Setting up a managed workflow for decrypting a file - Amazon Transfer Family
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Setting up a managed workflow for decrypting a file

This tutorial illustrates how to set up a managed workflow that contains a decrypt step. The tutorial also shows how to upload an encrypted file to an Amazon S3 bucket and then view the decrypted file in that same bucket.


The Amazon storage blog has a post that describes how to simply decrypt files without writing any code using Transfer Family Managed workflows, Encrypt and decrypt files with PGP and Amazon Transfer Family.

Step 1: Configure an execution role

Create an Amazon Identity and Access Management (IAM) execution role that Transfer Family can use to launch a workflow. The process of creating an execution role is described in IAM policies for workflows.


As part of creating an execution role, make sure to establish a trust relationship between the execution role and Transfer Family, as described in To establish a trust relationship.

The following execution role policy contains all the required permissions to start the workflow that you create in this tutorial. To use this example policy, replace the user input placeholders with your own information. Replace DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET with the name of the Amazon S3 bucket where you upload your encrypted files.


Not every workflow requires every permission that's listed in this example. You can restrict permissions based on the types of steps in your specific workflow. The permissions needed for each predefined step type are described in Use predefined steps. The permissions needed for a custom step are described in IAM permissions for a custom step.

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "WorkflowsS3Permissions", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "s3:GetObject", "s3:GetObjectTagging", "s3:GetObjectVersion", "s3:PutObject", "s3:PutObjectTagging", "s3:ListBucket", "s3:PutObjectTagging", "s3:PutObjectVersionTagging", "s3:DeleteObjectVersion", "s3:DeleteObject" ], "Resource": ["arn:aws-cn:s3:::DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET/*", "arn:aws-cn:s3:::DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET"] "Condition": { "StringEquals": { "s3:RequestObjectTag/Archive": "yes" } } }, { "Sid": "DecryptSecret", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "secretsmanager:GetSecretValue" ], "Resource": "arn:aws-cn:secretsmanager:region:account-id:secret:aws/transfer/*" } ] }

Step 2: Create a managed workflow

Now you need to create a workflow that contains a decrypt step.

To create a workflow that contains a decrypt step
  1. Open the Amazon Transfer Family console at

  2. In the left navigation pane, choose Workflows, and then choose Create workflow.

  3. Enter the following details:

    • Enter a description, for example Decrypt workflow example.

    • In the Nominal steps section, choose Add step.

  4. For Choose step type, choose Decrypt file, and then choose Next.

  5. In the Configure parameters dialog box, specify the following:

    • Enter a descriptive step name, for example, decrypt-step. Spaces are not allowed in step names.

    • For the Destination for decrypted files, choose Amazon S3.

    • For the Destination bucket name, choose the same Amazon S3 bucket that you specified as the DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET in the IAM policy that you created in Step 1.

    • For the Destination key prefix, enter the name of the prefix (folder) where you want to store your decrypted files in your destination bucket, for example, decrypted-files/.


      Make sure to add a trailing slash (/) to your prefix.

    • For this tutorial, leave Overwrite existing cleared. When this setting is cleared, if you try to decrypt a file with the identical name of an existing file, the workflow processing stops, and the new file is not processed.

    Choose Next to move to the review screen.

  6. Review the details for the step. If everything is correct, choose Create step.

  7. Your workflow needs only the single decrypt step, so there are no additional steps to configure. Choose Create workflow to create the new workflow.

Note the workflow ID for your new workflow. You will need this ID for the next step. This tutorial uses w-1234abcd5678efghi as the example workflow ID.

Step 3: Add the workflow to a server and create a user

Now that you have a workflow with a decrypt step, you must associate it with a Transfer Family server. This tutorial shows how to attach the workflow to an existing Transfer Family server. Alternatively, you can create a new server to use with your workflow.

After you attach the workflow to a server, you must create a user that can SFTP into the server and trigger the workflow to run.

To configure a Transfer Family server to run a workflow
  1. Open the Amazon Transfer Family console at

  2. In the left navigation pane, choose Servers, and then choose a server from the list. Make sure that this server supports the SFTP protocol.

  3. On the details page for the server, scroll down to the Additional details section, and then choose Edit.

  4. On the Edit additional details page, in the Managed workflows section, choose your workflow, and choose a corresponding execution role.

  5. Scroll to the bottom of the page, and choose Save to save your changes.

Note the ID for the server that you are using. The name of the Amazon Secrets Manager secret that you use to store your PGP keys is based in part on the server ID.

To add a user that can trigger the workflow
  1. Open the Amazon Transfer Family console at

  2. In the left navigation pane, choose Servers, and then choose the server that you're using for the decrypt workflow.

  3. On the server details page, scroll down to the Users section, and choose Add user.

  4. For your new user, enter the following details:

    • For Username, enter decrypt-user.

    • For Role, choose a user role that can access your server.

    • For Home directory, choose the Amazon S3 bucket that you used earlier, for example, DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET.

    • For SSH public keys, paste in a public key that corresponds to a private key that you have. For details, see Generate SSH keys for service-managed users.

  5. Choose Add to save your new user.

Note the name of your Transfer Family user for this server. The secret is partially based on the name of the user. For simplicity, this tutorial uses a default secret that can be used by any user of the server.

Step 4: Create a PGP key pair

Use one of the supported PGP clients to generate a PGP key pair. This process is described in detail in Generate PGP keys.

To generate a PGP key pair
  1. For this tutorial, you can use gpg (GnuPG) version 2.0.22 client to generate a PGP key pair that uses RSA as the encryption algorithm. For this client, run the following command, and provide an email address and a passphrase. You can use any name or email address that you like. Make sure that you remember the values that you use, because you will need to enter them later in the tutorial.

    gpg --gen-key

    If you're using GnuPG version 2.3.0 or newer, you must run gpg --full-gen-key. When prompted for the type of key to create, choose RSA or ECC. However, if you choose ECC, make sure to choose either NIST or BrainPool for the elliptic curve. Do not choose Curve 25519.

  2. Export the private key by running the following command. Replace with the email address that you used when you generated the key.

    gpg --output workflow-tutorial-key.pgp --armor --export-secret-key

    This command exports the private key to the workflow-tutorial-key.pgp file. You can name the output file anything that you like. You can also delete the private key file after you have added it to Amazon Secrets Manager.

Step 5: Store the PGP private key in Amazon Secrets Manager

You need to store the private key in Secrets Manager, in a very specific way, so that the workflow can find the private key when the workflow runs a decrypt step on an uploaded file.


When you store secrets in Secrets Manager, your Amazon Web Services account incurs charges. For information about pricing, see Amazon Secrets Manager Pricing.

To store a PGP private key in Secrets Manager
  1. Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management Console and open the Amazon Secrets Manager console at

  2. In the left navigation pane, choose Secrets.

  3. On the Secrets page, choose Store a new secret.

  4. On the Choose secret type page, for Secret type, choose Other type of secret.

  5. In the Key/value pairs section, choose the Key/value tab.

    • Key – Enter PGPPrivateKey.

    • value – Paste the text of your private key into the value field.

  6. Choose Add row, and in the Key/value pairs section, choose the Key/value tab.

    • Key – Enter PGPPassphrase.

    • value – Enter the passphrase that you used when you generated your PGP key pair in Step 4: Create a PGP key pair.

  7. Choose Next.

  8. On the Configure secret page, enter a name and description for your secret. You can create a secret for a specific user or one that can be used by all users. If your server ID is s-11112222333344445, you name the secret as follows.

    • To create a default secret for all users, name the secret aws/transfer/s-11112222333344445/@pgp-default.

    • To create a secret only for the user that you created earlier, name the secret aws/transfer/s-11112222333344445/decrypt-user.

  9. Choose Next, and then accept the defaults on the Configure rotation page. Then choose Next.

  10. On the Review page, choose Store to create and store the secret.

For more information about adding your PGP private key to Secrets Manager, see Use Amazon Secrets Manager to store your PGP key.

Step 6: Encrypt a file

Use the gpg program to encrypt a file for use in your workflow. Run the following command to encrypt a file:

gpg -e -r --openpgp testfile.txt

Before running this command, note the following:

  • For the -r argument, replace with the email address that you used when you created the PGP key pair.

  • The --openpgp flag is optional. This flag makes the encrypted file conform to the OpenPGP RFC4880 standard.

  • This command creates a file named testfile.txt.gpg in the same location as testfile.txt.

Step 7: Run the workflow and view the results

To run the workflow, you connect to the Transfer Family server with the user that you created in Step 3. Then you can look in the Amazon S3 bucket that you specified in Step 2.5, configure destination parameters to see the decrypted file.

To run the decrypt workflow
  1. Open a command terminal.

  2. Run the following command, replacing your-endpoint with your actual endpoint, and transfer-key with your user's SSH private key:

    sftp -i transfer-key decrypt-user@your-endpoint

    For example, if the private key is stored in ~/.ssh/decrypt-user, and your endpoint is, the command is as follows:

    sftp -i ~/.ssh/decrypt-user
  3. Run the pwd command. If successful, this command will return the following:

    Remote working directory: /DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET/decrypt-user

    Your directory reflects the name of your Amazon S3 bucket.

  4. Run the following command to upload the file and trigger the workflow to run:

    put testfile.txt.gpg
  5. For the destination of the decrypted files, you specified the decrypted-files/ folder when you created the workflow. Now, you can navigate to that folder and list the contents.

    cd ../decrypted-files/ ls

    If successful, the ls command lists the testfile.txt file. You can download this file and verify that it is the same as the original file that you encrypted earlier.