Amazon managed policies for Amazon Systems Manager - Amazon Systems Manager
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Amazon managed policies for Amazon Systems Manager

An Amazon managed policy is a standalone policy that is created and administered by Amazon. Amazon managed policies are designed to provide permissions for many common use cases so that you can start assigning permissions to users, groups, and roles.

Keep in mind that Amazon managed policies might not grant least-privilege permissions for your specific use cases because they're available for all Amazon customers to use. We recommend that you reduce permissions further by defining customer managed policies that are specific to your use cases.

You cannot change the permissions defined in Amazon managed policies. If Amazon updates the permissions defined in an Amazon managed policy, the update affects all principal identities (users, groups, and roles) that the policy is attached to. Amazon is most likely to update an Amazon managed policy when a new Amazon Web Services service is launched or new API operations become available for existing services.

For more information, see Amazon managed policies in the IAM User Guide.

Amazon managed policy: AmazonSSMServiceRolePolicy

You can't attach AmazonSSMServiceRolePolicy to your Amazon Identity and Access Management (IAM) entities. This policy is attached to a service-linked role that allows Amazon Systems Manager to perform actions on your behalf. For more information, see Using roles to collect inventory and view OpsData.

AmazonSSMServiceRolePolicy allows Systems Manager to complete the following actions on all related resources ("Resource": "*"), except where indicated:

  • ssm:CancelCommand

  • ssm:GetCommandInvocation

  • ssm:ListCommandInvocations

  • ssm:ListCommands

  • ssm:SendCommand

  • ssm:GetAutomationExecution

  • ssm:GetParameters

  • ssm:StartAutomationExecution

  • ssm:StopAutomationExecution

  • ssm:ListTagsForResource

  • ssm:GetCalendarState

  • ssm:UpdateServiceSetting [1]

  • ssm:GetServiceSetting [1]

  • ec2:DescribeInstanceAttribute

  • ec2:DescribeInstanceStatus

  • ec2:DescribeInstances

  • lambda:InvokeFunction [2]

  • states:DescribeExecution [3]

  • states:StartExecution [3]

  • resource-groups:ListGroups

  • resource-groups:ListGroupResources

  • resource-groups:GetGroupQuery

  • tag:GetResources

  • config:SelectResourceConfig

  • config:DescribeComplianceByConfigRule

  • config:DescribeComplianceByResource

  • config:DescribeRemediationConfigurations

  • config:DescribeConfigurationRecorders

  • cloudwatch:DescribeAlarms

  • compute-optimizer:GetEC2InstanceRecommendations

  • compute-optimizer:GetEnrollmentStatus

  • support:DescribeTrustedAdvisorChecks

  • support:DescribeTrustedAdvisorCheckSummaries

  • support:DescribeTrustedAdvisorCheckResult

  • support:DescribeCases

  • iam:PassRole [4]

  • cloudformation:DescribeStacks

  • cloudformation:ListStackResources

  • cloudformation:ListStackInstances [5]

  • cloudformation:DescribeStackSetOperation [5]

  • cloudformation:DeleteStackSet [5]

  • cloudformation:DeleteStackInstances [6]

  • events:PutRule [7]

  • events:PutTargets [7]

  • events:RemoveTargets [8]

  • events:DeleteRule [8]

  • events:DescribeRule

  • securityhub:DescribeHub

[1] The ssm:UpdateServiceSetting and ssm:GetServiceSetting actions are allowed permissions for the following resources only.

arn:aws-cn:ssm:*:*:servicesetting/ssm/opsitem/* arn:aws-cn:ssm:*:*:servicesetting/ssm/opsdata/*

[2] The lambda:InvokeFunction action is allowed permissions for the following resources only.

arn:aws-cn:lambda:*:*:function:SSM* arn:aws-cn:lambda:*:*:function:*:SSM*

[3] The states: actions are allowed permissions on the following resources only.

arn:aws-cn:states:*:*:stateMachine:SSM* arn:aws-cn:states:*:*:execution:SSM*

[4] The iam:PassRole action is allowed permissions by the following condition for the Systems Manager service only.

"Condition": { "StringEquals": { "iam:PassedToService": [ "" ] } }

[5] The cloudformation:ListStackInstances, cloudformation:DescribeStackSetOperation, and cloudformation:DeleteStackSet actions are allowed permissions on the following resource only.


[6] The cloudformation:DeleteStackInstances action is allowed permissions on the following resources only.

arn:aws-cn:cloudformation:*:*:stackset/AWS-QuickSetup-SSM*:* arn:aws-cn:cloudformation:*:*:stackset-target/AWS-QuickSetup-SSM*:* arn:aws-cn:cloudformation:*:*:type/resource/*

[7] The events:PutRule and events:PutTargets actions are allowed permissions by the following condition for the Systems Manager service only.

"Condition": { "StringEquals": { "events:ManagedBy": "" } }

[8] The events:RemoveTargets and events:DeleteRule actions are allowed permissions on the following resource only.


To view more details about the policy, including the latest version of the JSON policy document, see AmazonSSMServiceRolePolicy in the Amazon Managed Policy Reference Guide.

Amazon managed policy: AmazonSSMReadOnlyAccess

You can attach the AmazonSSMReadOnlyAccess policy to your IAM identities. This policy grants read-only access to Amazon Systems Manager API operations including Describe*, Get*, and List*.

To view more details about the policy, including the latest version of the JSON policy document, see AmazonSSMReadOnlyAccess in the Amazon Managed Policy Reference Guide.

Amazon managed policy: AWSSystemsManagerOpsDataSyncServiceRolePolicy

You can't attach AWSSystemsManagerOpsDataSyncServiceRolePolicy to your IAM entities. This policy is attached to a service-linked role that allows Systems Manager to perform actions on your behalf. For more information, see Using roles to create OpsData and OpsItems for Explorer.

AWSSystemsManagerOpsDataSyncServiceRolePolicy allows the AWSServiceRoleForSystemsManagerOpsDataSync service-linked role to create and update OpsItems and OpsData from Amazon Security Hub findings.

The policy allows Systems Manager to complete the following actions on all related resources ("Resource": "*"), except where indicated:

  • ssm:GetOpsItem [1]

  • ssm:UpdateOpsItem [1]

  • ssm:CreateOpsItem

  • ssm:AddTagsToResource [2]

  • ssm:UpdateServiceSetting [3]

  • ssm:GetServiceSetting [3]

  • securityhub:GetFindings

  • securityhub:GetFindings

  • securityhub:BatchUpdateFindings [4]

[1] The ssm:GetOpsItem and ssm:UpdateOpsItem actions are allowed permissions by the following condition for the Systems Manager service only.

"Condition": { "StringEquals": { "aws:ResourceTag/ExplorerSecurityHubOpsItem": "true" } }

[2] The ssm:AddTagsToResource action is allowed permissions for the following resource only.


[3] The ssm:UpdateServiceSetting and ssm:GetServiceSetting actions are allowed permissions for the following resources only.

arn:aws-cn:ssm:*:*:servicesetting/ssm/opsitem/* arn:aws-cn:ssm:*:*:servicesetting/ssm/opsdata/*

[4] The securityhub:BatchUpdateFindings are denied permissions by the following condition for the Systems Manager service only.

{ "Effect": "Deny", "Action": "securityhub:BatchUpdateFindings", "Resource": "*", "Condition": { "StringEquals": { "securityhub:ASFFSyntaxPath/Workflow.Status": "SUPPRESSED" } } }, { "Effect": "Deny", "Action": "securityhub:BatchUpdateFindings", "Resource": "*", "Condition": { "Null": { "securityhub:ASFFSyntaxPath/Confidence": false } } }, { "Effect": "Deny", "Action": "securityhub:BatchUpdateFindings", "Resource": "*", "Condition": { "Null": { "securityhub:ASFFSyntaxPath/Criticality": false } } }, { "Effect": "Deny", "Action": "securityhub:BatchUpdateFindings", "Resource": "*", "Condition": { "Null": { "securityhub:ASFFSyntaxPath/Note.Text": false } } }, { "Effect": "Deny", "Action": "securityhub:BatchUpdateFindings", "Resource": "*", "Condition": { "Null": { "securityhub:ASFFSyntaxPath/Note.UpdatedBy": false } } }, { "Effect": "Deny", "Action": "securityhub:BatchUpdateFindings", "Resource": "*", "Condition": { "Null": { "securityhub:ASFFSyntaxPath/RelatedFindings": false } } }, { "Effect": "Deny", "Action": "securityhub:BatchUpdateFindings", "Resource": "*", "Condition": { "Null": { "securityhub:ASFFSyntaxPath/Types": false } } }, { "Effect": "Deny", "Action": "securityhub:BatchUpdateFindings", "Resource": "*", "Condition": { "Null": { "securityhub:ASFFSyntaxPath/UserDefinedFields.key": false } } }, { "Effect": "Deny", "Action": "securityhub:BatchUpdateFindings", "Resource": "*", "Condition": { "Null": { "securityhub:ASFFSyntaxPath/UserDefinedFields.value": false } } }, { "Effect": "Deny", "Action": "securityhub:BatchUpdateFindings", "Resource": "*", "Condition": { "Null": { "securityhub:ASFFSyntaxPath/VerificationState": false } }

To view more details about the policy, including the latest version of the JSON policy document, see AWSSystemsManagerOpsDataSyncServiceRolePolicy in the Amazon Managed Policy Reference Guide.

Amazon managed policy: AmazonSSMManagedEC2InstanceDefaultPolicy

You should only attach AmazonSSMManagedEC2InstanceDefaultPolicy to IAM roles for Amazon EC2 instances that you want to have permission to use Systems Manager functionality. You shouldn't attached this role to other IAM entities, such as IAM users and IAM groups, or to IAM roles that serve other purposes. For more information, see Managing EC2 instances automatically with Default Host Management Configuration.

This policy grants permissions that allow SSM Agent on your Amazon EC2 instance to communicate with the Systems Manager service in the cloud in order to perform a variety of tasks. It also grants permissions for the two services that provide authorization tokens to ensure that operations are performed on the correct instance.

Permissions details

This policy includes the following permissions.

  • ssm – Allows principals to retrieve Documents, execute commands using Run Command, establish sessions using Session Manager, collect an inventory of the instance, and scan for patches and patch compliance using Patch Manager.

  • ssmmessages – Allows principals to access, for each instance, a personalized authorization token that was created by the Amazon Message Gateway Service. Systems Manager validates the personalized authorization token against the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance that was provided in the API operation. This access is necessary to ensure that SSM Agent performs the API operations on the correct instance.

  • ec2messages – Allows principals to access, for each instance, a personalized authorization token that was created by the Amazon Message Delivery Service. Systems Manager validates the personalized authorization token against the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance that was provided in the API operation. This access is necessary to ensure that SSM Agent performs the API operations on the correct instance.

For related information about the ssmmessages and ec2messages endpoints, including the differences between the two, see Agent-related API operations (ssmmessages and ec2messages endpoints).

To view more details about the policy, including the latest version of the JSON policy document, see AmazonSSMManagedEC2InstanceDefaultPolicy in the Amazon Managed Policy Reference Guide.

Amazon managed policy: SSMQuickSetupRolePolicy

You can't attach SSMQuickSetupRolePolicy to your IAM entities. This policy is attached to a service-linked role that allows Systems Manager to perform actions on your behalf. For more information, see Using roles to maintain Quick Setup-provisioned resource health and consistency.

This policy grants read-only permissions that allow Systems Manager to check configuration health, ensure consistent use of parameters and provisioned resources, and remediate resources when drift is detected.

Permissions details

This policy includes the following permissions.

  • ssm – Allows principals to read information Resource Data Syncs and SSM Documents in Systems Manager. This is required so Quick Setup can determine the state that configured resources are intended to be in.

  • organizations – Allows principals to read information about the member accounts that belong to an organization as configured in Amazon Organizations. This is required so Quick Setup can identify all accounts in an organization where resource health checks are to be performed.

  • cloudformation – Allows principals to read information from Amazon CloudFormation. This is required so Quick Setup can gather data about the Amazon CloudFormation stacks used to manage the state of resources and CloudFormation stackset operations.

To view more details about the policy, including the latest version of the JSON policy document, see SSMQuickSetupRolePolicy in the Amazon Managed Policy Reference Guide.

Amazon managed policy: AWSQuickSetupDeploymentRolePolicy

The managed policy AWSQuickSetupDeploymentRolePolicy supports multiple Quick Setup configuration types. These configuration types create IAM roles and automations that configure frequently used Amazon Web Services services and features with recommended best practices.

You can attach AWSQuickSetupDeploymentRolePolicy to your IAM entities.

This policy grants administrative permissions needed to create resources associated with the following Quick Setup configurations:

Permissions details

This policy includes the following permissions.

  • iam – Allows principals to manage and delete IAM roles required for Automation configuration tasks; and to manage Automation role policies.

  • cloudformation – Allows principals to create and manage stack sets.

  • config – Allows principals to create, manage, and delete conformance packs.

  • events – Allows principals to create, update, and delete event rules for scheduled actions.

  • resource-groups – Allows principals to retrieve resource queries that are associated with resource groups targeted by Quick Setup configurations.

  • ssm – Allows principals to create Automation runbooks and associations that apply Quick Setup configurations.

To view more details about the policy, including the latest version of the JSON policy document, see AWSQuickSetupDeploymentRolePolicy in the Amazon Managed Policy Reference Guide.

Amazon managed policy: AWSQuickSetupPatchPolicyDeploymentRolePolicy

The managed policy AWSQuickSetupPatchPolicyDeploymentRolePolicy supports the Configure patching for instances in an organization using Quick Setup Quick Setup type. This configuration type helps automate patching of applications and nodes in a single account or across your organization.

You can attach AWSQuickSetupPatchPolicyDeploymentRolePolicy to your IAM entities. Systems Manager also attaches this policy to a service role that allows Systems Manager to perform actions on your behalf.

This policy grants administrative permissions that allow Quick Setup to create resources associated with a patch policy configuration.

Permissions details

This policy includes the following permissions.

  • iam – Allows principals to manage and delete IAM roles required for Automation configuration tasks; and to manage Automation role policies.

  • cloudformation – Allows principals to read Amazon CloudFormation stack information; and to control Amazon CloudFormation stacks that were created by Quick Setup using Amazon CloudFormation stack sets.

  • ssm – Allows principals to create, update, read, and delete Automation runbooks required for configuration tasks; and to create, update, and delete State Manager associations.

  • resource-groups – Allows principals to retrieve resource queries that are associated with resource groups targeted by Quick Setup configurations.

  • s3 – Allows principals to list Amazon S3 buckets; and to manage the buckets for storing patch policy access logs.

  • lambda – Allows principals to manage Amazon Lambda remediation functions that maintain configurations in the correct state.

  • logs – Allows principals to describe and manage log groups for Lambda configuration resources.

To view more details about the policy, including the latest version of the JSON policy document, see AWSQuickSetupPatchPolicyDeploymentRolePolicy in the Amazon Managed Policy Reference Guide.

Amazon managed policy: AWSQuickSetupPatchPolicyBaselineAccess

The managed policy AWSQuickSetupPatchPolicyBaselineAccess supports the Configure patching for instances in an organization using Quick Setup Quick Setup type. This configuration type helps automate patching of applications and nodes in a single account or across your organization.

You can attach AWSQuickSetupPatchPolicyBaselineAccess to your IAM entities. Systems Manager also attaches this policy to a service role that allows Systems Manager to perform actions on your behalf.

This policy provides read-only permissions to access patch baselines that have been configured by an administrator in the current Amazon Web Services account or organization using Quick Setup. The patch baselines are stored in an Amazon S3 bucket and can be used for patching instances in a single account or across an entire organization.

Permissions details

This policy includes the following permission.

  • s3 – Allows principals to read patch baseline overrides stored in Amazon S3 buckets.

To view more details about the policy, including the latest version of the JSON policy document, see AWSQuickSetupPatchPolicyBaselineAccess in the Amazon Managed Policy Reference Guide.

Amazon managed policy: AWSSystemsManagerEnableExplorerExecutionPolicy

The managed policy AWSSystemsManagerEnableExplorerExecutionPolicy supports enabling Explorer, a capability of Amazon Systems Manager.

You can attach AWSSystemsManagerEnableExplorerExecutionPolicy to your IAM entities. Systems Manager also attaches this policy to a service role that allows Systems Manager to perform actions on your behalf.

This policy grants administrative permissions for enabling Explorer. This includes permissions to update related Systems Manager service settings, and to create a service-linked role for Systems Manager.

Permissions details

This policy includes the following permissions.

  • config – Allows principals to help enable Explorer by providing read-only access to configuration recorder details.

  • iam – Allows principals to help enable Explorer.

  • ssm – Allows principals to start an Automation workflow that enables Explorer.

To view more details about the policy, including the latest version of the JSON policy document, see AWSSystemsManagerEnableExplorerExecutionPolicy in the Amazon Managed Policy Reference Guide.

Amazon managed policy: AWSSystemsManagerEnableConfigRecordingExecutionPolicy

The managed policy AWSSystemsManagerEnableConfigRecordingExecutionPolicy supports the Create an Amazon Config configuration recorder using Quick Setup Quick Setup configuration type. This configuration type enables Quick Setup to track and record changes to the Amazon resource types you choose for Amazon Config. It also enables Quick Setup to configure delivery and notifications options for the recorded data.

You can attach AWSSystemsManagerEnableConfigRecordingExecutionPolicy to your IAM entities. Systems Manager also attaches this policy to a service role that allows Systems Manager to perform actions on your behalf.

This policy grants administrative permissions that allow Quick Setup to enable and configure Amazon Config configuration recording.

Permissions details

This policy includes the following permissions.

  • s3 – Allows principals to create and configure Amazon S3 buckets for delivery of configuration recordings.

  • sns – Allows principals to list and create Amazon SNS topics.

  • config – Allows principals to configure and start the configuration recorder; and to help enable Explorer.

  • iam – Allows principals to create, get, and pass a service-linked role for Amazon Config; and to create a service-linked role for Systems Manager; and to help enable Explorer.

  • ssm – Allows principals to start an Automation workflow that enables Explorer.

  • compute-optimizer – Allows principals to help enable Explorer by providing read-only access to determine whether a resource is enrolled with Amazon Compute Optimizer.

  • support – Allows principals to help enable Explorer by providing read-only access to determine whether a resource is enrolled with Amazon Compute Optimizer.

To view more details about the policy, including the latest version of the JSON policy document, see AWSSystemsManagerEnableConfigRecordingExecutionPolicy in the Amazon Managed Policy Reference Guide.

Amazon managed policy: AWSQuickSetupDevOpsGuruPermissionsBoundary


This policy is a permissions boundary. A permissions boundary sets the maximum permissions that an identity-based policy can grant to an IAM entity. You should not use and attach Quick Setup permissions boundary policies on your own. Quick Setup permissions boundary policies should only be attached to Quick Setup managed roles. For more information about permissions boundaries, see Permissions boundaries for IAM entities in the IAM User Guide.

The managed policy AWSQuickSetupDevOpsGuruPermissionsBoundary supports the Set up DevOps Guru using Quick Setup type. The configuration type enables the machine learning-powered Amazon DevOps Guru. The DevOps Guru service can help improve an application’s operational performance and availability.

When you create an AWSQuickSetupDevOpsGuruPermissionsBoundary configuration using Quick Setup, the system applies this permissions boundary to the IAM roles that are created when the configuration is deployed. The permissions boundary limits the scope of the roles that Quick Setup creates.

This policy grants administrative permissions that allow Quick Setup to enable and configure Amazon DevOps Guru.

Permissions details

This policy includes the following permissions.

  • iam – Allows principals to create service-linked roles for DevOps Guru and Systems Manager; and to list roles that help enable Explorer.

  • cloudformation – Allows principals to list and describe Amazon CloudFormation stacks.

  • sns – Allows principals to list and create Amazon SNS topics.

  • devops-guru – Allows principals to configure DevOps Guru; and to add a notification channel.

  • config – – Allows principals to help enable Explorer by providing read-only access to configuration recorder details.

  • ssm – Allows principals to start an Automation workflow that enables Explorer; and to read and update Explorer service settings.

  • compute-optimizer – Allows principals to help enable Explorer by providing read-only access to determine whether a resource is enrolled with Amazon Compute Optimizer.

  • support – Allows principals to help enable Explorer by providing read-only access to determine whether a resource is enrolled with Amazon Compute Optimizer.

To view more details about the policy, including the latest version of the JSON policy document, see AWSQuickSetupDevOpsGuruPermissionsBoundary in the Amazon Managed Policy Reference Guide.

Amazon managed policy: AWSQuickSetupDistributorPermissionsBoundary


This policy is a permissions boundary. A permissions boundary sets the maximum permissions that an identity-based policy can grant to an IAM entity. You should not use and attach Quick Setup permissions boundary policies on your own. Quick Setup permissions boundary policies should only be attached to Quick Setup managed roles. For more information about permissions boundaries, see Permissions boundaries for IAM entities in the IAM User Guide.

The managed policy AWSQuickSetupDistributorPermissionsBoundary supports the Deploy Distributor packages using Quick Setup Quick Setup configuration type. The configuration type helps enable the distribution of software packages, such as agents, to your Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances, using Distributor, a capability of Amazon Systems Manager.

When you create an AWSQuickSetupDistributorPermissionsBoundary configuration using Quick Setup, the system applies this permissions boundary to the IAM roles that are created when the configuration is deployed. The permissions boundary limits the scope of the roles that Quick Setup creates.

This policy grants administrative permissions that allow Quick Setup to enable the distribution of software packages, such as agents, to your Amazon EC2 instances using Distributor.

Permissions details

This policy includes the following permissions.

  • iam – Allows principals to get and pass the Distributor automation role; to create, read, update, and delete the default instance role; to pass the default instance role to Amazon EC2 and Systems Manager; to attach instance management policies to instance roles; to create a service-linked role for Systems Manager; to add the default instance role to instance profiles; to read information about IAM roles and instance profiles; and to create the default instance profile.

  • ec2 – Allows principals to associate the default instance profile with EC2 instances; and to help enable Explorer.

  • ssm – Allows principals to start automation workflows that which configure instances and install packages; and to help start the automation workflow that enables Explorer; and to read and update Explorer service settings.

  • config – Allows principals to help enable Explorer by providing read-only access to configuration recorder details.

  • compute-optimizer – Allows principals to help enable Explorer by providing read-only access to determine whether a resource is enrolled with Amazon Compute Optimizer.

  • support – Allows principals to help enable Explorer by providing read-only access to determine whether a resource is enrolled with Amazon Compute Optimizer.

To view more details about the policy, including the latest version of the JSON policy document, see AWSQuickSetupDistributorPermissionsBoundary in the Amazon Managed Policy Reference Guide.

Amazon managed policy: AWSQuickSetupSSMHostMgmtPermissionsBoundary


This policy is a permissions boundary. A permissions boundary sets the maximum permissions that an identity-based policy can grant to an IAM entity. You should not use and attach Quick Setup permissions boundary policies on your own. Quick Setup permissions boundary policies should only be attached to Quick Setup managed roles. For more information about permissions boundaries, see Permissions boundaries for IAM entities in the IAM User Guide.

The managed policy AWSQuickSetupSSMHostMgmtPermissionsBoundary supports the Set up Amazon EC2 host management using Quick Setup Quick Setup configuration type. This configuration type configures IAM roles and enables commonly used Systems Manager capabilities to securely manage your Amazon EC2 instances.

When you create an AWSQuickSetupSSMHostMgmtPermissionsBoundary configuration using Quick Setup, the system applies this permissions boundary to the IAM roles that are created when the configuration is deployed. The permissions boundary limits the scope of the roles that Quick Setup creates.

This policy grants administrative permissions that allow Quick Setup to enable and configure Systems Manager capabilities needed for securely managing EC2 instances.

Permissions details

This policy includes the following permissions.

  • iam – Allows principals to get and pass the service role to Automation. Allows principals to create, read, update, and delete the default instance role; to pass the default instance role to Amazon EC2 and Systems Manager; to attach instance management policies to instance roles; to create a service-linked role for Systems Manager; to add the default instance role to instance profiles; to read information about IAM roles and instance profiles; and to create the default instance profile.

  • ec2 – Allows principals to associate and disassociate the default instance profile with EC2 instances.

  • ssm – Allows principals to start Automation workflows that enable Explorer; to read and update Explorer service settings; to configure instances; and to enable Systems Manager capabilities on instances.

  • compute-optimizer – Allows principals to help enable Explorer by providing read-only access to determine whether a resource is enrolled with Amazon Compute Optimizer.

  • support – Allows principals to help enable Explorer by providing read-only access to determine whether a resource is enrolled with Amazon Compute Optimizer.

To view more details about the policy, including the latest version of the JSON policy document, see AWSQuickSetupSSMHostMgmtPermissionsBoundary in the Amazon Managed Policy Reference Guide.

Amazon managed policy: AWSQuickSetupPatchPolicyPermissionsBoundary


This policy is a permissions boundary. A permissions boundary sets the maximum permissions that an identity-based policy can grant to an IAM entity. You should not use and attach Quick Setup permissions boundary policies on your own. Quick Setup permissions boundary policies should only be attached to Quick Setup managed roles. For more information about permissions boundaries, see Permissions boundaries for IAM entities in the IAM User Guide.

The managed policy AWSQuickSetupPatchPolicyPermissionsBoundary supports the Configure patching for instances in an organization using Quick Setup Quick Setup type. This configuration type helps automate patching of applications and nodes in a single account or across your organization.

When you create an AWSQuickSetupPatchPolicyPermissionsBoundary configuration using Quick Setup, the system applies this permissions boundary to the IAM roles that are created when the configuration is deployed. The permissions boundary limits the scope of the roles that Quick Setup creates.

This policy grants administrative permissions that allow Quick Setup to enable and configure patch policies in Patch Manager, a capability of Amazon Systems Manager.

Permissions details

This policy includes the following permissions.

  • iam – Allows principals to get the Patch Manager Automation role; to pass Automation roles to Patch Manager patching operations; to create the default instance role, AmazonSSMRoleForInstancesQuickSetup; to pass the default instance role to Amazon EC2 and Systems Manager; to attach selected Amazon managed policies to the instance role; to create a service-linked role for Systems Manager; to add the default instance role to instance profiles; to read information about instance profiles and roles; to create a default instance profile; and to tag roles that have permissions to read patch baseline overrides.

  • ssm – Allows principals to update the instance role this is managed by Systems Manager; to manage associations created by Patch Manager patch policies created in Quick Setup; to tag instances targeted by a patch policy configuration; to read information about instances and patching status; to start Automation workflows that configure, enable and remediate instance patching; to start automation workflows that enable Explorer; to help enable Explorer; and to read and update Explorer service settings.

  • ec2 – Allows principals to associate and disassociate the default instance profile with EC2 instances; to tag instances targeted by a patch policy configuration; to tag instances targeted by a patch policy configuration; and to help enable Explorer.

  • s3 – Allows principals to create and configure S3 buckets to store patch baseline overrides.

  • lambda – Allows principals to invoke Amazon Lambda functions that configure patching and to perform clean-up operations after a Quick Setup patch policy configuration is deleted.

  • logs – Allows principals to configure logging for Patch Manager Quick Setup Amazon Lambda functions.

  • config – Allows principals to help enable Explorer by providing read-only access to configuration recorder details.

  • compute-optimizer – Allows principals to help enable Explorer by providing read-only access to determine whether a resource is enrolled with Amazon Compute Optimizer.

  • support – Allows principals to help enable Explorer by providing read-only access to determine whether a resource is enrolled with Amazon Compute Optimizer.

To view more details about the policy, including the latest version of the JSON policy document, see AWSQuickSetupPatchPolicyPermissionsBoundary in the Amazon Managed Policy Reference Guide.

Amazon managed policy: AWSQuickSetupSchedulerPermissionsBoundary


This policy is a permissions boundary. A permissions boundary sets the maximum permissions that an identity-based policy can grant to an IAM entity. You should not use and attach Quick Setup permissions boundary policies on your own. Quick Setup permissions boundary policies should only be attached to Quick Setup managed roles. For more information about permissions boundaries, see Permissions boundaries for IAM entities in the IAM User Guide.

The managed policy AWSQuickSetupSchedulerPermissionsBoundary supports the Stop and start EC2 instances automatically on a schedule using Quick Setup Quick Setup configuration type. This configuration type lets you stop and start your EC2 instances and other resources at the times you specify.

When you create an AWSQuickSetupSchedulerPermissionsBoundary configuration using Quick Setup, the system applies this permissions boundary to the IAM roles that are created when the configuration is deployed. The permissions boundary limits the scope of the roles that Quick Setup creates.

This policy grants administrative permissions that allow Quick Setup to enable and configure scheduled operations on EC2 instances and other resources.

Permissions details

This policy includes the following permissions.

  • iam – Allows principals to retrieve and pass roles for instance management automation actions; to manage, pass, and attach default instance roles for EC2 instance management; to create default instance profiles; to add default instance roles to instance profiles; to create a service-linked role for Systems Manager; to read information about IAM roles and instance profiles; to associate a default instance profile with EC2 instances; and to start Automation workflows to configure instances and enable Systems Manager capabilities on them.

  • ssm – Allows principals to start Automation workflows that enable Explorer; and to read and update Explorer service settings.

  • ec2 – Allows principals to locate targeted instances and to start and stop them on a schedule.

  • config – Allows principals to help enable Explorer by providing read-only access to configuration recorder details.

  • compute-optimizer – Allows principals to help enable Explorer by providing read-only access to determine whether a resource is enrolled with Amazon Compute Optimizer.

  • support – Allows principals to help enable Explorer by providing read-only access to Amazon Trusted Advisor checks for an account.

To view more details about the policy, including the latest version of the JSON policy document, see AWSQuickSetupSchedulerPermissionsBoundary in the Amazon Managed Policy Reference Guide.

Amazon managed policy: AWSQuickSetupCFGCPacksPermissionsBoundary


This policy is a permissions boundary. A permissions boundary sets the maximum permissions that an identity-based policy can grant to an IAM entity. You should not use and attach Quick Setup permissions boundary policies on your own. Quick Setup permissions boundary policies should only be attached to Quick Setup managed roles. For more information about permissions boundaries, see Permissions boundaries for IAM entities in the IAM User Guide.

The managed policy AWSQuickSetupCFGCPacksPermissionsBoundarysupports the Deploy Amazon Config conformance pack using Quick Setup Quick Setup configuration type. This configuration type deploys Amazon Config conformance packs. Conformance packs are collections of Amazon Config rules and remediation actions that can be deployed as a single entity.

When you create an AWSQuickSetupCFGCPacksPermissionsBoundary configuration using Quick Setup, the system applies this permissions boundary to the IAM roles that are created when the configuration is deployed. The permissions boundary limits the scope of the roles that Quick Setup creates.

This policy grants administrative permissions that allow Quick Setup to deploy Amazon Config conformance packs.

Permissions details

This policy includes the following permissions.

  • iam – Allows principals to create, get, and pass a service-linked role for Amazon Config.

  • sns – Allows principals to list platform applications in Amazon SNS.

  • config – Allows principals to deploy Amazon Config conformance packs; to get the status of conformance packs; and to get information about configuration recorders.

  • ssm – Allows principals to get information about SSM documents and Automation workflows; to get information about resource tags; and to get information about and update service settings.

  • compute-optimizer – Allows principals to get the opt-in status of an account.

  • support – Allows principals to get information about Amazon Trusted Advisor checks.

To view more details about the policy, including the latest version of the JSON policy document, see AWSQuickSetupCFGCPacksPermissionsBoundary in the Amazon Managed Policy Reference Guide.

Systems Manager updates to Amazon managed policies

In the following table, view details about updates to Amazon managed policies for Systems Manager since this service began tracking these changes on March 12, 2021. For information about other managed policies for the Systems Manager service, see Additional managed policies for Systems Manager later in this topic. For automatic alerts about changes to this page, subscribe to the RSS feed on the Systems Manager Document history page.

Change Description Date

SSMQuickSetupRolePolicy – Update to an existing policy

Systems Manager added new permissions to allow Quick Setup to check the health of additional Amazon CloudFormation stack sets that it has created.

August 13, 2024
AmazonSSMManagedEC2InstanceDefaultPolicy – Update to an existing policy Systems Manager has added statement IDs (Sids) to the JSON policy for AmazonSSMManagedEC2InstanceDefaultPolicy. These Sids provide inline descriptions of the purpose of each policy statement. July 18, 2024
SSMQuickSetupRolePolicy – New policy Systems Manager added a new policy to allow Quick Setup to check the health of deployed resources and remediate instances that have drifted from the original configuration. July 3, 2024
AWSQuickSetupDeploymentRolePolicy – New policy Systems Manager added a new policy to support multiple Quick Setup configuration types that create IAM roles and automations, which in turn configure frequently used Amazon Web Services services and features with recommended best practices. July 3, 2024


– New policy

Systems Manager added a new policy to allow Quick Setup to create resources associated with Patch Manager patch policy Quick Setup configurations.

July 3, 2024

AWSQuickSetupPatchPolicyBaselineAccess – New policy

Systems Manager added a new policy to allow Quick Setup to access patch baselines in Patch Manager with read-only permissions.

July 3, 2024
AWSSystemsManagerEnableExplorerExecutionPolicy – New policy Systems Manager added a new policy to allow Quick Setup to grant administrative permissions for enabling Explorer. July 3, 2024
AWSSystemsManagerEnableConfigRecordingExecutionPolicy – New policy Systems Manager added a new policy to allow Quick Setup to enable and configure Amazon Config configuration recording. July 3, 2024

AWSQuickSetupDevOpsGuruPermissionsBoundary – New policy

Systems Manager added a new policy to allow Quick Setup to enable and configure Amazon DevOps Guru.

July 3, 2024

AWSQuickSetupDistributorPermissionsBoundary – New policy

Systems Manager added a new policy to allow Quick Setup to enable and configure Distributor, a capability of Amazon Systems Manager.

July 3, 2024

AWSQuickSetupSSMHostMgmtPermissionsBoundary – New policy

Systems Manager added a new policy to allow Quick Setup to enable and configure Systems Manager capabilities for securely managing Amazon EC2 instances.

July 3, 2024

AWSQuickSetupPatchPolicyPermissionsBoundary – New policy

Systems Manager added a new policy to allow Quick Setup to enable and configure patch policies in Patch Manager, a capability of Amazon Systems Manager.

July 3, 2024

AWSQuickSetupSchedulerPermissionsBoundary – New policy

Systems Manager added a new policy to allow Quick Setup to enable and configure scheduled operations on Amazon EC2 instances and other resources.

July 3, 2024

AWSQuickSetupCFGCPacksPermissionsBoundary – New policy

Systems Manager added a new policy to allow Quick Setup to deploy Amazon Config conformance packs.

July 3, 2024

AWSSystemsManagerOpsDataSyncServiceRolePolicy – Update to an existing policy

OpsCenter updated the policy to improve the security of the service code within the service-linked role for Explorer to manage OpsData-related operations. July 3, 2023

AmazonSSMManagedEC2InstanceDefaultPolicy – New policy

Systems Manager added a new policy to allow Systems Manager functionality on Amazon EC2 instances without the use of an IAM instance profile.

August 18, 2022

AmazonSSMServiceRolePolicy – Update to an existing policy

Systems Manager added new permissions to allow Explorer to create a managed rule when you turn on Security Hub from Explorer or OpsCenter. New permissions were added to check that config and the compute-optimizer meet the necessary requirements before allowing OpsData.

April 27, 2021

AWSSystemsManagerOpsDataSyncServiceRolePolicy – New policy

Systems Manager added a new policy to create and update OpsItems and OpsData from Security Hub findings in Explorer and OpsCenter.

April 27, 2021

AmazonSSMServiceRolePolicy – Update to an existing policy

Systems Manager added new permissions to allow viewing aggregate OpsData and OpsItems details from multiple accounts and Amazon Web Services Regions in Explorer.

March 24, 2021

Systems Manager started tracking changes

Systems Manager started tracking changes for its Amazon managed policies.

March 12, 2021

Additional managed policies for Systems Manager

In addition to the managed policies described earlier in this topic, the following policies are also supported by Systems Manager.