Use an Amazon Web Services Management Console - Amazon X-Ray
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Use an Amazon Web Services Management Console

Use an Amazon Web Services Management Console if you want a graphical user interface (GUI) that requires minimal coding. Users that are new to X-Ray can get started quickly using pre-built visualizations, and performing basic tasks. You can do the following directly from the console:

  • Enable X-Ray.

  • View high-level summaries of your application's performance.

  • Check the health status of your applications.

  • Identify high-level errors.

  • View basic trace summaries.

You can use either the Amazon CloudWatch console at or the X-Ray console at to interact with X-Ray.

Use the Amazon CloudWatch console

The CloudWatch console includes new X-Ray functionality that is redesigned from the X-Ray console to make it easier to use. If you use the CloudWatch console, you can view CloudWatch logs and metrics along with X-Ray trace data. Use the CloudWatch console to view and analyze data including the following:

  • X-Ray traces – View, analyze and filter traces associated with your application as it serves a request. Use these traces to find high latencies, debug errors, and optimize your application workflow. View a trace map and service map to see visual representations of your application workflow.

  • Logs – View, analyze and filter logs that your application produces. Use logs to troubleshoot errors and set up monitoring based on specific log values.

  • Metrics – Measure and monitor your application performance using metrics that your resources emit or create your own metrics. View these metrics in graphs and charts.

  • Monitoring networks and infrastructure – Monitor major networks for outages and the health and performance of your infrastructure including containerized applications, other Amazon services, and clients.

  • All of the functionality from the X-Ray console listed in the following Use the X-Ray console section.

For more information about the CloudWatch console, see Getting started with Amazon CloudWatch.

Login the Amazon CloudWatch console at

Use the X-Ray console

The X-Ray console offers distributed tracing for application requests. Use the X-Ray console if you want a simpler console experience or don’t want to update your application code. Amazon is no longer developing the X-Ray console. The X-Ray console contains the following features for instrumented applications:

  • Insights – Automatically detect anomalies in your application’s performance and find the underlying causes. Insights are included in the CloudWatch console under Insights. For more information, see the Use X-Ray Insights in Explore the X-Ray console.

  • Service map – View a graphical structure of your application and its connections with clients, resources, services, and dependencies.

  • Traces – See an overview of traces that are generated by your application as it serves a request. Use trace data to understand how your application performs against basic metrics including HTTP response and response time.

  • Analytics – Interpret, explore and analyze trace data using graphs for response time distribution.

  • Configuration – Create customized traces to change the default configurations for the following:

    • Sampling – Create a rule that defines how often to sample your application for trace information. For more information, see Configure sampling rules in Explore the X-Ray console .

    • Encryption – Encrypt data at rest using a key that you can audit or disable using Amazon Key Management Service.

    • Groups – Use a filter expression to define a group of traces with a common feature such as the name of a url or a response time. For more information, see Configure groups.

Login the X-Ray console at

Explore the X-Ray console

Use the X-Ray console to view a map of services and associated traces for requests that your applications serve, and to configure groups and sampling rules which affect how traces are sent to X-Ray.


The X-Ray Service map and CloudWatch ServiceLens map have been combined into the X-Ray trace map within the Amazon CloudWatch console. Open the CloudWatch console and choose Trace Map under X-Ray traces from the left navigation pane.

CloudWatch now includes Application Signals, which can discover and monitor your application services, clients, Synthetics canaries, and service dependencies. Use Application Signals to see a list or visual map of your services, view health metrics based on your service level objectives (SLOs), and drill down to see correlated X-Ray traces for more detailed troubleshooting.

The primary X-Ray console page is the trace map, which is a visual representation of the JSON service graph that X-Ray generates from the trace data generated by your applications. The map consists of service nodes for each application in your account that serves requests, upstream client nodes that represent the origins of the requests, and downstream service nodes that represent web services and resources used by an application while processing a request. There are additional pages for viewing traces and trace details, and configuring groups and sampling rules.

View the console experience for X-Ray and compare with the CloudWatch console in the following sections.

Explore the X-Ray and CloudWatch consoles

    View the X-Ray trace map to identify services where errors are occurring, connections with high latency, or traces for requests that were unsuccessful.


    CloudWatch now includes Application Signals, which can discover and monitor your application services, clients, synthetics canaries, and service dependencies. Use Application Signals to see a list or visual map of your services, view health metrics based on your service level objectives (SLOs), and drill down to see correlated X-Ray traces for more detailed troubleshooting.

    The X-Ray service map and CloudWatch ServiceLens map are combined into the X-Ray trace map within the Amazon CloudWatch console. Open the CloudWatch console and choose Trace Map under X-Ray traces from the left navigation pane.

    Viewing the trace map

    The trace map is a visual representation of the trace data that's generated by your applications. The map shows service nodes that serve requests, upstream client nodes that represent the origins of the requests, and downstream service nodes that represent web services and resources that are used by an application while processing a request.

    The trace map displays a connected view of traces across event-driven applications that use Amazon SQS and Lambda. For more information, see the following Trace event-driven applications section. The trace map also supports Cross-account tracing, displaying nodes from multiple accounts in a single map.

    CloudWatch console
    To view the trace map in the CloudWatch console
    1. Open the CloudWatch console. Choose Trace Map under the X-Ray Traces section in the left navigation pane.

      CloudWatch console trace map page
    2. Choose a service node to view requests for that node, or an edge between two nodes to view requests that traveled that connection.

    3. Additional information is displayed below the trace map, including tabs for metrics, alerts, and response time distribution. On the Metrics tab, select a range within each graph to drill down to view more detail, or choose Faults or Errors options to filter traces. On the Response time distribution tab, select a range within the graph to filter traces by response time.

    4. View traces by choosing View traces, or if a filter has been applied, choose View filtered traces.

    5. Choose View logs to see CloudWatch logs associated with the selected node. Not all trace map nodes support viewing logs. See troubleshooting CloudWatch logs for more information.

    The trace map indicates issues within each node by outlining it with colors:

    • Red for server faults (500 series errors)

    • Yellow for client errors (400 series errors)

    • Purple for throttling errors (429 Too Many Requests)

    If your trace map is large, use the on-screen controls or mouse to zoom in and out and move the map around.

    X-Ray console
    To view the Service map
    1. Open the X-Ray console. The service map is displayed by default. You can also choose Service Map from the left navigation pane.

      X-Ray console service map page
    2. Choose a service node to view requests for that node, or an edge between two nodes to view requests that traveled that connection.

    3. Use a response distribution histogram to filter traces by duration, and select status codes for which you want to view traces. Then choose View traces to open the trace list with the filter expression applied. For more information on distribution histograms, see Use latency histograms.

    The service map indicates the health of each node by coloring it based on the ratio of successful calls to errors and faults:

    • Green for successful calls

    • Red for server faults (500 series errors)

    • Yellow for client errors (400 series errors)

    • Purple for throttling errors (429 Too Many Requests)

    If your service map is large, use the on-screen controls or mouse to zoom in and out and move the map around.


    The X-Ray trace map can display up to 10,000 nodes. In rare scenarios where the total number of service nodes exceeds this limit, you may receive an error and be unable to display a complete trace map in the console.

    Filtering the trace map by group

    Using a filter expression, you can define criteria by which to include traces within a group. For more information about filter expressions, see Use filter expressions. Next, use the following steps to then display that specific group in the trace map.

    CloudWatch console

    Choose a group name from the group filter on the top-left of the trace map.

    X-Ray console

    Choose a group name from the drop-down menu to the left of the search bar.

    The service map will now be filtered to display traces that match the filter expression of the selected group.

    Trace map legend and options

    The trace map includes a legend and several options for customizing the map display.

    CloudWatch console

    Choose the Legend and options drop-down at the top-right of the map. Choose what is displayed within nodes, including:

    • Metrics displays the average response time and number of traces sent per minute during the chosen time range.

    • Nodes displays the service icon within each node.

    Choose additional map settings from the Preferences pane, which can be accessed via the gear icon at the top-right of the map. These settings include selecting which metric is used to determine the size of each node, and which canaries should be displayed on the map.

    X-Ray console

    Display the service map legend by choosing the Map legend link at the top-right of the map. Service map options can be chosen at the bottom-right of the trace map, including:

    • Service Icons toggles what is displayed within each node, displaying either the service icon, or the average response time and number of traces sent per minute during the chosen time range.

    • Node sizing: None sets all nodes to the same size.

    • Node sizing: Health sizes nodes by the number of impacted requests including errors, faults, or throttled requests.

    • Node sizing: Traffic sizes nodes by the total number of requests.

    Use the Traces page in the X-Ray console to find traces by URL, response code, or other data from the trace summary. After selecting a trace from the trace list, the Trace details page displays a map of service nodes that are associated with the selected trace and a timeline of trace segments.

    Viewing traces

    CloudWatch console
    To view traces in the CloudWatch console
    1. Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management Console and open the CloudWatch console at

    2. In the left navigation pane, choose X-Ray traces, then choose Traces. You can filter by group or enter a filter expression, which filters the traces that are displayed in the Traces section at the bottom of the page. For more information, see Use filter expressions.

      Alternatively, you can use the service map to navigate to a specific service node, and then view traces. This opens the Traces page with a query already applied.

    3. Refine your query in the Query refiners section. To filter traces by a common attribute, choose an option from the down arrow next to Refine query by. The options include the following:

      • Node – Filter traces by service node.

      • Resource ARN – Filter traces by a resource associated with a trace. Examples of these resources include Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance, an Amazon Lambda function, or an Amazon DynamoDB table.

      • User – Filter traces with a user ID.

      • Error root cause message – Filter traces by error root cause.

      • URL – Filter traces by a URL path used by your application.

      • HTTP status code – Filter traces by the HTTP status code returned by your application. You can specify a custom response code or select from the following:

        • 200 – The request was successful.

        • 401 – The request lacked valid authentication credentials.

        • 403 – The request lacked valid permissions.

        • 404 – The server could not find the requested resource.

        • 500 – The server encountered an unexpected condition and generated an internal error.

      Choose one or more entries and then choose Add to query to add to the filter expression at the top of the page.

    4. To find a single trace, enter a trace ID directly into the query field. You can use X-Ray format or World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) format. For example, a trace that's created using the Amazon Distro for OpenTelemetry is in W3C format.


      When you query traces that are created with a W3C-format trace ID, the console displays the matching trace in X-Ray format. For example, if you query for 4efaaf4d1e8720b39541901950019ee5 in W3C format, the console displays the X-Ray equivalent: 1-4efaaf4d-1e8720b39541901950019ee5.

    5. Choose Run query at any time to display a list of matching traces within the Traces section at the bottom of the page.

    6. To display the Trace details page for a single trace, select a trace ID from the list.

      The following image shows a Trace map containing service nodes associated with the trace and edges between the nodes representing the path taken by segments that compose the trace. A Trace summary follows the Trace Map. The summary contains information about a sample GET operation, its Response Code, the Duration that the trace took to run, and the Age of the request. The Segments Timeline follows the Trace Summary that shows the duration of trace segments and subsegments.

      A trace map, summary and segments timeline details information about service nodes and the segments in the trace.

      If you have an event-driven application that uses Amazon SQS and Lambda, you can see a connected view of traces for each request in the Trace map. In the map, traces from message producers are linked to traces from Amazon Lambda consumers and are displayed as a dashed-line edge. For more information about event-driven applications, see Trace event-driven applications.

      The Traces and Trace details pages also support cross-account tracing, which can list traces from multiple accounts in the trace list and inside a single trace map. For more information, see Cross-account tracing.

    X-Ray console
    To view traces in the X-Ray console
    1. Open the Traces page in the X-Ray console. The Trace overview panel shows a list of traces that are grouped by common features including Error root causes, ResourceARN, and InstanceId.

    2. To select a common feature to view a grouped set of traces, expand the down arrow next to Group by. The following illustration shows a trace overview of traces that are grouped by URL for the Amazon X-Ray sample application, and a list of associated traces.

      Example trace overview grouped by URL, followed by a trace list with details including ID, Method, and Response.
    3. Choose the ID of a trace to view it under the Trace list. You can also choose Service map in the navigation pane to view traces for a specific service node. Then you can view traces that are associated with that node.

      The Timeline tab shows the request flow for the trace, and includes the following:

      • A map of the path for each segment in the trace.

      • How long it took for the segment to reach a node in the trace map.

      • How many requests were made to the node in the trace map.

      The following illustration shows an example Trace Map associated with a GET request made to a sample application. The arrows show the path that each segment took to complete the request. The service nodes show the number of requests made during the GET request.

      Trace map followed by a timeline with segments, their duration, origin, and end with respect to each other.

      For more information about the Timeline tab, see the following Exploring the trace timeline section.

      The Raw data tab shows information about the trace, and the segments and subsegments that compose the trace, in JSON format. This information may include the following:

      • Timestamps

      • Unique IDs

      • Resources associated with the segment or subsegment

      • The source, or origin, of the segment or subsegment

      • Additional information about the request to your application such as the response from an HTTP request

    Exploring the trace timeline

    The Timeline section shows a hierarchy of segments and subsegments next to a horizontal bar that corresponds to time they used to complete their tasks. The first entry in the list is the segment, which represents all data recorded by the service for a single request. Subsegments are indented and listed following the segment. Columns contain information about each segment.

    CloudWatch console

    In the CloudWatch console, the Segments Timeline provides the following information:

    • The first column: Lists the segments and subsegments in the selected trace.

    • The Segment status column: Lists the status outcome of each segment and subsegment.

    • The Response code column: Lists an HTTP response status code to a browser request made by the segment or subsegment, when available.

    • The Duration column: Lists how long the segment or subsegment ran.

    • The Hosted in column: Lists the namespace or environment where the segment or subsegment is ran, if applicable. For more information, see

    • The last column: Displays horizontal bars that correspond to the duration that the segment or subsegment ran, in relation to the other segments or subsegments in the timeline.

    To group the list of segments and subsegments by service node, turn on Group by nodes.

    X-Ray console

    In the trace details page, choose the Timeline tab to see the timeline for each segment and subsegment that makes up a trace.

    In the X-Ray console, the Timeline provides the following information:

    • The Name column: Lists the names of the segments and subsegments in the trace.

    • The Res. column: Lists an HTTP response status code to a browser request made by the segment or subsegment, when available.

    • The Duration column: Lists how long the segment or subsegment ran.

    • The Status column: Lists the outcome of the segment or subsegment status.

    • The last column: Displays horizontal bars that correspond to the duration that the segment or subsegment ran, in relation to the other segments or subsegments in the timeline.

    To see the raw trace data that the console uses to generate the timeline, choose the Raw data tab. The raw data shows you information about the trace, and the segments and subsegments that compose the trace in JSON format. This information may include the following:

    • Timestamps

    • Unique IDs

    • Resources associated with the segment or subsegment

    • The source, or origin, of the segment or subsegment

    • Additional information about the request to your application such as the response from an HTTP request.

    When you use an instrumented Amazon SDK, HTTP, or SQL client to make calls to external resources, the X-Ray SDK records subsegments automatically. You can also use the X-Ray SDK to record custom subsegments for any function or block of code. Additional subsegments that are recorded while a custom subsegment are open become children of the custom subsegment.

    Viewing segment details

    From the trace Timeline, choose the name of a segment to view its details.

    The Segment details panel shows the Overview, Resources, Annotations, Metadata, Exceptions, and SQL tabs. The following apply:

    • The Overview tab shows information about the request and response. Information includes the name, start time, end time, duration, the request URL, request operation, request response code, and any errors and faults.

    • The Resources tab for a segment shows information from the X-Ray SDK and about the Amazon resources running your application. Use the Amazon EC2, Amazon Elastic Beanstalk, or Amazon ECS plugins for the X-Ray SDK to record service-specific resource information. For more information about plugins, see the Service plugins section in Configuring the X-Ray SDK for Java.

    • The remaining tabs show Annotations, Metadata, and Exceptions that are recorded for the segment. Exceptions are captured automatically when they are generated from an instrumented request. Annotations and metadata contain additional information that you record by using the operations that the X-Ray SDK provides. To add annotations or metadata to your segments, use the X-Ray SDK. For more information, see the language-specific link listed under Instrumenting your application with Amazon X-Ray SDKs in Instrument your application for Amazon X-Ray.

    Viewing subsegment details

    From the trace timeline, choose the name of a subsegment to view its details:

    • The Overview tab contains information about the request and response. This includes the name, start time, end time, duration, the request URL, request operation, request response code, and any errors and faults. For subsegments generated with instrumented clients, the Overview tab contains information about the request and response from your application's point of view.

    • The Resources tab for a subsegment shows details about the Amazon resources that were used to run the subsegment. For example, the resources tab may include an Amazon Lambda function ARN, information about a DynamoDB table, any operation that is called, and request ID.

    • The remaining tabs show Annotations, Metadata, and Exceptions recorded on the subsegment. Exceptions are captured automatically when they are generated from an instrumented request. Annotations and metadata contain additional information that you record by using the operations that the X-Ray SDK provides. Use the X-Ray SDK to add annotations or metadata to your segments. For more information, see the language-specific link listed under Instrumenting your application with Amazon X-Ray SDKs in Instrument your application for Amazon X-Ray.

    For custom subsegments, the Overview tab shows the name of the subsegment, which you can set to specify the area of the code or function that it records. For more information, see the language-specific link listed under Instrumenting your application with Amazon X-Ray SDKs in Generating custom subsegments with the X-Ray SDK for Java.

    The following image shows the Overview tab for a custom subsegment. The overview contains the subsegment ID, parent ID, Name, start and end times, duration, status and errors or faults.

    Overview information about a subsegment including ID, parent ID, Name, times, errors, and faults.

    The Metadata tab for a custom subsegment contains information in JSON format about resources used by that subsegment.

    Use filter expressions to view a trace map or traces for a specific request, service, connection between two services (an edge), or requests that satisfy a condition. X-Ray provides a filter expression language for filtering requests, services, and edges based on data in request headers, response status, and indexed fields on the original segments.

    When you choose a time period of traces to view in the X-Ray console, you might get more results than the console can display. In the upper-right corner, the console shows the number of traces that it scanned and whether there are more traces available. You can use a filter expression to narrow the results to just the traces that you want to find.

    When you choose a node in the trace map, the console constructs a filter expression based on the service name of the node, and the types of error present based on your selection. To find traces that show performance issues or that relate to specific requests, you can adjust the expression that the console provides or create your own. If you add annotations with the X-Ray SDK, you can also filter based on the presence of an annotation key or the value of a key.


    If you choose a relative time range in the trace map and choose a node, the console converts the time range to an absolute start and end time. To ensure that the traces for the node appear in the search results, and avoid scanning times when the node wasn't active, the time range only includes times when the node sent traces. To search relative to the current time, you can switch back to a relative time range in the traces page and scan again.

    If there are still more results available than the console can show, the console shows you how many traces matched and the number of traces scanned. The percentage shown is the percentage of the selected time frame that was scanned. To ensure that you see all matching traces represented in the results, narrow your filter expression further, or choose a shorter time frame.

    To get the freshest results first, the console starts scanning at the end of the time range and works backward. If there are a large number of traces, but few results, the console splits the time range into chunks and scans them in parallel. The progress bar shows the parts of the time range that have been scanned.

    Groups are a collection of traces that are defined by a filter expression. You can use groups to generate additional service graphs and supply Amazon CloudWatch metrics.

    Groups are identified by their name or an Amazon Resource Name (ARN), and contain a filter expression. The service compares incoming traces to the expression and stores them accordingly.

    You can create and modify groups by using the dropdown menu to the left of the filter expression search bar.


    If the service encounters an error in qualifying a group, that group is no longer included in processing incoming traces and an error metric is recorded.

    For more information about groups, see Configure groups.

    Filter expressions can contain a keyword, a unary or binary operator, and a value for comparison.

    keyword operator value

    Different operators are available for different types of keyword. For example, responsetime is a number keyword and can be compared with operators related to numbers.

    Example – requests where response time was greater than 5 seconds
    responsetime > 5

    You can combine multiple expressions in a compound expression by using the AND or OR operators.

    Example – requests where the total duration was 5–8 seconds
    duration >= 5 AND duration <= 8

    Simple keywords and operators find issues only at the trace level. If an error occurs downstream, but is handled by your application and not returned to the user, a search for error will not find it.

    To find traces with downstream issues, you can use the complex keywords service() and edge(). These keywords let you apply a filter expression to all downstream nodes, a single downstream node, or an edge between two nodes. For more about these keywords, see the following Complex keywords section. For more granularity, you can filter services and edges by type with the id() function. For more information see the following id function section.

    Boolean keyword values are either true or false. Use these keywords to find traces that resulted in errors.

    Boolean keywords
    • ok – Response status code was 2XX Success.

    • error – Response status code was 4XX Client Error.

    • throttle – Response status code was 429 Too Many Requests.

    • fault – Response status code was 5XX Server Error.

    • partial – Request has incomplete segments.

    • inferred – Request has inferred segments.

    • first – Element is the first of an enumerated list.

    • last – Element is the last of an enumerated list.

    • remote – Root cause entity is remote.

    • root – Service is the entry point or root segment of a trace.

    Boolean operators find segments where the specified key is true or false.

    Boolean operators
    • none – The expression is true if the keyword is true.

    • ! – The expression is true if the keyword is false.

    • =,!= – Compare the value of the keyword to the string true or false. These operators act the same as the other operators but are more explicit.

    Example – response status is 2XX OK
    Example – response status is not 2XX OK
    Example – response status is not 2XX OK
    ok = false
    Example – last enumerated fault trace has error name "deserialize"
    rootcause.fault.entity { last and name = "deserialize" }
    Example – requests with remote segments where coverage is greater than 0.7 and the service name is "traces"
    rootcause.responsetime.entity { remote and coverage > 0.7 and name = "traces" }
    Example – requests with inferred segments where the service type is "AWS:DynamoDB"
    rootcause.fault.service { inferred and name = traces and type = "AWS::DynamoDB" }
    Example – requests that have a segment with the name "data-plane" as the root
    service("data-plane") {root = true and fault = true}

    Use number keywords to search for requests with a specific response time, duration, or response status.

    Number keywords
    • responsetime – Time that the server took to send a response.

    • duration – Total request duration, including all downstream calls.

    • http.status – Response status code.

    • index – Position of an element in an enumerated list.

    • coverage – Decimal percentage of entity response time over root segment response time. Applicable only for response time root cause entities.

    Number operators

    Number keywords use standard equality and comparison operators.

    • =,!= – The keyword is equal to or not equal to a number value.

    • <,<=, >,>= – The keyword is less than or greater than a number value.

    Example – response status is not 200 OK
    http.status != 200
    Example – request where the total duration was 5–8 seconds
    duration >= 5 AND duration <= 8
    Example – requests that completed successfully in less than 3 seconds, including all downstream calls
    ok !partial duration <3
    Example – enumerated list entity that has an index greater than 5
    rootcause.fault.service { index > 5 }
    Example – requests where the last entity that has coverage greater than 0.8
    rootcause.responsetime.entity { last and coverage > 0.8 }

    Use string keywords to find traces with specific text in the request headers, or specific user IDs.

    String keywords
    • http.url – Request URL.

    • http.method – Request method.

    • http.useragent – Request user agent string.

    • http.clientip – Requestor's IP address.

    • user – Value of the user field on any segment in the trace.

    • name – The name of a service or exception.

    • type – Service type.

    • message – Exception message.

    • availabilityzone – Value of the availabilityzone field on any segment in the trace.

    • – Value of the instance ID field on any segment in the trace.

    • resource.arn – Value of the resource ARN field on any segment in the trace.

    String operators find values that are equal to or contain specific text. Values must always be specified in quotation marks.

    String operators
    • =,!= – The keyword is equal to or not equal to a number value.

    • CONTAINS – The keyword contains a specific string.

    • BEGINSWITH , ENDSWITH – The keyword begins or ends with a specific string.

    Example – http.url filter
    http.url CONTAINS "/api/game/"

    To test if a field exists on a trace, regardless of its value, check to see if it contains the empty string.

    Example – user filter

    Find all traces with user IDs.

    user CONTAINS ""
    Example – select traces with a fault root cause that includes a service named "Auth"
    rootcause.fault.service { name = "Auth" }
    Example – select traces with a response time root cause whose last service has a type of DynamoDB
    rootcause.responsetime.service { last and type = "AWS::DynamoDB" }
    Example – select traces with a fault root cause whose last exception has the message "access denied for account_id: 1234567890"
    rootcause.fault.exception { last and message = "Access Denied for account_id: 1234567890"

    Use complex keywords to find requests based on service name, edge name, or annotation value. For services and edges, you can specify an additional filter expression that applies to the service or edge. For annotations, you can filter on the value of an annotation with a specific key using Boolean, number, or string operators.

    Complex keywords
    • annotation.key – Value of an annotation with field key. The value of an annotation can be a Boolean, number, or string, so you can use any of the comparison operators of those types. You can use this keyword in combination with the service or edge keyword.

    • edge(source, destination) {filter} – Connection between services source and destination. Optional curly braces can contain a filter expression that applies to segments on this connection.

    • / group.arn – The value of a group's filter expression, referenced by group name or group ARN.

    • json – JSON root cause object. See Getting data from Amazon X-Ray for steps to create JSON entities programmatically.

    • service(name) {filter} – Service with name name. Optional curly braces can contain a filter expression that applies to segments created by the service.

    Use the service keyword to find traces for requests that hit a certain node on your trace map.

    Complex keyword operators find segments where the specified key has been set, or not set.

    Complex keyword operators
    • none – The expression is true if the keyword is set. If the keyword is of boolean type, it will evaluate to the boolean value.

    • ! – The expression is true if the keyword is not set. If the keyword is of boolean type, it will evaluate to the boolean value.

    • =,!= – Compare the value of the keyword.

    • edge(source, destination) {filter} – Connection between services source and destination. Optional curly braces can contain a filter expression that applies to segments on this connection.

    • annotation.key – Value of an annotation with field key. The value of an annotation can be a Boolean, number, or string, so you can use any of the comparison operators of those types. You can use this keyword in combination with the service or edge keyword.

    • json – JSON root cause object. See Getting data from Amazon X-Ray for steps to create JSON entities programmatically.

    Use the service keyword to find traces for requests that hit a certain node on your trace map.

    Example – Service filter

    Requests that included a call to with a fault (500 series error).

    service("") { fault }

    You can exclude the service name to apply a filter expression to all nodes on your service map.

    Example – service filter

    Requests that caused a fault anywhere on your trace map.

    service() { fault }

    The edge keyword applies a filter expression to a connection between two nodes.

    Example – edge filter

    Request where the service made a call to that failed with an error.

    edge("", "") { error }

    You can also use the ! operator with service and edge keywords to exclude a service or edge from the results of another filter expression.

    Example – service and request filter

    Request where the URL begins with and contains /v2/ but does not reach a service named

    http.url BEGINSWITH "" AND http.url CONTAINS "/v2/" AND !service("")
    Example – service and response time filter

    Find traces where http url is set and response time is greater than 2 seconds.

    http.url AND responseTime > 2

    For annotations, you can call all traces where annotation.key is set, or use the comparison operators that correspond to the type of value.

    Example – annotation with string value

    Requests with an annotation named gameid with string value "817DL6VO".

    annotation.gameid = "817DL6VO"
    Example – annotation is set

    Requests with an annotation named age set.

    Example – annotation is not set

    Requests without an annotation named age set.

    Example – annotation with number value

    Requests with annotation age with numerical value greater than 29.

    annotation.age > 29
    Example – annotation in combination with service or edge

    service { annotation.request_id = "917DL6VO" }
    edge { source.annotation.request_id = "916DL6VO" }
    edge { destination.annotation.request_id = "918DL6VO" }
    Example – group with user

    Requests where traces meet the high_response_time group filter (e.g. responseTime > 3), and the user is named Alice. = "high_response_time" AND user = "alice"
    Example – JSON with root cause entity

    Requests with matching root cause entities.

    rootcause.json = #[{ "Services": [ { "Name": "GetWeatherData", "EntityPath": [{ "Name": "GetWeatherData" }, { "Name": "get_temperature" } ] }, { "Name": "GetTemperature", "EntityPath": [ { "Name": "GetTemperature" } ] } ] }]

    When you provide a service name to the service or edge keyword, you get results for all nodes that have that name. For more precise filtering, you can use the id function to specify a service type in addition to a name to distinguish between nodes with the same name.

    Use the function to specify a particular account for the service, when viewing traces from multiple accounts in a monitoring account.

    id(name: "service-name", type:"service::type","account-ID")

    You can use the id function in place of a service name in service and edge filters.

    service(id(name: "service-name", type:"service::type")) { filter }
    edge(id(name: "service-one", type:"service::type"), id(name: "service-two", type:"service::type")) { filter }

    For example, Amazon Lambda functions result in two nodes in the trace map; one for the function invocation, and one for the Lambda service. The two nodes have the same name but different types. A standard service filter will find traces for both.

    Example – service filter

    Requests that include an error on any service named random-name.

    service("function-name") { error }

    Use the id function to narrow the search to errors on the function itself, excluding errors from the service.

    Example – service filter with id function

    Requests that include an error on a service named random-name with type AWS::Lambda::Function.

    service(id(name: "random-name", type: "AWS::Lambda::Function")) { error }

    To search for nodes by type, you can also exclude the name entirely.

    Example – service filter with id function and service type

    Requests that include an error on a service with type AWS::Lambda::Function.

    service(id(type: "AWS::Lambda::Function")) { error }

    To search for nodes for a particular Amazon Web Services account, specify an account ID.

    Example – service filter with id function and account ID

    Requests that include a service within a specific account ID AWS::Lambda::Function.

    service(id( "account-id"))

    Amazon X-Ray supports cross-account observability, enabling you to monitor and troubleshoot applications that span multiple accounts within an Amazon Web Services Region. You can seamlessly search, visualize, and analyze your metrics, logs, and traces in any of the linked accounts as if you were operating in a single account. This provides a complete view of requests that travel across multiple accounts. You can view cross-account traces in the X-Ray trace map and traces pages within the CloudWatch console.

    The shared observability data can include any of the following types of telemetry:

    • Metrics in Amazon CloudWatch

    • Log groups in Amazon CloudWatch Logs

    • Traces in Amazon X-Ray

    • Applications in Amazon CloudWatch Application Insights

    Configure cross-account observability

    To turn on cross-account observability, set up one or more Amazon monitoring accounts and link them with multiple source accounts. A monitoring account is a central Amazon Web Services account that can view and interact with observability data that's generated from source accounts. A source account is an individual Amazon Web Services account that generates observability data for the resources that it contains.

    Source accounts share their observability data with monitoring accounts. Traces are copied from each source account to up to five monitoring accounts. Copies of traces from source accounts to the first monitoring account are free. Copies of traces sent to additional monitoring accounts are charged to each source account, based on standard pricing. For more information, see Amazon X-Ray pricing and Amazon CloudWatch pricing.

    To create links between monitoring accounts and source accounts, use the CloudWatch console or the new Observability Access Manager commands in the Amazon CLI and API. For more information, see CloudWatch cross-account observability.


    X-Ray traces are billed to the Amazon Web Services account where they're received. If a sampled request spans services across more than one Amazon Web Services account, each account records a separate trace, and all traces share the same trace ID. To learn more about cross-account observability pricing, see Amazon X-Ray pricing and Amazon CloudWatch pricing.

    Viewing cross-account traces

    Cross-account traces are displayed in the monitoring account. Each source account displays only local traces for that specific account. The following sections assume that you're signed in to the monitoring account and have opened the Amazon CloudWatch console. On both the trace map and traces pages, a monitoring account badge is displayed in the upper-right corner.

    Monitoring account badge
    Trace map

    In the CloudWatch console, choose Trace Map under X-Ray traces from the left navigation pane. By default, the trace map displays nodes for all source accounts that send traces to the monitoring account, and nodes for the monitoring account itself. On the trace map, choose Filters from the upper left to filter the trace map using the Accounts drop-down. After an account filter is applied, service nodes from accounts that don't match the current filter are grayed out.

    Filtered trace map

    When you choose a service node, the node details pane includes the service's account ID and label.

    Node detail pane

    In the upper-right corner of the trace map, choose List view to see a list of service nodes. The list of service nodes includes services from the monitoring account and all configured source accounts. Filter the list of nodes by Account label or Account id by choosing them from the Nodes filter.

    Filtered service list

    View trace details for traces that span multiple accounts by opening the CloudWatch console from the monitoring account, and choosing Traces under X-Ray traces in the left navigation pane. You can also open this page by choosing a node in the X-Ray Trace Map, and then choosing View traces from the node details pane.

    The Traces page supports querying by account ID. To get started, enter a query that includes one or more account IDs. For more information about queries, see Use filter expressions. The following example queries for traces that have passed through account ID X or Y:

    service(id("X")) OR service(id("Y"))
    Query traces by account

    Refine your query by Account. Select one or more accounts from the list, and choose Add to query.

    Refine trace query by account
    Trace details

    View details for a trace by choosing it from the Traces list at the bottom of the Traces page. The Trace details displays, including a trace details map with service nodes from across all accounts that the trace passed through. Choose a specific service node to see its corresponding account.

    The Segments timeline section displays the account details for each segment in the timeline.

    Segments timeline

    Amazon X-Ray supports tracing event-driven applications using Amazon SQS and Amazon Lambda. Use the CloudWatch console to see a connected view of each request as it's queued with Amazon SQS and processed by one or more Lambda functions. Traces from upstream message producers are automatically linked to traces from downstream Lambda consumer nodes, creating an end-to-end view of the application.


    Each trace segment can be linked to up to 20 traces, while a trace can include a maximum of 100 links. In certain scenarios, linking additional traces may result in exceeding the maximum trace document size, causing a potentially incomplete trace. This can happen, for example, when a Lambda function with tracing enabled sends many SQS messages to a queue in a single invocation. If you encounter this issue, a mitigation is available which uses the X-Ray SDKs. See the X-Ray SDK for Java, Node.js, Python, Go, or .NET for more information.

    View linked traces in the trace map

    Use the Trace Map page within the CloudWatch console to view a trace map with traces from message producers that are linked to traces from Lambda consumers. These links are displayed with a dashed-line edge that connects the Amazon SQS node and downstream Lambda consumer nodes.

    Edge between Amazon SQS and Lambda nodes.

    Select a dashed-line edge to display a received event age histogram, which maps the spread of event age when it's received by consumers. The age is calculated each time an event is received.

    Edge with received event age histogram.

    View linked trace details

    View trace details sent from a message producer, Amazon SQS queue, or Lambda consumer:
    1. Use the Trace Map to select a message producer, Amazon SQS, or Lambda consumer node.

    2. Choose View traces from the node details pane to display a list of traces. You can also navigate directly to the Traces page within the CloudWatch console.

    3. Choose a specific trace from the list to open the trace details page. The trace details page displays a message when the selected trace is part of a linked set of traces.

      Linked trace details

    The trace details map displays the current trace, along with upstream and downstream linked traces, each of which are contained within a box that indicates the bounds of each trace. If the currently selected trace is linked to multiple upstream or downstream traces, the nodes within the upstream or downstream linked traces are stacked, and a Select trace button is displayed.

    Multiple linked upstream traces

    Beneath the trace details map, a timeline of trace segments displays, including upstream and downstream linked traces. If there are multiple upstream or downstream linked traces, their segment details can't be displayed. To view segment details for a single trace within a set of linked traces, select a single trace as described in the following section.

    Segments timeline showing linked traces

    Select a single trace within a set of linked traces

    Filter a linked set of traces to a single trace, to see segment details in the timeline.
    1. Choose Select trace underneath the linked traces on the trace details map. A list of traces displays.

      Linked trace list
    2. Select the radio button next to a trace to view it within the trace details map.

    3. Choose Cancel trace selection to view the entire set of linked traces.

      Single linked trace

    When you select a node or edge on an trace map, the X-Ray console shows a latency distribution histogram.


    Latency is the amount of time between when a request starts and when it completes. A histogram shows a distribution of latencies. It shows duration on the x-axis, and the percentage of requests that match each duration on the y-axis.

    This histogram shows a service that completes most requests in less than 300 ms. A small percentage of requests take up to 2 seconds, and a few outliers take more time.

    Latency histogram with duration on the x-axis and percentage of requests for each duration on the y-axis

    Interpreting service details

    Service histograms and edge histograms provide a visual representation of latency from the viewpoint of a service or requester.

    • Choose a service node by clicking the circle. X-Ray shows a histogram for requests served by the service. The latencies are those recorded by the service, and don't include any network latency between the service and the requester.

    • Choose an edge by clicking the line or arrow tip of the edge between two services. X-Ray shows a histogram for requests from the requester that were served by the downstream service. The latencies are those recorded by the requester, and include latency in the network connection between the two services.

    To interpret the Service details panel histogram, you can look for values that differ the most from the majority of values in the histogram. These outliers can be seen as peaks or spikes in the histogram, and you can view the traces for a specific area to investigate what's going on.

    To view traces filtered by latency, select a range on the histogram. Click where you want to start the selection and drag from left to right to highlight a range of latencies to include in the trace filter.

    Select a range to view traces by clicking where to start and dragging left to right to create the range for the trace filter

    After selecting a range, you can choose Zoom to view just that portion of the histogram and refine your selection.

    Choose zoom to view the selected range in the histogram

    Once you have the focus set to the area you're interested in, choose View traces.

    Amazon X-Ray continuously analyzes trace data in your account to identify emergent issues in your applications. When fault rates exceed the expected range, it creates an insight that records the issue and tracks its impact until it's resolved. With Insights, you can:

    • Identify where in your application issues are occurring, the root cause of the issue, and associated impact. The impact analysis provided by Insights enables you to derive the severity and priority of an issue.

    • Receive notifications as the issue changes over time. Insights notifications can be integrated with your monitoring and alerting solution using Amazon EventBridge. This integration enables you to send automated emails or alerts based on the severity of the issue.

    The X-Ray console identifies nodes with ongoing incidents in the trace map. To see a summary of the insight, choose the affected node. You can also view and filter Insights by choosing Insights from the navigation pane on the left.

    Trace map node with Insight summary.

    X-Ray creates an insight when it detects an anomaly in one or more nodes of the service map. The service uses statistical modeling to predict the expected fault rates of services in your application. In the preceding example, the anomaly is an increase in faults from Amazon Elastic Beanstalk. The Elastic Beanstalk server experienced multiple API call timeouts, causing an anomaly in the downstream nodes.

    Enable Insights in the X-Ray console

    Insights must be enabled for each group you want to use insights features with. You can enable insights from the Groups page.

    1. Open the X-Ray console.

    2. Select an existing group or create a new one by choosing Create group, and then select Enable Insights. For more information about configuring groups in the X-Ray console, see Configure groups.

    3. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Insights, and then choose an insight to view.

      List of insights in the X-Ray console.

    X-Ray uses GetInsightSummaries, GetInsight, GetInsightEvents, and GetInsightImpactGraph API operations to retrieve data from insights. To view insights, use the AWSXrayReadOnlyAccess IAM managed policy or add the following custom policy to your IAM role:

    { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "xray:GetInsightSummaries", "xray:GetInsight", "xray:GetInsightEvents", "xray:GetInsightImpactGraph" ], "Resource": [ "*" ] } ] }

    For more information, see How Amazon X-Ray works with IAM.

    Enable insights notifications

    With insights notifications, a notification is created for each insight event, such as when an insight is created, changes significantly, or is closed. Customers can receive these notifications through Amazon EventBridge events, and use conditional rules to take actions such as SNS notification, Lambda invocation, posting messages to an SQS queue, or any of the targets EventBridge supports. Insights notifications are emitted on a best-effort basis but are not guaranteed. For more information about targets, see Amazon EventBridge Targets.

    You can enable insights notifications for any insights enabled group from the Groups page.

    To enable notifications for an X-Ray group
    1. Open the X-Ray console.

    2. Select an existing group or create a new one by choosing Create group, ensure that Enable Insights is selected, and then select Enable Notifications. For more information about configuring groups in the X-Ray console, see Configure groups.

    To configure Amazon EventBridge conditional rules
    1. Open the Amazon EventBridge console.

    2. Navigate to Rules in the left navigation bar, and choose Create rule.

    3. Provide a name and description for the rule.

    4. Choose Event pattern, and then choose Custom pattern. Provide a pattern containing "source": [ "aws.xray" ] and "detail-type": [ "AWS X-Ray Insight Update" ]. The following are some examples of possible patterns.

      • Event pattern to match all incoming events from X-Ray insights:

        { "source": [ "aws.xray" ], "detail-type": [ "AWS X-Ray Insight Update" ] }
      • Event pattern to match a specified state and category:

        { "source": [ "aws.xray" ], "detail-type": [ "AWS X-Ray Insight Update" ], "detail": { "State": [ "ACTIVE" ], "Category": [ "FAULT" ] } }
    5. Select and configure the targets that you would like to invoke when an event matches this rule.

    6. (Optional) Provide tags to more easily identify and select this rule.

    7. Choose Create.


    X-Ray insights notifications sends events to Amazon EventBridge, which does not currently support customer managed keys. For more information, see Data protection in Amazon X-Ray.

    Insight overview

    The overview page for an insight attempts to answer three key questions:

    • What is the underlying issue?

    • What is the root cause?

    • What is the impact?

    The Anomalous services section shows a timeline for each service that illustrates the change in fault rates during the incident. The timeline shows the number of traces with faults overlaid on a solid band that indicates the expected number of faults based on the amount of traffic recorded. The duration of the insight is visualized by the Incident window. The incident window begins when X-Ray observes the metric becoming anomalous and persists while the insight is active.

    The following example shows an increase in faults that caused an incident:

    Overview page of an X-Ray insight.

    The Root cause section shows a trace map focused on the root cause service and the impacted path. You may hide the unaffected nodes by selecting the eye icon in the top right of the Root cause map. The root cause service is the farthest downstream node where X-Ray identified an anomaly. It can represent a service that you instrumented or an external service that your service called with an instrumented client. For example, if you call Amazon DynamoDB with an instrumented Amazon SDK client, an increase in faults from DynamoDB results in an insight with DynamoDB as the root cause.

    To further investigate the root cause, select View root cause details on the root cause graph. You can use the Analytics page to investigate the root cause and related messages. For more information, see Interact with the Analytics console.

    Overview page of an X-Ray insight.

    Faults that continue upstream in the map can impact multiple nodes and cause multiple anomalies. If a fault is passed all the way back to the user that made the request, the result is a client fault. This is a fault in the root node of the trace map. The Impact graph provides a timeline of the client experience for the entire group. This experience is calculated based on percentages of the following states: Fault, Error, Throttle, and Okay.

    Impact graph for an X-Ray incident.

    This example shows an increase in traces with a fault at the root node during the time of an incident. Incidents in downstream services don't always correspond to an increase in client errors.

    Choosing Analyze insight opens the X-Ray Analytics console in a window where you can dive deep into the set of traces causing the insight. For more information, see Interact with the Analytics console.

    Understanding impact

    Amazon X-Ray measures the impact caused by an ongoing issue as part of generating insights and notifications. The impact is measured in two ways:

    • Impact to the X-Ray group. For more information, see Configure groups

    • Impact on the root cause service

    This impact is determined by the percentage of request that are failing or causing an error within a given time period. This impact analysis allows you to derive the severity and priority of the issue based on your particular scenario. This impact is available as part of the console experience in addition to insights notifications.


    Amazon X-Ray insights de-duplicates issues across multiple microservices. It uses anomaly detection to determine the service that is the root cause of an issue, determines if other related services are exhibiting anomalous behavior due to the same root cause, and records the result as a single insight.

    Review an insight's progress

    X-Ray re-evaluates insights periodically until they are resolved, and records each notable intermediate change as a notification, which can be sent as an Amazon EventBridge event. This enables you to build processes and workflows to determine how the issue has changed over time, and take appropriate actions such as sending an email or integrating with an alerting system using EventBridge.

    You can review incident events in the Impact Timeline on the Inspect page. By default the timeline displays the most impacted service until you choose a different service.

    Inspect page with impact timeline.

    To see a trace map and graphs for an event, choose it from the impact timeline. The trace map shows services in your application that are affected by the incident. Under Impact analysis, graphs show fault timelines for the selected node and for clients in the group.

    Impact analysis graph for an X-Ray insight.

    To take a deeper look at the traces involved in an incident, choose Analyze event on the Inspect page. You can use the Analytics page to refine the list of traces and identify affected users. For more information, see Interact with the Analytics console.

    The Amazon X-Ray Analytics console is an interactive tool for interpreting trace data to quickly understand how your application and its underlying services are performing. The console enables you to explore, analyze, and visualize traces through interactive response time and time-series graphs.

    When making selections in the Analytics console, the console constructs filters to reflect the selected subset of all traces. You can refine the active dataset with increasingly granular filters by clicking the graphs and the panels of metrics and fields that are associated with the current trace set.

    The X-Ray Analytics console uses the following key features for grouping, filtering, comparing, and quantifying trace data.

    Feature Description


    The initial selected group is Default. To change the retrieved group, select a different group from the menu to the right of the main filter expression search bar. To learn more about groups see Configure groups.

    Retrieved traces

    By default, the Analytics console generates graphs based on all traces in the selected group. Retrieved traces represent all traces in your working set. You can find the trace count in this tile. Filter expressions you apply to the main search bar refine and update the retrieved traces.

    Show in charts/Hide from charts

    A toggle to compare the active group against the retrieved traces. To compare the data related to the group against any active filters, choose Show in charts. To remove this view from the charts, choose Hide from charts.

    Filtered trace set A

    Through interactions with the graphs and tables, apply filters to create the criteria for Filtered trace set A. As the filters are applied, the number of applicable traces and the percentage of traces from the total that are retrieved are calculated within this tile. Filters populate as tags within the Filtered trace set A tile and can also be removed from the tile.


    This function updates the set of retrieved traces based on the filters applied to trace set A. Refining the retrieved trace set refreshes the working set of all traces retrieved based on the filters for trace set A. The working set of retrieved traces is a sampled subset of all traces in the group.

    Filtered trace set B

    When created, Filtered trace set B is a copy of Filtered trace set A. To compare the two trace sets, make new filter selections that will apply to trace set B, while trace set A remains fixed. As the filters are applied, the number of applicable traces and the percentage of traces from the total retrieved are calculated within this tile. Filters populate as tags within the Filtered trace set B tile and can also be removed from the tile.

    Response time root cause entity paths

    A table of recorded entity paths. X-Ray determines which path in your trace is the most likely cause for the response time. The format indicates a hierarchy of entities that are encountered, ending in a response time root cause. Use these rows to filter for recurring response time faults. For more information about customizing a root cause filter and getting data through the API, see the Retrieving and refining root cause analytics section in Getting data from X-Ray.

    Delta ()

    A column that is added to the metrics tables when both trace set A and trace set B are active. The Delta column calculates the difference in percentage of traces between trace set A and trace set B.

    The X-Ray Analytics console generates two primary graphs to help you visualize traces: Response Time Distribution and Time Series Activity. This section and the following provide examples of each, and explain the basics of how to read the graphs.

    The following are the colors associated with the response time line graph (the time series graph uses the same color scheme):

    • All traces in the group – gray

    • Retrieved traces – orange

    • Filtered trace set A – green

    • Filtered trace set B – blue

    Example – Response time distribution

    The response time distribution is a chart that shows the number of traces with a given response time. Click and drag to make selections within the response time distribution. This selects and creates a filter on the working trace set named responseTime for all traces within a specific response time.

    A chart that shows the response time distribution of traces.

    The time series activity chart shows the number of traces at a given time period. The color indicators mirror the line graph colors of the response time distribution. The darker and fuller the color block within the activity series, the more traces are represented at the given time.

    Example – Time series activity

    Click and drag to make selections within the time series activity graph. This selects and creates a filter named timerange on the working trace set for all traces within a specific range of time.

    Make a selection and create filter

    The following examples show common use cases for the X-Ray Analytics console. Each example demonstrates a key function of the console experience. As a group, the examples follow a basic troubleshooting workflow. The steps walk through how to first spot unhealthy nodes, and then how to interact with the Analytics console to automatically generate comparative queries. Once you have narrowed the scope through queries, you will finally look at the details of traces of interest to determine what is damaging the health of your service.

    The trace map indicates the health of each node by coloring it based on the ratio of successful calls to errors and faults. When you see a percentage of red on your node, it signals a fault. Use the X-Ray Analytics console to investigate it.

    For more information about how to read the trace map, see Use the X-Ray trace map.

    Observe a fault

    Using the response time distribution, you can observe peaks in response time. By selecting the peak in response time, the tables below the graphs will update to expose all associated metrics, such as status codes.

    When you click and drag, X-Ray selects and creates a filter. It's shown in a gray shadow on top of the graphed lines. You can now drag that shadow left and right along the distribution to update your selection and filter.

    Make a selection and create filter

    You can drill into traces within the selected peak by using the metrics tables below the graphs. By clicking a row in the HTTP STATUS CODE table, you automatically create a filter on the working dataset. For example, you could view all traces of status code 500. This creates a filter tag in the trace set tile named http.status.

    Drill into the error set based on user, URL, response time root cause, or other predefined attributes. For example, to additionally filter the set of traces with a 500 status code, select a row from the USERS table. This results in two filter tags in the trace set tile: http.status, as designated previously, and user.

    Compare across various users and their POST requests to find other discrepancies and correlations. Apply your first set of filters. They are defined by a blue line in the response time distribution. Then select Compare. Initially, this creates a copy of the filters on trace set A.

    To proceed, define a new set of filters to apply to trace set B. This second set is represented by a green line. The following example shows different lines according to the blue and green color scheme.

    Line graph comparison

    As you narrow your scope using the console filters, the trace list below the metrics tables becomes more meaningful. The trace list table combines information about URL, USER, and STATUS CODE into one view. For more insights, select a row from this table to open the trace's detail page and view its timeline and raw data.

    Groups are a collection of traces that are defined by a filter expression. You can use groups to generate additional service graphs and supply Amazon CloudWatch metrics. You can use the Amazon X-Ray console or X-Ray API to create and manage groups for your services. This topic describes how to create and manage groups by using the X-Ray console. For information about how to manage groups by using the X-Ray API, see Configuring sampling, groups, and encryption settings with the X-Ray API.

    You can create groups of traces for trace maps, traces, or analytics. When you create a group, the group becomes available as a filter on the group dropdown menu on all three pages: Trace Map, Traces, and Analytics.

    Group menu

    Groups are identified by their name or an Amazon Resource Name (ARN), and contain a filter expression. The service compares incoming traces to the expression and stores them accordingly. For more information about how to build a filter expression, see Use filter expressions.

    Updating a group's filter expression doesn't change data that's already recorded. The update applies only to subsequent traces. This can result in a merged graph of the new and old expressions. To avoid this, delete a current group and create a new one.


    Groups are billed by the number of retrieved traces that match the filter expression. For more information, see Amazon X-Ray pricing.

    Create a group


    You can now configure X-Ray groups from within the Amazon CloudWatch console. You can also continue to use the X-Ray console.

    CloudWatch console
    1. Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management Console and open the CloudWatch console at

    2. Choose Settings in the left navigation pane.

    3. Choose View settings under Groups within the X-Ray traces section.

    4. Choose Create group above the list of groups.

    5. On the Create group page, enter a name for the group. A group name can have a maximum of 32 characters, and contain alphanumeric characters and dashes. Group names are case sensitive.

    6. Enter a filter expression. For more information about how to build a filter expression, see Use filter expressions. In the following example, the group filters for fault traces from the service and requests to the service where the response time was greater than or equal to five seconds.

      fault = true AND http.url CONTAINS "example/game" AND responsetime >= 5
    7. In Insights, enable or disable insights access for the group. For more information about insights, see Use X-Ray Insights.

      Insights check boxes on Group page
    8. In Tags, choose Add new tag to enter a tag key, and optionally, a tag value. Continue to add additional tags as desired. Tag keys must be unique. To delete a tag, choose Remove underneath each tag. For more information about tags, see Tagging X-Ray sampling rules and groups.

      Tag fields on Group page
    9. Choose Create group.

    X-Ray console
    1. Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management Console and open the X-Ray console at

    2. Open the Create group page from the Groups page in the left navigation pane, or from the group menu on one of the following pages: Trace Map, Traces, and Analytics.

    3. On the Create group page, enter a name for the group. A group name can have a maximum of 32 characters, and contain alphanumeric characters and dashes. Group names are case sensitive.

    4. Enter a filter expression. For more information about how to build a filter expression, see Use filter expressions. In the following example, the group filters for fault traces from the service and requests to the service where the response time was greater than or equal to five seconds.

      fault = true AND http.url CONTAINS "example/game" AND responsetime >= 5
    5. In Insights, enable or disable insights access for the group. For more information about insights, see Use X-Ray Insights.

      Insights check boxes on Group page
    6. In Tags, enter a tag key, and optionally, a tag value. As you add a tag, a new line appears for you to enter another tag. Tag keys must be unique. To delete a tag, choose X at the end of the tag's row. For more information about tags, see Tagging X-Ray sampling rules and groups.

      Tag fields on Group page
    7. Choose Create group.

    Apply a group

    CloudWatch console
    1. Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management Console and open the CloudWatch console at

    2. Open one of the following pages from the navigation pane under X-Ray traces:

      • Trace Map

      • Traces

    3. Enter a group name into the Filter by X-Ray group filter. The data shown on the page changes to match the filter expression set in the group.

    X-Ray console
    1. Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management Console and open the X-Ray console at

    2. Open one of the following pages from the navigation pane:

      • Trace Map

      • Traces

      • Analytics

    3. On the group menu, choose the group that you created in Create a group. The data shown on the page changes to match the filter expression set in the group.

    Edit a group

    CloudWatch console
    1. Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management Console and open the CloudWatch console at

    2. Choose Settings in the left navigation pane.

    3. Choose View settings under Groups within the X-Ray traces section.

    4. Choose a group from the Groups section and then choose Edit.

    5. Although you can't rename a group, you can update the filter expression. For more information about how to build a filter expression, see Use filter expressions. In the following example, the group filters for fault traces from the service, where the request URL address contains example/game, and response time for requests was greater than or equal to five seconds.

      fault = true AND http.url CONTAINS "example/game" AND responsetime >= 5
    6. In Insights, enable or disable insights access for the group. For more information about insights, see Use X-Ray Insights.

      Insights check boxes on Group page
    7. In Tags, choose Add new tag to enter a tag key, and optionally, a tag value. Continue to add additional tags as desired. Tag keys must be unique. To delete a tag, choose Remove underneath each tag. For more information about tags, see Tagging X-Ray sampling rules and groups.

      Tag fields on Group page
    8. When you're finished updating the group, choose Update group.

    X-Ray console
    1. Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management Console and open the X-Ray console at

    2. Do one of the following to open the Edit group page.

      1. On the Groups page, choose the name of a group to edit it.

      2. On the group menu on one of the following pages, point to a group, and then choose Edit.

        • Trace Map

        • Traces

        • Analytics

    3. Although you can't rename a group, you can update the filter expression. For more information about how to build a filter expression, see Use filter expressions. In the following example, the group filters for fault traces from the service, where the request URL address contains example/game, and response time for requests was greater than or equal to five seconds.

      fault = true AND http.url CONTAINS "example/game" AND responsetime >= 5
    4. In Insights, enable or disable insights and insights notifications for the group. For more information about insights, see Use X-Ray Insights.

      Insights check boxes on Group page
    5. In Tags, edit tag keys and values. Tag keys must be unique. Tag values are optional; you can delete values, if you want. To delete a tag, choose X at the end of the tag's row. For more information about tags, see Tagging X-Ray sampling rules and groups.

      Tag fields on Group page
    6. When you're finished updating the group, choose Update group.

    Clone a group

    Cloning a group creates a new group that has the filter expression and tags of an existing group. When you clone a group, the new group has the same name as the group from which it's cloned, with -clone appended to the name.

    CloudWatch console
    1. Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management Console and open the CloudWatch console at

    2. Choose Settings in the left navigation pane.

    3. Choose View settings under Groups within the X-Ray traces section.

    4. Choose a group from the Groups section and then choose Clone.

    5. On the Create group page, the name of the group is group-name-clone. Optionally, enter a new name for the group. A group name can have a maximum of 32 characters, and contain alphanumeric characters and dashes. Group names are case sensitive.

    6. You can keep the filter expression from the existing group, or optionally, enter a new filter expression. For more information about how to build a filter expression, see Use filter expressions. In the following example, the group filters for fault traces from the service and requests to the service where the response time was greater than or equal to five seconds.

      service("") { fault = true OR responsetime >= 5 }
    7. In Tags, edit tag keys and values, if needed. Tag keys must be unique. Tag values are optional; you can delete values if you want. To delete a tag, choose X at the end of the tag's row. For more information about tags, see Tagging X-Ray sampling rules and groups.

    8. Choose Create group.

    X-Ray console
    1. Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management Console and open the X-Ray console at

    2. Open the Groups page from the left navigation pane, and the choose the name of a group that you want to clone.

    3. Choose Clone group from the Actions menu.

    4. On the Create group page, the name of the group is group-name-clone. Optionally, enter a new name for the group. A group name can have a maximum of 32 characters, and contain alphanumeric characters and dashes. Group names are case sensitive.

    5. You can keep the filter expression from the existing group, or optionally, enter a new filter expression. For more information about how to build a filter expression, see Use filter expressions. In the following example, the group filters for fault traces from the service and requests to the service where the response time was greater than or equal to five seconds.

      service("") { fault = true OR responsetime >= 5 }
    6. In Tags, edit tag keys and values, if needed. Tag keys must be unique. Tag values are optional; you can delete values if you want. To delete a tag, choose X at the end of the tag's row. For more information about tags, see Tagging X-Ray sampling rules and groups.

    7. Choose Create group.

    Delete a group

    Follow steps in this section to delete a group. You can't delete the Default group.

    CloudWatch console
    1. Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management Console and open the CloudWatch console at

    2. Choose Settings in the left navigation pane.

    3. Choose View settings under Groups within the X-Ray traces section.

    4. Choose a group from the Groups section and then choose Delete.

    5. When you're prompted to confirm, choose Delete.

    X-Ray console
    1. Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management Console and open the X-Ray console at

    2. Open the Groups page from the left navigation pane, and the choose the name of a group that you want to delete.

    3. On the Actions menu, choose Delete group.

    4. When you're prompted to confirm, choose Delete.

    View group metrics in Amazon CloudWatch

    After a group is created, incoming traces are checked against the group’s filter expression as they're stored in the X-Ray service. Metrics for the number of traces matching each criteria are published to Amazon CloudWatch every minute. Choosing View metric on the Edit group page opens the CloudWatch console to the Metric page. For more information about how to use CloudWatch metrics, see Using Amazon CloudWatch Metrics in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.

    CloudWatch console
    1. Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management Console and open the CloudWatch console at

    2. Choose Settings in the left navigation pane.

    3. Choose View settings under Groups within the X-Ray traces section.

    4. Choose a group from the Groups section and then choose Edit.

    5. On the Edit group page, choose View metric.

      The CloudWatch console Metrics page opens in a new tab.

    X-Ray console
    1. Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management Console and open the X-Ray console at

    2. Open the Groups page from the left navigation pane, and the choose the name of a group that you want to view metrics for.

    3. On the Edit group page, choose View metric.

      The CloudWatch console Metrics page opens in a new tab.

    You can use the Amazon X-Ray console to configure sampling rules for your services. The X-Ray SDK and Amazon Web Services that support active tracing with sampling configuration use sampling rules to determine which requests to record.

    Configure sampling rules

    You can configure sampling for the following use cases:

    • API Gateway Entrypoint – API Gateway supports sampling and active tracing. To enable active tracing on an API stage, see Amazon API Gateway active tracing support for Amazon X-Ray.

    • Amazon AppSync – Amazon AppSync supports sampling and active tracing. To enable active tracing on Amazon AppSync requests, see Tracing with Amazon X-Ray.

    • Instrument X-Ray SDK on compute platforms – When using compute platforms such as Amazon EC2, Amazon ECS, or Amazon Elastic Beanstalk, sampling is supported when the application has been instrumented with the latest X-Ray SDK.

    Customizing sampling rules

    By customizing sampling rules, you can control the amount of data that you record. You can also modify sampling behavior without modifying or redeploying your code. Sampling rules tell the X-Ray SDK how many requests to record for a set of criteria. By default, the X-Ray SDK records the first request received at the beginning of each second, and five percent of any additional requests. One request per second is the reservoir. This ensures that at least one trace is recorded each second as long as the service is serving requests. Five percent is the rate at which additional requests beyond the reservoir size are sampled.

    You can configure the X-Ray SDK to read sampling rules from a JSON document that you include with your code. However, when you run multiple instances of your service, each instance performs sampling independently. This causes the overall percentage of requests sampled to increase because the reservoirs of all of the instances are effectively added together. Additionally, to update local sampling rules, you must redeploy your code.

    By defining sampling rules in the X-Ray console, and configuring the SDK to read rules from the X-Ray service, you can avoid both of these issues. The service manages the reservoir for each rule, and assigns quotas to each instance of your service to distribute the reservoir evenly, based on the number of instances that are running. The reservoir limit is calculated according to the rules you set. Because the rules are configured in the service, you can manage rules without making additional deployments. For more informaiton about the Amazon SDK, see Use an SDK.


    X-Ray uses a best-effort approach in applying sampling rules, and in some cases the effective sampling rate may not exactly match the configured sampling rules. However, over time the number of requests sampled should be close to the configured percentage.

    You can now configure X-Ray sampling rules from within the Amazon CloudWatch console. You can also continue to use the X-Ray console.

    CloudWatch console
    To configure sampling rules in the CloudWatch console
    1. Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management Console and open the CloudWatch console at

    2. Choose Settings in the left navigation pane.

    3. Choose View settings under Sampling rules within the X-Ray traces section.

    4. To create a rule, choose Create sampling rule.

      To edit a rule, choose a rule and choose Edit to edit it.

      To delete a rule, choose a rule and choose Delete to delete it.

    X-Ray console
    To configure sampling rules in the X-Ray console
    1. Open the X-Ray console.

    2. Choose Sampling in the left navigation pane.

    3. To create a rule, choose Create sampling rule.

      To edit a rule, choose a rule's name.

      To delete a rule, choose a rule and use the Actions menu to delete it.

    Sampling rule options

    The following options are available for each rule. String values can use wildcards to match a single character (?) or zero or more characters (*).

    Sampling rule options
    • Rule name (string) – A unique name for the rule.

    • Priority (integer between 1 and 9999) – The priority of the sampling rule. Services evaluate rules in ascending order of priority, and make a sampling decision with the first rule that matches.

    • Reservoir (non-negative integer) – A fixed number of matching requests to instrument per second, before applying the fixed rate. The reservoir is not used directly by services, but applies to all services using the rule collectively.

    • Rate (integer between 0 and 100) – The percentage of matching requests to instrument, after the reservoir is exhausted. When configuring a sampling rule in the console, choose a percentage between 0 and 100. When configuring a sampling rule in a client SDK using a JSON document, provide a percentage value between 0 and 1.

    • Service name (string) – The name of the instrumented service, as it appears in the trace map.

      • X-Ray SDK – The service name that you configure on the recorder.

      • Amazon API Gateway – api-name/stage.

    • Service type (string) – The service type, as it appears in the trace map. For the X-Ray SDK, set the service type by applying the appropriate plugin:

      • AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Environment – An Amazon Elastic Beanstalk environment (plugin).

      • AWS::EC2::Instance – An Amazon EC2 instance (plugin).

      • AWS::ECS::Container – An Amazon ECS container (plugin).

      • AWS::APIGateway::Stage – An Amazon API Gateway stage.

      • AWS::AppSync::GraphQLAPI – An Amazon AppSync API request.

    • Host (string) – The hostname from the HTTP host header.

    • HTTP method (string) – The method of the HTTP request.

    • URL path (string) – The URL path of the request.

      • X-Ray SDK – The path portion of the HTTP request URL.

    • Resource ARN (string) – The ARN of the Amazon resource running the service.

      • X-Ray SDK – Not supported. The SDK can only use rules with Resource ARN set to *.

      • Amazon API Gateway – The stage ARN.

    • (Optional) Attributes (key and value) – Segment attributes that are known when the sampling decision is made.

      • X-Ray SDK – Not supported. The SDK ignores rules that specify attributes.

      • Amazon API Gateway – Headers from the original HTTP request.

    Sampling rule examples

    Example – Default rule with no reservoir and a low rate

    You can modify the default rule's reservoir and rate. The default rule applies to requests that don't match any other rule.

    • Reservoir: 0

    • Rate: 5 (0.05 if configured using a JSON document)

    Example – Debugging rule to trace all requests for a problematic route

    A high-priority rule applied temporarily for debugging.

    • Rule name: DEBUG – history updates

    • Priority: 1

    • Reservoir: 1

    • Rate: 100 (1 if configured using a JSON document)

    • Service name: Scorekeep

    • Service type: *

    • Host: *

    • HTTP method: PUT

    • URL path: /history/*

    • Resource ARN: *

    Example – Higher minimum rate for POSTs
    • Rule name: POST minimum

    • Priority: 100

    • Reservoir: 10

    • Rate: 10 (.1 if configured using a JSON document)

    • Service name: *

    • Service type: *

    • Host: *

    • HTTP method: POST

    • URL path: *

    • Resource ARN: *

    Configure your service to use sampling rules

    The X-Ray SDK requires additional configuration to use sampling rules that you configure in the console. See the configuration topic for your language for details on configuring a sampling strategy:

    For API Gateway, see Amazon API Gateway active tracing support for Amazon X-Ray.

    Viewing sampling results

    The X-Ray console Sampling page shows detailed information about how your services use each sampling rule.

    The Trend column shows how the rule has been used in the last few minutes. Each column shows statistics for a 10-second window.

    Sampling statistics
    • Total matched rule: The number of requests that matched this rule. This number doesn't include requests that could have matched this rule, but matched a higher-priority rule first.

    • Total sampled: The number of requests recorded.

    • Sampled with fixed rate: The number of requests sampled by applying the rule's fixed rate.

    • Sampled with reservoir limit: The number of requests sampled using a quota assigned by X-Ray.

    • Borrowed from reservoir: The number of requests sampled by borrowing from the reservoir. The first time a service matches a request to a rule, it has not yet been assigned a quota by X-Ray. However, if the reservoir is at least 1, the service borrows one trace per second until X-Ray assigns a quota.

    For more information about sampling statistics and how services use sampling rules, see Using sampling rules with the X-Ray API.

    Next steps

    You can use the X-Ray API to manage sampling rules. With the API, you can create and update rules programmatically on a schedule, or in response to alarms or notifications. See Configuring sampling, groups, and encryption settings with the X-Ray API for instructions and additional rule examples.

    The X-Ray SDK and Amazon Web Services also use the X-Ray API to read sampling rules, report sampling results, and get sampling targets. Services must keep track of how often they apply each rule, evaluate rules based on priority, and borrow from the reservoir when a request matches a rule for which X-Ray has not yet assigned the service a quota. For more details about how a service uses the API for sampling, see Using sampling rules with the X-Ray API.

    When the X-Ray SDK calls sampling APIs, it uses the X-Ray daemon as a proxy. If you already use TCP port 2000, you can configure the daemon to run the proxy on a different port. See Configuring the Amazon X-Ray daemon for details.

    You can use routes and queries to deep link into specific traces, or filtered views of traces and the trace map.

    Console pages

    You can generate links for timeline, raw, and map views of individual traces.

    Trace timelinexray/home#/traces/trace-id

    Raw trace dataxray/home#/traces/trace-id/raw

    Example – raw trace data

    Link to a filtered list of traces.

    Filtered traces viewxray/home#/traces?filter=filter-expression

    Example – filter expression"") { fault = true OR responsetime > 2.5 } AND = "bar"
    Example – filter expression (URL encoded)

    For more information about filter expressions, see Use filter expressions.

    Specify a length of time or start and end time in ISO8601 format. Time ranges are in UTC and can be up to 6 hours long.

    Length of timexray/home#/page?timeRange=range-in-minutes

    Example – trace map for the last hour

    Start and end timexray/home#/page?timeRange=start~end

    Example – time range accurate to seconds
    Example – time range accurate to minutes

    Specify an Amazon Web Services Region to link to pages in that Region. If you don't specify a Region, the console redirects you to the last visited Region.


    Example – trace map in US West (Oregon) (us-west-2)

    When you include a Region with other query parameters, the Region query goes before the hash, and the X-Ray-specific queries go after the page name.

    Example – trace map for the last hour in US West (Oregon) (us-west-2)
    Example – recent traces with a duration filter
    • Page – Traces

    • Time Range – Last 15 minutes

    • Filter – duration >= 5 AND duration <= 8