CloudWatch Metrics connector - Amazon IoT Greengrass
Services or capabilities described in Amazon Web Services documentation might vary by Region. To see the differences applicable to the China Regions, see Getting Started with Amazon Web Services in China (PDF).

Amazon IoT Greengrass Version 1 entered the extended life phase on June 30, 2023. For more information, see the Amazon IoT Greengrass V1 maintenance policy. After this date, Amazon IoT Greengrass V1 won't release updates that provide features, enhancements, bug fixes, or security patches. Devices that run on Amazon IoT Greengrass V1 won't be disrupted and will continue to operate and to connect to the cloud. We strongly recommend that you migrate to Amazon IoT Greengrass Version 2, which adds significant new features and support for additional platforms.

CloudWatch Metrics connector

The CloudWatch Metrics connector publishes custom metrics from Greengrass devices to Amazon CloudWatch. The connector provides a centralized infrastructure for publishing CloudWatch metrics, which you can use to monitor and analyze the Greengrass core environment, and act on local events. For more information, see Using Amazon CloudWatch metrics in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.

This connector receives metric data as MQTT messages. The connector batches metrics that are in the same namespace and publishes them to CloudWatch at regular intervals.

This connector has the following versions.













For information about version changes, see the Changelog.


This connector has the following requirements:

Version 3 - 5
  • Amazon IoT Greengrass Core software v1.9.3 or later.

  • Python version 3.7 or 3.8 installed on the core device and added to the PATH environment variable.


    To use Python 3.8, run the following command to create a symbolic link from the the default Python 3.7 installation folder to the installed Python 3.8 binaries.

    sudo ln -s path-to-python-3.8/python3.8 /usr/bin/python3.7

    This configures your device to meet the Python requirement for Amazon IoT Greengrass.

  • The Greengrass group role configured to allow the cloudwatch:PutMetricData action, as shown in the following example Amazon Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy.

    { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "Stmt1528133056761", "Action": [ "cloudwatch:PutMetricData" ], "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": "*" } ] }

    For the group role requirement, you must configure the role to grant the required permissions and make sure the role has been added to the group. For more information, see Managing the Greengrass group role (console) or Managing the Greengrass group role (CLI).

    For more information about CloudWatch permissions, see Amazon CloudWatch permissions reference in the IAM User Guide.

Versions 1 - 2
  • Amazon IoT Greengrass Core software v1.7 or later.

  • Python version 2.7 installed on the core device and added to the PATH environment variable.

  • The Greengrass group role configured to allow the cloudwatch:PutMetricData action, as shown in the following example Amazon Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy.

    { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "Stmt1528133056761", "Action": [ "cloudwatch:PutMetricData" ], "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": "*" } ] }

    For the group role requirement, you must configure the role to grant the required permissions and make sure the role has been added to the group. For more information, see Managing the Greengrass group role (console) or Managing the Greengrass group role (CLI).

    For more information about CloudWatch permissions, see Amazon CloudWatch permissions reference in the IAM User Guide.

Connector Parameters

This connector provides the following parameters:

Versions 4 - 5

The maximum number of seconds to wait before publishing batched metrics for a given namespace. The maximum value is 900. To configure the connector to publish metrics as they are received (without batching), specify 0.

The connector publishes to CloudWatch after it receives 20 metrics in the same namespace or after the specified interval.


The connector doesn't guarantee the order of publish events.

Display name in the Amazon IoT console: Publish interval

Required: true

Type: string

Valid values: 0 - 900

Valid pattern: [0-9]|[1-9]\d|[1-9]\d\d|900


The Amazon Web Services Region to post CloudWatch metrics to. This value overrides the default Greengrass metrics Region. It is required only when posting cross-Region metrics.

Display name in the Amazon IoT console: Publish region

Required: false

Type: string

Valid pattern: ^$|([a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1})


The memory (in KB) to allocate to the connector.

Display name in the Amazon IoT console: Memory size

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: ^[0-9]+$


The maximum number of metrics across all namespaces to save in memory before they are replaced with new metrics. The minimum value is 2000.

This limit applies when there's no connection to the internet and the connector starts to buffer the metrics to publish later. When the buffer is full, the oldest metrics are replaced by new metrics. Metrics in a given namespace are replaced only by metrics in the same namespace.


Metrics are not saved if the host process for the connector is interrupted. For example, this interruption can happen during group deployment or when the device restarts.

Display name in the Amazon IoT console: Maximum metrics to retain

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: ^([2-9]\d{3}|[1-9]\d{4,})$


The containerization mode for this connector. The default is GreengrassContainer, which means that the connector runs in an isolated runtime environment inside the Amazon IoT Greengrass container.


The default containerization setting for the group does not apply to connectors.

Display name in the Amazon IoT console: Container isolation mode

Required: false

Type: string

Valid values: GreengrassContainer or NoContainer

Valid pattern: ^NoContainer$|^GreengrassContainer$

Versions 1 - 3

The maximum number of seconds to wait before publishing batched metrics for a given namespace. The maximum value is 900. To configure the connector to publish metrics as they are received (without batching), specify 0.

The connector publishes to CloudWatch after it receives 20 metrics in the same namespace or after the specified interval.


The connector doesn't guarantee the order of publish events.

Display name in the Amazon IoT console: Publish interval

Required: true

Type: string

Valid values: 0 - 900

Valid pattern: [0-9]|[1-9]\d|[1-9]\d\d|900


The Amazon Web Services Region to post CloudWatch metrics to. This value overrides the default Greengrass metrics Region. It is required only when posting cross-Region metrics.

Display name in the Amazon IoT console: Publish region

Required: false

Type: string

Valid pattern: ^$|([a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-\d{1})


The memory (in KB) to allocate to the connector.

Display name in the Amazon IoT console: Memory size

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: ^[0-9]+$


The maximum number of metrics across all namespaces to save in memory before they are replaced with new metrics. The minimum value is 2000.

This limit applies when there's no connection to the internet and the connector starts to buffer the metrics to publish later. When the buffer is full, the oldest metrics are replaced by new metrics. Metrics in a given namespace are replaced only by metrics in the same namespace.


Metrics are not saved if the host process for the connector is interrupted. For example, this interruption can happen during group deployment or when the device restarts.

Display name in the Amazon IoT console: Maximum metrics to retain

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: ^([2-9]\d{3}|[1-9]\d{4,})$

Create Connector Example (Amazon CLI)

The following CLI command creates a ConnectorDefinition with an initial version that contains the CloudWatch Metrics connector.

aws greengrass create-connector-definition --name MyGreengrassConnectors --initial-version '{ "Connectors": [ { "Id": "MyCloudWatchMetricsConnector", "ConnectorArn": "arn:aws:greengrass:region::/connectors/CloudWatchMetrics/versions/4", "Parameters": { "PublishInterval" : "600", "PublishRegion" : "us-west-2", "MemorySize" : "16", "MaxMetricsToRetain" : "2500", "IsolationMode" : "GreengrassContainer" } } ] }'

In the Amazon IoT Greengrass console, you can add a connector from the group's Connectors page. For more information, see Getting started with Greengrass connectors (console).

Input data

This connector accepts metrics on an MQTT topic and publishes the metrics to CloudWatch. Input messages must be in JSON format.

Topic filter in subscription


Message properties

Information about the metric in this message.

The request object contains the metric data to publish to CloudWatch. The metric values must meet the specifications of the PutMetricData API. Only the namespace, metricData.metricName, and metricData.value properties are required.

Required: true

Type: object that includes the following properties:


The user-defined namespace for the metric data in this request. CloudWatch uses namespaces as containers for metric data points.


You can't specify a namespace that begins with the reserved string AWS/.

Required: true

Type: string

Valid pattern: [^:].*


The data for the metric.

Required: true

Type: object that includes the following properties:


The name of the metric.

Required: true

Type: string


The dimensions that are associated with the metric. Dimensions provide more information about the metric and its data. A metric can define up to 10 dimensions.

This connector automatically includes a dimension named coreName, where the value is the name of the core.

Required: false

Type: array of dimension objects that include the following properties:


The dimension name.

Required: false

Type: string


The dimension value.

Required: false

Type: string


The time that the metric data was received, expressed as the number of seconds since Jan 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC. If this value is omitted, the connector uses the time that it received the message.

Required: false

Type: timestamp


If you use between versions 1 and 4 of this connector, we recommend that you retrieve the timestamp separately for each metric when you send multiple metrics from a single source. Don't use a variable to store the timestamp.


The value for the metric.


CloudWatch rejects values that are too small or too large. Values must be in the range of 8.515920e-109 to 1.174271e+108 (Base 10) or 2e-360 to 2e360 (Base 2). Special values (for example, NaN, +Infinity, -Infinity) are not supported.

Required: true

Type: double


The unit of the metric.

Required: false

Type: string

Valid values: Seconds, Microseconds, Milliseconds, Bytes, Kilobytes, Megabytes, Gigabytes, Terabytes, Bits, Kilobits, Megabits, Gigabits, Terabits, Percent, Count, Bytes/Second, Kilobytes/Second, Megabytes/Second, Gigabytes/Second, Terabytes/Second, Bits/Second, Kilobits/Second, Megabits/Second, Gigabits/Second, Terabits/Second, Count/Second, None


All limits that are imposed by the CloudWatch PutMetricData API apply to metrics when using this connector. The following limits are especially important:

  • 40 KB limit on API payload

  • 20 metrics per API request

  • 150 transactions per second (TPS) for the PutMetricData API

For more information, see CloudWatch limits in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.

Example input
{ "request": { "namespace": "Greengrass", "metricData": { "metricName": "latency", "dimensions": [ { "name": "hostname", "value": "test_hostname" } ], "timestamp": 1539027324, "value": 123.0, "unit": "Seconds" } } }

Output data

This connector publishes status information as output data on an MQTT topic.

Topic filter in subscription


Example output: Success

The response includes the namespace of the metric data and the RequestId field from the CloudWatch response.

{ "response": { "cloudwatch_rid":"70573243-d723-11e8-b095-75ff2EXAMPLE", "namespace": "Greengrass", "status":"success" } }
Example output: Failure
{ "response" : { "namespace": "Greengrass", "error": "InvalidInputException", "error_message":"cw metric is invalid", "status":"fail" } }

If the connector detects a retryable error (for example, connection errors), it retries the publish in the next batch.

Usage Example

Use the following high-level steps to set up an example Python 3.7 Lambda function that you can use to try out the connector.

  1. Make sure you meet the requirements for the connector.

    For the group role requirement, you must configure the role to grant the required permissions and make sure the role has been added to the group. For more information, see Managing the Greengrass group role (console) or Managing the Greengrass group role (CLI).

  2. Create and publish a Lambda function that sends input data to the connector.

    Save the example code as a PY file. Download and unzip the Amazon IoT Greengrass Core SDK for Python. Then, create a zip package that contains the PY file and the greengrasssdk folder at the root level. This zip package is the deployment package that you upload to Amazon Lambda.

    After you create the Python 3.7 Lambda function, publish a function version and create an alias.

  3. Configure your Greengrass group.

    1. Add the Lambda function by its alias (recommended). Configure the Lambda lifecycle as long-lived (or "Pinned": true in the CLI).

    2. Add the connector and configure its parameters.

    3. Add subscriptions that allow the connector to receive input data and send output data on supported topic filters.

      • Set the Lambda function as the source, the connector as the target, and use a supported input topic filter.

      • Set the connector as the source, Amazon IoT Core as the target, and use a supported output topic filter. You use this subscription to view status messages in the Amazon IoT console.

  4. Deploy the group.

  5. In the Amazon IoT console, on the Test page, subscribe to the output data topic to view status messages from the connector. The example Lambda function is long-lived and starts sending messages immediately after the group is deployed.

    When you're finished testing, you can set the Lambda lifecycle to on-demand (or "Pinned": false in the CLI) and deploy the group. This stops the function from sending messages.


The following example Lambda function sends an input message to the connector.

import greengrasssdk import time import json iot_client = greengrasssdk.client('iot-data') send_topic = 'cloudwatch/metric/put' def create_request_with_all_fields(): return { "request": { "namespace": "Greengrass_CW_Connector", "metricData": { "metricName": "Count1", "dimensions": [ { "name": "test", "value": "test" } ], "value": 1, "unit": "Seconds", "timestamp": time.time() } } } def publish_basic_message(): messageToPublish = create_request_with_all_fields() print("Message To Publish: ", messageToPublish) iot_client.publish(topic=send_topic, payload=json.dumps(messageToPublish)) publish_basic_message() def lambda_handler(event, context): return


The CloudWatch Metrics connector includes the following third-party software/licensing:

This connector is released under the Greengrass Core Software License Agreement.


The following table describes the changes in each version of the connector.




Fix to add support for duplicate timestamps in input data.


Added the IsolationMode parameter to configure the containerization mode for the connector.


Upgraded the Lambda runtime to Python 3.7, which changes the runtime requirement.


Fix to reduce excessive logging.


Initial release.

A Greengrass group can contain only one version of the connector at a time. For information about upgrading a connector version, see Upgrading connector versions.

See also