Integrating optimized services with Step Functions - Amazon Step Functions
Services or capabilities described in Amazon Web Services documentation might vary by Region. To see the differences applicable to the China Regions, see Getting Started with Amazon Web Services in China (PDF).

Integrating optimized services with Step Functions

You can call Optimized integrations services directly from the Amazon States Language in the Resource field of a Task state. The following topics include the supported APIs, parameters, request/response syntax in the Amazon States Language for coordinating other Amazon services.

You can use three service integration patterns:

Standard Workflows and Express Workflows support the same integrations but not the same integration patterns.

  • Standard Workflows support Request Response integrations. Certain services support Run a Job (.sync), or Wait for Callback (.waitForTaskToken) , and both in some cases. See the following optimized integrations table for details.

  • Express Workflows only support Request Response integrations.

To help decide between the two types, see Choosing workflow type in Step Functions.

Amazon SDK integrations in Step Functions

Integrated service Request Response Run a Job - .sync Wait for Callback - .waitForTaskToken
Over two hundred services Standard & Express Not supported Standard

Optimized integrations in Step Functions

Integrated service Request Response Run a Job - .sync Wait for Callback - .waitForTaskToken
Amazon API Gateway Standard & Express Not supported Standard
Amazon Athena Standard & Express Standard Not supported
Amazon Batch Standard & Express Standard Not supported
Amazon Bedrock Standard & Express Standard Standard
Amazon CodeBuild Standard & Express Standard Not supported
Amazon DynamoDB Standard & Express Not supported Not supported
Amazon ECS/Fargate Standard & Express Standard Standard
Amazon EKS Standard & Express Standard Standard
Amazon EMR Standard & Express Standard Not supported
Amazon EMR on EKS Standard & Express Standard Not supported
Amazon EMR Serverless Standard & Express Standard Not supported
Amazon EventBridge Standard & Express Not supported Standard
Amazon Glue Standard & Express Standard Not supported
Amazon Glue DataBrew Standard & Express Standard Not supported
Amazon Lambda Standard & Express Not supported Standard
AWS Elemental MediaConvert Standard & Express Standard Not supported
Amazon SageMaker Standard & Express Standard Not supported
Amazon SNS Standard & Express Not supported Standard
Amazon SQS Standard & Express Not supported Standard
Amazon Step Functions Standard & Express Standard Standard