Document history for Amazon Backup - Amazon Backup
Services or capabilities described in Amazon Web Services documentation might vary by Region. To see the differences applicable to the China Regions, see Getting Started with Amazon Web Services in China (PDF).

Document history for Amazon Backup

  • API version: December 6, 2023

  • Latest documentation update: June 27, 2024

The following table lists all Amazon Backup launches since the launch of the service in January 2019 to present. For notifications about updates to this documentation you can subscribe to the RSS feed above.

Change Description Date
Amazon Backup feature Regional expansion

Amazon Backup support for Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) is now available in Canada West (Calgary).

Customers can now backup and restore resources within the Canada West (Calgary) Region. For more information on Amazon Backup Amazon S3 Region availability, see Supported Services by Amazon Web Services Region.

June 27, 2024
Logically air-gapped vault preview closure

Logically air-gapped vault preview has ended.

June 27, 2024
Amazon Backup feature Regional expansion

Amazon Backup support of Amazon EBS snapshot archive tier is now available in the following Regions:

  • China (Beijing)

  • China (Ningxia)

  • Amazon GovCloud (US-West)

  • Amazon GovCloud (US-East)

June 3, 2024

Updated Amazon managed policies

Amazon Backup added permission backup:TagResource to the following managed policies:

  • AWSBackupServiceRolePolicyForBackup

  • AWSBackupServiceRolePolicyForS3Backup

  • AWSBackupServiceLinkedRolePolicyForBackup

For more information, see Policy updates.

May 17, 2024

Amazon Backup now available in Canada West (Calgary) Region

Backup and restore for many resource types are now available in Amazon Web Services Region Canada West (Calgary).

For compatible backup features, see Feature availability by Amazon Web Services Region.

For supported resource types, see Supported services by Amazon Web Services Region.

March 14, 2024
Added permissions to managed policy

Amazon Backup updated the policy AWSServiceRolePolicyForBackupRestoreTesting by adding permissions to support additional resource types within the restore testing feature.

For more information on the specific permissions added, see Policy updates.

February 14, 2024
Backup and restore support for FSx for ONTAP FlexGroup volumes

Amazon Backup now supports backup and restore of FSx for ONTAP FlexGroup volumes in most Amazon Web Services Regions.

For more information, see Restoring an Amazon FSx file system

January 10, 2024
Support for SAP HANA HA backup and restore

Amazon Backup now offers support SAP HANA High Availability databases on Amazon EC2 backup and restore.

For more information, see SAP HANA on Amazon EC2 backups and Restoring an SAP HANA High Availability system

December 21, 2023
Amazon Backup Audit Manager control for restore testing

Amazon Backup Audit Manager now offers the control Restore time for resources meet target to assist with monitoring restore times. This control checks if the restore time of a resource meets the target duration.

For more information, see Controls and remediation and Audit restore testing.

December 18, 2023
Support for Amazon EBS cold storage Amazon Backup now supports transitioning EBS backups from warm to cold storage. For more information, see November 27, 2023
Introducing restore testing

Amazon Backup introduces restore testing, which brings automated and periodic evaluation of restore viability, as well as the ability to monitor restore job duration times.

For more information, see Restore testing.

November 27, 2023
Updated Amazon managed policies

Amazon Backup added the permissions ec2:DescribeSnapshotTierStatus and ec2:ModifySnapshotTier to the managed policies AWSBackupServiceRolePolicyForBackups and AWSBackupServiceLinkedRolePolicyForBackup. Amazon Backup also added the permissions ec2:DescribeSnapshotTierStatus and ec2:RestoreSnapshotTier to managed policy AWSBackupServiceRolePolicyForRestores.

These permissions are necessary for users to have the option to transition Amazon EBS resources stored with Amazon Backup to archive storage and to restore resources from the archive storage tier.

For more information, see Policy updates.

November 27, 2023

Added pass role permission to support restore testing.

Amazon Backup added to IamPassRolePermissions and IamCreateServiceLinkedRolePermissions. This addition is necessary for Amazon Backup to conduct restore tests on behalf of customers.

November 27, 2023
Added new service-linked role

Amazon Backup has added the new service-linked role named AWSServiceRoleForBackupRestoreTesting, which provides backup permissions to conduct restore testing.

This new service-linked role provides Amazon Backup with permissions necessary to conduct restore testing. The permissions include the actions list, read, and write for the following services to be included in restore tests: Aurora, DocumentDB, DynamoDB, Amazon EBS, Amazon EC2, Amazon EFS, FSx for Lustre, FSx for Windows File Server, FSx for ONTAP, FSx for OpenZFS, Amazon Neptune, Amazon RDS, and Amazon S3.

November 27, 2023

New job metric dashboard in the Amazon Backup console

The Amazon Backup console now displays a jobs dashboard, simplifying backup health monitoring at scale with a new visual user interface and aggregated backup, copy, and restore metrics for services supported by Amazon Backup.

The jobs dashboard is available in all Regions where Amazon Backup Audit Manager is available.

Regions not listed will still be able to access the CloudWatch dashboard.

For more information, see Amazon Backup console dashboards.

November 15, 2023
Support for nested stack backups

Amazon Backup has expanded its support for backups of Amazon CloudFormation resources. Your CloudFormation application stacks that have nested stacks within them can be included in your backups.

For more information, see CloudFormation stack backups.

November 8, 2023
Support for Amazon S3 in China (Beijing) and China (Ningxia).

Amazon Backup support for Amazon S3 is now available in China (Beijing) and China (Ningxia) Regions.

For more information, see Feature availability by Region.

October 26, 2023
Support for Amazon Aurora continuous backups and Point-in-time restore

Amazon Backup now supports continuous backups and point-in-time restore (PITR) for Aurora resources.

For more information, see Continuous backups and Point-in-time recovery.

September 7, 2023
Amazon CloudFormation stacks support exclusion of resources

Amazon Backup now supports the option to exclude chosen resources from your Amazon CloudFormation stack.

For more information, see Amazon CloudFormation stack backups.

September 6, 2023
Backup plan rules introduce timezone flexibility

Amazon Backup plan rules can now have a specified timezone for backup windows.

For more information, see Managing backup plans.

August 28, 2023
Amazon Backup now available in Israel (Tel Aviv) Region

Many Amazon Backup features are now available in the new Israel (Tel Aviv) Region.

To see what resources are supported, visit Feature availability by Amazon Web Services Region.

August 22, 2023

Amazon Backup Audit Manager now supports delegated administrator accounts

Amazon Backup Audit Manager report generation can now be accessed by delegated administrator accounts. For more information, see

August 16, 2023
Amazon Backup enhances Amazon S3 backups

Amazon Backup has increased performance, size, and speed capabilities for S3 bucket backups.

For more information, see Amazon S3 backups.

August 1, 2023
Tag on restore feature now available in China Regions

Tags that are part of a backup can now be copied when you create a restore job in China (Beijing) or China (Ningxia) Regions.

For more information, see Copy tags during a restore.

July 17, 2023
Amazon Backup now supports Amazon S3 in additional Regions

Amazon Backup support for Amazon S3 is now available in Europe (Spain), Europe (Zurich), Asia Pacific (Hyderabad), and Asia Pacific (Melbourne) Regions.

For more information, see Feature availability by Region.

July 6, 2023
Cross-account copy expands to additional Regions

Amazon Backup now supports cross-account backup copy of most resources in the following Regions: Asia Pacific (Jakarta), Middle East (Bahrain), Asia Pacific (Hong Kong), Africa (Cape Town), Europe (Milan), Asia Pacific (Osaka), Middle East (UAE) , Europe (Spain), Europe (Zurich), Asia Pacific (Hyderabad), and Asia Pacific (Melbourne).

For more information, see Feature availability by Region

July 5, 2023
Backup Audit Manager available in GovCloud Regions

Amazon Backup has expanded Amazon Backup Audit Manager into Amazon GovCloud (US-East) and Amazon GovCloud (US-West).

For more information, see Feature availability by Region

June 29, 2023
Cross-account management now available in GovCloud Regions

Amazon Backup now supports cross-account management of resources in Amazon GovCloud (US-East) and Amazon GovCloud (US-West).

For more information, see Managing Amazon Backup resources across multiple Amazon accounts.

June 29, 2023
Support for cross-Region copies of Amazon Aurora in additional Regions Amazon Backup now supports cross-Region backup copies for Aurora clusters into and from the following Regions: Asia Pacific (Jakarta), Middle East (Bahrain), Asia Pacific (Hong Kong), Africa (Cape Town), Europe (Milan), Middle East (UAE) , Europe (Spain), Europe (Zurich), Asia Pacific (Hyderabad), and Asia Pacific (Melbourne). June 5, 2023
Copy tags when restoring

Tags that are part of a backup can now be copied when you create a restore job.

For more information, see Copy tags during a restore.

May 22, 2023
Amazon Backup integrates with Amazon User Notifications

You can now choose to receive notifications related to backup, copy, and restore events through the Amazon User Notifications console.

For more information, see Getting started with Amazon User Notifications.

May 10, 2023
Cross-Region backups available in four new Regions Amazon Backup now supports cross-Region backup in Middle East (UAE) Region, Europe (Spain) Region, Europe (Zurich) Region, and Asia Pacific (Hyderabad) Region. April 28, 2023
Expanded cross-Region Amazon Backup copy support Cross-Region backups of Amazon EFS, VMware, and DynamoDB resources can now be conducted within the following Regions: Asia Pacific (Jakarta), Middle East (Bahrain), Asia Pacific (Hong Kong), Africa (Cape Town), and Europe (Milan). April 28, 2023
Amazon S3 backup and restore in South America (São Paulo) Region

Amazon Backup support for Amazon S3 (Amazon Simple Storage Service) is now available in South America (São Paulo) Region.

For more information, see Amazon S3 backups.

April 20, 2023
Amazon Backup expands to Asia Pacific (Melbourne) Region

Amazon Backup is now available in Asia Pacific (Melbourne) Region.

For more information, see Feature availability by Amazon Region.

April 20, 2023
Expanded Regional support for Amazon S3

Amazon Backup support for Amazon S3 (Amazon Simple Storage Service) is now available in Amazon GovCloud (US-East) and Amazon GovCloud (US-West) Regions

For more information, see Amazon S3 backups.

April 19, 2023
Backup and restore SAP HANA databases on Amazon EC2 instances

Amazon Backup now offers the ability to backup and restore SAP HANA databases running on Amazon EC2 instances in most Regions.

For more information, see SAP HANA databases on Amazon EC2 instances backup.

April 17, 2023
Amazon Backup now available in Europe (Spain), Europe (Zurich), and Asia Pacific (Hyderabad) Regions

Amazon Backup support has expanded to new Regions, including Europe (Spain), Europe (Zurich), and Asia Pacific (Hyderabad). Supported resources can be backed up and restored within these Regions.

For more information, see Feature availability by Amazon Region.

April 13, 2023
Updated Amazon managed policy AWSBackupAuditAccess

Updated Amazon managed policy AWSBackupAuditAccess. Amazon Backup replaced the resource selection within the API config:DescribeComplianceByConfigRule with a wildcard resource.

For more information see Policy updates for Amazon Backup.

April 11, 2023
Hypervisors with Amazon CloudWatch Logs Amazon Backup gateway users can now integrate hypervisors with CloudWatch Logs to maintain logs. For more information, see Editing a hypervisor configuration and CloudWatch Logs. March 29, 2023
Expanded Regional support for Amazon S3

Amazon Backup support for Amazon S3 is now available in Asia Pacific (Jakarta) and Middle East (UAE) Regions.

March 22, 2023
Virtual machine incremental backup improvement

VMware VM (virtual machine) backups that experience CBT (Changed Block Tracking) data issues now contain additional information to help remedy and troubleshoot.

For more information, see Incremental VM backups and Troubleshoot your virtual machines.

March 15, 2023
Amazon Backup support for multiple network adapters

Amazon Backup gateway now supports configuring multiple network adapters

For more information on configuring your network adapters, see Configure your gateway for multiple NICs in VMware in the Amazon Backup Developer Guide.

March 8, 2023
Amazon Backup support for vSphere 8

Amazon Backup now supports backup and restore of virtual machines which run on VMware vSphere 8.

For more information on supported VMware options, see Supported VMs in the Amazon Backup Developer Guide.

March 8, 2023
Amazon Backup Audit Manager supports Amazon RDS Multi-AZ backups

Backup Audit Manager now offers support for Amazon Relational Database Service Multi-Availability Zone backups.

For more information, see how to audit backups and create reports with Amazon Backup Audit Manager.

February 1, 2023
Amazon Backup offers incremental backup for Amazon Timestream tables

Amazon Backup now offers expanded backup capabilities for Timestream backups. Backup plans can now take incremental backups to lower the time required to backup Timestream resources and lower storage costs.

For more information, see Amazon Timestream backups.

January 23, 2023
Amazon Backup now available in Dubai Amazon Backup has expanded to the Middle East (UAE) Region. Supported resources can be backed up and restored within this Region. January 17, 2023
Cross-Region copying available in additional Regions

Amazon Backup now offers cross-Region backups in Asia Pacific (Jakarta) Region, Middle East (Bahrain) Region, Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) Region, Africa (Cape Town) Region, and Europe (Milan) Region for most resources.

For more information, see Creating backup copies across Amazon Web Services Regions.

December 21, 2022
Backup Gateway Bandwidth Limits and Throttling

Amazon Backup Gateway now allows limits on the upload throughput from gateways to Amazon Backup to control the amount of network bandwidth used by the gateway.

To support this feature, Amazon Backup has created and updated managed policies, including AWSBackupFullAccess and AWSBackupOperatorAccess.

For more information, see Backup Gateway bandwidth throttling.

December 15, 2022
Backup Gateway VMware tag support

Amazon Backup Gateway now supports VMware tags. Users have the additional flexibility to create Amazon tags that match tags used for virtual machines.

To support this feature, Amazon Backup has created and updated managed policies, including AWSBackupGatewayServiceRolePolicyForVirtualMachineMetadataSync, AWSBackupFullAccess, and AWSBackupOperatorAccess.

For more information, see VMware tags.

December 15, 2022
Amazon Backup offers Legal Hold

Amazon Backup introduces a new tool to help protect recovery points through a legal hold. For more information see Legal hold.

November 27, 2022
Amazon Backup Audit Manager cross-Region and cross-account reporting

Amazon Backup Audit Manager brings additional functionality to compliance and job reports. Users can generate reports incorporating multiple Regions and multiple accounts.

For more information, see Working with audit reports.

November 27, 2022
Amazon Backup offers support to backup Amazon CloudFormation application stacks

Amazon Backup provides the capability to backup CloudFormation and restore applications containing multiple resources by backing up a stack and restoring the resources within it.

For more information, see Application stack backups.

November 27, 2022
Amazon Backup offers delegated administrator accounts and backup policy delegation

Amazon Backup accounts enrolled in Amazon Organizations can designate member accounts as delegated administrator accounts.

For more information, see Managing multiple accounts with Amazon Organizations.

November 27,2022
Restore VMware to Amazon EC2 instances

Amazon Backup now offers the ability to restore virtual machines to Amazon EC2 instances, in addition to the ability to restore machines to EBS, VMware, VMware Cloud on Amazon, and VMware Cloud on Amazon Outposts.

For more information, see documentation on how to Use the Amazon Backup console to restore virtual machine recovery points.

November 9, 2022
Expanded Amazon Backup Vault Lock functionality

Amazon Backup Vault Lock can be now created in governance mode for additional IAM protections or in compliance mode to ensure immutability.

Learn more at Amazon Backup Vault Lock.

October 4, 2022
Amazon Backup Audit Manager now available in Africa (Cape Town) Region and Europe (Milan) Region Amazon Backup Audit Manager has expanded to Africa (Cape Town) Region and Europe (Milan) Region. For more information on Backup Audit Manager, see Audit backups and create reports with Amazon Backup Audit Manager. September 14, 2022
Amazon Backup brings Amazon CloudWatch metrics to Backup console dashboard Amazon Backup enhances its Backup console dashboard to display integrated Amazon CloudWatch metrics for backup and restore jobs for additional monitoring capability and flexibility. September 8, 2022
Support for additional Amazon EBS encryption flexibility during restore Amazon Backup now offers additional choices of encryption during restoration of Amazon EBS snapshots. September 1, 2022
Amazon Backup supports Amazon S3 cross-account and cross-Region backup copying

Amazon Backup now offers cross-Region and cross-account backup copying for Amazon S3 backups.

For more information see Amazon S3 backups.

July 28, 2022
Amazon Backup Audit Manager offers additional control support for FSx for ONTAP

Amazon Backup Audit Manager now offers additional controls to support monitoring and auditing FSx for ONTAP volumes, including Backup resources are included in at least one backup plan and Last recovery point created.

For more information, see Amazon Backup Audit Manager controls and remediation.

July 22, 2022
Amazon Backup adds support to backup and restore Amazon RDS Multi-AZ clusters for PostgreSQL and MySQL clusters

Amazon Backup has added a Multi-Availability Zone cluster backup and restore option with one primary and two readable standby database instances.

To learn more, see Amazon RDS Multi-AZ backups.

July 20, 2022
Amazon Backup Audit Manager adds new control for recovery point creation

Amazon Backup Audit Manager offers a new audit control for increased compliance support.

Last recovery point created is an optional additional control to ensure recovery points are created within specified time frames.

To learn more, see Last recovery point created control.

June 29, 2022
Added Amazon Backup Gateway endpoint sample

Amazon Backup Gateway provided a sample endpoint to assist users with connecting to VPNs (Virtual Private Networks). For more information, see Creating a Amazon Backup VPC endpoint.

June 14, 2022
Amazon Backup now offers Amazon VPC endpoints for VMware

Amazon Backup now supports Amazon VPC endpoints for VMware, enabling you to use a virtual private network between your VMware environments and Amazon using Amazon PrivateLink.

For more information, see Creating a gateway and Amazon Backup and Amazon PrivateLink.

June 1, 2022
Amazon Backup Audit Manager offers additional control support for Amazon S3

Backup Audit Manager now offers support for the compliance control Backup resources protected by backup plan for S3 resource types.

For more information, see Amazon Backup Audit Manager controls and remediation.

May 25, 2022
Amazon Backup Audit Manager offers additional control support for Storage Gateway

Backup Audit Manager now offers support for the compliance control Backup resources protected by backup plan for Storage Gateway resource types.

For more information, see Amazon Backup Audit Manager controls and remediation.

May 25, 2022
Support for Amazon FSx for OpenZFS Amazon Backup now offers added management of data protection for backing up and restoring to FSx for OpenZFS file systems. May 18, 2022
Amazon Backup Audit Manager support for VMware Amazon Backup now provides support for virtual machines in the Backup Audit Manager controls and remediation. For more information, see Amazon Backup Audit Manager controls and remediation. May 11, 2022
Amazon FSx now supported in Asia Pacific (Osaka) Region Amazon Backup now offers backing up Amazon FSx in, and cross-Region copies to and from, the Asia Pacific (Osaka) Region. April 26, 2022
Support for Amazon FSx for Lustre Persistent_2 Amazon Backup now offers general availability of support for Amazon FSx for Lustre, which supports higher levels of throughput per storage unit as compared to Persistent_1 file systems. April 5, 2022
VMware Enhancements Amazon Backup now offers restoring to Amazon EBS Volume, disk level restore, and support for VMware on Amazon Outposts. For more information, see Restoring a virtual machine. March 31, 2022
Amazon Backup Availability for Asia Pacific (Jakarta) Amazon Backup is now available to customers in the Asia Pacific (Jakarta) Region. March 17, 2022
New Controls for Amazon Backup Audit Manager Amazon Backup Audit Manager introduces three new audit controls: Cross-Region copy, Cross-account copy, and Backup Vault Lock. For more information, see Amazon Backup Audit Manager controls and remediation. March 17, 2022
Support for Amazon PrivateLink With Amazon PrivateLink for Amazon Backup, you can connect directly to Amazon Backup using an interface endpoint in your VPC instead of connecting over the public internet. Interface endpoints are directly accessible from applications that are on premises or in a different Amazon Region. For more information, see Amazon Backup and Amazon PrivateLink. February 28, 2022
Support for Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) General availability of Amazon Backup for Amazon S3 in all Amazon Web Services Regions is available except for China (Beijing) Region, China (Ningxia) Region, Amazon GovCloud (US-West), and Amazon GovCloud (US-East) Regions. For more information, see Working with Amazon S3 data. February 14, 2022
Support for Advanced DynamoDB backup in Amazon China Regions Advanced DynamoDB backup is now available in China (Beijing) Region and China (Ningxia) Region. For more information, see Advanced DynamoDB backup. January 18, 2022
Public preview of support for Amazon S3 Amazon Backup offers a public preview of Amazon S3 backups. For more information, see Working with Amazon S3 data. November 30, 2021
Support for VMware virtual machines (VMs) You can now use Amazon Backup to automatically back up VMware VMs. For more information, see Virtual machine backups. November 30, 2021
Support for advanced DynamoDB backup You can now use Amazon Backup to perfrom the following features for all new DynamoDB table backups you create: cold storage tiering, cost allocation tagging, cross-Region copy, cross-account copy, indpendent encryption, and copying tags from source DynamoDB tables. For more information, see Advanced DynamoDB backup in the Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide and Using Amazon Backup with DynamoDB. November 23, 2021
Support for Amazon Backup resource assignment enhancement in Amazon China Regions Amazon Backup resource assignment enhancement is now available in China (Beijing) Region and China (Ningxia) Region. For more information, see Assigning resources to a backup plan. November 16, 2021
Launch of Amazon Backup resource assignment enhancement Backup resource assignment enhancement gives you additional, fine-grained controls and new streamlined processes to deploy backup plans that protect hundreds of thousands of Amazon resources. Use this feature to increase your speed, flexibility, and precision when protecting data using Amazon Backup. For more information, see Assigning resources to a backup plan. November 10, 2021
Support for Amazon Neptune You can now use Amazon Backup to back up Amazon Neptune clusters. To learn more, see What is Amazon Backup? November 5, 2021
Support for Amazon DocumentDB You can now use Amazon Backup to back up Amazon DocumentDB clusters. To learn more, see What is Amazon Backup? November 5, 2021
Support for Amazon Backup Vault Lock in Amazon China Regions Amazon Backup Vault Lock is now available in China (Beijing) Region and China (Ningxia) Region. For more information, see Amazon Backup Vault Lock. November 3, 2021
Launch of Amazon Backup Vault Lock With Amazon Backup Vault Lock, you can prevent deletion of backups stored in an Amazon Backup backup vault. For more information, see Amazon Backup Vault Lock. October 7, 2021
Launch of Amazon Backup Audit Manager compliance reports With compliance reports, you can generate daily reports on the compliance of your backup activity and resources against the controls you defined in your Amazon Backup Audit Manager frameworks. For more information, see Compliance report templates. October 5, 2021
Amazon CloudFormation support for Amazon Backup Audit Manager With Amazon CloudFormation, you can now deploy Amazon Backup Audit Manager frameworks, controls, and report plans in a safe, repeatable manner at scale. For more information, see Backup audit and reports with Amazon Backup Audit Manager. October 4, 2021
Launch of Amazon Backup Audit Manager With Amazon Backup Audit Manager, you can now define controls for your backup activity and resources, and identify the activites and resources that do not comply with your controls. You can also use Amazon Backup Audit Manager to generate daily and on-demand reports that serve as evidence of compliance with your defined controls over time. For more information, see Backup audit and reports with Amazon Backup Audit Manager. August 24, 2021
Support for new asynchronous recovery point operations Amazon Backup now assumes a service-linked role to manage your backup lifecycle rules in the event that you modified or deleted your original IAM role. For more information, see Deleting backups. August 23, 2021
Support for Amazon EBS multi-volume, crash-consistent backup Now, when you use Amazon Backup to protect your Amazon EC2 instances, Amazon Backup takes multi-volume, crash-consistent backups of all the Amazon EBS volumes attached to each Amazon EC2 instance by default. For more information, see Creating Amazon EBS multi-volume, crash-consistent backup. June 14, 2021
Support for Amazon FSx in additional Amazon Web Services Regions You can now use Amazon Backup to protect your Amazon FSx file systems in the following Regions: Amazon GovCloud (US), Europe (Milan) Region, Africa (Cape Town) Region, and Middle East (Bahrain) Region. For more information, see Amazon Backup endpoints and quotas in the Amazon General Reference. April 15, 2021
Support for Amazon FSx cross-Region and cross-account backups

You can now use Amazon Backup to copy Amazon FSx backups across Amazon Web Services Regions and accounts. For more information, see Creating a Backup Copy.

If you use customer managed policies, you should add the new permission fsx:CopyBackup to prevent existing backup jobs from failing. For that permission, see the last statement in the Amazon FSx backup policy in the Customer managed policies.

April 12, 2021
Support for cost allocation tags for Amazon EFS backups You can now use cost allocation tags to track costs for your Amazon EFS backups on a detailed level, and view and filter those tags using Amazon Cost Explorer. For more information, see Using Cost Allocation Tags. April 7, 2021
FedRAMP High Authorization Amazon Backup is now authorized to support FedRAMP High workloads. For more information, see Amazon Services in Scope by Compliance Program. March 25, 2021
New Amazon Web Services Region Amazon Backup is now available in the Asia Pacific (Osaka) Region. In this Region, Amazon Backup currently does not support Storage Gateway, Amazon FSx, and cross-account backup in this Region. For more information, see Amazon Backup endpoints and quotas in the Amazon General Reference. March 25, 2021
Support for recovery point batch operations You can now use the Amazon Backup console to automate batch operations to clean up recovery points in your backup vaults. For more information, see Deleting backups. March 23, 2021
Support for restores to the Amazon EFS One Zone storage class You can now restore your Amazon EFS backups to the Amazon EFS One Zone storage class. For more information, see Restoring an Amazon EFS file system. March 12, 2021
Support for Amazon Relational Database Service point-in-time restore and continuous backup You can now use Amazon Backup to automate Amazon RDS continuous backups and perform point-in-time restore (PITR), in addition to orchestrating your snapshot backups. For more information, see Restoring to a specified time using point-in-time recovery. March 10, 2021
Support for Amazon CloudWatch You can now use CloudWatch to monitor Amazon Backup metrics. For more information, see Monitoring Events and Metrics with Amazon CloudWatch and Amazon EventBridge. February 3, 2021
Support for Amazon EventBridge You can now use EventBridge to monitor Amazon Backup events. For more information, see Monitoring Events and Metrics with Amazon CloudWatch and Amazon EventBridge. February 3, 2021
Support for cross-account backups You can now use Amazon Backup to back up your resources across multiple Amazon Web Services accounts. For more information, see Creating backup copies across Amazon accounts. November 18, 2020
Support for backing up and restoring Amazon FSx file systems You can now use Amazon Backup to back up Amazon FSx file systems. For more information, see Working with Amazon FSx file systems. November 9, 2020
New Amazon Web Services Regions Amazon Backup is now available in the Africa (Cape Town) and Europe (Milan) Amazon Web Services Regions. For more information, see Amazon Backup endpoints and quotas in the Amazon General Reference. October 21, 2020
Support for VSS-Enabled Windows backup You can now back up and restore VSS (Volume Shadow Copy Service)-enabled Windows applications running on Amazon EC2 instances. For more information, see Creating Windows VSS backups. September 22, 2020
Support for Amazon EFS automatic backup You can now use Amazon Backup to automatically back up Amazon EFS file systems. For more information, see Getting started 4: Create Amazon EFS automatic backups. July 16, 2020
New Amazon Web Services Region Amazon Backup is now available in the Amazon GovCloud (US) Region. For more information, see Amazon Backup endpoints and quotas in the Amazon General Reference. June 24, 2020
Support for managing backups across multiple Amazon Web Services accounts You can now manage backups across multiple Amazon Web Services accounts by using Amazon Organizations. For more information, see How Cross-Account Management Works. June 24, 2020
Support for Amazon Aurora added to Amazon Backup You can now configure Amazon Backup to back up resources for Amazon Aurora. For information, see Overview of Backing Up and Restoring an Aurora DB Cluster in the Amazon Aurora User Guide. June 10, 2020
Support for configuring services to work with Amazon Backup You can now configure Amazon Backup to back up resources for specific Amazon services. For more information, see Opt in to managing services with Amazon Backup. May 20, 2020
Support for backing up Amazon EC2 instances and also adds support for cross-Region backup You can now back up entire Amazon EC2 instances and also copy resources across Amazon Web Services Regions. For more information, see Creating backup copies across Amazon Web Services Regions. January 13, 2020
New guide Amazon launches Amazon Backup and the Amazon Backup Developer Guide. January 15, 2019