Neptune compatibility with Neo4j
Neo4j's has an all-in-one architectural approach, where data loading, data ETL, application queries, data storage, and management operations all occur in the same set of compute resources, such as EC2 instances. Amazon Neptune is an OLTP-focused open-specifications graph database where the architecture separates operations and decouples resources so they can scale dynamically.
There are a variety of features and tooling in Neo4j, including third-party tooling, that are not part of the openCypher specification, are incompatible with openCypher, or are incompatible with Neptune's implementation of openCypher. Below are listed some of the most common of these.
Neo4j-specific features not present in Neptune
– Neptune has a different architectural approach to loading data than Neo4j. To allow for better scaling and cost optimization, Neptune implements a separation of concerns around resources, and recommends using one of the Amazon service integrations such as Amazon Glue to perform the required ETL processes to prepare data in a format supported by the Neptune bulk loader.Another option is to do the same thing using application code running on Amazon compute resources such as Amazon EC2 instances, Lambda functions, Amazon Elastic Container Service, Amazon Batch jobs, and so on. The code could use either Neptune's HTTPS endpoint or Bolt endpoint.
Fine-grained access control – Neptune supports granular access control over data-access actions using IAM condition keys. Additional fine-grained access control can be implemented at the application layer.
Neo4j Fabric – Neptune does support query federation across databases for RDF workloads using the SPARQL SERVICE keyword. Because there is not currently an open standard or specification for query federation for property graph workloads, that functionality would need to be implemented at the application layer.
Role-based access control (RBAC) – Neptune manages authentication through the assignment of IAM policies and roles. IAM policies and roles provide an extremely flexible level of user management within an application, so it is worth reading and understanding the information in the IAM overview before configuring your cluster.
Bookmarking – Neptune clusters consist of a single writer instance and up to 15 read-replica instances. Data written to the writer instance is ACID compliant and provides a strong consistency guarantee on subsequent reads. Read-replicas use the same storage volume as the writer instance and are eventually consistent, usually in less than 100ms from the time data is written. If your use case has an immediate need to guarantee read consistency of new writes, these reads should be directed to the cluster endpoint instead of the reader endpoint.
APOC procedures – Because APOC procedures are not included in the openCypher specification, Neptune does not provide direct support for external procedures. Instead, Neptune relies on integrations with other Amazon services to achieve similar end user functionality in a scalable, secure, and robust manner. Sometimes APOC procedures can be rewritten in openCypher or Gremlin, and some are not relevant to Neptune applications.
In general, APOC procedures fall into the categories below:
– Neptune supports importing data using a variety of formats using query languages, the Neptune bulk loader, or as an target of Amazon Database Migration Service. ETL operations on data may be performed using Amazon Glue and the neptune-python-utils
open-source package. -
– Neptune supports exporting data using the neptune-export utility, which supports a variety of common export formats and methods. -
Database Integration
– Neptune supports integration with other databases using ETL tools such as Amazon Glue or migrations tools such as the Amazon Database Migration Service. -
Graph Updates
– Neptune supports a rich set of features for updating property-graph data through its support for both the openCypher and the Gremlin query languages. See Cypher rewrites for examples of rewrites of commonly used procedures. -
Data Structures
– Neptune supports a rich set of features for updating property-graph data through its support for both the openCypher and the Gremlin query languages. See Cypher rewrites for examples of rewrites of commonly used procedures. -
Temporal (Date Time)
– Neptune supports a rich set of features for updating property-graph data through its support for both the openCypher and the Gremlin query languages. See Cypher rewrites for examples of rewrites of commonly used procedures. -
– Neptune supports a rich set of features for updating property-graph data through its support for both the openCypher and the Gremlin query languages. See Cypher rewrites for examples of rewrites of commonly used procedures. -
Advanced Graph Querying
– Neptune supports a rich set of features for updating property-graph data through its support for both the openCypher and the Gremlin query languages. See Cypher rewrites for examples of rewrites of commonly used procedures. -
Comparing Graphs
– Neptune supports a rich set of features for updating property-graph data through its support for both the openCypher and the Gremlin query languages. See Cypher rewrites for examples of rewrites of commonly used procedures. -
Cypher Execution
– Neptune supports a rich set of features for updating property-graph data through its support for both the openCypher and the Gremlin query languages. See Cypher rewrites for examples of rewrites of commonly used procedures.
Custom procedures – Neptune does not support custom procedures created by users. This functionality would have to be implemented at the application layer.
Geospatial – Although Neptune doesn't provide native support for geospatial features, similar functionality can be achieved through integration with other Amazon services, as shown in this blog post: Combine Amazon Neptune and Amazon OpenSearch Service for geospatial queries
by Ross Gabay and Abhilash Vinod (1 February 2022). -
Graph Data Science – Neptune supports graph analytics today through Neptune Analytics, a memory-optimized engine that supports a library of graph analytic algorithms.
Neptune also provides an integration with the Amazon Pandas SDK
and several sample notebooks that show how to leverage this integration within Python environments to run analytics on graph data. -
Schema Constraints – Within Neptune, the only schema constraint available is the uniqueness of the ID of a node or edge. There is no feature to specify any additional schema constraints, or any additional uniqueness or value constraints on an element in the graph. ID values in Neptune are strings and may be set using Gremlin, like this:
g.addV('person').property(id, '1') )
Applications that need to leverage the ID as a uniqueness constraint are encouraged to try this approach for achieving a uniqueness constraint. If the application used multiple columns as a uniqueness constraint, the ID may be set to a combination of these values. For example
id=123, code='SEA'
could be represented asID='123_SEA'
to achieve a complex uniqueness constraint. -
Multi-tenancy – Neptune only supports a single graph per cluster. To build a multi-tenant system using Neptune, either use multiple clusters or logically partition the tenants within a single graph and use application-side logic to enforce separation. For example, add a property
and include it in each query, like this:MATCH p=(n {tenantId:1})-[]->({tenantId:1}) RETURN p LIMIT 5)
Neptune Serverless makes it relatively easy to implement multi-tenancy using multiple DB clusters, each of which is scaled independently and automatically as needed.
Neptune support for Neo4j tools
Neptune provides the following alternatives to Neo4j tools:
Neo4j Browser
– Neptune provides open-source graph notebooks that provide a developer-focused IDE for running queries and visualizing the results. -
Neo4j Bloom
– Neptune supports rich graph visualizations using third-party visualization solutions such as Graph-explorer, Tom Sawyer, Cambridge Intelligence, Graphistry, metaphacts, and G.V(). -
– Neptune currently supports GraphQL though custom Amazon AppSync integrations. See the Build a graph application with Amazon Neptune and Amazon Amplify blog post, and the example project, Building Serverless Calorie tracker application with Amazon AppSync and Amazon Neptune . -
– Neptune natively supports the RDF data model, so customers wishing to run RDF workloads are advised to use Neptune's RDF model support. -
– The Cypher created when exporting the model using the export command is compatible with Neptune. -
Linkurious Ogma
– A sample integration with Linkurious Ogma is available here . -
Spring Data Neo4j
– This is not currently compatible with Neptune. -
Neo4j Spark Connector
– The Neo4j spark connector can be used within a Spark Job to connect to Neptune using openCypher. Here is some sample code and application configuration: Sample code:
SparkSession spark = SparkSession .builder() .config("encryption.enabled", "true") .appName("Simple Application").config("spark.master", "local").getOrCreate(); Dataset<Row> df ="org.neo4j.spark.DataSource") .option("url", "bolt://
(your cluster endpoint)
:8182") .option("encryption.enabled", "true") .option("query", "MATCH (n:airport) RETURN n") .load(); System.out.println("TOTAL RECORD COUNT: " + df.count()); spark.stop();Application configuration:
<dependency> <groupId>org.neo4j</groupId> <artifactId>neo4j-connector-apache-spark_2.12-4.1.0</artifactId> <version>4.0.1_for_spark_3</version> </dependency>
Neo4j features and tools not listed here
If you are using a tool or feature that is not listed here, we are unsure of its compatibility with Neptune or other services within Amazon. Please reach out to Amazon support or engage your account team if you have further questions.