Step Functions metrics for CloudWatch - Amazon Step Functions
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Step Functions metrics for CloudWatch

Step Functions provides the following types of metrics to Amazon CloudWatch. You can use these metrics to track your state machines and activities and to set alarms on threshold values. You can view metrics using the Amazon Web Services Management Console.

CloudWatch metrics delivery

CloudWatch metrics are delivered on a best-effort basis.

The completeness and timeliness of metrics are not guaranteed. The data point for a particular request might be returned with a timestamp that is later than when the request was actually processed. The data point for a minute might be delayed before being available through CloudWatch, or it might not be delivered at all. CloudWatch request metrics give you an idea of the state machine executions in near-real time. It is not meant to be a complete accounting of all execution-related metrics.

It follows from the best-effort nature of this feature that the reports available at the Billing & Cost Management Dashboard might include one or more access requests that do not appear in the execution metrics.

Metrics that report a time interval

Some of the Step Functions CloudWatch metrics are time intervals, always measured in milliseconds. These metrics generally correspond to stages of your execution for which you can set state machine, activity, and Lambda function timeouts, with descriptive names.

For example, the ActivityRunTime metric measures the time it takes for an activity to complete after it begins to execute. You can set a timeout value for the same time period.

In the CloudWatch console, you can get the best results if you choose average as the display statistic for time interval metrics.

Metrics that report a count

Some of the Step Functions CloudWatch metrics report results as a count. For example, ExecutionsFailed records the number of failed state machine executions.

Step Functions emits two ExecutionsStarted metrics for every state machine execution. This causes the SampleCount statistic for the ExecutionsStarted metric to show the value of 2 for every state machine execution. The SampleCount statistic shows ExecutionStarted=1 and ExecutionStarted=0 when the execution completes.


We recommend selecting Sum as the display statistic for metrics that report a count in the CloudWatch console.

Execution metrics

The AWS/States namespace includes the following metrics for all Step Functions executions. These are dimensionless metrics that apply across your account in a region.

Metric Description

Approximate number of currently open executions—workflows that are currently in progress in your account.

The intent is to provide insight into when your workflows are approaching the maximum execution limit, to avoid ExecutionLimitExceeded errors when calling StartExecution or RedriveExecution for Standard Workflows.

OpenExecutionCount is an approximate number of open workflows. This metric will be lower than observed running workflow count. Running open workflow count lower than 10,000 may show zero open executions. For an alarm to notify if you are nearing your OpenExecutionLimit, we recommend using the Maximum statistic with a threshold of 100K or higher since the default open workflow limit is 1,000,000 executions.


Maximum number of open executions. For more information, see Quotas related to accounts.

This limit does not apply to Express Workflows.

Execution metrics for state machine with version or alias

When you run a state machine execution with a version or an alias, Step Functions emits the following metrics. The ExecutionThrottled metric will only be emitted in the case of throttled execution. These metrics will include a StateMachineArn to identify a specific state machine.

Metric Description
ExecutionTime Interval, in milliseconds, between the time the execution starts and the time it closes.
ExecutionThrottled Number of StateEntered events and retries that have been throttled. This is related to StateTransition throttling. For more information, see Quotas related to state throttling.
ExecutionsAborted Number of aborted or terminated executions.
ExecutionsFailed Number of failed executions.
ExecutionsStarted Number of started executions.
ExecutionsSucceeded Number of successfully completed executions.
ExecutionsTimedOut Number of executions that time out for any reason.

Execution metrics for Express Workflows

The AWS/States namespace includes the following metrics for Step Functions Express Workflows' executions.

Metric Description

The total memory consumed by an Express Workflow.


The duration for which an Express Workflow is charged.


The amount of consumed memory for which an Express Workflow is charged.

Redrive execution metrics for Standard Workflows

When you redrive a state machine execution, Step Functions emits the following metrics.

For all redriven executions, the Executions* metric is emitted. For example, say a redriven execution aborts. This execution will emit non-zero datapoints for both RedrivenExecutionsAborted and ExecutionsAborted.

Metric Description
ExecutionsRedriven Number of redriven executions.
RedrivenExecutionsAborted Number of redriven executions that are canceled or terminated.
RedrivenExecutionsTimedOut Number of redriven executions that time out for any reason.
RedrivenExecutionsSucceeded Number of redriven executions that completed successfully.
RedrivenExecutionsFailed Number of redriven executions that failed.

Dimension for Step Functions execution metrics

Dimension Description

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the state machine for the execution in question.

Dimensions for executions with version

Dimension Description

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the state machine whose execution was started by a version.


State machine version used to start the execution.

Dimensions for executions with an alias

Dimension Description

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the state machine whose execution was started by an alias.


State machine alias used to start the execution.

Resource count metrics for versions and aliases

The AWS/States namespace includes the following metrics for the count of versions and aliases of a state machine.

Metric Description

Number of aliases created for the state machine.

You can create up to 100 aliases for each state machine.


Number of versions published for the state machine.

You can publish up to 1000 versions of a state machine.

Dimension for resource count metrics for versions and aliases

Dimension Description

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the state machine with a version or an alias.

Activity Metrics

The AWS/States namespace includes the following metrics for Step Functions activities.

Metric Description
ActivityRunTime Interval, in milliseconds, between the time the activity starts and the time it closes.
ActivityScheduleTime Interval, in milliseconds, for which the activity stays in the schedule state.
ActivityTime Interval, in milliseconds, between the time the activity is scheduled and the time it closes.
ActivitiesFailed Number of failed activities.
ActivitiesHeartbeatTimedOut Number of activities that time out due to a heartbeat timeout.
ActivitiesScheduled Number of scheduled activities.
ActivitiesStarted Number of started activities.
ActivitiesSucceeded Number of successfully completed activities.
ActivitiesTimedOut Number of activities that time out on close.

Dimension for Step Functions Activity Metrics

Dimension Description


The ARN of the activity.

Lambda Function Metrics

The AWS/States namespace includes the following metrics for Step Functions Lambda functions.

Metric Description
LambdaFunctionRunTime Interval, in milliseconds, between the time the Lambda function starts and the time it closes.
LambdaFunctionScheduleTime Interval, in milliseconds, for which the Lambda function stays in the schedule state.
LambdaFunctionTime Interval, in milliseconds, between the time the Lambda function is scheduled and the time it closes.
LambdaFunctionsFailed Number of failed Lambda functions.
LambdaFunctionsScheduled Number of scheduled Lambda functions.
LambdaFunctionsStarted Number of started Lambda functions.
LambdaFunctionsSucceeded Number of successfully completed Lambda functions.
LambdaFunctionsTimedOut Number of Lambda functions that time out on close.

Dimension for Step Functions Lambda Function Metrics

Dimension Description


The ARN of the Lambda function.


Lambda Function Metrics are emitted for Task states that specify the Lambda function ARN in the Resource field. Task states that use "Resource": "arn:aws:states:::lambda:invoke" emit Service Integration Metrics instead. For more information, see Invoke an Amazon Lambda function with Step Functions.

Service Integration Metrics

The AWS/States namespace includes the following metrics for Step Functions service integrations. For more information, see Integrating other services with Step Functions.

Metric Description
ServiceIntegrationRunTime Interval, in milliseconds, between the time the Service Task starts and the time it closes.
ServiceIntegrationScheduleTime Interval, in milliseconds, for which the Service Task stays in the schedule state.
ServiceIntegrationTime Interval, in milliseconds, between the time the Service Task is scheduled and the time it closes.
ServiceIntegrationsFailed Number of failed Service Tasks.
ServiceIntegrationsScheduled Number of scheduled Service Tasks.
ServiceIntegrationsStarted Number of started Service Tasks.
ServiceIntegrationsSucceeded Number of successfully completed Service Tasks.
ServiceIntegrationsTimedOut Number of Service Tasks that time out on close.

Dimension for Step Functions Service Integration Metrics

Dimension Description


The resource ARN of the integrated service.

Service Metrics

The AWS/States namespace includes the following metrics for the Step Functions service.

Metric Description

Count of requests that have been throttled.


Count of available requests per second.


Count of requests per second that are allowed into the bucket.


Count of requests per second.

Dimension for Step Functions Service Metrics

Dimension Description


Filters data to show State Transitions metrics.

API Metrics

The AWS/States namespace includes the following metrics for the Step Functions API.

Metric Description

Count of requests that have been throttled.


Count of available requests per second.


Count of requests per second that are allowed into the bucket.


Count of requests per second.

Dimension for Step Functions API Metrics

Dimension Description


Filters data to an API of the specified API name.