Document history - Amazon Step Functions
Services or capabilities described in Amazon Web Services documentation might vary by Region. To see the differences applicable to the China Regions, see Getting Started with Amazon Web Services in China (PDF).

Document history

This section lists major changes to the Amazon Step Functions Developer Guide.

Change Description Date changed
New feature

Step Functions adds the option to use Amazon KMS and customer managed keys to encrypt your data

You can add another layer of security by choosing a to encrypt workflows, activities, and logs. To learn more, see Data at rest encryption in Step Functions.

July 25, 2024

Document structure update

Used page view data and depth analysis to structure documentation sections so that important information is closer to the surface. Some topics were consolidated. The navigation was updated to reduce depth and group together similar topics. Redirects were put in place so that bookmarks should lead to the updated location. Please send feedback if you notice any errors or omissions after this massive update. Thank you!

July 24, 2024

Amazon managed policy updates - new permission: states:ValidateStateMachineDefinition

Added information about new permission to check the syntax of a state machine that you provide. To learn more, see Amazon managed policies for Amazon Step Functions.

April 29, 2024
New feature

Step Functions adds optimized integration for AWS Elemental MediaConvert

AWS Elemental MediaConvert provides broadcast-grade video and audio file transcoding, which customers can automate with code to suit their media workflows. With the optimized integration for Amazon Step Functions in MediaConvert, it is now possible to orchestrate using the low-code visual tool Workflow Studio. To learn more, see the documentation to Manage AWS Elemental MediaConvert with Step Functions.

April 12, 2024

Amazon managed policy updates - Update to an existing policy: AWSStepFunctionsReadOnlyAccess

Added information about new read-only permissions for tags, distributed maps, and versions and aliases. To learn more, see Amazon managed policies for Amazon Step Functions.

April 02, 2024

Step Functions adds support for Open Workflow metrics

With open workflow metrics, you now have account-level visibility into the number of standard workflows in progress as well as your open workflow limit. You can manage workloads across all workflows, regardless of how they're started, to ensure smooth workflow operations. You can set CloudWatch alarms to monitor your workflows and proactively receive alerts as you approach your limits. Once alerted, you can effectively manage your workflows by taking actions such as stopping specific workflows or requesting a limit increase.

Open workflow metrics is available to use in CloudWatch for standard workflows with no additional configuration required. To learn more, see Execution metrics.

February 29, 2024

Service integration additions and updates. For the list of new and updated Amazon SDK integrations, see Change log for supported Amazon SDK integrations. For the full list of services, see Supported Amazon SDK service integrations.

January 18, 2024
New feature

Use Workflow Studio in Application Composer to build serverless workflows using Amazon CloudFormation templates. For more information, see Using Workflow Studio in Application Composer to build Step Functions workflows.

November 27, 2023
New feature

Step Functions now lets you directly invoke public HTTPS endpoints and test individual states using a new Test State API. For more information, see:

November 26, 2023
New feature Step Functions now integrates with Amazon Bedrock. For more information, see the following topics: November 26, 2023
New feature Step Functions now lets you redrive workflow executions of type Standard from their point of failure. For more information, see Redriving state machine executions in Step Functions and Redriving Map Runs in Step Functions executions. November 15, 2023
Documentation-only update

Published a new topic that explains how to run state machines on a schedule using Amazon EventBridge Scheduler. For more information, see Using Amazon EventBridge Scheduler to start a Step Functions state machine execution.

October 16, 2023
New feature Step Functions now integrates with Amazon EMR Serverless. For more information, see the following topics: October 12, 2023
Documentation-only update Added information about running state machines on a schedule using Amazon EventBridge Scheduler. For more information, see Using EventBridge Scheduler. October 05, 2023

Reorganized and updated the Distributed Map state topics for clarity, brevity, and establishing a clear journey map for new users. For more information, see Using Map state in Distributed mode for large-scale parallel workloads in Step Functions.

October 6, 2023
Fixes Fixed code samples in a tutorial to use Amazon CDK v2. For more information, see Using Amazon CDK to create a Standard workflow in Step Functions. September 19, 2023
Update Added information about the enhanced error handling capabilities that Step Functions has introduced to identify errors clearly and implement retries with greater control. For more information, see Fail workflow state and Retrying after an error. September 07, 2023
Update Step Functions has added enhancements to Workflow Studio for streamlining workflow authoring experience. For more information, see Developing workflows in Step Functions Workflow Studio. August 31, 2023
Documentation-only update Added information about twice the actual metric count reported for the ExecutionsStarted metric. For more information, see Metrics that report a count. July 25, 2023
Documentation-only update Step Functions has added two new sample projects that demonstrate the following common use cases for the Distributed Map state: July 17, 2023
Documentation-only update

Published a new topic about deploying state machines using Terraform. For more information, see Using Terraform to deploy state machines in Step Functions.

July 5, 2023
Documentation-only update

Updated the following procedures to match changes to the Amazon EventBridge interface.

June 26, 2023
New feature Step Functions now provides the ability to create multiple state machine versions and aliases for improved resiliency while deploying serverless workflows. For more information, see Manage continuous deployments in Step Functions with versions and aliases. June 22, 2023
Documentation-only update

Improved the description of TimeoutSeconds and HeartbeatSeconds fields to describe how they're different from each other. For more information, see Task state fields.

June 22, 2023
Documentation-only update

Published a new section that describes how to flatten an array of arrays typically returned as result for Parallel and Map states. For more information, see Flattening an array of arrays.

June 20, 2023


Step Functions has expanded support for Amazon SDK integrations by adding seven Amazon Web Services and 468 new API actions. For more information, see Supported Amazon SDK service integrations and Change log for supported Amazon SDK integrations.

June 16, 2023
Documentation-only update Published a new topic that lists the Amazon Web Services Regions in which recently launched Step Functions features are available. For more information, see Recent feature launches. June 16, 2023

Documentation-only update

Step Functions now includes a section about Amazon User Notifications, an Amazon Web Service that acts as a central location for your Amazon notifications in the Amazon Web Services Management Console. For more information, see Events using User Notifications. May 4, 2023
Documentation-only update

Added a new section that explains about the permissions needed to write child workflow execution results to an Amazon S3 bucket encrypted with an Amazon Key Management Service (Amazon KMS) key. For more information, see IAM permissions for Amazon KMS key encrypted Amazon S3 bucket.

April 29, 2023
Documentation-only update

Added a new topic that explains about the Data flow simulator feature. For more information, see Using data flow simulator to test data flow in Step Functions.

April 14, 2023
Quota update

Added information about default quota of 1000 for open Map Runs in each account. For more information, see Quotas related to accounts.

April 05, 2023
Documentation-only update

Added a Note about unavailability of X-Ray tracing for the Distributed Map state. For more information, see Trace Step Functions request data in Amazon X-Ray.

March 21, 2023
Documentation-only update

Added information about how Step Functions handles tag-based authorization. For more information, see Tagging state machines and activities in Step Functions and Creating tag-based IAM policies in Step Functions.

March 15, 2023
Documentation-only update

Added information about how Step Functions parses CSV files used as input in Distributed Map state. For more information, see CSV file in an Amazon S3 bucket.

March 14, 2023
Documentation-only update

Added information about how Step Functions handles cross-account invocations for the Run a Job (.sync) pattern. For more information, see Run a Job (.sync).

March 01, 2023
Documentation-only update

Reduce the history retention period of your completed workflow executions from 90 days to 30 days. For more information about adjusting the retention period, see Execution guarantees in Step Functions workflows and Quotas related to state machine executions.

February 21, 2023

Step Functions has expanded support for Amazon SDK integrations by adding 35 Amazon services and 1100 new API actions. For more information, see Supported Amazon SDK service integrations and Change log for supported Amazon SDK integrations.

February 17, 2023
Documentation-only update

Published a Getting Started tutorial series that walks you through the process of creating a workflow for credit card application using Step Functions. For more information, see Learn how to get started with Step Functions.

December 30, 2022
New feature

Step Functions adds support to orchestrate large-scale parallel workflows for data processing using a new Distributed mode for Map state. For more information, see Using Map state in Distributed mode for large-scale parallel workloads in Step Functions.

December 01, 2022
New feature Step Functions now supports access to cross-account Amazon resources configured in other accounts. For more information, see November 18, 2022

Step Functions now provides a new console experience for viewing and debugging Express workflow executions. For more information see:

October 18, 2022

Added support to optionally specify the ExecutionRoleArn parameter while using the addStep and addStep.sync APIs for the Amazon EMR optimized service integration. For more information, see Create and manage Amazon EMR clusters with Step Functions.

September 20, 2022
Documentation-only update

Added a new topic that provides recommendations about optimizing cost while building serverless workflows using Step Functions. For more information, see Optimizing costs using Express Workflows in Step Functions.

September 15, 2022


Step Functions adds support for 14 new intrinsic functions for performing data processing tasks, such as array manipulations, data encoding and decoding, hash calculations, JSON data manipulation, math function operations, and unique identifier generation.

Documentation-only update:

Grouped all the existing and newly introduced intrinsic functions into the following categories based on the type of data processing task they help you perform:

For more information, see Intrinsic functions in Amazon States Language for Step Functions workflows.

August 31, 2022


Step Functions has expanded support for Amazon SDK integrations by adding three more Amazon services – Amazon Billing Conductor, Amazon GameSparks, and Amazon Pinpoint SMS and Voice V2. For more information, see Change log for supported Amazon SDK integrations.

July 26, 2022
Documentation-only update

Added a new topic to include a summary of all the updates made to Amazon SDK integrations supported by Step Functions. For more information, see Change log for supported Amazon SDK integrations

July 26, 2022
Documentation-only update

Amazon Step Functions Developer Guide now includes details about the execution metrics that are emitted specifically for Express Workflows. For more information, see Execution metrics for Express Workflows.

June 09, 2022
Step Functions console enhancements

The console now features a redesigned Execution Details page that includes the following enhancements:

  • Ability to identify the reason for a failed execution at a glance.

  • Two new modes of visualizations for your state machine – Table view and Event view. These views also provide you the ability to apply filters to only view the information of interest. In addition, you can sort the Event view contents based on the event timestamps.

  • Switch between the different iterations of Map state in the Graph view mode using a dropdown list or in the Table view mode's tree view for Map states.

  • View in-depth information about each state in the workflow, including the complete input and output data transfer path and retry attempts for Task or Parallel states.

  • Miscellaneous enhancements including the option to copy the state machine's execution Amazon Resource Name, view the count of total state machine transitions, and export the execution details in JSON format.

Documentation-only updates

Added a new topic to explain the various types of information displayed in the Execution Details page. Also, added a tutorial to show how to examine this information. For more information, see:

May 09, 2022


Step Functions now provides a workaround to prevent the confused deputy security issue, which arises when an entity (a service or an account) is coerced by a different entity to perform an action. For more information, see:

May 02, 2022


April 19, 2022

New feature

Step Functions Local now supports Amazon SDK integration and mocking of service integrations. For more information, see:

January 28, 2022

New feature

Amazon Step Functions now supports creating an Amazon API Gateway REST API with synchronous express state machine as backend integration using the Amazon Cloud Development Kit (Amazon CDK). For more information, see:

December 10, 2021


Step Functions has added three new sample projects that demonstrate the integration of Step Functions and Amazon Athena's upgraded console. For more information, see:

November 22, 2021

New feature

Step Functions has added Amazon VPC endpoints support for Synchronous Express Workflows. For more information, see:

November 15, 2021


Amazon Step Functions has added three new sample projects that demonstrate how to use the Step Functions Amazon Batch integration. For more information, see:

October 14, 2021

New feature

Amazon Step Functions has added Amazon SDK integrations, letting you use the API actions for all of the more than two hundred Amazon services. For more information, see:

September 30, 2021

New feature

Amazon Step Functions has added a visual workflow designer, the Amazon Step Functions Workflow Studio. For more information, see:

June 17, 2021


Amazon Step Functions has added four new APIs, StartBuildBatch, StopBuildBatch, RetryBuildBatch and DeleteBuildBatch, to the CodeBuild integration. For more information, see:

June 4, 2021

New feature

Amazon Step Functions now integrates with Amazon EventBridge. For more information, see:

May 14, 2021


Amazon Step Functions has added a new sample project that shows how to use Step Functions and the Amazon Redshift Data API to run an ETL/ELT workflow. For more information, see:

April 16, 2021

New feature

Amazon Step Functions has a new data flow simulator in the console. For more information, see:

April 8, 2021

New feature

Amazon Step Functions now integrates with Amazon EMR on EKS. For more information, see:

March 29, 2021


YAML support for state machine definitions has been added to Amazon Toolkit for Visual Studio Code and Amazon CloudFormation. For more information, see:

March 4, 2021

New feature

Amazon Step Functions now integrates with Amazon Glue DataBrew. For more information, see:

January 6, 2021

New feature

Amazon Step Functions Synchronous Express Workflows are now available, giving you an easy way to orchestrate microservices. For more information, see:

November 24, 2020

New feature

Amazon Step Functions now integrates with Amazon API Gateway. For more information, see:

November 17, 2020

New feature

Amazon Step Functions now integrates with Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service. For more information, see:

November 16, 2020

New feature

Amazon Step Functions now integrates with Amazon Athena. For more information, see:

October 22, 2020

New feature

Amazon Step Functions now supports tracing end-to-end workflows with Amazon X-Ray, giving you full visibility across state machine executions and making it easier to analyze and debug your distributed applications. For more information, see:

September 14, 2020


Amazon Step Functions now supports payload sizes up to 256 KB of data as a UTF-8 encoded string. This lets you process larger payloads in both Standard and Express workflows.

Your existing state machines do not need to be changed in order to use the larger payloads. However, you will need to update to the latest versions of the Step Functions SDK and Local Runner to use the updated APIs. For more information, see:

September 3, 2020


The Amazon States Language has been updated as follows:

  • Choice Rules has added

    • A null comparison operator, IsNull. IsNull tests against the JSON null value, and can be used to detect if the output of a previous state is null or not.

    • Four other new operators have been added, IsBoolean, IsNumeric, IsString and IsTimestamp.

    • A test for the existence or non-existence of a field using the IsPresent operator. IsPresent can be used to prevent States.Runtime errors when there is an attempt to access a non-existent key.

    • Wildcard pattern matching to support string comparison against patterns with one or more wildcards.

    • Comparison between two variables for supported comparison operators.

  • Timeout and heartbeat values in a Task state can now be provided dynamically from the state input instead of a fixed value using the TimeoutSecondsPath and HeartbeatSecondsPath fields. See the Task workflow state state for more information.

  • The new ResultSelector field provides a way to manipulate a state’s result before ResultPath is applied. The ResultSelector field is an optional field in the Map workflow state, Parallel workflow state, and Task workflow state states.

  • Intrinsic functions in Amazon States Language for Step Functions workflows have been added to allow basic operations without Task states. Intrinsic functions can be used within the Parameters and ResultSelector fields.

August 13, 2020


Amazon Step Functions now supports the Amazon SageMaker CreateProcessingJob API call. For more information, see:

August 4, 2020

New feature

Amazon Step Functions is now supported by Amazon Serverless Application Model, making it easier to integrate workflow orchestration into your serverless applications. For more information, see:

May 27, 2020

New feature Amazon Step Functions has introduced a new synchronous invocation for nesting Step Functions executions. The new invocation, arn:aws:states:::states:startExecution.sync:2, returns a JSON object. The original invocation, arn:aws:states:::states:startExecution.sync, continues to be supported, and returns a JSON-escaped string. For more information, see: May 19, 2020

New feature

Amazon Step Functions now integrates with Amazon CodeBuild. For more information, see:

May 5, 2020

New feature

Step Functions is now supported in Amazon Toolkit for Visual Studio Code, making it easier to create and visualize state machine based workflows without leaving your code editor.

March 31, 2020


You can now configure logging to Amazon CloudWatch Logs for Standard workflows. For more information, see:

February 25, 2020

New feature

Amazon Step Functions can now be accessed without requiring a public IP address, directly from Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). For more information, see:

December 23, 2019

New feature

Express Workflows are a new workflow type, suitable for high-volume event processing workloads such as IoT data ingestion, streaming data processing and transformation, and mobile application backends.

For more information, review the following new and updated topics.

December 3, 2019

New feature

Amazon Step Functions now integrates with Amazon EMR. For more information, see:

November 19, 2019


Amazon Step Functions has released the Amazon Step Functions Data Science SDK. For more information, see the following.

November 7, 2019


Step Functions now supports more API actions for Amazon SageMaker, and includes two new sample projects to demonstrate the functionality. For more information, see the following.

October 3, 2019

New feature

Step Functions supports starting new workflow executions by calling StartExecution as an integrated service API. See:

August 12, 2019
New feature

Step Functions includes the ability to pass a task token to integrated services, and pause the execution until that task token is returned with SendTaskSuccess or SendTaskFailure. See:

Step Functions now provides a way to access dynamic information about your current execution directly in the "Parameters" field of a state definition. See:

May 23, 2019
New feature

Step Functions supports CloudWatch Events for execution status changes, see:

May 8, 2019
New feature

Step Functions supports IAM permissions using tags. For more information, see:

March 5, 2019
New feature

Step Functions Local is now available. You can run Step Functions on your local machine for testing and development. Step Functions Local is available for download as either a Java application, or as a Docker image. See Testing state machines locally in Step Functions.

February 4, 2019
New feature

Amazon Step Functions is now available in the Beijing and Ningxia regions.

January 15, 2018
New feature

Step Functions supports resource tagging to help track your cost allocation. You can tag state machines on the Details page, or through API actions. See Tagging state machines and activities in Step Functions.

January 7, 2019
New feature

Amazon Step Functions is now available in the Europe (Paris), and South America (São Paulo) regions.

December 13, 2018
New feature

Amazon Step Functions is now available the Europe (Stockholm) region.

December 12, 2018

New feature

Step Functions now integrates with some Amazon services. You can now directly call and pass parameters to the API of these integrated services from a task state in the Amazon States Language. For more information, see:

November 29, 2018


Improved the description of TimeoutSeconds and HeartbeatSeconds in the documentation for task states. See Task workflow state.

October 24, 2018


Improved the description for the Maximum execution history size limit and provided a link to the related best practices topic.

October 17, 2018


Added a new tutorial to the Amazon Step Functions documentation: See Starting a state machine in response to events in Step Functions.

September 25, 2018


Removed the entry Maximum executions displayed in Step Functions console from the limits documentation. See Step Functions service quotas.

September 13, 2018


Added a best practices topic to the Amazon Step Functions documentation on improving latency when polling for activity tasks. See Avoiding latency when polling for activity tasks.

August 30, 2018


Improved the Amazon Step Functions topic on activities and activity workers. See Learn about Activities in Step Functions.

August 29, 2018


Improved the Amazon Step Functions topic on CloudTrail integration. See Recording Step Functions API calls with Amazon CloudTrail.

August 7, 2018


Added JSON examples to Amazon CloudFormation tutorial. See Using Amazon CloudFormation to create a workflow in Step Functions.

June 23, 2018


Added a new topic on handling Lambda service errors. See Add handling for transient Lambda service exceptions.

June 20, 2018

New feature

Amazon Step Functions is now available the Asia Pacific (Mumbai) region.

June 28, 2018
New feature

Amazon Step Functions is now available the Amazon GovCloud (US-West) region. For information about using Step Functions in the Amazon GovCloud (US-West) Region, see Amazon GovCloud (US).

June 28, 2018


Improved documentation on error handling for Parallel states. See Error Handling.

June 20, 2018


Improved documentation about Input and Output processing in Step Functions. Learn how to use InputPath, ResultPath, and OutputPath to control the flow of JSON through your workflows, states, and tasks. See:

June 7, 2018


Improved code examples for parallel states. See Parallel workflow state.

June 4, 2018

New feature

You can now monitor API and Service metrics in CloudWatch. See Monitoring Step Functions metrics using Amazon CloudWatch.

May 25, 2018

Update StartExecution, StopExecution, and StateTransition now have increased throttling limits in the following regions:
  • US East (N. Virginia)

  • US West (Oregon)

  • Europe (Ireland)

For more information see Step Functions service quotas.
May 16, 2018
New feature

Amazon Step Functions is now available the US West (N. California) and Asia Pacific (Seoul) regions. See Amazon Services by Region for a list of supported regions.

May 5, 2018

Updated procedures and images to match changes to the interface.

April 25, 2018

Added a new tutorial that shows how to start a new execution to continue your work. See Continuing Long-running Executions as New Executions in Step Functions. This tutorial describes a design pattern that can help avoid some service limitations. See Starting new executions to avoid reaching the history quota in Step Functions.

April 19, 2018

Improved introduction to states documentation by adding conceptual information about state machines. See Discovering workflow states to use in Step Functions.

March 9, 2018
Update In addition to HTML, PDF, and Kindle, the Amazon Step Functions Developer Guide is available on GitHub. To leave feedback, choose the GitHub icon in the upper right-hand corner.

March 2, 2018
New feature
February 19, 2018
Update Added a topic that describes an example activity worker written in Ruby. This implementation can be used to create a Ruby activity worker directly, or as a design pattern for creating an activity worker in another language.

See Example: Activity Worker in Ruby.

February 6, 2018
Update Added a new tutorial describing a design pattern that uses a Lambda function to iterate a count.

See Creating a Step Functions state machine that uses Lambda.

January 31, 2018
Update Updated content on IAM permissions to include DescribeStateMachineForExecution and UpdateStateMachine APIs.

See Creating granular permissions for non-admin users in Step Functions.

January 26, 2018
Update Added newly available regions: Canada (Central), Asia Pacific (Singapore). January 25, 2018
Update Updated tutorials and procedures to reflect that IAM allows you to select Step Functions as a role. January 24, 2018
Update Added a new Best Practices topic that suggests not passing large payloads between states.

See Using Amazon S3 ARNs instead of passing large payloads in Step Functions.

January 23, 2018
Update Corrected procedures to match updated interface for creating a state machine: January 17, 2018
New Feature You can use Sample Projects to quickly provision state machines and all related Amazon resources. See Deploy a state machine using a starter template for Step Functions,

Available sample projects include:


These sample projects and related documentation replace tutorials that described implementing the same functionality.

January 11, 2018
Update Added a Best Practices section that includes information on avoiding stuck executions. See Best practices for Step Functions. January 5, 2018
Update Added a note on how retries can affect pricing:

Retries are treated as state transitions. For information about how state transitions affect billing, see Step Functions Pricing.

December 8, 2017
Update Added information related to resource names:

Step Functions allows you to create names for state machines, executions, and activities, and labels that contain non-ASCII characters. These non-ASCII names don't work with Amazon CloudWatch. To ensure that you can track CloudWatch metrics, choose a name that uses only ASCII characters.

December 6, 2017
Update Improved security overview information and added a topic on granular IAM permissions. See Security in Amazon Step Functions and Creating granular permissions for non-admin users in Step Functions. November 27, 2017
New Feature

You can update an existing state machine. See Update your state machine.

November 15, 2017

Added a note to clarify Lambda.Unknown errors and linked to the Lambda documentation in the following sections:


Unhandled errors in Lambda are reported as Lambda.Unknown in the error output. These include out-of-memory errors and function timeouts. You can match on Lambda.Unknown, States.ALL, or States.TaskFailed to handle these errors. When Lambda hits the maximum number of invocations, the error is Lambda.TooManyRequestsException. For more information about Lambda function errors, see Error handling and automatic retries in the Amazon Lambda Developer Guide.

October 17, 2017

Corrected and clarified IAM instructions and updated the screenshots in all tutorials.

October 11, 2017
October 6, 2017

Rewrote the IAM instructions in the following sections to reflect changes in the IAM console:

October 5, 2017

Rewrote the State Machine Data section.

September 28, 2017
New feature

The limits related to API action throttling are increased for all regions where Step Functions is available.

September 18, 2017

  • Corrected and clarified information about starting new executions in all tutorials.

  • Corrected and clarified information in the Quotas related to accounts section.

September 14, 2017


Rewrote the following tutorials to reflect changes in the Lambda console:

August 28, 2017

New feature

Step Functions is available in Europe (London).

August 23, 2017

New feature

The visual workflows of state machines let you zoom in, zoom out, and center the graph.

August 21, 2017

New feature


An execution can't use the name of another execution for 90 days.

When you make multiple StartExecution calls with the same name, the new execution doesn't run.

For more information, see the name request parameter of the StartExecution API action in the Amazon Step Functions API Reference.

August 18, 2017

Added information about an alternative way of passing the state machine ARN to the Creating a Step Functions API using API Gateway tutorial.

August 17, 2017

Update Added the new Creating a Job Status Poller tutorial.

August 10, 2017

New feature

August 3, 2017


Updated the instructions in the Step 1: Create an IAM Role for API Gateway section.

July 18, 2017


Corrected and clarified information in the Choice workflow state section.

June 23, 2017


Added information about using resources under other Amazon accounts to the following tutorials:

June 22, 2017


Corrected and clarified information in the following sections:

June 21, 2017


Rewrote all tutorials to match the Step Functions console refresh.

June 12, 2017

New feature

Step Functions is available in Asia Pacific (Sydney).

June 8, 2017


Restructured the Using Amazon States Language to define Step Functions workflows section.

June 7, 2017


Corrected and clarified information in the Creating an Activity state machine using Step Functions section.

June 6, 2017


Corrected the code examples in the State machine examples using Retry and using Catch section.

June 5, 2017


Restructured this guide using Amazon documentation standards.

May 31, 2017


Corrected and clarified information in the Parallel workflow state section.

May 25, 2017


Merged the Paths and Filters sections into the Processing input and output in Step Functions section.

May 24, 2017


Corrected and clarified information in the Monitoring Step Functions metrics using Amazon CloudWatch section.

May 15, 2017


Updated the worker code in the Creating an Activity state machine using Step Functions tutorial.

May 9, 2017


Added an introductory video to the What is Step Functions? section.

April 19, 2017


Corrected and clarified information in the following tutorials:

April 19, 2017


Added information about Lambda templates to the Creating a Step Functions state machine that uses Lambda and Handling error conditions using a Step Functions state machine tutorials.

April 6, 2017


Changed the "Maximum input or result data size" limit to "Maximum input or result data size for a task, state, or execution" (32,768 characters). For more information, see Quotas related to task executions.

March 31, 2017

New feature

  • Step Functions supports executing state machines by setting Step Functions as Amazon CloudWatch Events targets.

March 21, 2017

New feature

March 16, 2017

New feature

Step Functions is available in Europe (Frankfurt).

March 7, 2017


Reorganized the topics in the table of contents and updated the following tutorials:

February 23, 2017

New feature

  • The State Machines page of the Step Functions console includes the Copy to New and Delete buttons.

  • Updated the screenshots to match the console changes.

February 23, 2017

New feature

February 14, 2017

New feature

February 10, 2017


Clarified the current behavior of the ResultPath and OutputPath fields in relation to Parallel states.

February 6, 2017


  • Clarified state machine naming restrictions in tutorials.

  • Corrected some code examples.

January 5, 2017


Updated Lambda function examples to use the latest programming model.

December 9, 2016

Initial release

Initial release of Amazon Step Functions.

December 1, 2016