Setting up and starting Amazon S3 compatible storage on Snowball Edge - Amazon Snowball Edge Developer Guide
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Setting up and starting Amazon S3 compatible storage on Snowball Edge

Install and configure software tools from Amazon to your local environment to interact with the Snowball Edge device or cluster of devices and Amazon S3 compatible storage on Snowball Edge. Then, use these tools to set up the Snowball Edge device or cluster and start Amazon S3 compatible storage on Snowball Edge.


Amazon S3 compatible storage on Snowball Edge requires you to have the Snowball Edge Client and the Amazon CLI installed to your local environment. You can also use Amazon SDK for .NET and Amazon Tools for Windows PowerShell to work with Amazon S3 compatible storage on Snowball Edge. Amazon recommends using the following versions of these tools:

Setting up your local environment

This section describes how to set up and configure the Snowball Edge Client and your local environment for use with Amazon S3 compatible storage on Snowball Edge.

  1. Download and install the Snowball Edge Client. For more information, see Downloading and installing the Snowball Edge Client.

  2. Configure a profile for the Snowball Edge Client. For more information, see Configuring a profile for the Snowball Edge Client.

  3. If you are using Amazon SDK for .NET, set the clientConfig.AuthenticationRegion parameter value as follows:

    clientConfig.AuthenticationRegion = "snow"

Setting up your Snowball Edge device

Setting up IAM on the Snowball Edge

Amazon Identity and Access Management (IAM) helps you to enable granular access to Amazon resources that run on your Snowball Edge devices. You use IAM to control who is authenticated (signed in) and authorized (has permissions) to use resources.

IAM is supported locally on the Snowball Edge. You can use the local IAM service to create roles and attach IAM policies to them. You can use these policies to allow the access necessary to perform assigned tasks.

The following example allows full access to the Amazon S3 API:

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "VisualEditor0", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "s3:*", "Resource": "*" } ]

For more IAM policy examples, see the Amazon Snowball Edge Developer Guide.

Starting the Amazon S3 compatible storage on Snowball Edge service

Use the following instructions to start the Amazon S3 compatible storage on Snowball Edge service on a Snowball Edge device or cluster.

If you prefer a more user-friendly experience, you can start the Amazon S3 compatible storage on Snowball Edge service for a standalone device or cluster of devices using Amazon OpsHub. See Set up Amazon S3 compatible storage on Snowball Edge with Amazon OpsHub.

  1. Unlock your Snowball Edge device or cluster of devices by running the following command:

    • For a single device:

      snowballEdge unlock-device --endpoint https://snow-device-ip
    • For a cluster:

      snowballEdge unlock-cluster
  2. Run the following command and make sure that the Snowball Edge device or cluster of devices are unlocked:

    • For a single device:

      snowballEdge describe-device --endpoint https://snow-device-ip
    • For a cluster:

      snowballEdge describe-cluster --device-ip-addresses [snow-device-1-ip] [snow-device-2-ip] / [snow-device-3-ip] [snow-device-4-ip] [snow-device-5-ip] / [snow-device-6-ip]
  3. For each device (whether you have one or a cluster), to start Amazon S3 compatible storage on Snowball Edge, do the following:

    1. Fetch the device's PhysicalNetworkInterfaceId by running the following describe-device command:

      snowballEdge describe-device --endpoint https://snow-device-ip
    2. Run the following create-virtual-network-interface command twice to create the virtual network interfaces (VNIs) for the s3control (for bucket operations) and s3api (for object operations) endpoints.

      snowballEdge create-virtual-network-interface --ip-address-assignment dhcp --manifest-file manifest --physical-network-interface-id "PhysicalNetworkInterfaceId" --unlock-code unlockcode --endpoint https://snow-device-ip

      The command returns a JSON structure that includes the IP address. Make a note of that IP address.

      For details about these commands, see Setting up a Virtual Network Interface (VNI) on a Snowball Edge.


      Starting Amazon S3 compatible storage on Snowball Edge consumes device resources.

  4. Start the Amazon S3 compatible storage on Snowball Edge service by running the following start-service command. which includes the IP addresses of your devices and the Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) of the VNIs that you created for the s3control and s3api endpoints:

    To start the service on a single device:

    snowballEdge start-service --service-id s3-snow --device-ip-addresses snow-device-1-ip --virtual-network-interface-arns vni-arn-1 vni-arn-2

    To start the service on a cluster:

    snowballEdge start-service --service-id s3-snow --device-ip-addresses snow-device-1-ip snow-device-2-ip snow-device-3-ip --virtual-network-interface-arns vni-arn-1 vni-arn-2 vni-arn-3 vni-arn-4 vni-arn-5 vni-arn-6

    For --virtual-network-interface-arns, include ARNs for all the VNIs that you created in the previous step. Separate each ARN using a space.

  5. Run the following describe-service command for a single device:

    snowballEdge describe-service --service-id s3-snow

    Wait until service status is Active.

    Run the following describe-service command for a cluster:

    snowballEdge describe-service --service-id s3-snow \ --device-ip-addresses snow-device-1-ip snow-device-2-ip snow-device-3-ip

Viewing information about Amazon S3 compatible storage on Snowball Edge endpoints

When the Amazon S3 compatible storage on Snowball Edge service is running, you can use the describe-service Snowball Edge Client command to view the IP addresses associated with the s3control and s3api endpoints.

snowballEdge describe-service --service-id s3-snow --endpoint https://snow-device-ip-address --profile profile-name
Example output of describe-service command

In this example, the IP address of the s3control endpoint is and the IP address of the s3api endpoint is

{ "ServiceId": "s3-snow", "Autostart": true, "Status": { "State": "ACTIVATING", "Details": "Attaching storage" }, "ServiceCapacities": [ { "Name": "S3 Storage", "Unit": "Byte", "Used": 148599705600, "Available": 19351400294400 } ], "Endpoints": [ { "Protocol": "https", "Port": 443, "Host": "", "CertificateAssociation": { "CertificateArn": "arn:aws:snowball-device:::certificate/30c563f1124707705117f57f6c3accd42a4528ed6dba1e35c1822a391a717199d8c49973d3c0283494d987463e826f2c" }, "Description": "s3-snow bucket API endpoint (for s3control SDK)", "DeviceId": "JID-beta-207429000001-23-12-28-03-51-11", "Status": { "State": "ACTIVE" } }, { "Protocol": "https", "Port": 443, "Host": "", "CertificateAssociation": { "CertificateArn": "arn:aws:snowball-device:::certificate/30c563f1124707705117f57f6c3accd42a4528ed6dba1e35c1822a391a717199d8c49973d3c0283494d987463e826f2c" }, "Description": "s3-snow object & bucket API endpoint (for s3api SDK)", "DeviceId": "JID-beta-207429000001-23-12-28-03-51-11", "Status": { "State": "ACTIVATING" } } ] }