Learn about state machines in Step Functions - Amazon Step Functions
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Learn about state machines in Step Functions

Step Functions is based on state machines, which are also called workflows. Workflows are comprised of a series of event-driven steps.

You define a workflow using Amazon States Language, also known as ASL. You can optionally use Workflow Studio, a visual workflow designer, to build and edit your workflows.

Each step in a workflow is called a state. There are two types of states: Flow states and Task states:

Flow states

Flow states control the flow of execution of the steps. For example, Choice states provide conditional logic; Wait states pause workflow execution; Map states run child workflows for each item in a dataset; and Parallel states create separate branches in your workflows.

Task states

Task states represent a unit of work that another Amazon service performs, such as calling another Amazon Web Services service or API. Tasks states are also known as Actions. You can choose hundreds of actions to perform work in Amazon and external services. (Note: You can also use workers that run outside of Step Functions to perform tasks. For more info, see Activities.)

Illustrative example of the components of a Step Functions workflow.

Executions and handling errors

When you run your workflows, Step Functions creates a workflow instance called an execution. You can monitor the status of your workflow executions. If an execution experiences an error, the workflow might catch the error. Depending on your use case, you might redrive the execution later to resume the workflow.

Passing data

You can optionally provide input data in the form of JSON text to your workflows. Each step can pass data to subsequent steps using variables and state output. Data stored in variables can be used by later steps. State output becomes the input for the very next step. To learn more about passing data, see Passing data between states with variables.

At the end of workflows, your state machine can optionally produce output, also in the form of JSON.

Transforming data

States and state machines can transform data using a query language. The recommended query language is JSONata; however, state machines created prior to re:Invent 2024 use JSONPath. For backward compatibility, your state machines or individual states must opt-in to using JSONata for their query language.

You can recognize JSONata state machines and individual states by the QueryLanguage field set to "JSONata". State machines and states that use JSONPath, lack the QueryLanguage field.

States that use JSONPath will have state fields such as InputPath, Parameters, ResultSelector, ResultPath, and OutputPath. In JSONPath state machine definitions, you will also see field names that end in .$ and values prefixed with $. and $$., both of which represent paths. In the paths, you might see various intrinsic functions, such as States.MathAdd. Intrinsic functions are only used in JSONPath.

JSONata states use Arguments and Output fields. In these optional fields, you might see JSONata expressions that look like the following: "{% $type = 'local' %}". With JSONata, you can use expressions, operators, and functions. To learn more, see Transforming data with JSONata in Step Functions.


You can use only one query language per state. You cannot mix JSONPath and JSONata within a single step.

Key concepts

The following provides an overview of the key Step Functions terms for context.

Term Description
Workflow A sequence of steps that often reflect a business process.

Individual steps in your state machine that can make decisions based on their input, perform actions from those inputs, and pass output to other states.

For more information, see Discovering workflow states to use in Step Functions.

Workflow Studio

A visual workflow designer that helps you to prototype and build workflows faster.

For more information, see Developing workflows in Step Functions Workflow Studio.

State machine

A workflow defined using JSON text representing the individual states or steps in the workflow along with fields, such as StartAt, TimeoutSeconds, and Version.

For more information, see State machine structure in Amazon States Language for Step Functions workflows.

Amazon States Language

A JSON-based, structured language used to define your state machines. With ASL, you define a collection of states that can do work (Task state), determine which states to transition to next (Choice state), and stop an execution with an error (Fail state).

For more information, see Using Amazon States Language to define Step Functions workflows.

Input and output configuration

States in a workflow receive JSON data as input and usually pass JSON data as output to the next state. Step Functions provides filters to control the data flow between states.

For more information, see Processing input and output in Step Functions.

Service integration

You can call Amazon service API actions from your workflow.

For more information, see Integrating services with Step Functions.

Service integration type
  • Amazon SDK integrations – Standard way to call any of over two hundred Amazon Web Services services and over nine thousand API actions directly from your state machine.

  • Optimized integrations – Custom integrations that streamline calling and exchanging data with certain services. For example, Lambda Invoke will automatically convert the Payload field of the response from an escaped JSON string into a JSON object.

Service integration pattern

When calling an Amazon Web Services service, you use one of the following service integration patterns:


State machine executions are instances where you run your workflow to perform tasks.

For more information, see Starting state machine executions in Step Functions.

State Machine Data

State machine data takes the following forms:

  • The initial input into a state machine

  • Data passed between states

  • The output from a state machine

This section describes how state machine data is formatted and used in Amazon Step Functions.

Data Format

State machine data is represented by JSON text. You can provide values to a state machine using any data type supported by JSON.

  • Numbers in JSON text format conform to JavaScript semantics. These numbers typically correspond to double-precision IEEE-854 values.

  • The following is valid JSON text:

    • Standalone, quote-delimited strings

    • Objects

    • Arrays

    • Numbers

    • Boolean values

    • null

  • The output of a state becomes the input for the next state. However, you can restrict states to work on a subset of the input data by using Input and Output Processing.

State Machine Input/Output

You can give your initial input data to an Amazon Step Functions state machine in one of two ways. You can pass the data to a StartExecution action when you start an execution. You can also pass the data to the state machine from the Step Functions console. Initial data is passed to the state machine's StartAt state. If no input is provided, the default is an empty object ({}).

The output of the execution is returned by the last state (terminal). This output appears as JSON text in the execution's result.

For Standard Workflows, you can retrieve execution results from the execution history using external callers, such as the DescribeExecution action. You can view execution results on the Step Functions console.

For Express Workflows, if you enabled logging, you can retrieve results from CloudWatch Logs, or view and debug the executions in the Step Functions console. For more information, see Using CloudWatch Logs to log execution history in Step Functions and Viewing execution details in the Step Functions console.

You should also consider quotas related to your state machine. For more information, see Step Functions service quotas

State Input/Output

Each state's input consists of JSON text from the preceding state or, for the StartAt state, the input into the execution. Certain flow-control states echo their input to their output.

In the following example, the state machine adds two numbers together.

  1. Define the Amazon Lambda function.

    function Add(input) { var numbers = JSON.parse(input).numbers; var total = numbers.reduce( function(previousValue, currentValue, index, array) { return previousValue + currentValue; }); return JSON.stringify({ result: total }); }
  2. Define the state machine.

    { "Comment": "An example that adds two numbers together.", "StartAt": "Add", "Version": "1.0", "TimeoutSeconds": 10, "States": { "Add": { "Type": "Task", "Resource": "arn:aws-cn:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:Add", "End": true } } }
  3. Start an execution with the following JSON text.

    { "numbers": [3, 4] }

    The Add state receives the JSON text and passes it to the Lambda function.

    The Lambda function returns the result of the calculation to the state.

    The state returns the following value in its output.

    { "result": 7 }

    Because Add is also the final state in the state machine, this value is returned as the state machine's output.

    If the final state returns no output, then the state machine returns an empty object ({}).

For more information, see Processing input and output in Step Functions.

Invoke Amazon Step Functions from other services

You can configure several other services to invoke state machines. Based on the state machine's workflow type, you can invoke state machines asynchronously or synchronously. To invoke state machines synchronously, use the StartSyncExecution API call or Amazon API Gateway integration with Express Workflows. With asynchronous invocation, Step Functions pauses the workflow execution until a task token is returned. However, waiting for a task token does make the workflow synchronous.

Services that you can configure to invoke Step Functions include:

Step Functions invocations are governed by the StartExecution quota. For more information, see:

Transitions in state machines

When you start a new execution of your state machine, the system begins with the state referenced in the top-level StartAt field. This field, given as a string, must exactly match, including case, the name of a state in the workflow.

After a state runs, Amazon Step Functions uses the value of the Next field to determine the next state to advance to.

Next fields also specify state names as strings. This string is case-sensitive and must match the name of a state specified in the state machine description exactly

For example, the following state includes a transition to NextState.

"SomeState" : { ..., "Next" : "NextState" }

Most states permit only a single transition rule with the Next field. However, certain flow-control states, such as a Choice state, allow you to specify multiple transition rules, each with its own Next field. The Amazon States Language provides details about each of the state types you can specify, including information about how to specify transitions.

States can have multiple incoming transitions from other states.

The process repeats until it either reaches a terminal state (a state with "Type": Succeed, "Type": Fail, or "End": true), or a runtime error occurs.

When you redrive an execution, it's considered as a state transition. In addition, all states that are rerun in a redrive are also considered as state transitions.

The following rules apply to states within a state machine:

  • States can occur in any order within the enclosing block. However, the order in which they're listed doesn't affect the order in which they're run. That order is determined by the contents of the states.

  • Within a state machine, there can be only one state designated as the start state. The start state is defined by the value of the StartAt field in the top-level structure.

  • Depending on your state machine logic — for example, if your state machine has multiple logic branches — you may have more than one end state.

  • If your state machine consists of only one state, it can be both the start and end state.

Read Consistency in Step Functions

State machine updates in Amazon Step Functions are eventually consistent. All StartExecution calls within a few seconds will use the updated definition and roleArn (the Amazon Resource Name for the IAM role). Executions started immediately after calling UpdateStateMachine might use the previous state machine definition and roleArn.

For more information, see the following: