 86400000 (24 Hours) props.put(AWSSchemaRegistryConstants.CACHE_SIZE, "10"); // default value is 200 props.put(AWSSchemaRegistryConstants.COMPATIBILITY_SETTING, Compatibility.FULL); // Pass a compatibility mode. If not passed, uses Compatibility.BACKWARD props.put(AWSSchemaRegistryConstants.DESCRIPTION, "This registry is used for several purposes."); // If not passed, constructs a description props.put(AWSSchemaRegistryConstants.COMPRESSION_TYPE, AWSSchemaRegistryConstants.COMPRESSION.ZLIB); // If not passed, records are sent uncompressed

    Auto-registration registers the schema version under the default registry ("default-registry"). If a SCHEMA_NAME is not specified in the previous step, then the topic name is inferred as SCHEMA_NAME.

    See Schema versioning and compatibility for more information on compatibility modes.

  4. Setup your consumers with these required properties:

    props.put(ConsumerConfig.KEY_DESERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, StringDeserializer.class.getName()); props.put(ConsumerConfig.VALUE_DESERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, GlueSchemaRegistryKafkaDeserializer.class.getName()); props.put(AWSSchemaRegistryConstants.AWS_REGION, "us-east-2"); // Pass an Amazon Web Services Region props.put(AWSSchemaRegistryConstants.AVRO_RECORD_TYPE, AvroRecordType.GENERIC_RECORD.getName()); // Only required for AVRO data format
  5. (Optional) Set these optional consumer properties. For detailed property descriptions, see the ReadMe file.

    properties.put(AWSSchemaRegistryConstants.CACHE_TIME_TO_LIVE_MILLIS, "86400000"); // If not passed, uses 86400000 props.put(AWSSchemaRegistryConstants.CACHE_SIZE, "10"); // default value is 200 props.put(AWSSchemaRegistryConstants.SECONDARY_DESERIALIZER, ""); // For migration fall back scenario

Using Amazon CLI for the Amazon Glue Schema Registry APIs

To use the Amazon CLI for the Amazon Glue Schema Registry APIs, make sure to update your Amazon CLI to the latest version.

Creating a registry

You may use the default registry or create as many new registries as necessary using the Amazon Glue APIs or Amazon Glue console.

Amazon Glue APIs

You can use these steps to perform this task using the Amazon Glue APIs.

To add a new registry, use the CreateRegistry action (Python: create_registry) API. Specify RegistryName as the name of the registry to be created, with a max length of 255, containing only letters, numbers, hyphens, underscores, dollar signs, or hash marks.

Specify a Description as a string not more than 2048 bytes long, matching the URI address multi-line string pattern.

Optionally, specify one or more Tags for your registry, as a map array of key-value pairs.

aws glue create-registry --registry-name registryName1 --description description

When your registry is created it is assigned an Amazon Resource Name (ARN), which you can view in the RegistryArn of the API response. Now that you've created a registry, create one or more schemas for that registry.

Amazon Glue console

To add a new registry in the Amazon Glue console:

  1. Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management Console and open the Amazon Glue console at

  2. In the navigation pane, under Data catalog, choose Schema registries.

  3. Choose Add registry.

  4. Enter a Registry name for the registry, consisting of letters, numbers, hyphens, or underscores. This name cannot be changed.

  5. Enter a Description (optional) for the registry.

  6. Optionally, apply one or more tags to your registry. Choose Add new tag and specify a Tag key and optionally a Tag value.

  7. Choose Add registry.

Example of a creating a registry.

When your registry is created it is assigned an Amazon Resource Name (ARN), which you can view by choosing the registry from the list in Schema registries. Now that you've created a registry, create one or more schemas for that registry.

Dealing with a specific record (JAVA POJO) for JSON

You can use a plain old Java object (POJO) and pass the object as a record. This is similar to the notion of a specific record in AVRO. The mbknor-jackson-jsonschema can generate a JSON schema for the POJO passed. This library can also inject additional information in the JSON schema.

The Amazon Glue Schema Registry library uses the injected "className" field in schema to provide a fully classified class name. The "className" field is used by the deserializer to deserialize into an object of that class.

Example class : @JsonSchemaDescription("This is a car") @JsonSchemaTitle("Simple Car Schema") @Builder @AllArgsConstructor @EqualsAndHashCode // Fully qualified class name to be added to an additionally injected property // called className for deserializer to determine which class to deserialize // the bytes into @JsonSchemaInject( strings = {@JsonSchemaString(path = "className", value = "")} ) // List of annotations to help infer JSON Schema are defined by public class Car { @JsonProperty(required = true) private String make; @JsonProperty(required = true) private String model; @JsonSchemaDefault("true") @JsonProperty public boolean used; @JsonSchemaInject(ints = {@JsonSchemaInt(path = "multipleOf", value = 1000)}) @Max(200000) @JsonProperty private int miles; @Min(2000) @JsonProperty private int year; @JsonProperty private Date purchaseDate; @JsonProperty @JsonFormat(shape = JsonFormat.Shape.NUMBER) private Date listedDate; @JsonProperty private String[] owners; @JsonProperty private Collection<Float> serviceChecks; // Empty constructor is required by Jackson to deserialize bytes // into an Object of this class public Car() {} }

Creating a schema

You can create a schema using the Amazon Glue APIs or the Amazon Glue console.

Amazon Glue APIs

You can use these steps to perform this task using the Amazon Glue APIs.

To add a new schema, use the CreateSchema action (Python: create_schema) API.

Specify a RegistryId structure to indicate a registry for the schema. Or, omit the RegistryId to use the default registry.

Specify a SchemaName consisting of letters, numbers, hyphens, or underscores, and DataFormat as AVRO or JSON. DataFormat once set on a schema is not changeable.

Specify a Compatibility mode:

  • Backward (recommended) — Consumer can read both current and previous version.

  • Backward all — Consumer can read current and all previous versions.

  • Forward — Consumer can read both current and subsequent version.

  • Forward all — Consumer can read both current and all subsequent versions.

  • Full — Combination of Backward and Forward.

  • Full all — Combination of Backward all and Forward all.

  • None — No compatibility checks are performed.

  • Disabled — Prevent any versioning for this schema.

Optionally, specify Tags for your schema.

Specify a SchemaDefinition to define the schema in Avro, JSON, or Protobuf data format. See the examples.

For Avro data format:

aws glue create-schema --registry-id RegistryName="registryName1" --schema-name testschema --compatibility NONE --data-format AVRO --schema-definition "{\"type\": \"record\", \"name\": \"r1\", \"fields\": [ {\"name\": \"f1\", \"type\": \"int\"}, {\"name\": \"f2\", \"type\": \"string\"} ]}"
aws glue create-schema --registry-id RegistryArn="arn:aws:glue:us-east-2:901234567890:registry/registryName1" --schema-name testschema --compatibility NONE --data-format AVRO --schema-definition "{\"type\": \"record\", \"name\": \"r1\", \"fields\": [ {\"name\": \"f1\", \"type\": \"int\"}, {\"name\": \"f2\", \"type\": \"string\"} ]}"

For JSON data format:

aws glue create-schema --registry-id RegistryName="registryName" --schema-name testSchemaJson --compatibility NONE --data-format JSON --schema-definition "{\"$schema\": \"\",\"type\":\"object\",\"properties\":{\"f1\":{\"type\":\"string\"}}}"
aws glue create-schema --registry-id RegistryArn="arn:aws:glue:us-east-2:901234567890:registry/registryName" --schema-name testSchemaJson --compatibility NONE --data-format JSON --schema-definition "{\"$schema\": \"\",\"type\":\"object\",\"properties\":{\"f1\":{\"type\":\"string\"}}}"

For Protobuf data format:

aws glue create-schema --registry-id RegistryName="registryName" --schema-name testSchemaProtobuf --compatibility NONE --data-format PROTOBUF --schema-definition "syntax = \"proto2\";package org.test;message Basic { optional int32 basic = 1;}"
aws glue create-schema --registry-id RegistryArn="arn:aws:glue:us-east-2:901234567890:registry/registryName" --schema-name testSchemaProtobuf --compatibility NONE --data-format PROTOBUF --schema-definition "syntax = \"proto2\";package org.test;message Basic { optional int32 basic = 1;}"
Amazon Glue console

To add a new schema using the Amazon Glue console:

  1. Sign in to the Amazon Management Console and open the Amazon Glue console at

  2. In the navigation pane, under Data catalog, choose Schemas.

  3. Choose Add schema.

  4. Enter a Schema name, consisting of letters, numbers, hyphens, underscores, dollar signs, or hashmarks. This name cannot be changed.

  5. Choose the Registry where the schema will be stored from the drop-down menu. The parent registry cannot be changed post-creation.

  6. Leave the Data format as Apache Avro or JSON. This format applies to all versions of this schema.

  7. Choose a Compatibility mode.

    • Backward (recommended) — receiver can read both current and previous versions.

    • Backward All — receiver can read current and all previous versions.

    • Forward — sender can write both current and previous versions.

    • Forward All — sender can write current and all previous versions.

    • Full — combination of Backward and Forward.

    • Full All — combination of Backward All and Forward All.

    • None — no compatibility checks performed.

    • Disabled — prevent any versioning for this schema.

  8. Enter an optional Description for the registry of up to 250 characters.

    Example of a creating a schema.
  9. Optionally, apply one or more tags to your schema. Choose Add new tag and specify a Tag key and optionally a Tag value.

  10. In the First schema version box, enter or paste your initial schema. .

    For Avro format, see Working with Avro data format

    For JSON format, see Working with JSON data format

  11. Optionally, choose Add metadata to add version metadata to annotate or classify your schema version.

  12. Choose Create schema and version.

Example of a creating a schema.

The schema is created and appears in the list under Schemas.

Working with Avro data format

Avro provides data serialization and data exchange services. Avro stores the data definition in JSON format making it easy to read and interpret. The data itself is stored in binary format.

For information on defining an Apache Avro schema, see the Apache Avro specification.

Working with JSON data format

Data can be serialized with JSON format. JSON Schema format defines the standard for JSON Schema format.

Updating a schema or registry

Once created you can edit your schemas, schema versions, or registry.

Updating a registry

You can update a registry using the Amazon Glue APIs or the Amazon Glue console. The name of an existing registry cannot be edited. You can edit the description for a registry.

Amazon Glue APIs

To update an existing registry, use the UpdateRegistry action (Python: update_registry) API.

Specify a RegistryId structure to indicate the registry that you want to update. Pass a Description to change the description for a registry.

aws glue update-registry --description updatedDescription --registry-id RegistryArn="arn:aws:glue:us-east-2:901234567890:registry/registryName1"
Amazon Glue console

To update a registry using the Amazon Glue console:

  1. Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management Console and open the Amazon Glue console at

  2. In the navigation pane, under Data catalog, choose Schema registries.

  3. Choose a registry from the the list of registries, by checking its box.

  4. In the Action menu, choose Edit registry.

Updating a schema

You can update the description or compatibility setting for a schema.

To update an existing schema, use the UpdateSchema action (Python: update_schema) API.

Specify a SchemaId structure to indicate the schema that you want to update. One of VersionNumber or Compatibility has to be provided.

Code example 11:

aws glue update-schema --description testDescription --schema-id SchemaName="testSchema1",RegistryName="registryName1" --schema-version-number LatestVersion=true --compatibility NONE
aws glue update-schema --description testDescription --schema-id SchemaArn="arn:aws:glue:us-east-2:901234567890:schema/registryName1/testSchema1" --schema-version-number LatestVersion=true --compatibility NONE

Adding a schema version

When you add a schema version, you will need to compare the versions to make sure the new schema will be accepted.

To add a new version to an existing schema, use the RegisterSchemaVersion action (Python: register_schema_version) API.

Specify a SchemaId structure to indicate the schema for which you want to add a version, and a SchemaDefinition to define the schema.

Code example 12:

aws glue register-schema-version --schema-definition "{\"type\": \"record\", \"name\": \"r1\", \"fields\": [ {\"name\": \"f1\", \"type\": \"int\"}, {\"name\": \"f2\", \"type\": \"string\"} ]}" --schema-id SchemaArn="arn:aws:glue:us-east-1:901234567890:schema/registryName/testschema"
aws glue register-schema-version --schema-definition "{\"type\": \"record\", \"name\": \"r1\", \"fields\": [ {\"name\": \"f1\", \"type\": \"int\"}, {\"name\": \"f2\", \"type\": \"string\"} ]}" --schema-id SchemaName="testschema",RegistryName="testregistry"
  1. Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management Console and open the Amazon Glue console at

  2. In the navigation pane, under Data catalog, choose Schemas.

  3. Choose the schema from the the list of schemas, by checking its box.

  4. Choose one or more schemas from the list, by checking the boxes.

  5. In the Action menu, choose Register new version.

  6. In the New version box, enter or paste your new schema.

  7. Choose Compare with previous version to see differences with the previous schema version.

  8. Optionally, choose Add metadata to add version metadata to annotate or classify your schema version. Enter Key and optional Value.

  9. Choose Register version.

Adding a schema version.

The schema(s) version appears in the list of versions. If the version changed the compatibility mode, the version will be marked as a checkpoint.

Example of a schema version comparison

When you choose to Compare with previous version, you will see the previous and new versions displayed together. Changed information will be highlighted as follows:

  • Yellow: indicates changed information.

  • Green: indicates content added in the latest version.

  • Red: indicates content removed in the latest version.

You can also compare against earlier versions.

Example of a schema version comparison.

Deleting a schema or registry

Deleting a schema, a schema version, or a registry are permanent actions that cannot be undone.

Deleting a schema

You may want to delete a schema when it will no longer be used within a registry, using the Amazon Web Services Management Console, or the DeleteSchema action (Python: delete_schema) API.

Deleting one or more schemas is a permanent action that cannot be undone. Make sure that the schema or schemas are no longer needed.

To delete a schema from the registry, call the DeleteSchema action (Python: delete_schema) API, specifying the SchemaId structure to identify the schema.

For example:

aws glue delete-schema --schema-id SchemaArn="arn:aws:glue:us-east-2:901234567890:schema/registryName1/schemaname"
aws glue delete-schema --schema-id SchemaName="TestSchema6-deleteschemabyname",RegistryName="default-registry"
Amazon Glue console

To delete a schema from the Amazon Glue console:

  1. Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management Console and open the Amazon Glue console at

  2. In the navigation pane, under Data catalog, choose Schema registries.

  3. Choose the registry that contains your schema from the the list of registries.

  4. Choose one or more schemas from the list, by checking the boxes.

  5. In the Action menu, choose Delete schema.

  6. Enter the text Delete in the field to confirm deletion.

  7. Choose Delete.

The schema(s) you specified are deleted from the registry.

Deleting a schema version

As schemas accumulate in the registry, you may want to delete unwanted schema versions using the Amazon Web Services Management Console, or the DeleteSchemaVersions action (Python: delete_schema_versions) API. Deleting one or more schema versions is a permanent action that cannot be undone. Make sure that the schema versions are no longer needed.

When deleting schema versions, take note of the following constraints:

  • You cannot delete a check-pointed version.

  • The range of contiguous versions cannot be more than 25.

  • The latest schema version must not be in a pending state.

Specify the SchemaId structure to identify the schema, and specify Versions as a range of versions to delete. For more information on specifying a version or range of versions, see DeleteRegistry action (Python: delete_registry). The schema versions you specified are deleted from the registry.

Calling the ListSchemaVersions action (Python: list_schema_versions) API after this call will list the status of the deleted versions.

For example:

aws glue delete-schema-versions --schema-id SchemaName="TestSchema6",RegistryName="default-registry" --versions "1-1"
aws glue delete-schema-versions --schema-id SchemaArn="arn:aws:glue:us-east-2:901234567890:schema/default-registry/TestSchema6-NON-Existent" --versions "1-1"
  1. Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management Console and open the Amazon Glue console at

  2. In the navigation pane, under Data catalog, choose Schema registries.

  3. Choose the registry that contains your schema from the the list of registries.

  4. Choose one or more schemas from the list, by checking the boxes.

  5. In the Action menu, choose Delete schema.

  6. Enter the text Delete in the field to confirm deletion.

  7. Choose Delete.

The schema versions you specified are deleted from the registry.

Deleting a registry

You may want to delete a registry when the schemas it contains should no longer be organized under that registry. You will need to reassign those schemas to another registry.

Deleting one or more registries is a permanent action that cannot be undone. Make sure that the registry or registries no longer needed.

The default registry can be deleted using the Amazon CLI.

Amazon Glue API

To delete the entire registry including the schema and all of its versions, call the DeleteRegistry action (Python: delete_registry) API. Specify a RegistryId structure to identify the registry.

For example:

aws glue delete-registry --registry-id RegistryArn="arn:aws:glue:us-east-2:901234567890:registry/registryName1"
aws glue delete-registry --registry-id RegistryName="TestRegistry-deletebyname"

To get the status of the delete operation, you can call the GetRegistry API after the asynchronous call.

Amazon Glue console

To delete a registry from the Amazon Glue console:

  1. Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management Console and open the Amazon Glue console at

  2. In the navigation pane, under Data catalog, choose Schema registries.

  3. Choose a registry from the list, by checking a box.

  4. In the Action menu, choose Delete registry.

  5. Enter the text Delete in the field to confirm deletion.

  6. Choose Delete.

The registries you selected are deleted from Amazon Glue.

IAM examples for serializers


Amazon managed policies grant necessary permissions for common use cases. For information on using managed policies to manage the schema registry, see Amazon managed (predefined) policies for Amazon Glue.

For serializers, you should create a minimal policy similar to that below to give you the ability to find the schemaVersionId for a given schema definition. Note, you should have read permissions on the registry in order to read the schemas in the registry. You can limit the registries that can be read by using the Resource clause.

Code example 13:

{ "Sid" : "GetSchemaByDefinition", "Effect" : "Allow", "Action" : [ "glue:GetSchemaByDefinition" ], "Resource" : ["arn:aws:glue:us-east-2:012345678:registry/registryname-1", "arn:aws:glue:us-east-2:012345678:schema/registryname-1/schemaname-1", "arn:aws:glue:us-east-2:012345678:schema/registryname-1/schemaname-2" ] }

Further, you can also allow producers to create new schemas and versions by including the following extra methods. Note, you should be able to inspect the registry in order to add/remove/evolve the schemas inside it. You can limit the registries that can be inspected by using the Resource clause.

Code example 14:

{ "Sid" : "RegisterSchemaWithMetadata", "Effect" : "Allow", "Action" : [ "glue:GetSchemaByDefinition", "glue:CreateSchema", "glue:RegisterSchemaVersion", "glue:PutSchemaVersionMetadata", ], "Resource" : ["arn:aws-cn:glue:aws-region:123456789012:registry/registryname-1", "arn:aws-cn:glue:aws-region:123456789012:schema/registryname-1/schemaname-1", "arn:aws-cn:glue:aws-region:123456789012:schema/registryname-1/schemaname-2" ] }

IAM examples for deserializers

For deserializers (consumer side), you should create a policy similar to that below to allow the deserializer to fetch the schema from the Schema Registry for deserialization. Note, you should be able to inspect the registry in order to fetch the schemas inside it.

Code example 15:

{ "Sid" : "GetSchemaVersion", "Effect" : "Allow", "Action" : [ "glue:GetSchemaVersion" ], "Resource" : ["*"] }

Private connectivity using Amazon PrivateLink

You can use Amazon PrivateLink to connect your data producer’s VPC to Amazon Glue by defining an interface VPC endpoint for Amazon Glue. When you use a VPC interface endpoint, communication between your VPC and Amazon Glue is conducted entirely within the Amazon network. For more information, see Using Amazon Glue with VPC Endpoints.

Accessing Amazon CloudWatch metrics

Amazon CloudWatch metrics are available as part of CloudWatch’s free tier. You can access these metrics in the CloudWatch Console. API-Level metrics include CreateSchema (Success and Latency), GetSchemaByDefinition, (Success and Latency), GetSchemaVersion (Success and Latency), RegisterSchemaVersion (Success and Latency), PutSchemaVersionMetadata (Success and Latency). Resource-level metrics include Registry.ThrottledByLimit, SchemaVersion.ThrottledByLimit, SchemaVersion.Size.

Sample Amazon CloudFormation template for Schema Registry

The following is a sample template for creating Schema Registry resources in Amazon CloudFormation. To create this stack in your account, copy the above template into a file SampleTemplate.yaml, and run the following command:

aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name ABCSchemaRegistryStack --template-body "'cat SampleTemplate.yaml'"

This example uses AWS::Glue::Registry to create a registry, AWS::Glue::Schema to create a schema, AWS::Glue::SchemaVersion to create a schema version, and AWS::Glue::SchemaVersionMetadata to populate schema version metadata.

Description: "A sample CloudFormation template for creating Schema Registry resources." Resources: ABCRegistry: Type: "AWS::Glue::Registry" Properties: Name: "ABCSchemaRegistry" Description: "ABC Corp. Schema Registry" Tags: - Key: "Project" Value: "Foo" ABCSchema: Type: "AWS::Glue::Schema" Properties: Registry: Arn: !Ref ABCRegistry Name: "TestSchema" Compatibility: "NONE" DataFormat: "AVRO" SchemaDefinition: > {"namespace":"foo.avro","type":"record","name":"user","fields":[{"name":"name","type":"string"},{"name":"favorite_number","type":"int"}]} Tags: - Key: "Project" Value: "Foo" SecondSchemaVersion: Type: "AWS::Glue::SchemaVersion" Properties: Schema: SchemaArn: !Ref ABCSchema SchemaDefinition: > {"namespace":"foo.avro","type":"record","name":"user","fields":[{"name":"status","type":"string", "default":"ON"}, {"name":"name","type":"string"},{"name":"favorite_number","type":"int"}]} FirstSchemaVersionMetadata: Type: "AWS::Glue::SchemaVersionMetadata" Properties: SchemaVersionId: !GetAtt ABCSchema.InitialSchemaVersionId Key: "Application" Value: "Kinesis" SecondSchemaVersionMetadata: Type: "AWS::Glue::SchemaVersionMetadata" Properties: SchemaVersionId: !Ref SecondSchemaVersion Key: "Application" Value: "Kinesis"