Amazon S3 and Amazon X-Ray
Amazon X-Ray integrates with Amazon S3 to trace upstream requests to update your application's S3 buckets. If a service traces requests by using the X-Ray SDK, Amazon S3 can send the tracing headers to downstream event subscribers such as Amazon Lambda, Amazon SQS, and Amazon SNS. X-Ray enables trace messages for Amazon S3 event notifications.
You can use the X-Ray trace map to view the connections between Amazon S3 and other services that your application uses. You can also use the console to view metrics such as average latency and failure rates. For more information about the X-Ray console, see Use the X-Ray console.
Amazon S3 supports the default http header instrumentation. The X-Ray SDK automatically
populates the trace header as an HTTP header when you call Amazon S3 through the Amazon SDK. The default trace header is
carried by X-Amzn-Trace-Id
. To learn more about tracing headers, see Tracing header on the concept page. Amazon S3
trace context propagation supports the following subscribers: Lambda, SQS and SNS. Because SQS and SNS don't emit
segment data themselves, they won't appear in your trace or trace map when triggered by S3, even though they will
propagate the tracing header to downstream services.
Configure Amazon S3 event notifications
With the Amazon S3 notification feature, you receive notifications when certain events happen in your bucket. These notifications can then be propagated to the following destinations within your application:
Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS)
Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS)
Amazon Lambda
For a list of supported events, see Supported event types in the Amazon S3 developer guide.
Amazon SNS and Amazon SQS
To publish notifications to an SNS topic or an SQS queue, you must first grant Amazon S3 permissions. To grant these permissions, you attach an Amazon Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy to the destination SNS topic or SQS queue. To learn more about the IAM policies required, see Granting permissions to publish messages to an SNS topic or an SQS queue.
For information about integrating SNS and SQS with X-Ray see, Amazon SNS and Amazon X-Ray and Amazon SQS and Amazon X-Ray.
Amazon Lambda
When you use the Amazon S3 console to configure event notifications on an S3 bucket for a Lambda function, the console sets up the necessary permissions on the Lambda function so that Amazon S3 has permissions to invoke the function from the bucket. For more information, see How Do I Enable and Configure Event Notifications for an S3 Bucket? in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Console User Guide.
You can also grant Amazon S3 permissions from Amazon Lambda to invoke your Lambda function. For more information, see Tutorial: Using Amazon Lambda with Amazon S3 in the Amazon Lambda Developer Guide.
For more information about integrating Lambda with X-Ray, see Instrumenting Java code in Amazon Lambda.